Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Minotaur (Incredibles)

The Minotaur (Incredibles)

A/N: The Minotaur was a commissioned story in three parts originally written from February to March of 2020. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Before she ever met Bob, in her first year as Elastigirl, Helen had an arch nemesis. Read on to find out how she finally took him down and put him behind bars...

Themes: Big Dick, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


Years before Helen met Bob, years before she came Helen Parr, years before they were Mr. Incredibly and Elastigirl, a matched pair… she was Helen Truax. She was also still Elastigirl at the time, but there was no denying that she was also fairly green. It was in her first year of being a superhero that it happened. It was then that she'd had her first… nemesis.

He went by the alias 'The Minotaur', and he lived up to that alias by being a big, beefy bull-man as well. He was huge, and with all the super strength in the world, he was using it to commit crimes and steal things that weren't his. So obviously, given that he was doing these illegal acts in her neck of the woods, it fell upon Elastigirl to hunt him down, beat him up, and see him behind bars.

The only problem with that plan was the simple fact that Helen wasn't quite very good yet. She was still new to the superheroing business, and while her power was versatile and made her nigh-indestructible to boot, she wasn't exactly equipped to go up against a man like The Minotaur. Her first encounter with him ended with him picking her up, pulling her extended limbs off of his body, folding her into a ball, and sticking her in a nearby cabinet.

By the time she'd managed to extract herself from the altogether demeaning situation, the villain was long gone and Helen as Elastigirl had her first loss under her belt. It was far from the last though, as all of her subsequent encounters with The Minotaur also ended in humiliating defeat. Every time she encountered him as Elastigirl, he would effortlessly dismantle her and leave her in some embarrassing state as he walked off with his ill-gotten goods.

So, when Helen just so happens to see The Minotaur walking down a back alley towards a well-known sleazy motel, the pay by the hour type, while out on some errands in civilian attire… well she knows she has to do something. In fact, she's fairly confident that she's about to catch The Minotaur and his entire crew, because she's already heard through the hero grapevine that he'd participated in a heist earlier that day, one in which everyone had gotten away.

Thinking that he might be meeting up with the others to split the loot, Helen pulls her car around and into the motel parking lot, parking nearby, but not right next to the room that he sees The Minotaur walk into. There, she sits and waits for a moment, trying to decide what to do next. Part of her, the rational part of her, wants to call in back up. She knows she needs it; truth be told. Except that doubt, that hopelessness… it causes her pride to rear its ugly head.

She doesn't need any damn back up! Be it the police or other heroes, she isn't calling anyone! She's going to bust The Minotaur and his friends all by herself, and she's going to win, and she's going to finally beat that smug bull-man at his own game! Gripping tightly at her steering wheel, jaw set in determination, Helen glares at the door to the room that she'd seen the Minotaur go into… right up until she sees a woman dressed provocatively walking down the sidewalk, glancing at the room numbers of the motel.

Blinking at the woman, Helen rolls down her window and calls out to her.

"Hey there! Looking for something?"

Attention drawn, the woman walks over to the car and gives Helen a lewd sort of grin as she leans on the edge of the open window.

"Hey there honey. I'm looking for Room 109. Or maybe I'm looking for you. You hire a stripper for some evening fun tonight?"

109 is in fact the room that the Minotaur had gone into. Helen bites her lower lip as she glances between the stripper and the room in question for a moment before coming to a decision.

"I've got a better idea. And a better offer. Care to hear me out?"

The other woman just lifts an eyebrow, even as Helen opens her car door and steps out. The stripper seems a bit suspicious, but nevertheless follows Helen into a nearby open room that's being cleaned, the latter woman barking an order to the cleaning lady to step out for a bit, an order that's hastily obeyed given the authoritative tone Helen uses. She's actually glad for that, she's been practicing her 'hero voice' more often, so its good to see that she's getting better at it.

Regardless, the two women spend a handful of minutes inside of the motel room before finally exiting, both at the same time. Helen is now dressed in the stripper's attire, looking quite provocative and somewhat perverse. She feels very exposed, but its for a good cause, and she continues to remind herself of that, even as the stripper next to her, dressed now in Helen's clothing, counts the cash that she's just been given. It's all the cash Helen had on her, but once again, its for a good cause. If this works, Helen is SURE that she'll finally be able to bring the Minotaur in, once and for all.

