Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 205: Being Used

Chapter 205: Being Used

When Laz arrived at the farmhouse, he heard Sarah's voice echoing out from the door.


"Yeah, so?" Onacona asked back, obviously already having known about Tyr.

"BUT IT''s... huge..." She thought that saying that Laz had a giant spider following him around would get more of a reaction from everyone than it did. Her little brothers and sisters didn't seem to understand while her grandpa looked as though he didn't mind. Only her mother showed a bit of a reaction, but seeing her father not take it as being an issue, she felt herself relax.

Sarah's mom obviously knew her dad quite well and over the years, many weird things have happened. The old man was always telling stories about how these things came about. For example, one day, when she was younger, they had gotten up early for breakfast and the entire living room was moved around. When she discovered it, she didn't think anything of it since it always seemed like stuff would change in the house without her knowing. She had always assumed it was her parents. But the strange thing was that her mom was arguing with her dad about it. Although they stopped when she came in the room, she had caught some what her mom was saying about how he needed to stop inviting spirits into the house. She had no idea what that meant, but it ended up being the cause of a fight later so it had always stuck in her mind.

Even when she got older and after her older brother had moved out, she would experience times where it felt like things were moving around the house, yet when she went to check, there was nothing there. Door's closing by themselves, lights going on and off, weird things like that were a normal part of the house she grew up in. But it never felt dangerous. It didn't feel like evil ghosts that wanted to kill you in your sleep were around, more like innocent creatures who were amused by modern inventions.

As such, she never felt fear from these things that happened around her. Instead, when she talked to her dad about it, he would always tell these tales of teaching spirits about the current world and things in it. She always found those stories exciting and kind of cute.

Due to these things that happened when she was young, she had a much higher tolerance towards the weird, much higher than her daughter, Sarah.

"Kamama," her grandpa said softly.

"My name is Sarah, grandpa. How many times have we talked about this? Sarah."

Just as Laz walked in though, everyone turned quiet. On top of Laz's head was Tyr, who was looking around nervously while seemingly wanting to burrow into Laz's hair to hide. Very soon, seeing everyone looking at him, he closed his eyes so that he didn't have to see anyone. It really was only now Laz figured out that this was Tyr's first time meeting a bunch of new people face to face. Laz already knew he was nervous as Tyr had made that clear when Laz wanted him to come in and meet everyone. Seeing his reaction, Laz knew that this was the right move. Tyr needed more interaction with people and this was the first step.

Why did Laz think this? There were several reasons. If something happened to Laz, Tyr needed to be able to survive on his own. To do so, he needed to understand all types of people so that he could react appropriately. And also, Laz had this weird feeling that Tyr might end up like Vivi and be able to become human. Or maybe he wouldn't. Either way, knowing how to act around humans in this world was a valuable skill.

"It's ok. No one is going to hurt you." Laz did his bet to encourage Tyr. Currently, Tyr was in his smallest form that was around the size of a fist. This was the only reason he was small enough to hide on Laz's head.

Strangely, it was the smallest girl who walked up first and pulled on Laz's shirt. Looking down, Laz saw the little girl wave to him, like she wanted him the bend down.

Laz complied and squatted down so that his head was just a bit above the girls. She then stood up on her tiptoes and reached out a hand to touch Tyr. Tyr, noticing her hand coming, tried to back away, but Laz simply said,

"Tyr, it's alright."

Tyr stopped backing away and just stood there waiting. Sarah looked like she wanted to scream out 'don't touch it,' but noticing the look her grandpa gave her, she restrained herself. She then glanced over at her mom who simply had a smile on her face.

The little girl then put her hand on Tyr and rubbed him a little before laughing.

"He's fluffy!" She said in an excited voice.

Hearing this, the other little boy and the slightly older girl came over as well and took turns rubbing Tyr.

"He is fluffy.".

"Super fluffy."

All three kids took turns rubbing Tyr while giggle. Tyr, seeing them laughing and smiling, relaxed a little. After that, when they took turns petting him, he would rub their hands on his own, causing them to laugh even more.

"See? What did I tell you?" Laz said, moving a hand up to his head. Tyr climbed on and Laz lowered him to the floor.

"Go ahead. Get a little bigger." Tyr nodded to Laz's encouragement and suddenly enlarged, going from the size of a fist to the size of a small dog. As he stood there on all eight of his legs, he looked up at the kids whose faces were covered in shock.

But that only lasted for a moment before they started laughing and giggling and getting down on the floor to play with the now larger, but still super fluffy Tyr. Seeing this, Laz couldn't help but smile. Even the older boy ended up on the floor, playing with Tyr.

As he looked up, Laz noticed that although Onacona was still fine, both Sarah and her mother had looks of shock on their face while staring at Tyr's now larger form. Sarah then turned to look at Laz and couldn't help but ask,

"Is it safe?"

