Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Final Test (Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey)

The Final Test (Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey)

A/N: The Final Test was a commissioned one-shot written back in April of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: Kassandra has done all that Diona asked of her... and now she just has one final challenge to overcome, it seems. Can she manage it?

Themes: Rough Sex, Exhibitionism, Fucked Silly


"Well done, Kassandra. You have done all I have asked of you. Now, there is only one final challenge that you must overcome, before you will be admitted into the Order of Aphrodite."

Kassandra's back straightens imperceptibly at that, her shoulders squaring as the Spartan looks into Diona's eyes. Finally, she was getting somewhere. The Priestess of Aphrodite that she'd spent this last little while befriending, Diona of Kythera, was going to be Kassandra's in to learning more about the Cult of Kosmos… the cult that had torn her family asunder.

To that end, Kassandra had been working for Diona for a while now, completing this task and that challenge. She'd proved herself to the Priestess several times over, in her own mind… but Diona was a hard woman to please. Still, it seemed she had finally managed to make the Priestess trust her. Just one final test, and then she'd be able to get what she really came to Diona for. Though… part of her is still slightly trepidatious. Perhaps even cautious.

"What exactly will this final challenge entail, Priestess?"

Diona just smiles.

"You will understand, when the time is right. I will send someone for you later tonight. Do not bring your armor or weapons… you will only need yourself for this trial. If you can successfully pass it, you will be one of us, your journey over."

That all just plain reeks of subterfuge. And yet, Kassandra can guess what the test might be. Diona IS a follower of Aphrodite after all. A challenge that does not require her weapons or her armor? This will be a trial of a more carnal nature then the tasks she's been accomplishing for Diona so far. It makes sense… and truthfully Kassandra isn't exactly afraid of the idea of sex. She's done so much to get this far already, why would sex be the deal breaker?

Bowing her head, the Spartan acquiesces.

"As you say, Priestess. I will go and prepare myself."

Diona just smiles and nods as Kassandra departs, the latter's mind whirling with images of what tonight might entail.


Later that evening, someone comes for her, just as the Priestess of Aphrodite had said they would. And just as she's been told, Kassandra leaves behind her weapons and armor for the evening, dressing in little more than a form-fitting tunic that accentuates the warrior woman's athletic figure, but also her feminine curves.

In the end, she's not led to the Temple, nor any place she knows to be tied to the temple. She's led somewhere hidden instead, a room deep underground, but one well-furnished. There, the guide Diona has sent to bring her along holds out a golden mask.

"You must relieve yourself of your clothing. Strip till you wear nothing, and then don this mask before entering the next room."

Kassandra doesn't let any of her indecision show on her face. She certainly doesn't bite her lower lip or anything as weak as that. Still, there's a part of her that thrums with nervousness, even if this is pretty much exactly what she expected. Half-knowing it was coming was one thing, actually going along with it was another.

But in the end, the Spartan doesn't hesitate for more than a second at most, before giving a simple nod and removing her clothing. To be fair, she has nothing to be ashamed of. Her body is a chiseled work of art, the perfect combination of muscle and femininity. She is a warrior, but she is also a woman… and judging by the way her guide tries to surreptitiously eye her up and down, she has a new admirer as well.

Taking the golden mask from her guide, Kassandra slips it over her head and squares her shoulders before moving into the room beyond with a determined stride. What she finds can only be described as an orgy of flesh and pleasure. All over the room, there are masked men and women, all of them entirely naked.

However, something Kassandra immediately notices is that only she has a golden mask… no, actually that's not quite true. In the center of the chamber, on a raised platform, stands the blackest man she's ever seen, his skin almost like that of night, even darker than charcoal. He stands there, wearing nothing at all… save for a golden bull mask upon his face.

He has, without a doubt, the largest phallus that Kassandra has ever laid eyes upon, and it's not even hard right now, simply hanging soft between his powerful-looking thighs as he stands there, corded arms crossed over his chest, legs a few hand-lengths apart. He and Kassandra are the only two people in the room wearing golden masks, and the moment she enters, his eyes fall upon her. The rest of the room, all of them wearing cheaper black masks, stop what they're doing as well, though it takes a sharp clap from a woman who can only be Diona to bring every part of the moving, undulating orgy to a grinding halt.

Like everyone else, Diona of Kythera is naked and masked. But her blonde hair and the way she moves is a dead giveaway to a trained soldier like Kassandra… but then, there's also the simple fact that when she finally speaks, having stepped out of the throng of people, Kassandra recognizes the Priestess of Aphrodite's voice. Raising her hands and spreading them, Diona gestures to both Kassandra and the dark-skinned man in the bull mask.