"Pleasure doing business with you, honey. Good luck in there~"

And with that, the stripper walks away. Helen watches her go, taking in her seductive, swaying hips. Then, she turns towards Room 109, swallowing thickly and beginning to make her way over to the door. As she does so, she tries her best to mimic the stripper's slutty walk, and at the same time she plasters a perverted smile on her face for good measure. If she wants to sell this, she's gotta walk the walk and talk the talk, after all.

Reaching the door, Helen quickly knocks before she can stop herself. A moment later, the door opens to reveal the Minotaur in all his glory. She doesn't even get to say anything before he grunts and steps back.

"Come in."

Come in she does, stepping inside the motel room and peering around curiously. Unfortunately, there's no one else there, nor does she see any ill-gotten loot anywhere. While it might be under the bed or hidden behind a vent or something like that, she can't exactly go searching when the Minotaur himself is in the room with her, watching her expectantly.

He moves and sits down on the end of the motel bed, making the poor thing creak under his weight. Helen blushes a little and fidgets under his gaze, biting her lower lip as he crosses his thick arms over his broad, muscular chest and raises an eyebrow at her. Right, well, in for a penny, in for a pound, right? She can't back out now, can she?

She probably should back out, but if she wants to get any information out of him, she needs to play ball. Giving him as seductive a smile as she can manage, the disguised heroine glances about for a bit.

"Do you have music for me?"

Snorting, the Minotaur reaches over and clicks the power button on the motel room's TV. Its changed to a music channel with a song that could definitely be stripped too. Seeing no other way to stall for time, Helen begins to do exactly that, shaking her hips, wiggling her body, dancing to the music… and beginning to take off the stripper's clothes that she's currently dressed in, removing the garments piece by piece.

The Minotaur continues to sit on the end of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest, and Helen is sure that he's not really buying it. So, she goes even further. Walking over to him, still dancing to the music, Helen gives him a wide, bright smile that doesn't really reach her eyes, even as she reaches out and grabs his arms, tugging them apart.

Obviously if he didn't want her to, she never would be able to, but he lets her do so, lets her place his large hands on her hips as she swivels around and gives him the best lap dance that she can with her limited experience. Really, she has no idea what she's doing right now, but as he runs his hands over her body, she can't help but think that she's doing it right.

It's all instinct, really, but Helen keeps at it, too lost in the music and the motions now, too lost in her act to remember that it IS an act. In the end, she strips completely naked for her nemesis' pleasure, grinding her naked cunt down onto his covered crotch quite aggressively, wiggling her hips back and forth and giving him a ferocious sort of grin.

But eventually the song comes to an end, and with the loss of the music, Helen comes back to herself ever so slightly. Really, what IS she doing? Pulling away from the Minotaur, panting and out of breath, Helen licks her lips to wet them, even as she turns to face him, lost for a moment and not sure what to do next. She's standing there in a villain's motel room, completely naked. Now is about the time that she should be getting information out of him… right?

"That was quite the performance, my dear. You've earned your payment… but do you want to earn a bonus this time as well?"

Helen blinks at that. Well, she didn't want this to end quite yet. After all, she hadn't gotten all the information she wanted out of him yet. She hadn't gotten ANY information out of him yet. So, if she wanted to be able to stick around… she needed to keep playing ball. Plastering her biggest smile across her face, Helen bats her eyelashes and practically chirps her answer to him.


Grinning, the Minotaur reaches for her, grabs her… and quite suddenly, before Helen even has a chance to process what's happening, she's on her back, legs spread as far apart as possible, and the biggest cock she's ever seen, let alone felt, is plowing into her unsuspecting cunt. Of course, thanks to her elasticity, and the fact that despite everything, this whole affair WAS arousing, Helen is wet enough and stretchy enough to take the Minotaur's fat cock.

