Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 190: The wait

Chapter 190: The wait

Jen was uncomfortable about how she had left Lucas in the office. She didn't even stop anywhere on her way home and just went directly home. it was the first time she had seen him so upset before. Even though she felt sorry, she wondered if her talking about Tyler was the only thing that actually upset him. 

Jen put her phone and paced as she waited for a phone call, or message, or anything from Lucas but after an hour of working herself up, he did not reach out to her at all. Jen had already chewed on her lips from her anxiety that they were almost bleeding at this point.

After she figured that Lucas would not call her, she decided to busy herself with school work. She prepared her workspace, which was the living room floor and got immersed in her work for hours while occasionally checking on her phone in case Lucas called her, but he did not call her at all.

As time went by Jen got more and more worried and eventually called him but the call was not received. In short, she was completely ignored.

She considered calling David but figured that these sort of issues should be kept between them and so she decided against doing so. After her call got ignored for the fifth time she shut her laptop and her books and got up from the floor where she was working and went to the kitchen to make dinner.

She did not have any hopes that he actually ate the food that she had brought seeing that he had ignored while she was still there so she decided to go all out on dinner that night since he probably hadn't had any lunch in the afternoon and also since she was feeling sorry.

Jen was in the kitchen for hours preparing a full course meal that she set on the table and even made a dessert that she put in the fridge to cool off.

When Jen checked the time after she was done making desert she saw that it was already a little past 8 pm. She figured that Lucas would be coming soon and went to wash the dishes. Half an hour later, Lucas hadn't turned up and hse was done with the dishes so she had ample time to worry and raise her anxiety levels.

An hour later she got up and went to the kitchen to warm up the oven to keep the food she had so painstakingly prepared warm. After another hour she figured that Lucas was going to be really late so she put the food in the oven since it had already gone cold and went to sit on the dining room table in her normal seat.

She stared at her phone, hoping that he would call after seeing her missed calls but no calls came through. He had never missed her calls before so now that they were being blatantly ignored Jen did not know how to take the whole situation. 

What was even more interesting that no one was trying to look for her, not even her friends who normally call her randomly throughout the day.

It felt like everyone had ghosted her that day and she would have liked it if at least one person had called her so that she could at least vent her emotions, but it looked like luck was not on her side as she didn't even receive spam messages from the service provider. It was truly depressing.

As time passed, the more wound up she became. She hadn't thought that Lucas would stay mad at her for so long since he was normally so easy-going so this was very new territory for her, especially with Lucas.

She picked up her phone and tried to call him again, but the phone just rang until the automated voice that told her that the person on the other side was not answering was heard through the speaker. 

She did not give up and tried three more times but she still did not receive any response from the other side. She could feel her eyes sting and she laughed at herself. She wondered how it all went wrong that day.

She had just wanted to vent a bit since she was embarrassed and hadn't predicted that the entire situation would escalate to her current predicament. It would be ridiculous if she lost Lucas because of her own pettiness.

Had she developed such feelings of security in their relationship to the point that she was confident that she could do anything without receiving much retaliation from her boyfriend because of how spoiled she had become?

Wouldn't it be too ridiculous if this led to a break-up? Jen started thinking of the worst case scenario now that she could not vent her feelings to anyone and in addition to that, she was being ignored by Lucas.

She could not get rid of the cold and detached expression he had in his office when he realised that she went all the way to his office to confront him about her Tyler.

The way he worded the whole situation really made her look like some sort of dissatisfied bitch who did not know how to cherish what she already had.

Jen sat alone on that empty dining table looking forward and also dreading Lucas' return home. When she checked the time on her phone she saw that it was almost 11 pm.

She pursed her lips together in worry, she wished he would at least tell her that he was going to be back home, something he had never neglected to do before.

Jen found it really ridiculous that she was sitting, waiting for Lucas to come home while reminiscing the small things that he did that she had taken for granted all this time. She really started regretting how impulsive she was.

She was hoping that Lucas would come home soon, but at the same time, she was also dreading his return since she did not know what he was thinking about. Was he still angry? Was he angry enough to end things? Could she come back from ending a relationship with Lucas?

When Jen's line of thought drifted into that direction, she couldn't help but start to feel anxious about what Lucas would say. She figured that she would also be unhappy if he confronted her because his ex-girlfriend saw the two of them acting like a couple.

The thought of him doing so really left a bad taste in her mouth. She didn't even want to imagine such a scenario. Jen's mind was running wild up until she heard the front door open, that was when her mind went completely blank.

She was even hesitant to stand up and go check on who was at the door. Her gaze was fixated on the entrance and when Lucas' figure appeared she felt her eyes sting with tears.

She had thought that he would not come home that night and would just stay out all night. Lucas' eyes briefly glanced in Jen's direction but he did not say anything and walked into the house while taking off his jacket.

"Lucas" Jen called when she saw that he was making his way upstairs. She felt that if she didn't stop him then they wouldn't have a chance to resolve their current situation.

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