Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 194: Channeling

Chapter 194: Channeling

Laz lunged forward, going right for Brian who was still sparkling with power. Although the shots kept coming, Laz noticed that the closer he was to Brian, the less he was fired at. Brian, not being able to figure out what to do next, started backing up towards the security line. Having had no experience in actual combat, Brian became rather useless when Laz closed in. In fact, he had already used one of his two strongest attacks, but Laz had smashed it apart. This was something that Brian still couldn't understand.

"HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" Brian finally recovered enough to ask that question as he practically flew backwards.

Laz could have chosen to answer, but he figured there was no point. In truth, Laz was only half sure that he was able to break apart the attack without actually taking it. It was a gamble he tried since doing so would cause Brian to not try to use that move as much. Laz didn't want to admit it, but that giant ball of lightning would do serious damage to him if it hit. Laz couldn't help but wonder how many times Brian could use that attack considering he seemed so full of energy after having already done it twice.

It really didn't make sense.

No matter what angle he considered it from, that attack was powerful and Brian shouldn't have been able to do it back to back so quick. Yet he was able to do exactly that.

'No use thinking about it,' Laz finally concluded as he closed in on Brian. The room was really that large but Brian was still thinking about standing out. So once he reached the line of men, he changed directions to skirt along the side of it while sending shots out at Laz, trying to him again to slow him down enough for the security to take him out. But due to Brian's lack of practice along with his horrible aim, Laz was able to easily dodge them as he ran.

And more and more, Laz was wondering where Brian got the energy. The insane part about it was that Brian was relying on his lightning based abilities to move as well. Had he not done that, he body would have been far to slow to keep up with Laz. As he jumped around, lightning was shooting off from his feet and helping to drive his speed. Laz had no idea how he was pulling this off.

Laz finally caught up with Brian around the second time they circled the inside of the large entrance was and punched out, hitting him square in the gut. Laz tried to back up the attack with his black flames, but Brian's lightning seemed to attack it as soon as it caught his clothes on fire and prevented it from spreading. Instead, Brian shot backwards like a cannon ball, clearing out a line of the security behind them and knocking them out. As soon as Laz was going to go after him, suppression fire started flying at him again, forcing him to keep running to avoid being locked down.

"Fall back to the lawn. Get Brian and the rest of the guys out of here. And call in all additional help from the compound to kill this bastard. Use the heavy artillery. And activate the fail safe as soon as as we reach the safe line." Seeing Brian be completely suppressed by Laz, he took over giving orders as everyone started running out of the building at top speed while maintaining their fire at Laz. Hearing everything that was said, Laz had a bad feeling. Planting his feet into the floor, Laz was going to make a mad dash to the door, but the cover of bullets was making it impossible to get there. Sure, he knew that if he died, he would most likely be brought back. But he didn't want to rely on that every time he got into a dangerous situation. There was still the chance that it wouldn't happen.

Watching them leave and close the door, Laz finally figured out where the bad feeling came from as he started hearing a beeping. It didn't take his brain long to figure out what that meant and he made a choice.

He left cracks in the stone floor as he flew sideways, making his way to the stairs and up to the first window he could find on the second floor. Without hesitation, he smashed his rock hard fist into it while running towards it and jumped, launching himself out of the building.

In a mere instant after he cleared the building, a tiny click could be heard before the sound of thunder deafened everything as a massive force spread out, engulfing Laz and sending him flying away. Had he been standing still, the blast would have done a number on even his hard body. But thankfully he was already in flight so to speak when the blast occurred. Due to this, he just flew farther instead.

As Laz hit the ground and rolled for a bit, he ended up near the wall on the side of the compound. Looking up, Laz noticed that the tall mansion was now in pieces all over the place while engulfed in flames. At the same time, the agents, security and members of the swat team were hunkered down behind the ling of cars, having totally escaped the blast.

The outside security that was running all over the place was gathering towards the front of the compound while just out of the corner of Laz's eye, he noticed the girls form downstairs huddling by some bushes near the far end of the wall. It seems they did make it out in time.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Brian's voiced boomed out over the various noise taking place.

Laz looked over to see him raging mad as he looked at agent Wallace like he wanted to kill him. It was only now that it seemed like Brian had no idea that this was set up to happen.

Agent Wallace looked back at Brian before saying,

"We asked you to clear the building when we set up and make sure you keep tabs on your people. In case things didn't turn out as expected, he had a fail safe set up to ensure the target did not escape. You were warned as well as told that the expense would be paid for in the event it came to this." Agent Wallace had no idea why Brian was flipping out.