"Our second guest of honor has arrived for the evening. Tonight, these two will share their passions, sacrificing their lust and their love as a tribute to the Goddess Aphrodite. This tribute is a reminder that our Goddess recognizes nothing of us but our love, nothing of us but our passion. May these two be joined under the eyes of Aphrodite."

It's as much a 'go on and get up there' as Kassandra is going to get, she quickly realizes. So, in the end, the Spartan, reluctant at first, steels herself nonetheless and steps up onto the platform. In a moment, the powerfully built black man has her by the arm, moving faster than she would have thought possible for someone of his size and stature. Kassandra's first instinct is to resist, and for a moment they stand, deadlocked, staring at each other through the eyeholes of their respective masks.

She gives in at the same moment he applies more of his considerable strength to the pull, and as a result, they crash together, Kassandra slamming into his chest, which feels like it could be made of granite, even as he slams his lips into hers. The golden masks they wear only cover the top halves of their faces, leaving their mouths quite accessible… but then of course, it wouldn't be a tribute to Aphrodite without passionate kissing, would it?

This dry thought of Kassandra's doesn't last for long before it's replaced by mild astonishment at just how good of a kisser the masked man turns out to be. She would have taken him for a brute, the kind to just pin her down and take her violently, without any concern about her own welfare. But while he is certainly a bit rough with her, she gets the impression that its because he recognizes a fellow warrior in her, and thus knows she can take it.

On top of that, his kissing technique is far from subpar like she was expecting. His lips smash against hers in a display of dominance and a demand for submission, but even still, the way he plies her mouth open, his tongue slipping into it to begin wrestling with her own tongue in yet another show of force… is somewhat intoxicating. Kassandra doesn't quite melt, she's got too many hard edges for that sort of reaction, both physically and metaphorically… but she does relax, just a tad, as the two of them makeout up there on the raised dais.

All around them, those watching soon stop watching. That isn't to say there isn't always dozens of pairs of eyes on them, but as they embrace and kiss, the orgy gets back into full swing, those with black masks falling upon each other with lust and love and passion, performing their own tribute to Aphrodite, perhaps. It's an intensely lewd and debauched experience for Kassandra… and they haven't even truly gotten started yet.

After a time, having apparently decided she's been made pliable enough by their kissing, the black man in the golden bull mask draws back from her lips, taking her by the hand and leading her back a few steps, to where a pile of pillows and blankets and other soft bedding awaits them atop the raised platform.

He lays down and brings her with him… only to surprise her when he flips her around, spinning her about and grabbing her by her firm, toned buttocks. He yanks her down onto his face without fanfare, and Kassandra doesn't even get a chance to process what's happening before she finds herself sitting on the lower half of the muscular man's face, his mouth and tongue immediately going to work on her cunt.

No man has ever engaged in cunnilingus with her before. Kassandra is no blushing maiden, no pure virgin to be completely unaware of the pleasures of sex. However, oral has not been something that she's ever performed or had performed upon her. This right here has put her on the back foot, leaving her somewhat confused and unsure of herself as she instinctively grinds and gyrates across the man's lower face and skilled tongue.

Said tongue slides across her labia, playing with her clit before pushing deep into her quim. She was somewhat dry before, not even really moist, considering this more of a duty than anything else… but now here she is, getting wetter by the second. A soft moan leaves her lips as she arches her back, followed by Kassandra slumping forward, having to catch herself upon the musclebound, dark-skinned man's pecs.

This in turn brings her face to face with his cock. Kassandra's eyes widen in surprise, because at some point between her stepping up onto the raised platform and them laying down like this… the man has become erect. His massive member has grown in size and thickness and hardness, and now stands at full mast before her eyes.

Licking her lips, Kassandra catches sight of something out of the corner of her eye. Not movement, because there's actually movement all around them at this point, the undulating flesh of numerous bodies making love to one another making movement something of a norm. But the lack of movement amidst all of those bodies is enough to cause her to look over, where Diona is watching her with a smile on her face.

It's obvious what the Priestess expects of her, obvious what they all expect of her. She's sat upon this man's face, riding his tongue as he does things with that flexible mouth muscle of his that some lesser men have not even been able to do with their wimpy little cocks in the past. It's only right that she reciprocate, isn't it? It's only just that she return the favor…

Slowly, Kassandra reaches forward and grabs onto the man's massive black member. His pitch black length throbs and pulses in her hands, almost seeming like it's own entity, a living breathing thing that Kassandra has to deal with. But not in her usual way, she's unarmed after all. Instead, leaning her head forward, the Spartan opens wide and places her lips over just the glans of his gigantic cock first.

