Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 184: The Date

Chapter 184: The Date

Laz looked around, but didn't find anything. Truth be told, it was kind of disgusting, but it wasn't exactly his problem either. Look at it like this, if you tried to fix every problem you came across, how much time would you spend fixing problems? And a better question is just how many of those problems would you actually fix? Laz was no superhero, nor was he some sort of defender of justice or any of that shit. He saw a body dump site on the mountain and his only thought was basically,

'It's actually a rather practical idea.'

After he had come up with a few conclusions about what was happening, Laz was just going to jot down the approximate location and then pass a message to law enforcement. That would be the extent of his interfering with whatever this was.

Just as he was walking away however, he noticed something slightly weird from one of the bones he passed. Kneeling down, Laz took a closer look, only to find nothing on the bone, at least nothing tangible. He vaguely sensed something about the bone that seemed... to give him a weird yet familiar feeling. He thought about it for a bit, but gave up and just went back to plan A. Walk away now and leave the problem for someone else.

Shortly after Laz left, a sporty SUV pulled up the dirt road and turned around, before two guys got out. Popping open the trunk, the reached in, grabbed the blanketed figure and threw it down on the ground before slamming the trunk closed.

"Boss seems different lately, don't he?"

"What you mean?"

"I mean like, he's doing this more and more and his temper is getting worse and worse. Like he's going to blow at any minute."

"No shit. But what are we suppose to do about it huh?"

"We could... I don't know, call someone?"

"Call who? Who would you call about this, the feds? The police? You know how many bodies we've dropped up here so far? We call someone and boss will get a nice little vacation somewhere out of public view while we will be both get life... No. I ain't going like that, ok? Look, my dad always said that you can't just get off the train just cause you don't like what's on the tracks. You're safer plowing through and hoping that everything works out and you'll live longer that way."

"Isn't your dad doing life for killing your mom?"

"Yeah, cause he was sick of her damn crazy train and wanted off. That's why he knows what he's talking about. Anyway, we are here. We've done this and we going to keep doing this. There isn't another choice...."


"Look, alright? I've been having these same doubts, so I asked ma dad. He said, 'When you in a bad place like that, then what you need is some evidence that you can use later. Either blackmail to keep yourself alive or shit you can turn over to the state to help them make their case. The more you got for them, the better the deal they will cut you. Just keep your hands as clean as possible!"

"That's... that's good advice..."


"You've been getting stuff?"

"Not a lot, pictures and stuff. But I'm trying to avoid Brian noticing me so I've been keeping it real low key like..."

"Alright... This will work. I can help you..."

"Yeah. Ok. Then we cut the deal for both of us and use both of our stuff... just got to make sure he doesn't notice, ok?.

"Yeah, Yeah. No problem."


Laz headed back home, not knowing that he had just missed the answer he was looking for. After getting ready, he waited for Ruby and Leona to pick him up.

Soon enough, they showed up to his door, both dressed stunningly but casually. Leona was wearing a white sweater and had on tight blue jeans along with a gold linked belt while Ruby sported black tights, a red skirt and a black loose fitted top. Laz couldn't help but be amazed by the different outfits these two wore that both gave a very different flavor. He didn't make them come get him as he met them outside but they both got out of the car when he arrived. Sadly, he was left to sit by himself in the back due to, as Leona put it, fairness.

When they arrived at the club, they noticed that none of the barriers hadn't been put up and the entrance was left open with only two members of the security staff wandering around to check id's but that was about it. Ruby then explained to Laz that on days where there were no big events, they didn't need to worry about the unruly crowds. Since tonight was a more low key concert type venue without a major band playing, there was no need to bring in the entire team. This was also the reason she was able to get the night off and come on a date with him.

When they finally got in, Laz saw that half the dance floor was covered in tables and chairs, allowing for a far more casual experience, based more on dining with a show. There would still be room to dance later if people wanted, or they could sit at their table and enjoy the experience. As they found a table, one of the waitresses came over to take their drink order before handing them a menu. It was truly an entirely different scene from what Laz had come to expect from the club.

The dinner went by pretty quickly with Laz laughing and just eating whatever the girls wanted to try. Waves actually had quite a decent menu. Laz had seen the kitchen before so he knew it had a full range a abilities and wasn't just a small outpost with a few stoves. A true dinning experience could be found here.