But all the same, she has to check herself quickly, reining in her elasticity so that she doesn't give away her secret identity, even as the Minotaur thrusts in and out of her, groaning and growling in enjoyment. She's… she's being fucked. Being fucked by her arch nemesis. She's being plowed by the man she came here today to arrest!

And she's loving it too. Within moments, Helen's eyes are going crossed and her tongue is sticking straight out of her mouth in sheer ecstasy. The Minotaur responds by meeting her tongue with his and kissing her heatedly, even as he thrusts into her cunt with wild abandon, fucking her like… like he's some beast and she's just a bitch in heat.

Before she knows it, Helen is losing complete control of the situation. Or rather, she lost complete control of the situation the moment she agreed to the 'bonus' because right now, with his massive cock buried in her unresistant quim, Helen is enjoying herself more than she could possibly care to admit. He feels so good inside of her, better than any man she's ever been with… though to be fair, there haven't been that many.

She's still young though, there's still time to find her man… but the Minotaur isn't it. He CAN'T be it. No matter how much she's enjoying his massive member rocking her world and stretching her stretchy insides to their would-be 'limits', Helen can't possibly imagine a life where she and he are together. She's a hero, at the end of the day, and he's a villain.

What she doesn't realize, as the passion and pleasure and everything becomes too much and starts to completely overwhelm her, is that she ends up letting go a bit on her elastic control. She manages to wrap her arms and legs further around the Minotaur's hunky body than any normal woman could have, all to pull his cock deeper into her.

On top of this, because of Helen's particular power set, the Minotaur keeps going. He keeps going and going, because he's used to having to stop when the hooker, he's fucking tells him to. He's no rapist, and he doesn't want to actually hurt anyone, so he usually counts on his bed partners, mostly prostitutes, to tell him when he needs to stop pumping away lest he break something inside of them.

Helen never says a word. In fact, she continues to vocally enjoy his cock and the Minotaur continues to fuck her as a result, both of them getting lost in the throes of passion. All in all, this leads to something interesting… for the first time in his villainous existence, the Minotaur ends up being out-fucked. He plows Helen into unconsciousness, but not without falling unconscious and passing out himself from the sheer amount of plowing he gets to do.

In the end, Helen manages to recover faster, and with enough time to tie the Minotaur up, clean herself up, get her spare costume out of her trunk, and call the cops who arrive to arrest the super powered villain.

Needless to say, it wasn't how Helen wanted to defeat her nemesis. Needless to say, she would have preferred to beat him and see him locked behind bars as the result of a fair fight, of good triumphing over evil. But in the end, justice can be messy, and Helen knows that. It's a lesson she's learned from this encounter in fact, and one she'll take with her going forward.

Regardless, she had to move on. The Minotaur was behind bars, but Elastigirl's heroic career was just beginning.


Helen hums to herself, a smile on her lips as she cleans up around the house, somewhat enjoying the banality of the menial task. Bob, Violet, and Dash are all away for the moment, Bob having taken the kids on a little camping trip. Helen couldn't go, unfortunately, but that's alright, she was going to make sure the house was practically spotless by the time they got back.

It had been just a few months since everything had happened with Syndrome, and a couple weeks since the Underminer had burst out of Main Street. Public perception towards heroes had been slowly shifting in a positive direction. The Incredibles, as their family team had been labeled in the press, were actually getting a lot of praise and what not for their quick reaction to the Underminer's attack.

Maybe… just maybe there was a place in this world for superheroes after all. Especially if supervillains kept trying to crop up out of the woodworks like they'd started to…

As Helen putters around the house, she keeps the television on in the background, listening to the early afternoon news cycle play out. Nothing too exciting, of course, but given that superpowered individuals were dominating the news cycle again, there was this segment on reformed villains that the news station was apparently running. Helen has been listening to it with half an ear when she hears a name, she never thought she'd hear again.

"Our next reformed villain is none other then The Minotaur himself. And if you've ever seen him, you know why they call him the Minotaur!"

It takes a moment for the name of her very first archnemesis to permeate through Helen's thoughts and hit her like a lightning bolt, but once it does, she's quickly in front of the TV, sitting on the couch practically glued to the screen as she watches the expose on The Minotaur with wide eyes.

