Chronicles of the Red Sovereign

Chapter 64: Famous!

Chapter 64: Famous!

Archduchess Zaira Chrishni von Celestine was reading a few reports in her office. Although, she was currently not in her office in the imperial palace. Instead, she was reading the reports in a more secure and more hidden office under the Celestine Estate in the Celestine Territory.

To make things easier to understand, the archduchess was currently in her office for the Dark Palace HQ.

The door suddenly opened and Steve Wolfsbane, her second-in-command, as well as Thomas father, entered with another stack of papers on his hands.

Here are the things you asked me to investigate Mistress.

Put it in the sofa or something. Zaira groaned and massaged her temples. Give me a summary of the reports.

Affirmative. Steve stood straight and talked. We have carried out our investigation in Lunas former village and have found records of a clan called the Lyxi Clan.

Lyxi Clan?

Yes. According to their written historical records, the members of the Lyxi Clan are descendants of the heroes of the first demon war seven hundred years ago. Their leader in that era is a man called Khalil Hysi.


Hysi, as in Lunas last name.

So Luna is a descendant of a hero from a mysterious and unknown clan?


And your findings in investigating the village?

Steve couldnt help but swallow the lump on his throat. He had been wondering how to deliver such news to his boss. Well, it was grave news after all.

The village has changed, Mistress.

Of course its changed, nobody has been living in it since then. Everyone was wiped out seven years ago. The only one who survived was Luna.

Thats not what I meant. Steve saw Zaira give him a look that ordered him to elaborate. At the center there was supposed to be a statue of a nine-tailed fox, their patron. The statue is gone and instead an entrance to a cave system has been found.

A cave system? You mean-

A newly formed dungeon.

Zairas jaw tightened and she sighed worriedly. A new dungeon? Are you sure about this?

Yes, and theres a much worse news. Our mages detected traces of demon energy inside the dungeon.

Steve couldnt help but freeze in fear. Zaira was releasing an insane amount of magical energy and he felt like the pressure was about to crush him. He wanted to tell her to calm down but his voice wasnt even working.

Like the snap of a finger, Steve was able to breath normally again and his boss expression was no longer as scary as a while ago.

How many floors are there? What kind of creatures are inside? Has it been ventured by anyone?

Were still investigating how many floors are there. So far, the men Ive sent have confirmed twenty floors but they will be doing more explorations soon. As for the creatures, the ones we found are mostly undead so the possibility of an elder lich as the dungeon boss is quite high. But its only still a guess, no confirmation yet. And lastly, as far as I can tell only my men and I have entered it. I already ordered to secure the village and its perimeter.

A new dungeon with demonic energy in the village where a mysterious species of humans were massacred. This is getting more troublesome than I expected.

What are your orders?

I want you to continue what youre doing, but it will remain strictly among those within the Dark Palace. I will inform the emperor myself but nothing about this must be known to the outside, am I understood?

Yes Mistress.

Send someone to investigate the Lyxi Clan. I have a feeling that theres something more about that clan if we have no records of it.

At once Mistress.

Youre dismissed.

Steve left Zaira alone in the room. She sighed and slumped on her seat.

Lyxi Clan. Khalil Hysi. Luna Hysi. Lyxi Clan? she clicked her tongue in displeasure. Nyxie oh Nyxie. Youve always been a troublemaker. Either you were just being very kind hundreds of years ago or you were already aware what was about to happen. But knowing you, it was probably the former. Hn! Scheming is supposed to be my thing, my precious little sister.


Days passed and the final exam was getting nearer. Students of the Imperial Academy were worrying about their would be performance. It was understandable, since we were basically left alone for the entire month. Those who got themselves private tutors were lucky but not everyone could afford it. On my case, I did not need it.

Another member was added in my merry circle of friends; Trent Kidlat.

The first day I introduced my supposedly clansman to the others, I saw shock on their faces. I asked them what was with the looks and then they told me that Trent Kidlat was a famous student of the military arts department.

I gave Senior Trent a smirk at the statement. I already knew he was famous. I mean, hes the top student of their year and department, even beating Torii and I knew how good and powerful she is.

Its uhm Im not that-

Its fine Senior Trent. Its not every day a famous person joins our table.

At my statement, Senior Trent gave me a raised eyebrow and my friends were giving me odd looks.


Luna Are you not aware our little group is famous as well? Charles pointed out.

I tilted my head to the side, confusion evident on my face.

-Were famous? How come?

Do you seriously not know? Senior Trent questioned.

Did I say that out loud?

Stop it guys. Thomas inserted. If theres one con about Luna its that everybody knows shes famous but shes not aware of it herself. In fact, she refuses to believe she is.

What are you guys on about now?

Seriously? Senior Trent said again. Let me point it out to you then. First, theres you, the top scorer among the first years of the magic department and third place across department. There are rumors around saying youre only in third place because youre not going all out during the practical exams and you choose to put a few wrong answers in your written exams.

I gasped in shock at that. Did they really think I was some sort of genius?

-Whoever spread that false information is out of their mind.

Plus, youre one of the only five first years from the Celestine Territory. Second, you have two members of the imperial family in your group; Third Prince Peter and Prince Royal Kai. Third, the headmasters son is in your little group as well. Fourth, Thomas and Bernard are pretty famous in their departments as well and theyre in the same group. And lastly, Andrea is a talented alchemist in the alchemy department despite not being in Class 1-S. Over all, your group is consisted of famous and strong students, which makes your little group quite famous as well.

Is that how people always view us? I asked in which the others nodded in return. Wow, I didnt even think about that. I thought we were famous for all the troubles weve gotten ourselves into but I guess its more than that.

Oh yeah, Freya von Berealis also sees you as her rival, and shes famous as well. Senior Trent added.

That really made me do a double take in my life. I had never cared how others see me but hearing those words only made me realize something

-People probably think Im dense.

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