Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 168: Lead and Silver Coins (22)

Chapter 168: Lead and Silver Coins (22)



"Damn it! You said you'd help if I did my part, didn't you?"

"Ha-ha-ha. Isn't that because they trust you to handle it? Ever heard of Friendship is built on trust'? Friendship is built on trust!"

"Friendship is built on trust my ass! I thought I was gonna die! Do you see this? All these people are professionals trained just like me! Tried to catch an agent of the Investigation Bureau and got beaten up instead. My pinkie finger ventured into territories it's never been before!"

"Hmm. But surviving means you won, right?"

"It's only this bad because I was ambushed! Imagine surviving even when someone who seems like they've come straight from a rugby match strangled me with a wire!"

After a series of mishaps, Ezel and Professor's group finally joined forces. As soon as Ezel met Professor, he grabbed him by the collar and poured out all his grievances. His swollen right eye, a pinkie finger bent in a weird direction, and his still ringing ears only fueled his anger more.

"I sent so many signals asking for help! You could have at least told me where you were, or near which passage. When I managed to subdue a soldier tailing me and messed around with a security panel I knew nothing about to open a vent, [GOOD]. When I desperately begged for help because troops started swarming in due to the suspiciously opened vent, [GOOD]! What, are you an answering machine? What's so good about it! I thought you guys had left me as bait and ran away!"

Ezel truly believed his anger was justified. Regardless of the outcome of the mission, they should have informed him beforehand if it was going to end up like this. That's why he carried the signal device in the first place. Even just [Change of plan to frontal assault] would have sufficed if he'd sent it via the signal device

"You would have bolted if I did that, right? Sorry, but it was a sudden idea and I didn't have time to look out for you. The master code given by the administration was with you, so I couldn't go alone either. Who knew the operation would proceed so smoothly? We arrived at the central control room 30 minutes ahead of schedule."

"Thanks to you, I feel like I've aged 30 years, you freak!"

Ezel was furious to the point of bursting. They were now in the central control room on the fourth floor of the radio tower. They had indeed reached their destination. Thanks to running at full speed without looking back, they managed to get here, but.


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Come out, you bastards! It's all over!"

"Do you think you're safe just because you've locked yourself in here?

Clatter, screeeeech!

The problem was the gunfire and explosions going mad beyond the barricaded walls surrounding the control room. The enemies they had hastily passed by on their way here had all followed them, bundling together. It was a military facility, so it was fortunate that the most important central control room had equipment to delay external breaches. Without it, they would have ended up like a beehive, finished off after flipping a table for cover.

The cause of this situation was obviously Professor who standing in front of him.

"Quiet entry, you said! Stealth infiltration, you said! How is triggering the fire alarm first thing quiet or stealthy, you idiot!"

Disguising themselves as researchers to infiltrate the group had gone well up until they had taken a few hits but completed their individual missions, and the enemies hadn't noticed anything amiss in the perfect situation. Just as they were pretending to be lost researchers heading towards the rendezvous point, suddenly, ding-ding-ding-ding! The alarm went off, and water started pouring down from above. Without any time to panic, Professor, who had fallen through the ventilation shaft with a bang, said, "Hey, run," and started sprinting upwards.

Not wanting to be left alone among the tense radio tower soldiers, Ezel had no choice but to follow him, crying and eating mustard.

"Shh, no, if you think about it a hundred times, the old security systems here are way more dangerous than the tower's lousy guards. I saw plenty of these when I was in the military; those turrets, if you just scatter objects around, they get distracted by trying to track every movement and can be easily neutralized. Thanks to that, we managed to push through here, firing guns and beating people up, but the turrets were too busy being distracted by the sprinkler droplets to shoot at us!"

Ezel had to admit internally that was true. The turrets, reacting to every single movement, started wildly swinging their heads around as soon as the ceiling water began to pour. In such a way, they had neutralized all the security devices in alert mode. But that was beside the point. They had neutralized the turrets but ended up drawing all the attention of the tower to themselves, becoming trapped rats in a box. Wasn't it a disaster after all?