As it so happens, after doing his time in the slammer, the Minotaur had gotten out and apparently used some of the money he'd squirreled away to move to Mexico and buy an agave farm. The fact that his money was likely stolen or received through ill-gotten means is glossed over for the sake of the expose. After all, if the police (or Helen herself) couldn't locate all of his hidden cash, then the prevailing public opinion was that he was entitled to it, apparently.

Regardless, with the agave farm he bought, he'd turned out multiple products, the best seller of which was tequila, of course. Using business sense that Helen hadn't known the Minotaur had, he'd managed to expand from one agave farm to a series of agave farms and ended up pretty damn wealthy as a result. Given his stature, and his past as a supervillain, it seemed like no one from the Mexican Cartels had come a-knocking for a piece of the action, leaving him all the more secure in his legitimate business' expansion.

Helen learns all of this from the news expose on the Minotaur… and she learns quite a bit of it from the Minotaur's own mouth. There are multiple interview excerpts with the Minotaur, one of the news station's prettier reporters having gone down and interviewed him personally to find out his story. Seeing him again, seeing him joke and flirt and laugh with that reporter… it leaves Helen feeling undeniably jealous.

More than that, seeming the Minotaur again leaves Helen feeling things that she hasn't felt in a long, long time. That night in the seedy motel room… she's spent the last two decades doing her best to suppress her memories of that night. It wasn't her best moment, that's for sure… she'd really let things get out of hand there, and it was only thanks to her elasticity that she'd managed to ultimately outlast the Minotaur and take him down in the end.

She shouldn't have fucked him to begin with… or rather, she shouldn't have let HIM fuck her like she had. She'd… she'd played the part of a stripper whore that night, and while going undercover to take down a bad guy was a perfectly reasonable tactic, letting it go as far as it had was definitely a lot more questionable.

No one knew, either, not even him. As far as the Minotaur was concerned, he'd fucked a whore so hard he'd passed out, only to wake up in chains and shackles as Elastigirl turned him over to the police. After all, if he'd managed to connect the whore to Elastigirl, Helen is sure that he would have told everyone that he'd fucked Elastigirl that night. Which meant he'd never figured it out, never noticed that she'd been using more and more of her powers to keep up with him by the time they'd both passed out.

He didn't know… but she did. And now here she was again, pining over him, staring at his visage on the television screen. With a start, Helen realizes that she's paused the news report on the very last image of his face, completely by instinct. The expose was about to end, and she'd made sure that she wouldn't have to stop looking at his muscular body for even a second.

Flushing in shame, the MILF shakes her head, tearing her gaze off of the screen and unpausing it so that it goes back to its normal programming. But even with the expose over and done with, she can't get him out of her head. She needs… she needs closure. She needs a satisfying conclusion, because what they got, her only capturing him after they fucked each other unconscious… that never truly satisfied or fulfilled her. At least, not in a non-sexual way.

And… and really, what were the chances that he was actually on the straight and narrow now? What were the chances that he was actually engaged in some criminal activity even now? She could bust him… she could get him locked up again, and this time she'd beat him in combat, with twenty more years under her belt she'd take him down the right way, rather than by using her body and sex.

Biting her lower lip, Helen abruptly stands up and begins to move, starting the motions of getting things together for a trip. For a brief moment, she contemplates letting her family know where she's going… but no. No, she has to do this alone. This… this isn't about them. This is about her, and they never need to know about it.

But she is coming back. She's definitely coming back. In the end, Helen prepares for her trip and ultimately leaves a note telling Bob and the children that an old friend asked her for some help and that she'd be gone for a week. Her husband and kids were due back from their camping trip in two days… more than enough time for Helen to make her way down to Mexico discretely, and then she'd just find out what the Minotaur was REALLY up to and arrest him and get back home within a week.

It was going to be fine… she was sure of it.


Time flies when you're dealing with the anxiety of confronting the only man you've fucked besides your husband, it seems. Before Helen even knows it, she's standing in front of the Minotaur's rather large mansion, wondering just what the hell she's doing. She's… she's not even in costume, just standing there as Helen Parr, the middle-aged housewife, though thanks to her powers her body has held up exceptionally well.

