Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Lady Killer Overlord (Disgaea)

The Lady Killer Overlord (Disgaea)

A/N: The Lady Killer Overlord was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an AU where Laharl never goes back to being a guy, Etna and Flonne get fed up with her teasing them about their flat chests. So they arrange for some payback... but it really doesn't go according to plan. Maybe... maybe that's alright?

Themes: Genderbending, Breeding, Rough Sex


"Ah, the one they call Laharl. You are as beautiful as you are brash. The stories they tell of you must be true."

"O-Oh yeah? What kind of stories do they tell of me, huh?"

"Heh. Only the best ones."

Etna and Flonne, currently eavesdropping on this particular conversation, share a glance of horror before both pulling back from their spot spying on the meeting between Laharl and the other Overlord… a man simply known as the 'Lady Killer Overlord'.

"F-Flonne! This isn't how this is supposed to go! Laharl sounds… Laharl actually sounds interested!"

"I k-know… but what are WE supposed to do?!"

The two young women can only squirm and stare at one another faintly as they realize there's nothing they CAN do at this point. After all, this is all because of them in the first place…

To be fair, they had their reasons for arranging this meeting. And really, they were very good reasons too! It'd all started when Laharl hadn't quite been able to turn back to male after everything that had happened. In the end, he, or rather SHE, had apparently decided she was never meant to be a guy and had given up on trying to change back. Ultimately, she hadn't even really had to learn to live with being a girl. It was like she was MEANT to be a girl from the very beginning.

Neither Etna nor Flonne had any issue with this on a purely rational basis. On paper, it sounded great! Laharl would be a girl, just like them, as well as their Overlord, and that would be just fine! Great even! There were plenty of female Overlords out there, so it wasn't like it was that big of a deal, right?

Well, wrong. Because when you got down to the nitty-gritty details of it, it turned out that Laharl being a girl was… somewhat frustrating for both Etna and Flonne for one specific reason. Namely, Laharl as a woman was much more buxom and filled out then either of them, with a large chest and a fat ass and just… all of the curves that neither Etna nor Flonne had ever been able to lay claim to.

That in itself also wouldn't have been a problem, except Laharl was Laharl, which meant she was using her big tits to make fun of Etna and Flonne's flat chests from practically day one! And because she was around their same height, her tits made her look even bigger, leaving her the epitome of the phrase 'Short Stack' and just absurdly sexy in every way Etna and Flonne WISHED they were.

Not to mention despite being barely four and a half feet tall, she had these gorgeous long legs that made her seem taller, along with her presence as an Overlord, which made her feel larger than life at times.

All that was to say… Etna and Flonne had done what they'd done in self-defense! They'd secretly invited another Overlord to their Netherworld purely to try and pay Laharl back just a little bit! Rumors of this other Overlord had been making the rounds in recent times. Everyone was talking about him, though they never called him by a name, they just called him the Lady Killer Overlord, or simply Ladykiller.

He'd become known for his incredible skills of seduction, and even began amassing a harem of female Overlords as a result! There were even rumors that he'd managed to woo and seduce the infamous Demon Hunter turned Demon Overlord Priere, as well as the Oracle Pram! Now, neither Etna nor Flonne had put too much stock in the more outlandish rumors. A full-blown harem of female Overlords? Pfft, yeah right!

And even if it WERE true, they were both confident that Laharl would definitely not be interested in such a thing. Their plan was a simple one. Have this Overlord show up, seemingly uninvited, have his smarmy smugness make Laharl uncomfortable as he tried to flirt and seduce her… and then ultimately, have Laharl beat him up and send him running.

It was a good plan! And totally fine payback for all the teasing Laharl had been doing of them and their pesky mosquito bite titties! But this…

Wordlessly, the two demon girls lean forward again, returning to their spying. To their great disbelief, things are worse than they had initially imagined! Laharl's hair antenna are unconsciously twisting into hearts above her head, making her interest in the Ladykiller quite obvious to the male Overlord, even if the female Overlord is trying to play it cool… for all that Laharl's 'playing it cool' is more like blaring her desire for all to see, including the man in front of her.

"I see now that the stories haven't really done you justice, my dear. You're even more vivacious and vibrant a soul than anyone has said."

Even Etna and Flonne both blush at that. He really does know how to sweettalk, and there's… there's just something to him. This almost animalistic magnetism that neither of the flat-chested demon girls can possibly ignore. It's not even directed at them, Ladykiller doesn't even know they're there, watching the whole thing… and yet, both of them are rubbing their thighs together and biting their lower lips as they blush crimson.

Laharl, meanwhile… well, Laharl does what Laharl does best.


She'd never been the patient sort, that's for sure. And there was just something so… desirable about the hunky handsome Mysterious Overlord who'd shown up in her domain out of nowhere. Sure, if he'd been antagonistic or hostile, she would have easily set aside her appreciation for his looks and kicked his ass until he was black and blue.

However, instead he'd been nothing but a gentleman since he arrived, complimenting Laharl in every way imaginable, from her looks to her personality to her intellect. What was a demon girl to do, really? In the end, she finally gives in to her desire and proceeds to leap at the mysterious demon man, glomping him right then and there.