After the food and a few drinks, both girls ended up moving closer to Laz, Leona on his left and Ruby on his right. Laz found it fun to talk to them as they both had very different backgrounds. Leona shared stories of her childhood and what it was like when they traveled around with her father in the army. In turn, Ruby shared stories from the Black Rose and a few of the less classified things they had been involved in. Laz didn't end up talking about himself but did spend a lot of time asking questions and understanding them both better.

Soon enough, Leo and his band members got up and started to play. Laz couldn't help but laugh at this since all of the members of the band had different hair colors. Leo with his blue, the two guitarists with orange and red hair, the drummer with green hair and the keyboardist who was sporting grey hair. Laz wondered if this was some sort of a hook that they coordinated or if they just did whatever color they wanted and took it from there.

The entire time, sign ups were going on for anyone who wanted to try singing karaoke, something that Laz had no interest in but that Leona and Ruby dragged him to do. He seriously wondered how he got dragged into these things, but looking at their expectant faces, he couldn't say no. Needless to say, he didn't notice when he was signed up to go on after their group by himself by a rather naughty Ruby even though Leona tried to stop her. Well, she had thought about stopping her, but then thinking of how cute it would be for Laz to sing by himself, and she just stayed at the side like she knew nothing. Ruby just randomly picked a song too.


Brian was meeting with Agent Wallace at his home while Fred stood nervously off to the side.

"And you're sure that this person not only is an infected, but is also the one who caused the fire?"

Agent Wallace seemed skeptical based solely on the age of the Brian.

"Yes sir. This guy, Fred, he was a member of that gang... He told me about the entire incident,: Brian reported, pointing over to Fred who seemed to cringe at the mention of his name.

Agent Wallace took a look over and couldn't help but think that this guy looked like even less of a criminal that the kid sitting in front of him.

"Don't worry," Agent Wallace spoke calmly to Fred. "I'm only here for the infected types. You could be a mass murdered and that wouldn't be my problem." Fred only seemed to relax when he heard these words, letting his tense shoulders drop. He didn't know that Brian had already mentioned that Fred was also an infected and therefore would be part of his catch as well. Fred really had no idea he had already been sold out.

"Go wait downstairs with the others," Brian ordered without even looking, causing Fred to bolt out of the room.

"Now tell me why I shouldn't arrest him right now?" Agent Wallace asked.

"Because he is the perfect bait for luring over the big fish," Brian responded kindly.

"So you say..."

"Officer Wallace, I've already done some research thanks to my dad's connections and I know that you don't exactly have a huge force beside you. The most you can bring is maybe three others right?"

"GGRR... Yes. That's right." Agent Wallace was obviously annoyed by this kid bringing this point up.

"No need to be angry Agent. Since I asked for your help in this in an official aspect, I am also able to help out in this venture. With my father's help and your blessing, we can borrow a swat unit from the city with apprehending this criminal. With this, you will get the collar you need for more funding and I will also be able to do a good deed for the country."

It was only now that Agent Wallace was starting to get a good feeling as to what this kid was planning. No matter what he wanted to do in the future, helping out in this way would be a springboard to success. Although Agent Wallace didn't want to admit it, it was a good plan. And it was also what he needed as well. Swallowing back his reservations, Agent Wallace decided to go along with it and ask,

"So what is the plan?"

"Well, we already know where the target is currently. Now, we have the bait for the plant, we just need the prize..."

"The prize?"

"Although the person I am talking about, Lazlo, wants to eliminate Fred, it wouldn't be something he would come after just because he knows where he is. Instead, we need to get someone close to him and bring them here, placing the blame on Fred."

"You're talking about kidnapping?"

"Not at all. This person is a friend of mine from school. She would be more than willing to help after she finds out that we need her help. The only problem is she is also someone who is close to your target and doesn't understand how dangerous he is. Therefore trying to convince her would be problematic, but she would completely understand after the fact. We are doing this for her own good after all," Brian said with conviction, as though showing his dedication to the cause. Agent Wallace knew something was fishy, but since it was what he needed, he let it go.

"So you will bring this girl in to keep her safe and make him think it was Fred who grabbed her. And then what?"

"Then we just need to draw the catch into the cage which will be here at the house. Don't worry Agent, after tonight, you will get everything you desire," Brian said with a barely contained laughed.

Agent Wallace had the distinct feeling he had just sold his soul to the devil....

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