Regardless, she knows she should leave, she shouldn't be here like this, she should either investigate as Elastigirl, or go back to Bob and the kids. There's absolutely no reason that the Minotaur should ever meet Helen Parr… no reason at all.

And yet, just as she's trying to figure out what to do, just as she's standing there fidgeting incessantly, the large front door to the mansion swings open and the Minotaur himself stands there in all of his bare-chested, animalistic, muscular glory, looking down at her with his beady black eyes. Helen's heart pounds in her chest, and her traitorous mind can't help but bring back all of those memories she's tries so hard to push deep down inside of her.

Like a tea kettle overboiling, she finds herself fantasizing about their time together twenty years ago. She never… she never admitted it to herself, but the Minotaur… he was stronger than Bob. It was Bob's whole thing, being a strong man, and thanks to Helen's elasticity, he could really go all out when they fucked. But not only was the Minotaur's cock bigger than Bob's, the Minotaur himself was stronger.

Bob… had she really just been settling for a pale imitation of the man she really wanted all along? Had she settled and had two kids solely because her true love w-was in the slammer, t-thanks to her? Helen flushes with shame and arousal, fidgeting as the Minotaur looks at her, clearly reading her face with ease. As she tries to figure out what to say, he grunts and finally speaks up.

"It's pretty late. No taxis are going to come around here at this time of night… you can come in and stay in one of the guest rooms until tomorrow."

Before Helen even really knows what she's doing, she's nodding along and following him inside. She puts her stuff in the guest room she's directed to, and then joins the Minotaur for a quiet dinner. It's about halfway through dinner that she has a realization… he remembers her. Oh, not as Helen Parr… but as the whore he fucked before his incarceration twenty years previous. She was… well, she was older now, but she hadn't changed all that much. And he did seem like a fairly smart cookie.

So, he thought she was a whore that had fucked him one night and then tracked him all the way down here. Maybe he thought she was going to reveal he'd knocked her up or something. He hadn't, of course, but perhaps that's why he was treating her kindly, in case she revealed there was a twenty year old kid of his somewhere out there.

Dinner finishes up without a word, and the Minotaur leads her to his den, where he pours a drink for the both of them. As he hands it to her, Helen immediately downs the entire thing for the liquid courage it can provide, only to nearly choke and sputter at his next words.

"So… what brings Elastigirl all the way to Mexico, hm?"

Helen goes stock still, slowly bringing the empty glass down from her lips and staring at the Minotaur in disbelief and shock. He just grins in response.

"You didn't think I really didn't know… did you?"

They start talking, and they keep drinking, and Helen finds herself laughing at the Minotaur's quips, even as he explains everything. She was… he was… he knew the entire time, and he held his silence for twenty years, for her sake. He'd realized it while they were fucking, that she was far too elastic… a-and he'd let her capture her, upon realizing just how far she was willing to go.

It was honestly kind of sweet, distinctly romantic… and by the time he offers her his hand with a twinkle in his eye, Helen isn't in a position to say no to his next question.

"Shall we retire to my chambers, my dear?"

The brunette MILF finds herself being led along, not fighting it as she's brought to his bed, as he strips her out of her clothes, as he tosses her down and thrusts into her without a single ounce of foreplay. Not that Helen wants it. Her limbs elongate without restraint this time as she wraps them around his mighty form, and her lips press into his bull snout, even as she moans wantonly from the feel of his massive cock stretching her insides nice and wide, beyond what any normal woman would be able to handle easily.

He fucks her as deep and as hard as he can from that very first thrust on, and Helen truthfully wouldn't have it any other way. She's his… she's always been his. It just took her twenty long years, a marriage to a man she only now realized she didn't truly love, and two children she did actually adore to realize where she belonged. Beneath the Minotaur, getting fucked hard by his big fat cock.

