Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 169 169: Reunion

After the conversation, Val entered the underground area to pick up his undead. More than a dozen had died in the battle with the Uglyface devils. Only 15 were left. His army had shortened by half.

While there, he sacrificed the Uglyface devils, gaining a huge amount of Undead-creating Evil Energy. All of it was used as he created more undead.

[Used Corpse Sacrifice Skill]

[Gained +35 level 2 undead]

[Total number of undead: 50!]

Val nodded with a pleased smile on his face. With this amount of undead, level 2 dungeon didn't hold a candle to him.

Then he checked the area. The well was sealed shut and there was nothing suspicion around.

'Let's go back,' Val thought as he returned to the surface.

Meanwhile, Eliana woke up in the God's Hands clinic. She began roaming around as if she was searching for something. 

Penelope saw her troubled look and asked, "Searching for your lover?"

Eliana blushed at her remark but nodded her head. "Do you know where he went?

"He is already discharged so you won't find him in the clinic. But lucky for you," Penelope, with a slight smile, said, "He left a message for you when he left."

Eliana quickly asked, "What message?"

"He told me to tell you that he's safe, so you don't need to worry about him. He also said he'll be waiting for you in the house you two live together," Penelope passed on the message before adding, "Girl, you lucked out."

"Lucked out how?" Eliana asked.

"Now don't go acting clueless with me." Penelope said, "You bagged the son of a noble who is not only handsome but also loyal."

"What do you mean?" Eliana raised her eyebrow.

"I tested his loyalty while you were asleep, and he passed with flying colors," Penelope winked at her. 

Eliana placed her hands on the counter and leaned closer, "What did you do?" 

Although Eliana was trying to look menacing, Penelope didn't feel intimidated. Eliana looked so cute that even when she was angry it was like a kitten baring her fangs.

"I went all out to seduce him, but he completely ignored me as if I was thin air," Penelope replied honestly. She came clean because Eliana would've known the truth from Val. With her wealth of experience about cuckolding women, she knew it was better they hear the truth from her mouth than their "so-called other halves."

"Hmph!" Eliana scoffed, "You did something unnecessary." 

Penelope thought that the matter would end here. But unexpectedly, the sweet girl roasted her, 

"My man would never be interested in hooking up with a shameless bitch with body count numbering in the twenties." 

Penelope had a body count of 27, and she took pride in it. She had proudly shared it with her colleagues yesterday during lunch break.

Eliana, however, never understood why women think it's an achievement to sleep with many men when it only makes them look like a whore. 

She had been taught while growing up that a woman's greatest assest was her chastity, and it should only be given to the right man, who they were planning to spend the rest of their life with, not just any men, no matter how lustful they feel.

Or else, they would just end up regretting it.


Penelope's jaw dropped at Eliana's words. Wasn't Eliana supposed to be innocent and kind? How can she be so mean to her?!

"How can you say that to me? I am a woman just like you!" Penelope cried out.

Eliana looked at Penelope with a twinge of disgust and anger, "The church teaches that there is nothing wrong with having sex, but it is an intimate act that should only be performed with one's soulmate. Even the nobles who are atheists follow this teaching. You disregarding these important teachings by trying to seduce my man doesn't only make you immoral, but it shows your lack of respect for your colleagues."

"W-when did I do that?" Penelope stammered. "You're the one living with a man despite being unmarried."

Eliana rolled her eyes. "Let me tell you this, Penelope. You're not good at telling lies. I know you weren't merely testing my man. If Val had agreed, you would've gone all the way with him. Am I wrong?"

As she spoke, Eliana stared at her sharply. Penelope averted her piercing gaze, not daring to look at her. She knew Eliana was right, so she didn't retort any more.

"You are a woman without morals, as you don't find it shameful to target the man of your colleague and you open your legs for anyone that catches your eye. No one will genuinely like you. You'll only be used by horny men to satify their lust until you're old and wrinkled, unable to attract any attention. You should change your ways before it's too late and find a man to spend your life with," Eliana's harsh words left Penelope, the whore, speechless, but her righteous anger was justified. After all, no one would feel calm if the one they loved was seduced by their colleague. 


Penelope swallowed hard and lowered her head in guilt.

Her actions had crossed a line, and the gravity of her indiscretion dawned on her after she was harshly reprimanded by Eliana. Her desire to have sex with a perfect man and her immoral actions had potentially ruined a potential friendship and upset the harmony within their working environment. 

'It's my inability to control my impulse that landed me in this humiliating spot where I am being schooled by a woman much younger than me,' Penelope thought with ears as red as blood. 'I was really in the wrong this time around.'

She began to regret her actions deeply, but she also knew that an apology at this point would seem insincere. All she could do was take in Eliana's words and ensure she didn't repeat her mistake in the future.

Seeing her sincerely regret, Eliana turned away with a triumphant smile on her face.

'Next time, she will think thrice before approaching my man with nefarious intention.'

Then she smiled as she recalled that Val didn't fall for her temptation. 

'It's just as I thought. He is loyal to me! I... I've found my soulmate.'

After the confrontation with Penelope, Eliana immediately headed out of the clinic but was stopped by Valentine, who said with a teasing smile, "Where are you going? Work hours aren't over yet."

Eliana begged, "Can I please take the day off?"

Valentine smiled teasingly and said, "I don't want to become a hurdle in your love life, so yes, you can go."

Eliana bowed to her and said, "Thank you."

Valentine waved her hand dismissively, "Go, what are you still doing here?"

Eliana rushed out of the clinic as fast as she could.

Valentine looked at her retreating figure and said, "Young people in love, they are seriously so adorable. They just can't help but rush headlong into things."

After a while, Eliana returned to the Haunted House and spotted Val in the entranceway.

Seeing him moving about and in perfect condition, her eyes widened in joy and a huge smile spread across her face.

Val also noticed her entering the house. He turned to her and beamed, "Hi. Welcome home." 

Without a second thought, Eliana rushed towards him, throwing her arms around him. 

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