Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 151: Ruby's Little Game

Chapter 151: Ruby's Little Game

He watched them for a few minutes, before turning away. From what he could tell, it didn't seem like a ploy of Ruby's, nor did it seem like Leona had met Ruby before now. If anything they basically looked like a couple who were enjoying themselves on the dance floor. As much as Laz would have loved to avoid whatever awkward circumstances were going to come about due to meeting Leona and Ruby together, Laz didn't shy away. If there was a moment in Laz's life that influenced this choice of going out to meet them and deal with it now as opposed to waiting and trying to hide, it would be due to Kat. Laz still had regrets about her, things he wished he could of said and things he wished he could have done. The time was just too short. After that, Laz had become far more resolved in dealing with matters sooner rather than avoiding them and waiting. This was a stark contrast to the boy who just wanted to drift along like air.

Leo, who had been chatting it up with his friends after the two men in suits left, noticed Laz's agitation when he looked out on the floor. He was actually amazed since this was the first time he had seen the young man make that face. Because of that, he started to pay attention to him, even while everything continued on around him. It was impossible for him to figure out who among the sea of people he was looking at, but from what Leo read in Laz's reaction, he was going to go address it head on. Therefore, Leo's eyes ended up following Laz down the stairs and on to the dance floor.

Making his way through the crowd in a typical fashion, Laz quickly came upon the two girls who seemed to be enjoying themselves. Although he had some questions in his mind about why Ruby would suddenly be dancing with Leona of all people, he had some idea. Leona had worn a beaded bracelet ever since she had met Laz. The red jade beads, while not easy to find, were not hard to find either. It just required some searching around to make sure they were actual jade and not imitations. Due to that, even now, Leona was wearing the bracelet with her sparkling silver dress. So Laz could only assume that a young, pretty girl like Leona would be attractive to someone like Ruby as she could possibly be a recruit in the future. Or at least, this is what came to mind which wasn't far from the truth.

As Laz approached, Ruby was the first one to catch sight of him since she always seemed to keep an eye out for him. This didn't stop her from dancing though. She just sent a smile his way, thinking he was doing his normal rounds. It wasn't until Laz came right up to the dance duo that Leona noticed him in the crowd of people.


Laz smiled in response which also caused Ruby to smile in response. In fact, there was suddenly a lot of little pieces that clicked in her head. Ruby was rather playful by nature so once those things popped into place, she decided to act upon it. She quickly grabbed Laz's hand and pulled him between the two of them. Before he knew it, Ruby was bent over and rubbing her ass on his crotch while Leona just looked on, having briefly been shocked stupid.

'But he was suppose to be at his job?'

'Ruby's been deflecting guys all night but she suddenly grabs him and starts humping him?'

'Wait, why is he here in the first place?'

'Are they here together?'

'Did he lie to me?'

'Does he even care about me?'

'Should I just go...'

As all of these thoughts assailed Leona's head at the same time, Ruby looked back and saw Leona's face. She could only hide her face quickly as she tried not to giggle.

"Leona... wait a sec..." Laz tried to remove himself from Ruby's ass grinding, but she move skillfully to intercept him. Ruby knew that at this moment, anything coming out of Laz's mouth would sound wrong to Leona so it was best for him to not speak.

"Leona... You know my boss?" Ruby asked with a playful look that once again made Leona freeze.

"Your... boss?" Leona finally mumbled loud enough for Laz and Ruby to hear. It was still really loud on the dance floor, but people were giving Laz a decent amount of space due to reason's unknown to them.

"Yeah. He's head of security here at Waves and a friend of the owner, so technically, that makes him my boss."

"Oh.. so then why...?" Leona made a pointing gesture at Ruby's butt as though wondering why she would do something like that with her boss. Ruby could only laugh as she explained,

"What better way to get in good with your boss? Besides, this guy is a bit of a prude so it's not like I fear he is going to eat me up or something," Ruby answered.

A sudden thought popped into Leona's head after hearing Ruby's words and a bright red blush could be seen on her soft brown skin. Ruby, who had been observing her reactions, was quick to catch on..

"Wait... that look... You two have already?" Ruby asked as though shocked her analysis had been wrong.


"No... but..."

Leona and Laz both answered quickly however Leona explained a bit more.

"We have been naked together..." Ruby's eyes seemed to bulge for a moment as she digested the info.

'Laz doesn't seem the type. Wait, they've been naked together but they haven't...?' Ruby's brain went into overdrive when she figured it out. It turned out her analysis about him was right, it was just that he wasn't a prude but more like a gentleman. It could be said that the two things could be mixed up.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Laz asked, ignoring Ruby who seemed to get a sudden idea and started looking around.

"Just hanging out with a few friends like I told you," Leona responded before pointing over at the table they had left a little bit ago. Laz looked over and saw two rather attractive girls who were sipping on the large sized drinks the bar offered while dancing along to the music and chatting with two guys who had approached the table.