She licks at it experimentally, only to rear back in surprise when a bit of precum is her reward for her initiative. It gets in her mouth, and her instinctive reaction is disgust… but then his tongue reminds her of how good he's making her feel right now, and to Kassandra's surprise… the salty, sticky fluid truly doesn't taste all that bad.

Leaning forward once more, Kassandra takes the cockhead back between her lips and begins sucking once more. It is… not a particularly terrible experience. In fact, the more that he licks at her cunt and the more of his salty precum that she manages to extract, the more Kassandra herself begins to get into it. Part of her wonders if this is the power of Aphrodite flowing through them, this tribute drawing the attention of the Goddess and causing her to bless them both with lust.

But no, deep down inside, Kassandra knows better than to try to hide behind the gods. This is more than likely all her, the Spartan's own desires beginning to overwhelm her good sense. Still, she came here tonight to have sex, did she not? She was quite confident that the Priestess of Aphrodite intended her final test to be a carnal one, and she has so far turned out to be completely right.

So, that all said… Kassandra allows herself to lose control, just a little bit. Her hands grip and stroke at the massive black cock before her, and she sucks at the tip for a bit before trying to take him further. His tongue is deeper inside of her then ever before at this point after all, so really, she's just doing her best to return the favor, trying to give back to him what he's already given her.

The pleasure continues to build, for both of them. Kassandra is a little disappointed in herself when she cums first, but by the time he's extracted her third orgasm from her, her pussy juices flowing into his mouth without his tongue ever missing a beat, the Spartan woman has accepted the simple fact that he's simply better at oral than she is. Or perhaps it simply takes a lot longer for a man with a cock as big as his to cum.

Certainly, the men that she's lain with before have never lasted this long, but then, they were dealing with her tight, gripping cunt, not her inexperienced hands, mouth, and tongue. It's no matter, Kassandra simply picks up the pace, her enthusiasm growing as she works harder, her determination firming up and crystalizing into resolve as she endeavors to bring the man with the pitch black skin and the golden bull mask to completion.

Her efforts are rewarded at the same exact time as he manages to extract her fourth orgasm from her. Kassandra's lashes flutter and her eyes threaten to roll back in her skull, even as her entire body shudders and spasms atop him. At the same time, she moans quite wantonly around the cockhead in between her lips, resulting in sending him over the edge, apparently, because the next thing she knows, she has a mouthful of cum… and then some.

The Spartan does her best to try and swallows his seed, once she realizes it's coming, but in the end there's no keeping up with it. In the end, she finds herself pushed back by the sheer volume of cum releasing at high pressure from his hose of a cock, and in the end, after swallowing a third of his load, the other two thirds end up coating her front, from her hair to her mask to her mouth and chest. He covers her in his spunk, a truly prodigious amount that once again has her wondering if Aphrodite herself has blessed their union, or this really is just a man amongst men.

When he begins to sit up, she finds herself dislodged from his face. Unlike when he first grabbed her at the start of all of this, Kassandra is a lot less resistance this time around, as he begins to manhandle her again, his strong hands grabbing at her firm but still feminine body as the warrior woman, her upper half still coated and dripping with his cum, gasps for breath.

Beneath the sticky white ejaculate covering her features, beneath the mask that she still wears under his cum load, Kassandra can feel the heat on her cheeks, and it's not just from his hot cum. She's flushed and flustered, panting breathlessly not just because she's out of breath, but because she's filled with lust and arousal. His tongue in her cunt had felt better than the cock of any man she'd ever laid with before him, but now… now she wants more… and she's going to get it, too.

He puts her on her hands and knees, and Kassandra lets him, the gorgeous Spartan woman arching her back in anticipation of what is to come, tilting her head up and lifting her hips and her toned, athletic ass. In response, he grabs her by her hips and moves into position behind her, kneeling there on the raised platform, his cock suddenly at her entrance, pressing against her folds, the glans of his massive member rubbing across her labia.

He's going to fuck her… she knew that already, but once again, knowing it and experiencing it are two very different things. She could barely get a few inches of his member into her mouth, forced to work over the rest of his shaft with her hands… how the hell was she going to fit him inside of her body? Luckily, her cunt is quite wet, sopping even by this point, so at the very least one part of her is ready for the impending invasion.

There's a pause, and Kassandra is suddenly acutely aware of the eyes of everyone else in the room on her and her lover once again. The orgy has stopped mid-motion once more, all of them staring up at her and him, her with her cum-covered front, and him with his cockhead at her entrance. It's a moment that feels almost like it stretches into eternity, the silence maddening. In the end, Kassandra is the one to break it, letting out a lust-filled growl.

