Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Book 2: Chapter 12: Start of the tournament

Book 2: Chapter 12: Start of the tournament

On the second day, the grand Nanyue Wan Guo Tournament officially commenced, igniting a palpable buzz of anticipation throughout the Heaven Martial city. Virtually every inhabitant of the city hurried to an open expanse just beyond the citys limits. Some took to the skies with effortless flight, while others relied on their spiritual equipment to hasten their arrival.

A shimmer of excitement and hope danced within the eyes of every single person, and some even started to imagine their boundless futures.

The teeming throng, numbering in the tens of millions, poured out of the city, temporarily congesting the roads.

Luckily, the vast expanse of the Heaven Martial city allowed for the smooth outflow of human traffic, with the congested roads clearing within a mere ten minutes.

Beyond the citys confines, a sprawling, human-made platform beckoned, quickly swarming with eager faces. Each individual found their own space, preparing for the tournament that lay ahead.

Even the disciples from the esteemed and influential factions silently harnessed their spiritual equipment to hover gracefully in the air as they waited.

Murong Lin followed discreetly in the wake of his Ridge Fir Alliance comrades, their cultivation levels easily overlooked among the surging sea of contestants.

A member of the Ridge Fir Alliance, his curiosity piqued, turned to Ling Yu and inquired, With more than ten million participants this time, can they truly transport us all into the hidden realm simultaneously?

Ling Yu affirmed with unwavering confidence, Indeed, they can. If not, the hidden realm wouldnt have been chosen for this tournament.

The Heaven Martial hidden realm is colossal, rivalling the size of ten entire nations. If youre unlucky, reaching the central palace within the hidden realm might take a minimum of half a month, and by then, you might not only miss out on fortuitous encounters but also struggle to find sustenance.

Feng Zhe raised a valid concern, Then, how will we stay in touch? Werent we told that the array on the platform would teleport us randomly?

As soon as the teleportation channel between the hidden realm and their world was established, all those gathered in the square would be whisked away into the depths of the Heaven Martial hidden realm.

The hidden realms strict criteria allowed only those within the Abhij realm to enter, enhancing safety but underscoring the fierce competition that awaited. The daunting 99% mortality rate was not to be taken lightly.

Although the primary objective of the tournament was to rank participants based on points garnered from their hunts, thanks to some influence from the ten great sects, one could claim all the points of a participant they had slain.

Consequently, in the latter days of the month, the body count was expected to soar into the tens of thousands daily.

This brutal culling was aptly referred to as the Weeding.

Ling Yus gaze was solemn as he provided reassurance, Once we step into the array, the teleportation is random, but it confines us to a relatively small area.

As long as we enter the square together and converge within the same beam of light, well reappear in close proximity to one another.

Remember, when the time comes, I will employ my mind control to ensure we all enter the teleportation space simultaneously. Until then, lets remain vigilant to prevent any opportunists or malicious individuals from trailing us.

The impending appearance of the Heaven Martial hidden realm would trigger instantaneous teleportation for those on the platform. Anyone arriving later would be transported to an entirely different location.

While the initial tens of thousands might not engage in combat immediately, they were likely to cross paths with those who sought to exploit or even harm others.

The members of the Ridge Fir Alliance adopted a serious demeanour as they surveyed their surroundings, taking note of the presence of Murong Lin trailing them.

Li Yi Fan and Liu Wu deliberated for a moment before rushing towards Murong Lin, suggesting, Brother Nie, why dont we enter together later?

While Nie Wu Sheng seemed stronger than them, there was still greater safety in numbers.

Of course, they would never admit that they were seeking protection through his prowess.

Murong Lin hesitated for a moment, then responded, Very well, lets stick together. With my cultivation in the Sky Reaching realm, I can still offer some protection, at the very least.

Nie Wu Sheng offered a faint smile as he nodded in acknowledgement of Li Yi Fan and Liu Wu Sis decision.

Li Yi Fans enthusiasm was evident, but Liu Wu felt an inexplicable shiver down his spine as he locked eyes with Murong Lins strange smile.

It was as if a distant memory hovered just beyond reach, teasing him with familiarity.

He shook his head, stopping himself from thinking further and instead focused on trailing the Ridge Fir Alliance members as they approached the platform.

The towering city walls of Heaven Martial reached a height of forty feet, and a few figures stood atop them. These figures were none other than the representatives of the ten great sects, each holding the title of sect leader. However, they were mere clones of the true sect leaders, who were engrossed in their cultivation deep within their respective sects. The clones typically managed the day-to-day affairs.

These clones were refined from portions of their primordial spirits, a feat only achievable by experts of the Tribulation realm. This act of splitting ones Primordial Spirit came with a significant cost, weakening the strength of their original bodies. For the sect leaders who resided at the peak of the Tribulation realm, the sacrifice involved a reduction of one or two Tribulation realm layers.

Their true appearances remained concealed beneath a shroud of chaotic spiritual energies, which were regarded as their unique domains.

An elderly man with white hair, clad in a Yin Yang Dao robe, spoke in a deliberate manner, It appears that the participants in this tournament are of remarkable calibre.

This generation of participants, numbering tens of millions, boasts power that surpasses their predecessors by several realms.

A hulking man, his countenance stern, emitted a disdainful snort, Is that all theyve got?

A slender woman interjected, her tone weary, Alright, whats the use of bickering? Why must the two of you always argue when you meet?

An enchanting man garbed in blood-red attire chimed in, urging them forward, Exactly! If youre truly all that, then prove it with your strength and fight.

A handful of them engaged in heated banter, creating a somewhat lively atmosphere for a group of individuals each surpassing a millennium in age.

Finally, a diminutive childlike boy interjected, Shut up! The Heaven Martial hidden realm is about to materialize. Take this time to identify promising talents you can cultivate. Ill say it now, that young man riding the white crane belongs to us, the Stupendous Gate!

The group erupted with protests, Come on! Arent you jumping the gun? That guy might not even be interested in joining your Stupendous Gate!

The elderly man in the Yin Yang Dao robe spoke once more, Indeed! It would be in his best interest to join our Dragon Tiger Hall!

The burly man pointed at Yue Long Teng, declaring, The lad who has harnessed the ice Abhij is the perfect fit for our Four Seas Academy! Hes got the spirit!

The woman spat dismissively before adding, Ive got my eyes on that Que princess, Nan Nan Nan. The North Profound Light Feetof our Insouciant Island is tailor-made for her physical arts Abhij.

The elegant man in red elegantly raised his hand and, ignoring the glare from the island leader of the Insouciant Island, remarked, Clearly, our Desolate Sect is the most suitable choice for her! Dont you all agree? Old demon king, old baldie?

The leader of the Dark Demon Alliance, an elderly man with a frail and emaciated form, shook his head with a wistful smile, I may not know where shes best suited to join, but I do know one thing: youre in for a challenging time.

The bald master of the Buddhistic Cultivation Temple, with a sense of pity in his voice, responded, All things are guided by the will of God.

The three other individuals representing the remaining influential forces included the mechanical-bodied mountain leader of the Hundred Cultivation Mountain, the valley leader of the Thousand Opportunity Valley, whose form was composed of his primordial spirit, and the silent pagoda leader of the Moon Prayer Pagoda.

The sky was clear, and a gentle breeze wafted through the air.

The presence of the sect leaders perched atop the city walls was duly noted by the crowd, sparking excitement and prompting even the prodigies of the Abhij realm to emanate their auras, displaying their formidable might. Though these sect leaders were unlikely to address the participants directly, the hope of capturing their attention lingered, adding to the overall excitement of the moment.

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