Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 213: Team Effort

Chapter 213: Team Effort

In the dark back alley, two girls walked side by side through the filth. Although it is said that fairies descend from the heavens, these two had more of a demonesses coming from hell kind of vibe. In fact, one of them was even singing.

"The King and his men

Stole the Queen from her bed

And bound her in her bones

The seas be ours and by the powers

Where we will we'll roam

Yo ho, all hands

Hoist the colors high

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Never shall we die,"

Her voice was rather sensual as though she was really getting into the lyrics. Her dark, black hair hung gently down over her pitch black trench coat and as she walked, her captivating legs caused her plump ass to swing from side to side. Walking with her was a slightly shorter girl with red hair, accented by tips of pink which stuck out strikingly against the black trench coat she wore as well. In her hands was an umbrella, although there was barely a cloud in the evening sky.

Due to the location of the alley and being completely surrounded by concrete and steel, the alley itself was growing dark, even though the soft orange sky had a few hours of light left.

"Of all the things you could think to sing, it happens to be a pirate song?" Malene asked, looking over at her companion.

"What's wrong with it? I personally like a little something dark and dangerous right now," Ruby responded back with a smile.

"Were not even at sea. So..."

"Girl. Stop thinking so much and go with the flow. Leona warned me you were a bit stiff, but I didn't think much of it. After all, she has only learned to relax a bit recently. But when Kennedy told me the same thing, then I knew it was a problem."

"Do you blame me? I mean, you were there. You saw it."

"Don't you have faith in him?"

"Well, yes..." Malene couldn't help but think back to when they were both younger. Despite Laz being at the same starting point as them, he always seemed to be far ahead. And even when he died, he came back to life. How could she not have faith in him.

"Then don't worry about it. What we need to do is worry about ourselves. No matter where he is or what he is doing, I know two things," Ruby said with a smirk.

"Oh?" Malene looked interested, her face perking up..

"One, He's fine and he's probably getting stronger than all of us. And two, when we do finally find him and see him again, he is in for a world of hurt," Ruby said with a glint in her eye, as though she was thinking about how she could torture him after everything he put them through.

Seeing the face she was making and listening to her say this, Malene laughed. The joke among the girls was just who would get to beat his ass first. And they were always competing for the privilege.

"You're right. Of course you're right," Malene agreed fully.

"You bet I'm right." Ruby laughed as well.

"So what are we doing here?" Malene asked, looking around. She wasn't one to go out much. She was normally in charge of things like the website they were running, specifically the security of it. For the people who were able to log in, it was a massive bank of information and leads to resources, things that they couldn't find elsewhere. It was something the government would love to find and take down at any cost. Or at least get all of the info they could off of it. After all, if you were on there, there was a reason for it.

Even though Malene was a bit of an inside person, she didn't neglect her cultivation. The key was that she was different from the others. Her ability laid with her spirits who were currently sitting on her shoulders, invisible. Aqua looked older and much stronger, but it was still impossible to tell if it was male or female, mostly because they didn't have a sex. On the same note, Em was growing up quickly as well and currently pointing things out to Ember.

For anyone paying attention, they would notice that the biggest differences between the three of them were their colors. Aqua was bluish, Em green and Ember was red in over all color. From their skin, their clothes and their hair, they all seem to follow this color pattern. After interacting with them, Malene could tell that their color matched their personalities as well. Aqua was calm and soothing, Em was springy and delightful while Ember was a fiery ball of energy. The only thing Malene had to be careful of was that she had to constantly train her body so that she could keep up with the demands of using her spirits, something that Ruby was more than happy to help her with. After all, Ruby was the most graceful and agile out of all of the girls and was the most suited to teaching Malene on how to get strong without becoming butch.

"We are here so you can get some real world experience while on a job with me. Besides, those two have been training non-stop lately and it's starting to drive me crazy. Who would have guessed that they have such clashing personalities?" Malene understood without her needing to say more. She was talking about Kennedy and Leona. When they all first met, Leona was somewhat reserved and not as outgoing as Ruby. And Kennedy was her usual, bossy but not impossible self. Malene thought that the problem would be between Ruby and Kennedy, but it turned out to be more between Kennedy and Leona.

Leona was no longer quiet and icy like she had been when Laz first met her. She become sullen and depressed after everything that happened to Laz and his disappearance. Strangely, it was Kennedy who brought her out of that mood. Both girls liked to constantly challenge each other and that usually ended up in a fight or a battle of some sort. In fact, they were constantly competing. When one or the other felt like they had gotten stronger, they would go find the other to test it out. Maybe it had something to do with the way their energy was? After all, Leona had panther like qualities while Kennedy's took on more like a fox. It was hard for their to be two queens on a mountain.