"Get on with it, already!"

And to her relief, he does as he's told. He thrusts into her, much to the murmuring satisfaction of their watchers… and of course, more importantly, Kassandra's own immense satisfaction. It hurts a little, at first. The very first thrust is deeper then anything she's ever felt before, and the dark-skinned man with his massive member splits her open wider than she's ever been stretched.

But she's already quite wet, their foreplay resulting in a body that's already had a light workout and all its stretches, the thinnest layer of sweat spread across her form, giving her an almost glistening effect… where she's not outright covered in his cum, of course. Regardless, he pulls back and then thrusts back in again, and then he's fucking her for real, slamming into her from behind and filling her with more and more of his phallus with every thrust.

That first time… the one where he went deeper and stretched her out more than any man had ever done before… Kassandra quickly realizes that was perhaps half, or even maybe less than half of his full size. She comes to understand this quite quickly, because he's holding onto her by her hips and pushing more and more of himself into her as he plows her from behind. The Spartan woman can only clutch at the blankets beneath them both and endeavor to endure it, taking his cock as she cries out and groans and moans, her head eventually hanging forward.

He doesn't let that go on for very long though, one of his hands leaving her hips eventually, in order to reach out and grabs her by her hair, forcibly pulling her head back with his powerful grip and causing her spine to arch all over again. All around them, the orgy has once again restarted, the lustful desires of the men and women in their own masks and nothing else being seen to by one another.

But even though she's able to see them, they're little more than background noise for her at this point. Her world is shrinking, her entire existence withdrawing to a pinpoint, until it's just her and this man she doesn't even know, this stranger with his big black cock. He plows Kassandra with all his might, railing her from behind. It doesn't take long for her to cum along his shaft, but that only seems to spur him on to further and greater heights.

A growl leaves his throat, followed by a snarl, and she begins to wonder if she's inadvertently laid with a beast instead of a man. The way in which he's taking her makes her feel like a beast as well, a bitch in heat, being broken down and fucked silly by this man and his massive member. He's so large inside of her, and honestly… she wants it. She wants all that he has to offer her. Slowly overcoming the pleasure, Kassandra begins to take more of an active role in things, pushing her hips back against his powerful thrusts, reaching up with one hand and gripping and squeezing at one of her tits.

The ecstasy is nearly overwhelming, but the Spartan woman is anything but weak. She refuses to break here, refuses to let herself lose… even though, she's pretty sure this isn't supposed to be a competition. But then, what if it is? Diona had called this a tribute to Aphrodite, but she'd also told Kassandra that it was the final challenge. What if the challenge wasn't just allowing herself to be fucked by this well-hung man… but also to endure him, to not break upon his cock like some worthless maiden.

She wouldn't. She refused. Even as he brings her to orgasm upon his member again and again, Kassandra does not break. Though, when he finally reaches his second release, she is a little relieved… and maybe a little disappointed that it's over as well. He cums inside of her, filling her womb with his seed, and Kassandra cries out in ecstasy, his white, hot ejaculate pumping deep into her, painting her inner walls just as he painted her face and chest.

And then it's over… at least for a moment. As Kassandra comes back to herself a few moments later, she feels his magnificent, majestic cock leave her freshly fucked quim. She looks up and sees that contrary to expectation, the orgy around her is nowhere near winding down. If anything, it's now in full swing. Once again, only Diona, still masked of course, is still among the piles of undulating, gyrating bodies. Flesh slaps against flesh, but Kassandra finds herself captured by Diona's gaze as the Priestess of Aphrodite smiles wider then before and gives her a slow nod.

… She's not done yet, is what Kassandra takes from that nod. Things are just getting started. If she wants to pass Diona's final test, she has to keep going. Slowly, the Spartan mercenary turns around to regard her partner. She finds him to be somewhat spent, but something in his eyes tells her he's capable of more… she just has to coax it out of him.

Thus, as he sits down amidst the cushions and bedding atop their raised platform, Kassandra crawls forward and takes her tits, working purely off of instinct, and wraps them around his cock. Now, she does bite her lip. After everything that's happened by this point, she can't help but show just a bit of her insecurity. Wrapping her breasts around his member, she spits down into her cleavage and begins to slide her tits up and down his length.

The bull-masked man groans in clear enjoyment of this act, and when he places a hand behind her head and pushes her down, she leans forward and takes his cock back into her mouth. Just the tip again, but to be fair she knew his length would be far too big to fit properly just between her tits. She's somewhat well-endowed in this area, but not so endowed that his giant member isn't too much for her breasts alone to handle.