As it so happens, age has been good for both of them. Helen has remained quite fit and beautiful thanks to her powers… while the last twenty years seem to have only made the Minotaur stronger and increased his stamina considerably. Going all out and not having to hold back leaves both of them fucking far past their first time, far harder than their first time too. The Minotaur doesn't let up for even a moment… and Helen handles him longer than she had previously without passing out.

They fuck in a mating press first, but soon move positions. The Minotaur takes her in more ways than she can count, from stretching her arms and legs back as he prone bones her, to fucking her standing up both facing him and facing away, to flattening her against a window and then breaking the glass with the outline of his cock pushing out of her flat tummy.

In the end, time loses all meaning, and Helen orgasms more often and more explosively than she has in her entire life, even more so than that night… it's certainly the best sex she's had in the past twenty years. By the time they're both finished and about ready to pass out, Helen has made up her mind. She's right where she belongs, right with who she belongs… and she's never leaving him, ever again.


As for the family Helen has left behind, given that she never does actually come home… in the end, she'd managed to make her plans so secret that no one is able to track her down. No one can figure out where she went after she fell off the grid. After a year or so, Bob has given up all hope, assuming that she's dead or abandoned them. Dash was quick to follow his father's example, idolizing Bob as he did.

But Violet… Violet refused to believe her mother was dead. Everyone else might have given up on Helen Parr, but her daughter was going to find her one day… even if it was the last thing she did.


It's funny how it's only when she's practically given up that she finally finds a lead on her mother's disappearance. Not that Violet Parr ever truly did give up… she never stopped looking. But there was no denying that she'd let her search for her mother take a sort of backseat, the last few years. But then, to be fair, she was pretty sure her mother not only would have understood, she would have wanted it that way.

Now twenty-four years old with a bachelor's degree from university, Violet Parr had a bright future ahead of her, not as a superhero, but as an actual person. It was everything Violet had ever really wanted, truth be told. Well… not everything. Everything would have included her mother being there for the last several years of her life, cheering her on and supporting her in her chosen path.

She knew for a fact that her mom would have been happy with her decision to hang up the spandex and go to uni. Unlike her father, who hadn't been able to understand why Violet would want to be anything but a superhero. But luckily for her, her dad had Dash to latch onto, and Dash in turn latched onto him. They could be the superheroes of the family, along with Jack-Jack. Lord knew his powers were far too numerous and versatile for him to be anything else in life.

But all she did was make force fields and shields and turn invisible. She could step away from it all with a clear conscience. Not that that made a lick of sense to her dad, but he tried his best to be supportive all the same. It just wasn't the same as having her mother there. Her graduation ceremony from university would have been a million times better if only her mom had been there to see her get her degree.

Regardless, Violet now had her entire future ahead of her, job prospect galore… and she was spending time going through the family's garage. That was where she found it, a box hidden in the corner. Opening it, the young woman had found a bunch of her mother's old things, and without hesitating, she'd taken the box back to her apartment to get a better look at what was inside. Neither her dad nor Dash wanted to talk about the missing piece of their family these days, so Violet didn't bother with asking permission.

As she looks over the contents of the box, her brow furrows and her lips purse in modest confusion. Most of it is research done on the part of her mother concerning an old villain, a guy known only as The Minotaur. There's also a location in Mexico mentioned multiple times in her mother's notes, so hopping on her laptop, Violet goes right ahead and looks the place and the Minotaur up.

Much to her surprise, she not only finds out that the Minotaur is apparently a reformed villain who's gone on to become an entirely successful businessman down in Mexico… but also, the place her mother was researching is the same place that produces the brand of Violet's favorite tequila. Stiffening in shock, the young woman immediately leaps up onto her feet and crosses the room in a second, making her way to her kitchen where she grabs a bottle of said tequila.

There on the label, as plain as day, is an artistic drawing of a scantily clad brunette. Violet had seen the piece of art many times, never really thinking much of it. She'd been introduced to this tequila brand at a party and upon liking it quite a lot, she'd gotten the name from a friend and gone on to buy it on the regular for herself. The art on the bottle had always just been that to her, a piece of art. It was entirely neutral in Violet's opinion, she wasn't offended by the objectification of the woman, mainly because she knew that it was just business at the end of the day. She'd never been some sort of raging feminist or anything like that.