For all that he makes a noise of surprise as she climbs him like a spider monkey, he also seems quite… prepared for her. His hands go up under her legs and grab at her thighs and ass, and he doesn't seem to mind one bit when Laharl mashes her giant tits into his face. She's much smaller than him at only four and a half feet tall, while he's much taller and definitely a hunky beefcake.

That all said, she still climbs him in record time, and as she rubs his face with her tits, he responds by giving her ass a nice hard squeeze and nuzzling her back. Muffled chuckling drifts out from her cleavage, and then his eyes peek up over her breasts as he looks at her, amused, and uses his teeth to tug the bow tying off her incredibly skimpy bikini top together.

The bow unravels and her bountiful breasts bounce free of their confines without another second of hesitation. A moment later, Laharl is gasping and moaning in honest delight as he brings that sweet-talking mouth of his down onto one of her nipples, sucking and slurping at her breast, nibbling and even gnawing a bit at her teat.

Laharl is a Demon Overlord… she can take a little pain, though she's a little surprised and a little impressed that he can even make it hurt with his teeth. He's clearly not trying very hard to harm her or anything, but it speaks to his strength that he's got enough force to his bite to cause her to whimper along with moan.

For her part, the short stack of a female Overlord finds herself humping into his chiseled abs in short order, absolutely loving the feeling of his mouths on her giant titties, and his hands gripping and squeezing her ass cheeks. She doesn't even mind it as he walks them over to a nearby table and chairs and sits himself down in one.

However, when he does sit down, this does result in her being positioned closer to his lap, rather than halfway up his chest as she initially was. As a result, the blue-haired female Overlord very quickly gets a feel for the outline of his erection, the mystery demon's big fat cock pressing up through his pants into her buttocks.

It takes her a moment of shifting back and forth, practically humping his clothed dick, for Laharl to realize what it is… but once she does, she can't help herself. Not only are her hair antenna perpetually in the shape of a heart at this point, but there are also very real hearts in Laharl's eyes as she finally pulls back from his mouth and slips her way off of his lap and down onto the floor.

Not seeming perturbed in the slightest, he just smiles a handsome, mesmerizing smile and spreads his legs a bit more to give her plenty of access. Taking him up on his unspoken offer, Laharl eagerly shuffles into position between his knees, kneeling herself for the first time before another Demon Overlord… and thinking absolutely nothing of it as she hurriedly works open his pants and extracts her prize.

Licking her lips at the big fat cock she finds in his pants, Laharl strokes it a few times enthusiastically before turning her gaze upwards to meet his own amused expression. With a lust-filled growl, she gives him a half-hearted glare.


That gets a chuckle from the Mysterious Overlord, and his eyes twinkle as he gives her a shrug.

"You'll have to take that up with my harem, sweet thing. Still, so long as I'm in your world… I assure you, I'm all yours."

Harem… Laharl's eyes flicker to the side for a moment as she considers his words, before ultimately deciding it's a fair deal. And so, without further ado, she leans up as much as she can and proceeds to wrap her massive tits around his cock. As big as he is, her breasts are also super-sized, and they wrap up his shaft quite expertly, even as Laharl spits into her cleavage to provide lubrication beyond just the trickle of precum that's already exiting his glans.

Up and down she goes, all too excited to show off, to bring him pleasure while seeking her own. A throaty moan leaves her lips as she slides her tits up and down his dick. It's a bit of a secret that she hasn't told anyone… but her breasts have been so very sensitive since she changed and accepted that she was better as a woman than a man. Her big ole titties were always giving her trouble, leaving her nearly cumming from just… from just knocking into things sometimes!

Luckily, it hadn't taken long at all for her to grow accustomed to her new body, but in truth, a lot of her teasing of both Etna and Flonne came from a place of mild jealousy. Not that she wanted a chest as flat as either of them, but it certainly irritated her sometimes that they complained about having washboard chests without understanding that there were some distinct downsides to being buxom and breasty!

That all said, what was usually a downside, now becomes an upside. Laharl can't stop moaning her heart out as she fucks her tits around the male Overlord's cock, really enjoying it, even as she can tell HE'S enjoying it too. He lets out a groan and throws his head back, his hand coming down atop her blue hair. With hearts in her eyes, Laharl just smiles at the somewhat domineering show of affection, not minding it one bit (much to the shock and surprise of a pair of Peeping Tammies hidden nearby).

In the end, it's not long before he's groaning out a warning. One that would normally see Laharl pulling back in disgust… but there's something different about this guy. Something… exciting.

"I'm getting close!"

Rather than pull away to avoid the spray, Laharl does the opposite. She leans in, watching carefully. And then, when his cum begins to bubble up, just an instant before it can full-blown geyser out of his fat cock… she puts her mouth over it. Her cheeks immediately end up puffing out as his load explodes into her mouth, and Laharl finds herself having to swallow to keep it from overflowing.