Normally, as part of Black Rose, Leona would go on jobs with Ruby. But this time she and Kennedy were up to something and they both forced Malene to go. Malene had done training with Blood Moon before, working with Kennedy on jobs, but she had never gone on a killing job before. All of the girls figured this would be a good learning lesson for her.

Black Rose was focused on killing, while Blood Moon was the mission and earnings part of their 'organization.' Although it wasn't what they intended at first, the girls joined together after Laz disappeared. This was Yumi's plan from the beginning, even if she wasn't one of Laz's girls.

It really was a strange fate that led them together, but they found their goals were similar and their jobs didn't clash. In fact, they were able to gain a learn a lot from each other.

Laz had no idea that his women had formed an organization together, much less that he was the indirect cause of it. But when a woman had a goal, they would stop at nothing to accomplish it. And their goal happened to be to help the man who had saved them, whether he knew it or not.

"So what are we actually doing then?"

"Crashing a party."

"Party crashing? That doesn't sound like something your organization does..."

"Well, we aren't just party crashing, we are also here to find a few people and put an end to them." Ruby pulled out her phone and allowed Malene to cycle through the pictures of their targets. There was four of them in total and several sub targets. Malene also held the phone up enough do that the spirits around her saw them as well. When it came to intel work, they couldn't be beat.

"Here we are." Ruby pointed and indicated a steel door up ahead. Without saying another word, Ruby walked up to the door and pounded on it. Considering how hard she hit it, it was a wonder the door, even being metal, didn't dent. Ruby was many times stronger than any normal person. Ruby then turned to a camera that was mostly hidden above the door and smiled while waving. She slightly undid her trench coat to flash the bare skin of her legs underneath the skin tight, leotard like outfit she was wearing underneath. She encouraged Malene to do the same with a playful smile, acting as though she was a playful little thing. Malene, not intentionally, backed away a bit while turning red. She really was feeling rather shy at the moment after being teased by Ruby.

Had the girls been able to hear what was happening on the other side of the camera, they would have heard a lot of voices gulping at once.

"There really is a quality difference with these high class girls."

"They look willing and unwilling at the same time."

"So much better than those suts who will do anything for some cash."

"I call it first on legs. That ass looks to die for."

"Fine, I've got the petit olita with the tits. Just my type."


The voices argued back and forth while someone started unlatching the door. Seeing this, Ruby smiled and started to take off her trench coat all together. The black, skin tight leotard like body suit was now in full view.

"What's the plan?" Malene asked, wondering what she was up to.

"No plan. Kill them all and make sure no one gets away." Just as the door slid to a fully open position and two men stood back to allow the girls to enter, Ruby's body shimmered, as though light was suddenly reflecting off of her skin. Before the blinded guys could even recovered, a knife jabbed into both of their throats with a laser like precision, hitting the main artery and putting them both on the ground in a blink. Ruby then ran inside while grinning, fangs jutting out with her eyes taking on a snake like shape.

Seeing this, Malene just sighed, knowing she shouldn't stay behind.

"Aqua, merge." Aqua's body shifted and disappear, while Malene's body was covered in a blue light. Her hair, clothes and skin changes color to match the spirit's perfectly before her body became like a fluid. It was almost as if she had liquidized. The other two spirits went out on their own, searching for the targets while Malene caught up with Ruby who had taken cover behind a blown over sofa. Hails of gunfire soaked into the soft sturdy couch which started to get torn apart, piece by piece. Without even a word from Ruby, Malene charged forward, the gun fire passing thought her, leaving her unharmed. The umbrella in her hand was thrown away with a click, revealing a long, thin sword that Malene had drawn from the handle. In three quick strokes, the three thugs who had laid down the gunfire fell to the floor, their heads severed.

Ruby got up and walked over with a sexy smile, only made more exotic by the blood covering her clothes and the scales that coated her skin.

"That's my girl," she said while giving Malene a thumbs up.

"Do any of his girls not know how to fight?"

"But you've never killed before?"

"I'll breakdown later." Just as Malene made this joke, Ember and Emerald returned and started chatting with Malene who then smiled at the news.

"Found them," she told Ruby.

"Let's go!" Ruby ran in the direction indicated while Malene followed behind, a slight smile on her face.

'This really is a bit of fun.'

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