And yet, now that she's looking at the bottle's artwork, staring into the smiling face of the scantily clad brunette on the label… Violet recognizes her. She recognizes the woman that the art is depicting, even though she wishes she didn't. It's her mother, after all, and no daughter should ever see their mother looking like a whore, even if it's an artist's rendition rather than an actual photograph.

Flushed but also somewhat excited to have run into the first lead she'd found in years, Violet doesn't even think of telling the others about what she's discovered. Her dad doesn't want to hear about her mom, Dash doesn't want to hear about their mom… and Jack-Jack was too young to even remember their mom. In the end, Violet knows she has to do this alone, so she makes travel arrangements to the location in Mexico and finds herself on a flight down south the very next day.

Within two days, Violet finds herself standing outside of a very rustic but also very rich-looking home. Not sure what she's expecting to discover, but also knowing she can't turn back now, the young woman reaches forward and knocks on the door, none of her past teenage awkwardness left in her. She'd had to grow up pretty damn fast after losing her mom… Violet isn't the same girl she once was.

Still, even she's not expecting for the door to be answered by her mom, in the flesh, looking like she's barely aged a day thanks to her elasticity powers. Nor is she expecting Helen Parr to be holding a two year old in her arms. Both women freeze up at the sight of each other, equally surprised and shocked as they stare into one another's eyes for the first time in the better part of a decade.

Violet isn't sure what to do or say, she can't even rush forward and give her mom a hug because Helen's arms are full. She's almost ready to just go invisible and run when Helen finally recovers from her own stupor and clears her throat, stepping aside.

"… You should come in."

And so Violet does, not willing to turn her back on this just yet, needing to know… everything.


They talk late into the night, catching up with one another in a real way. Violet learns that her mother, who she'd always looked up to as an idol and role model… probably wasn't the best of either of those things. Her mother hadn't been kidnapped or anything like that… she'd chosen to leave them behind and startled a whole new family with the man who owned this land and quite a few farms like it… the Minotaur.

Violet had yet to see this 'Minotaur' in question, but she certainly couldn't help but feel a certain way towards him. Honestly though, her anger and raw emotions were sort of off-set by just how good it was to see her mom again. After putting the two year old down for a nap, Helen had given Violet the entirety of her attention.

They'd been talking for hours now, and the sun had long since set by the time Violet finally works up the courage to ask the question that's been running through her mind all day long.

"M-Mom… why… why did you abandon us?"

A mix of complicated emotions spreads across Helen's face, and her nostrils flare as she looks to the side for a moment. Then, she stands up and offers Violet a hand.

"Follow me."

In for a penny, in for a pound she supposes. Violet takes her mother's hand and lets Helen lead her through the great big villa. Eventually, they come to what can only be called a master bedroom, with how big and opulent it is, the massive custom four poster canopy bed in the center of the room dominating the space. There… the Minotaur is waiting for them both.

Laying eyes upon the one who stole her mother away from her, Violet is expecting to feel anger, righteous anger at that… but all of her rage just sort of melts away when she finally looks at him. He's… magnificent, truth be told. Awe-inspiring in the most base and primal manner, if she was pressed. Standing there in nothing but a pair of pants, the Minotaur looks upon both of them in silence, his broad chest and muscular arms on full display.

Her mother's hands are suddenly on her, Helen's lips on Violet's neck for a moment before she murmurs into her ear.

"This is why I left, Violet. He's why I left… but it's so much more than that. It can't be explained in mere words… it has to be experienced."

Violet bites her lower lip, and all that confidence she thought she had before is gone in a split second, even as all the shyness and awkwardness she thought she'd dispelled years ago comes back and full force. She doesn't fight her mother, even as Helen slowly strips her daughter down. When the Minotaur reaches down and unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling them down his legs, Violet can only stare at the big… fat… cock that unfurls from betwixt his thighs.