"So how do we get out now? We're completely surrounded!"

"Ah, don't worry, Ian and Vex must have secured our escape route by now. So, concentrate and keep it down for a bit. Hmm, if I connect this wire here, enter the master code we got from the administration, and go into the system control through the administrator settings. there!"

With a beep, lights started to come on in the central control system. Professor, who was slowly manipulating the system, checked the communication tab and quickly entered the code for Area 47's Investigation Bureau.

Crackle, screeeeech-

Just as the chaos outside the barricade seemed to quiet down, sparks began to fly from one corner of the barricade. The enemies, having obtained some high-output welding equipment, began slowly cutting through the alloy wall.


"Area 47 Dome. Signal received. Investigation Bureau Officer Jod Harrison speaking. Please identify your affiliation and identity-"

"Jod! It's me, Ezel! Ezel Raiden! Me!"

"Ezel? That's strange. The signal is coming from Area 38 What are you doing there?"

"I'm on assignment! No time to explain, put the President on the line, now!"

Ezel's desperate voice seemed to momentarily confuse the other party, but he soon regained his composure and responded in a bureaucratically rigid manner.

"Uh. Hold on. Even if it's you, connecting you directly to the President might take a bit-"

"Switch me through because of that damned President's orders, we're about to die here! Can you hear this? The sound of them outside trying to kill us with all sorts of madness! Just connect me before I die, please!"

"Give me 10 seconds."

Instead of explaining verbally, Ezel extended the handset towards the wall. The endless explosions, the sound of metal being ground away, and the faint cursing of the enemies could be heard.

The voice quickly vanished upon realizing the gravity of the situation. Shortly after, precisely at the 10-second mark, the President's voice came through from the other end.

"Hello. Yes, I see communication restrictions haven't been lifted yet, but you've managed to contact me?"

"President, it's me-!"

Ezel felt tears well up at the familiar voice of Area 47. Just as he was about to rant about wanting to be saved, Professor, who had been silently pondering next to him, snatched the handset away.


"Yes. I figured you were there. Have you accomplished the objective? Where are you now?"

The President's voice was markedly different from when he was talking to Ezel, now cold and analytical, reminiscent of his demeanor a few months back when he was just a regular chief of the Investigation Bureau.

Taking a deep breath and remembering the difference in their status, the dire situation of their allies needing help, and instead of unleashing his fury for being put in such a dogged situation, Professor spoke in a very neat and careful tone, focusing only on what was immediately necessary.

"I'm sick of your tricks, President. The agreement is off. Cut the chatter and send all available forces to Area 38, now. If you utter even one more nonsensical word I promise you, on my name, you won't be getting the box you so desire but a coffin marked Alexander Young'."

Ezel's jaw dropped as if it had unhinged, flabbergasted to the point of speechlessness, his hands flailing about. Why? He had held back so much he hadn't even sworn once.

Glancing over, he saw that the welding torch had already cut a significant portion of the barricade wall. The sound of the welding torch sparking felt like a fuse burning down.

"It seems things haven't gone quite as I had hoped."

After a brief silence, the President's voice rang out, unfluctuating.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

"No, that's not it. Of course, I thought you'd realize what the contents were."

"And why did you lie, knowing it would be found out?"

"Security. It was a matter so critical that we had to be cautious about even putting it in writing or mentioning it. Above all because I don't trust you 100% yet."

Professor detected the tension lurking in the President's voice. The conversation they had when assigning the task took place in his office within the Investigation Bureau. Not being able to speak freely even in his office? A situation of not trusting those around?

"A spy?"

"I've been the target of assassination attempts about six times recently. It seems that our side has already leaked technology to the Raptor Society through an insider. I have no choice but to be extra cautious. Hmm Where are you now?"

"Radio tower. Central control room."

"In a core facility of Area 38, amidst gunfire and explosions Alright, I understand you're not an enemy. Go on, explain the situation. The status of Area 38, the condition of the box, and your caravan's position in this chaos. I'll listen and then decide."