"Ah. I see. Um... well. As you can see, this is my job," Laz said, pointing around the crowded room.

"This isn't exactly the job I thought you would be taking..." Leona responded with a shake of her head.

"Well... Let's just say there are reasons that I can't exactly work a normal nine to five..." Laz let his voice trail off while Leona just looked at him and smiled.

"What?" Laz asked.

"Well, this actually rather fits you," Leona commented.

"Fits me?"

"Yeah. I mean... it... just fits you." Leona didn't know how to explain that his pale skin and thin looking body seemed to fit right in at this place. She even knew how strong he was so for her, him working security was the perfect fit.

While they had been talking, Ruby finally found what she was looking for. A little ways away from her was a girl while a rather strange headband who was wearing jeans, unlike the other girls who were mostly dressed up. Ruby quickly ran up to her and whispered something while pointing over at Laz. The girl knew who Ruby was and seeing her point at Laz, she nodded her head and pulled something out of one of the jeans pockets before handing it over to Ruby with a smile. Ruby smiled back and make her way back to Laz and Leona.

"So how did you two meet?" Laz asked as Ruby returned.

"We just kind of bumped into each other and it took off from there," Ruby explained, saving Leona from having to explain how she was having a bad time while thinking of a certain someone.

"That reminds me. Shouldn't you two be working?" Leona asked, looking at both of them. She actually had some doubts about them both working here as Laz was just wearing black dress pants and a white button down shirt along with a chain style belt while Ruby was wearing a black, reflective dress that actually seemed to go well with the silver one she had on.

"I'm working as long as I am with him. And he's allowed to do whatever he wants," Ruby once again explained, this time making it easier on Laz.

"Oh. So what were you doing?" Leona asked. They had made there way off the dance floor so they weren't trying to talk while taking up space.

"MM... nothing. I had an idea though," Ruby replied a bit mysteriously.

"Oh?" Laz asked. He hadn't paid attention to when Ruby ran off as he was focusing on Leona, otherwise he would have had an idea as to what she did.

Before either of them could say anything, Ruby seemed to slip something into her mouth and as fast as lightning, she leaned over and kissed Laz, directly shoving her tongue into his mouth. Laz want to push her away, even more so since Leona was standing right there, but his body had a mind of it's own. He responded quickly to her by using his own tongue to intertwine with Ruby's, causing them to kiss deeply. As Ruby pulled back though, Laz suddenly felt like she had left something on his tongue.

Watching this unfold, Leona had, instead of freezing up, actually gotten a little angry. Now that she knew what their relationship was and that Laz and her were... something... she had felt that Ruby would back off from him. She didn't have a problem with Ruby, but because the relationship between her and Laz was so blurry, Leona didn't want someone else to come in and snatch him from her until she could figure it out. Because of this, Leona couldn't help but feel her heartbeat race and her blood boil a bit, as though she was going to do something to Ruby. Because of this, her senses had dulled a bit and she wasn't paying attention, allowing Ruby to sneak in and kiss her as well.

As with Laz, her actions were once again the same. She kissed a surprised Leona and slipped her tongue in her mouth, penetrating her soft, moist lips. Reacting on instinct, Leona used her tongue to fight back, but to no avail. The only difference between this time and the time with Laz was Ruby backed away quicker, but still left something on Leona's tongue. As both Leona and Laz had no idea what had happened, but now had a mouth full of their saliva mixed with Ruby's it was only natural that they would gulp, accidentally swallowing what was on their tongues.

It only took a moment before both of them started feeling very funny. Laz and Leona looked over at Ruby, only to see her smiling back. She then took something out from the top of her dress, put it on her tongue to let it dissolve and swallowed it as well.

"What was that?" Laz asked in a rather serious tone.

"You both are wounded tighter than a ball of rubber bands. It's just painful to watch. So, this sexy sister here has decided to help you out. Let's just say we are all in for a wild ride tonight," Ruby replied while icking her lips. Las and Leona looked at each other with a bit of hesitation on their plates. If Laz didn't trust Yumi completely and therefore trusted those she worked with, he would have straight up attacked Ruby in a second to get answers out of her. But for now, he held back. Seeing him act like this, Leona just followed suit and did the same.

None of them noticed that spread out within the crowd were several people who, although dressed nicely, looked as though this wasn't the type of place they would normally visit. And every single one of these people where staring right at Laz.

Leo, who was in the VIP area watching Laz, had a vague idea what Ruby had done and made a mental note to not only check her out since he knew she worked for him, but also to remember the face of the other one that Laz knew. Since he didn't know the relationship, he wasn't going to investigate her unless Laz said something. That wasn't a line he would cross. If anything, he would simply find out her name so that he could recognize her when he next saw her.

Seeing as how it looked like Laz had netted himself two women for the night, Leo just shook his head and laughed, knowing that the young man would be having one hell of an experience before the night was over.

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