Still, she manages it well enough, and has to admit, the taste isn't half-bad. Kneeling there with her tits around his shaft and her mouth around the head of his cock, the blue-haired Demon Overlord gulps and gulps until there's nothing left of her fellow Overlord's load. However, just because he's done cumming… doesn't mean he's done with her.

His hands grab her by the waist, and Laharl lets out a somewhat undignified 'eep!' as he suddenly lifts her up and sets her on the edge of the meeting table. She blushes as his cock flops down onto her crotch… which is still unfortunately covered by her pants and belt.

"Well now, this won't do… it's very much in the way."

"Y-Yeah… t-totally~"

Despite her agreement, she still gasps when he reaches down and tears her pants off of her, ripping them straight from her body. She doesn't have longer to consider it however, because this time HE'S taking the initiative and a moment later, his still-hard cock is buried inside of her hungering, gushing twat. Laharl hadn't realized how absurdly wet she was until this moment, as he drives so deep into her slick depths on the first thrust that she cums explosively right on the spot.

To be fair, thanks to the sensitivity of her titties, she'd already been on the razor's edge when it came to orgasming. His first thrust just drives her over it, sending her into an abyss of pleasure she might never escape from. Okay, maybe that's being a little too melodramatic, but Laharl has to admit… it's good. It's really, REALLY good.

Moaning throatily, panting heavily, the female Overlord finds herself experiencing some seriously wild demon sex as her male counterpart proves that he's just as strong and has just as much stamina as she does. Driving in and out of her harsh and fast, he's fucking her… well, he's fucking her like a demon. Luckily, Laharl is a demon too, and easily able to withstand the rough, harsh pace he sets.

However, that doesn't mean she can withstand the pleasure. He gives her quite the pounding, and it leaves her gurgling as her eyes roll around in her skull. And then, because he seems intent on showing her everything he can do, he changes up the position, spinning her over and bending her over the meeting table to fuck her from behind.

One hand grasps and gropes a tit from behind, while the other spanks her ass cheeks, one after the other, until both are bright red.


Laharl can only groan and moan and mewl… well, all of that AND give as good as she gets. She's not some weakling after all. She pushes her hips back into his thrusts with all the force she can muster, causing them to ping pong a little bit until they find a good, proper rhythm. That that rhythm happens to be incredibly rough and fast-paced and does it's job of driving her absolutely wild with pleasure just means they both know what they want and what they want is the same thing.

Again, the position changes so that Laharl is on her side with one leg high in the air and over one of his shoulders and the other planted on the ground. The strange splits she's doing provide him even more access to her body, and the Mysterious Overlord continues to fuck her wildly, roughly, giving her EXACTLY what she needed. She never knew she needed it, not before now… but she certainly wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth, that was for sure.

With her tongue lolling out of her mouth and hearts in her eyes, Laharl cums again and again around her current lover's cock. Is it any wonder then, that she ultimately milks him of his second release? This time his seed explodes into her womb, driving Laharl absolutely wild as she lets out a particularly undignified, wanton squeal.

And then it's over… except both of them know that's not quite right. In a way, it's just beginning. As the two Overlords stare into one another's eyes, they know that nothing will ever be the same again. The moment of mesmerized staring breaks a beat later, and after a second of thought, the male Overlord speaks.

"… I've come to a decision. Rather than have you join my harem as one of my Mistresses… be my Overlady instead."

It's a bit presumptive for him to just assume she's joining his harem no matter what… or maybe not, because Laharl's face splits into the widest, biggest grin anyone who knows her has ever seen, and she giddily nods her head in eager acceptance.

"Yes! Yes, I'll be your Overlady!"

Grinning right back at her, the Lady Killer Overlord cocks his head to the side… and then chuckles.

"Though, I do have one request of you. I want you to become an Idol. You deserve to be admired and beloved by millions, across every Netherworld that falls under my dominion."

Giggling like a love-drunk schoolgirl rather than the badass Demon Overlord she's supposed to be, Laharl cheers and wraps her arms around his arm.

"Sure! I'll become the Ultimate Idol Laharl-chan, just for you hubby!"

She then proceeds to push her lips against his and her tongue into his mouth. Something he happily reciprocates as he slides a hand down to her ass and greedily gropes it. Needless to say, things rapidly escalate into another round of wild demon sex from there. And given their mutual vitality, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that any sex between them was of the BREEDING variety.


Meanwhile, from their hiding spot, both Etna and Flonne share a look. It's not quite a look of horror, but there's certainly a smidgen of horror in there, along with a dozen other emotions at least, all vying for supremacy. The two flat-chested demon girls are blushing from ear to ear, from forehead to chest, and the only thing keeping them from whimpering is their need for secrecy.

Both can read the words they'd want to say in each other's faces, however. It's as plain as day, for all that their emotions are in tumult and neither is sure how to feel about what's happened. Still, they're both as… affected by the Lady Killer Overlord as Laharl was, for all that they were removed from the situation. Their thoughts were thus unified on the matter ultimately and could be summed up like this.

"What have we done… and how can we join up?"


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