Professor quickly checked the state of the barricade wall. About half of the rectangular door was cut through. Ezel was already on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which meant they didn't have much time left.

"We're short on time, so I'll keep it brief."

"Choose your words carefully then. Depending on what you say, I may reconsider support-"

"The box's technology has been completed and fallen into the hands of zealots, with the Enforcement Bureau here and the Artist Union backing them."

"Damn. It's completely messed up."

Even the President, who had maintained his composure throughout, couldn't help but mutter a curse this time.


"Then, I'm counting on you."

"I can't send much support. We have to defend Area 47 and even Area 45."


At least the objective of coming here was accomplished. I've informed Area 47 of the situation and requested support.

"What did they say?"

"They're coming. All the remaining forces excluding the exosuits. They suggested we meet them around Area 37 or 36, considering our movement."

"Ha, haha. Finally! I can escape the clutches of BDSM and return to the comfortable arms of the Investigation Bureau!"

Ezel's face brightened at the news of support, but the fleeting hope that had blossomed on his face disappeared as quickly as it had arrived once he faced reality.

"So, nothing changes right now."


"The barricade will be fully breached with about 15cm more cut."


"Ugh, ughhh! How can you be so calm! We're about to die here."

"Hmm. Well?"

Let's see. A usable metal plate Would this do?

The outer cover of a control panel I had been eyeing since we entered. Not only was it seamless and smooth, but being a protective cover for crucial devices, it was also likely very sturdy.

Creeak! Crrrrrunch!

Inserting the tip of a fingernail into the seam and exerting force, the metal plate crumpled and peeled off like paper. Although it might not be adequate to stop the heavy-caliber bullets commonly used by people from Area 38, that wasn't its intended use.

Zzzzzip- Thump!

No sooner had I finished preparing than the sound of the welding torch stopped, and the sound of the cut door being kicked echoed from outside.

I pulled out spherical plasma grenades from my pocket. Three of them. Three I wonder if that's enough water.

I approached Ezel, who had already ducked behind cover, then crouched over the metal plate, wrapping it over and stuffing the wet clothes into the gaps.

"What are you doing."

"Listen. When the door opens, you must! Close your eyes, cover your ears, and hold your breath."

"Is that some kind of chemical weapon? Anyway, this is Area 38, everyone carries a skin mask at least, so it won't be that effective."

"Something much better."

Thump- Thump- Boom!

The sound of the thick alloy being kicked and the cut door falling.

"These bastards, they can't run now!"

"We'll kill them!"

As the enemies' curses and splashing sounds quickly filled the room, I pulled the pin from the grenade.

"Now, hold your breath!"

"Damn, damnnn! Hmph!"

The water had risen nearly to ankle height. The ongoing fire alarm had kept the sprinklers pouring out water, and the building, reinforced with metal plates without a single gap for military use, allowed the water to accumulate.

Whisk, splash! Splash splash!

The plasma grenades, powerful but with a blast radius less than half that of standard grenades, were thrown in different directions. One towards the direction close to the enemy. One in the opposite direction. And one far away from the other two.

Within the cover, perfectly sealed with metal plates and wet clothes, I covered the last remaining grenade hole with my left hand, leaned as close to the water as possible, and held my breath.

Tick, tick, tick, tick

"It's a grenade!"

"Don't panic! Its effective radius is less than half of that of standard grenades! Take cover and then charge!"

Trained agents, as expected, moved away upon spotting the grenade, but it didn't matter.

I didn't throw it to kill them with its power, after all.'

Click. Flash!

The plasma grenade exploded far from the enemy's effective radius, releasing a small but potent burst of heat plasma capable of melting the top of a tank,




"It's hot, so hot! I can't breathe!!"

"Kill me, please kill meeee!!!"

The water that came into contact with the plasma evaporated instantly, spreading scorching steam throughout the nearby corridors in moments.


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