Before she can even truly process what's happening, Violet is on her back, her mother holding her head in her lap as they both lay on the bed, the Minotaur climbing on to join them. The bed certainly shifts under his weight, but it's clearly made to support him in his entirety, as he moves into position and slaps his massive bull cock down across Violet's wet slit and abdomen, showing her right then and there just how deep inside of her he might be able to get.

She can't believe she's even entertaining this… but she wants to know. She wants it more than she can possibly say, despite just meeting this beast of a man mere minutes before. She wants to experience what her mother experienced, wants to find out just why her mother left them behind for him, for the chance to start a family with him.

Slowly, the Minotaur draws his cock back until the head of his bulbous member is pressing against Violet's lower lips. The young woman's breath hitches for a moment as she watches him tease her opening briefly. And then he's inside of her. No further warning, no way of preparing herself anymore for the penetration then she already was. Truth be told, as he splits her open and fills her with his absolutely massive cock, Violet isn't entirely sure there WAS a way to be prepared for the sheer size of the beastly man.

… Not unless you were elastic. For a heart-stopping moment, Violet wonders if her mother has sent her to her death. Surely Helen wouldn't think that Violet could handle the cock that her mother's elastic body had been handling for the better part of a decade now? But no, as it turns out, the Minotaur knows how to control his strength. He's not just some mindless animal after all, he's a man, a businessman at that… he knows self-control.

He also knows how to give a woman a good time, that's for sure. Violet's back arches and the young woman lets out a wanton moan even as her mother smiles encouragingly down at her, running her hands through her firstborn's hair. Without even meaning to, Violet makes her crotch invisible, showing the Minotaur just how deep he is inside of her… and revealing the cervix that he's crashing up against even now, bottoming out without fully penetrating her womb.

This only spurs him on, in the end, and soon Violet is orgasming as she screams in ecstatic joy, her climaxes coming one after the other, each as explosive and mind-blowing as the last, while the Minotaur bashes through her cervix altogether and penetrates her most sacred of places, fucking her womb with every single thrust after that.

By the time he cums inside of her who knows how long later, Violet's eyes are glazed over with bliss and her face is bright red, flushed with pleasure. She lays there moaning in her mother's lap, having finally realized just why Helen left them… and truth be told, the young brilliant woman with such a bright future ahead of her… couldn't find a single fault with her mother's decision making.


Years later, a twenty-one year old Dash is doing what he does best… speeding through life. In this case, Dash is dashing through the back of a seven-eleven rather excitedly, as this is the first time in his life that he can buy alcohol legally, now that he's of age. As he looks to buy his first bottle of alcohol, the young blond speedster zips between glass doors, opening them and checking every bottle within in a split second, eyeing the brands for maybe half a millisecond before putting them back just as fast and moving on.

Only for maybe one moment does the speedster slow down. Instead of half a millisecond, he spends an entire half a second looking at a bottle of tequila. Mostly because he's a bit of a horndog, and the label on the bottle has two scantily clad women on it, both quite beautiful in their whorish attire. But Dash doesn't have the information his sister did, all those years back. And truth be told, he lives his life too fast to spend all that much time grieving over either his missing mom or his missing sister. Sure, he shed a few tears for both… but then he moved on.

Just like he moves on from the bottle of tequila, ultimately, putting it back down and continuing his speedy inspection of the seven-eleven's entire stock of alcohol. His dad had always told him that tequila was shit and Dash always listened to his dad. In the end, the young man settles for a bottle of whiskey, knowing that he could easily get his father to share some of it with him.

As he heads up to the counter to pay for his purchase and get carded, a confident smile on his face and his chest puffed out, the bottle, or rather bottles of tequila all bearing the artistic renditions of his mother and sister dressed like scantily clad whores remain on the cooled shelf behind the glass door of the store fridge, innocuous and unnoticed.

In the end, everyone was happy. Bob might have been sad for a while, but he threw himself back into superheroing, got back into shape… and ultimately found that life as a superpowered widower was filled with thirsty fans. Dash, meanwhile, had all of that as well as his youth, and was excited for what the future held. Jack-Jack was learning to control his powers while also growing up under the care of his father and brother.

Meanwhile, Helen and Violet… were both quite content, feeling like they were right where they belonged. All was well that ended well.


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