Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 474: Humbled By Death

Chapter 474: Humbled By Death

Chapter 474: Humbled By Death

Eyes painted in a deep shade of red, with cheeks still holding dried remnants, hair scattered around like a pile of hay on a farm, and tattered, dirt-stained clothes that had endured circles of sunlight and rain for an entire mont.

No one would be able to argue that the person kneeling at the wall was anything less than a being beyond the Pseudo-Universe origin rank.

Finally raising his head from his hands, Zeras turned to look at the statue of the figure, the blood in his eyes flowing faster. The gates of the gigantic walls were opened wide, and from within, Zeras could see the ground filled with dragons, all in their human form, holding a strange golden flower which they placed at the foot of Vornek’s statue.

Slowly rising from his knees, he made his way forward, the dragons opening a line for him as he arrived at the place where the flowers were arranged.

Picking up one, he continued towards the statue, observing a small dragonoid female fall to her knees, raising the flower to her forehead.

After ten seconds passed, she placed the flower at Vornek’s feet.

“May you find a safe place to rest, my hero,” she prayed before rising and rejoining the crowds of dragons.

Zeras slowly knelt, clasping his palms together with the golden flower placed between them, raising it to his head and closing his eyes.

Yet, as he closed his ears, the bloody tears flowed faster, bringing forth memories he shared with Vornek in the past.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the face once more before placing his flower among the others.

“I… I’m sorry, Vornek. Sorry that… I was too late and not there for you when you needed me the most,” he prayed, the blood raining down his cheeks.

Suddenly, a golden light illuminated Zera’s face as words shone brightly on the altar where Vorek’s statue stood:

“Do Not Celebrate My Death with Mourning, For I had Died a Hero’s Death…” The words flashed in Zera’s head continuously as he wiped the bloody tears away.

“Rest well, Vornek. Rest well,” he whispered before standing up, turning his back to see thousands of dragons bowing to him.

“Dear human, we offer you the Sukhanov bow, the most respectful bow our alien race could offer to anyone who is not one of us. Thank you for coming to our aid when the entire world refused to help,” an elder among them said to Zeras.

Zeras shook his head, refusing the bow. “I do not deserve your bow. I am one whose strength helped none at all. I came too late,” he said as the elder smiled.

“At least you showed up. You have done more than thousands of people we called allies have done. This in and of itself shows your heart is clean, no matter how badly you may view yourself,” the elder said as Zeras finally returned the bow before levitating above the ground and disappearing into the clouds.

“May your mind rest in peace, our savior,” they whispered as the remnants of red energy vanished from view.

“The long-age disaster has now been resolved. Now we will rebuild this world from scratch and recuperate our losses, knowing well we have the backing of our ancestors.”

Rapidly soaring through the clouds, Zeras desperately wished and knew of the bliss that came with flying.

He wanted to pour away all the grief in his heart into the air, but that was impossible. He could only remain in a state of blankness that temporarily made him forget his regrets.

Once he completely exited the cloud, he could already see the large motherships of the Giarans, and with them came the memories of the last month, a scene forever carved into his mind.

That was when the realization dawned on Zeras.

“I thought I was strong. I thought I was a king now that I have reached a stage above the very peak of all beings in the lower realm. Then I watched my best friend die in my arms, even with all my so-called strength. It’s like death has come to humble me and has successfully put me in my place,” Zeras said with a bit of self-mockery.

“Death of a loved one. Everyone no doubt has a loved one like this. How many people have I destroyed with my own hands too? How many have shed tears for me because of my greater power? Strength, chaos, power—they are all very great tools for sowing discord.

I am very far from innocent myself, truly far away. No matter what happens in the future, I must never forget the humanity that they say still lies in my heart. Otherwise, living would possess no meaning without it,” Zeras mused.

It was a heartbreaking and damaging event, but he had also learned an important lesson from it.

It was another obstacle toward his journey, and now he could confidently say he had just crossed it.

The stars and moon would forever continue their eternal dance, irrespective of the various deaths in the cosmos.

They would all move on, and he could only borrow their knowledge if he wanted to continue on this path.

Bursting out with an even more power red energy, Zeras tore through the fabric of space with speed, as he became a shooting star heading ok to the Giarans spaceships.

Arriving before the flames, the flames due to the horrifying friction were forcefully calmed down ash gently landed at the mouth of the spaceship.

Immediately, the space in front of him shook, and they walked forwards towards him, curiousity and happiness in their eyes.

“Glad to see you’re back in one piece Zeras. So how was it? I can tell you have resolved the plague after seeing those dark gas disappeared from here.

Still, oy must be one heck of a work…” D’arvey said with a boisterous laughter but he was hit by Sylvia who shook her head at him.

Only then did he know, Zeras looked a little different, a little… haggard

“Let’s continue to the Upper realms, I’ll be going to take a shower…”

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