Despite his boiling anger and rage, his arrogance wouldn't allow him to lose his cool since doing so would hurt his aspirations with the government. But he looked at the wrecked crater that was his house and couldn't help but glace down to where the basement entrance to his personal dungeon would have been. On the other hand Brian had to admit that it was probably better this way. he could always find more girls, but having them discovered in this circumstance would have been really bad.

Just as Brian was glancing over, he noticed where Laz was laying on the ground while trying to lift himself up and his rage exploded.

Laz was hurting. Despite having escaped with his life intact and not a lot of external damage to his body, Laz felt like his bones had been knocked around with a jack hammer. Not only that, but it was also somewhat hard to breathe. Still, he dragged himself up back on to his feet while circulating his energy as fast as he could to heal himself. He was still in the middle of the enemy and now was no time to relax..

Just as he got back on his feet, Laz looked up to see the sky rumbling as clouds closed in, blanketing the sky in darkness. In mere moments, thunder could be heard booming right overhead as streaks of lightning started to form in the clouds. Laz started to get another bad feeling and looked over at Brian whose entire body was lit up like a Christmas tree. Only this time, instead of a soft and bright white light, he was covered in snaking coils of lightning. And on top of that, his skin started to take on a charred appearance as his eyes started bleeding.

"What the actual fuck?" Laz didn't know what was happening, but he knew that he had to be ready. His body erupted as the black flames surged forth from him while his eyes shone an even bright blood red. He then turned to face Brian.

Around this time agent Wallace also noticed what was happening and order all of his men to retreat. The coiling bits of lightning shooting off from Brian looked especially menacing and he figured that it would probably kill any normal person it hit.


Having lost the feed, Jesse sat down and took a sip of a drink while his expressionless face calmly waited. He could see that several of the people gathered were looking at the screen and then turning to look at him as though they wanted to ask what happened.

Before any of them voiced the question, Jesse spoke,

"There was a fail safe planned in case the target was too strong to subdue. The house was rigged to blow and that's probably what happened. After that, all the cameras went down. But don't worry. We have a few mobile squads on the ground at it should be coming back... any second."

Just as Jesse finished explaining, the picture came back to show Brian and Laz facing off, one looking like a bleeding god of lightning while the other looking like a demon from hell.

"Just what is happening?" One of the senators asked.

"I would say the final act. After this, there should be no question as to the need to further fund research and federal units to handle these infected in the future. We also would like to request additional funding for helping the blessed members of our human race to further develop their abilities. I dare say that very soon, regular humans would no longer be a match for these monsters in flesh suits, wouldn't you agree?" Although Jesse had spoken rather quietly so as not to disturb them watching the feed, every important person in the room heard him and started shaking their heads as though they agreed.

Seeing this, Jesse leaned back in his chair and smiled, a dark and creepy smile. It wasn't that he was happy, it was just that he knew he should act pleased after having completed his task. That was the normal response. As he turned to watch the rest of the fight as though it held interest for him, Jesse had grabbed his phone and was sending communication to various personal to start on the next phases of the plan. It no longer mattered who won or lost, but he knew that he should watch anyway. If Laz somehow managed to escape, there would be problems in the future.


As the phone once again cut out on Ruby, the girls started getting angry.

"What the hell is he doing? He's going to get himself killed."

"And what the hell is up with your ex? Is he some sort of energizer bunny in a meat suit? How the hell can he be that strong?"

"He's not my ex. AAAHHHH.... When are your helpers suppose to get here? This thing is getting way out of control."

"Mine won't be here for a bit since they live a ways away. Of course Leo and his squad should be here soon since I'm sure they ordered him to come. But his ability is going to be limited."

"Black Rose is here now" Ruby said while seeing a couple black SUV's pulling up."

"So are we rushing in?" Leona jumped out of the car after Ruby while Vivi jumped out of the rear of the car.

"I don't think starting a shoot out with the police is the best idea at the moment." Ruby responded while taking Leona's hand.

"Don't worry. He's tough. We first need to get a point of extraction so that when it's time, we can pull him out and make him disappear before they know what happened. He's too public now to slip away and from what I was told, local and cable news networks have picked up the feed and are airing it now."

"Shit.... then what..." Just as Leona asked what the next step was, several police cars were seen in the distance as they were flying down the road, followed closely behind by fire and medical teams along with broadcasting vans.

"FUCK," Vivi, Leona and Ruby swore at the same time, knowing that things have now blown up beyond repair.

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