"He's perfectly fine. In terms of age, he is the youngest one here so don't worry." Laz reassured her.

"It's better that they get used to these things now, rather then later. Still, if you see something like this outside, don't let the kids get anywhere near it. This little one seems to have a close bond to our guest. Others would only see the kids as food." Although Onacona said this to no one in particular, both Sarah and her mom nodded their heads.

After this fun interlude, Sarah's mother had all the kids clean up for dinner while Laz sent Tyr out to go hunting on his own. Laz actually didn't know what Tyr ate, only that he seemed to take care of himself pretty well and Laz didn't have to worry. When the kids got back and noticed Tyr was gone, they were a bit sad, but brightened up when Laz promised that Tyr would come play with them again soon.

Dinner was a quick affair with lots of food and everyone was very full after words. Laz helped clean up with Sarah to show his appreciation and was about to head back out for a bit before he was stopped by Onacona.

"I'm guessing you already know why I had you come here?" Laz looked at the old man as he said this and nodded his head. Despite them being out in the middle of nowhere, Laz noticed that there weren't any infected in the small town. It also seemed like they had been lucky so far and there weren't any dangerous demon beasts in the area. Although they had encountered a few, from what Laz had figured out, they were mostly low level ones that could be brought down easily by regular guns. As such, the entire village wasn't really at a state of high alert about the changing world around them.

And that was a very dangerous mindset to have.

"You want to use me as a way of getting people to understand the dangers out there?"

"Something like that, yes," the old man agreed.

"In truth, I want my family to at least have an idea of what is happening. My daughter, although she believes me, still thinks these things are distant and don't affect us. And my granddaughter, well, she is almost totally oblivious to what's happening in the real world. And it's not totally their fault. The government is still keeping things locked down as much as possible and therefore most people are still blind to it."

"That's nothing new." Laz knew that the thing that scared people the most was the unexplained. Although things had leaked out, the news was still controlled by the government. This was a point shown by seeing how the normal person thought of the infected versus what they thought of those chosen types. Even though both could be considered dangerous, it was the ones who had physical deformities that would scare the masses. Hence why the infected were considered a threat.

"I am sorry about using you, but I have no choice. I have seen what's going to happen. It's not something that the unprepared can survive through."

"It's alright old man. I needed a place to recover anyway and if I can help your family in the process, then that's fine by me." Laz knew that he was being used in a way, but he could also feel the helplessness in the old man's voice. Onacona had claimed to come find him thanks to being led by his visions and although that part was true, even Onacona had no idea why he was led to find Laz. That truly left some questions unanswered.

"In a few days time, I want to call a town meeting so that we can open a forum on what's really happening and what we can do about it. I hope that you will be able to talk to everyone a bit and share some of your experiences," Onacona asked Laz.

"I would be more than happy to," Laz replied without hesitation.

"And don't worry about your secret getting out. Only the aduts will be invited and everyone here in the tribe can be trusted. No one wants anything to do with the federal government." Although Laz didn't say anything and would do as the old man requested, he did have a bit of hesitation about revealing himself. He knew that at this point, the government would do anything to get their hands on him if he was found alive.

After their conversation, Laz felt a bit more relaxed, now that he knew what the old man had planned for him. Although good people existed, there were few who would help a stranger with no strings attached. Laz got the feeling that if he said no, the old man wouldn't chase him away or anything like that, but he would be a bit disappointed. And since the old man had come to pick him up, shelter and feed him, Laz wanted to return the favor somehow. He didn't want to owe any debts.

Both men had a few beers before Onacona wandered away, something about going to talk to some old friends of his to get things moving on the forum. Just as Laz walked outside, he noticed that Sarah was standing around while seemingly playing on her phone. The interesting part was that the phone was actually upside down atm. Laz already knew that she had been listening in.

Without exposing her, he just started to walk, back to the edge of the cornfields on a small hill that he was at before. He knew that Tyr would go to find him there when he was done eating.

"Hey..." Sarah's soft voice rang out. It was almost like she was forcing herself to talk to him even though she was hesitant to.


"I... uh... I wanted to... ask you something..."

"What's that?" Laz could feel her hesitation. Despite her normally fiery persona, it seemed like even she had moments where she could feel skittish.

"Are... are you one of those... people? The ones they talk about on the news and on websites sometimes?" She asked, while clearly afraid to look him in the eyes.

"I am. Why?"

Hearing Laz acknowledge it, Sarah felt herself shivering. She had read the stories and had always been scared about these human monsters that were appearing, but she never thought she would meet one.

"Are you... are... you... here... to... hurt us?"

"... No?" Laz was actually rather amused by her behavior now. Would someone admit to being a killer before killing everyone he admitted it to? Only if he was really messed up in the head.

"Then... why are you here?" Sarah seemed especially nervous now.

"Cause your grandpa gave me a ride." Laz replied before turning around and walking away, leaving Sarah with a blank look on her face.

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