Soon enough, the combination of her mouth and tits is enough to have him back at full mast, making the exercise of trying to wrap her breasts around his huge girth much more impractical. Once he's fully erect, she can't even completely eclipse his cock with her chest anymore… so she's not all that surprised when he takes control again. In fact, she's getting somewhat used to it at this point.

This time around, he forces her onto her back, and then even further, onto just her shoulders and her neck. She's more than strong enough to handle it though, even as he drapes her ankles over his own shoulders, crouching down with the tip of his erection angled downwards towards her already-creampied cunt. A moment later and he's buried inside of her, driving downwards from above, piledriving her into the platform.

Kassandra sees stars, this new position proving to be much more pleasurable and intense then even taking it on all fours from behind was. Her lips form into a small o, and the Spartan woman moans wantonly like… like some whore. Or perhaps like the Priestess of Aphrodite that she's pretending to be so interested in becoming.

Regardless, her lover shows her no mercy as he continually drives his length down into her from above without hesitation and without slowing down. He fills her again and again with his cock, causing his own cum to slosh out of her in the process. He slams up against the entrance to her womb, against her already battered cervix… and with how he's driving into her from above, SOMETHING has to give. She's lucky it's not her neck, but instead her cervix that he inevitably breaks down and drives his way through.

His mammoth-sized member enters her womb, and Kassandra loses all control as she experiences a truly mind-blowing orgasm at the end of his cock. Her eyes roll back in her head for a moment, and the tip of her tongue peeks out of the warrior woman's parted lips. She can't help herself. As strong as she is, as much as she knows she has to keep her wits about her… the onslaught of pleasure is finally getting to her, that much is abundantly obvious.

The rest of the pile-driving is somewhat lost on Kassandra of Sparta, as she's fucked into a stupor, used up and made to cum again and again and again around the muscular dark-skinned man's massive cock. He's so big, and in the face of his relentless endurance, she's just so… small. Eventually, after more orgasms than she can count, she passes out altogether, the pleasure too much for her.


She wakes up pretty quickly after that, but as it turns out, her faltering was enough for them to call a break to the orgy. Honestly, if she had to put a finger on the pulse of the chamber, she'd say a lot of them were somewhat relieved that she'd finally passed out from it all. There's food and drink passed around, and everyone replenishes their reserves. Kassandra partakes as well, needing the hydration for sure, and scarfing down the protein.

Because she can tell… this is only a minor break. They're probably going to go all night long, and she's going to need every ounce of strength she can muster if she wants to keep up. Especially since her lover barely seems winded, though he does eat and drink with the rest of them. In the end, when things finally get back underway with the short rest coming to a close, Kassandra can only yelp when a sudden hand grabs her by her ankle and yanks her towards the man it belongs to, putting her on her back as he drags her legs up in the air.

He doesn't put her back in the piledriver position though, thankfully. Her neck and shoulders are sore enough, even if the rest of her body thrums with satisfaction and contentment from the oh-so-delicious fucking she'd received. She's never felt more womanly than today, but then perhaps that's the point. As a Priestess of Aphrodite, she will likely be expected to extoll her feminine qualities, over the ones that many would deem more masculine. She's a Spartan though, a mercenary, a fighter… just because she's a woman doesn't mean she's going to stop being all of those other things as well.

Regardless, she can do nothing but lay back and let him do as he likes with her in this instance. After everything, Kassandra has learned the futility of resistance… she has to pass this test anyways, and that means doing her best to handle anything and everything this masked man with his big black cock doles out to her.

Still, not even in her wildest dreams is she prepared for what comes next. Lifting her legs up into the air, the man pours wine all over his cock… and then begins to push the wet tip of his member up against her sphincter. Kassandra's eyes go wide at this, her entire body going rigid. She grits her teeth and clutches at the cushions and blankets beneath her, even as she cranes her neck to look down the length of her body and watch him slowly begin pushing forward.

She's acutely aware that even now, Diona's eyes are on her, the masked Priestess of Aphrodite watching her, perhaps for signs of weakness. This time, Kassandra doesn't even so much as look over at the blonde. She doesn't have to… she knows that this is just another thing she will have to endure, if she wishes to progress.

Still, there's no denying that his massive cock in her tight, virgin asshole… is an experience like no other. There's quite a lot of discomfort, at first. Certainly, there's some pain. But he's not an asshole about fucking her asshole, thankfully. He doesn't go too fast; he doesn't grow impatient and just try to shove it in halfway through. That's very good, because if he did, she's not sure her poor ass would have survived it. He would have torn her in twain.

As it is, he works his cock in, inch by inch, taking his time and making sure that she's not in too much pain. But, from the set of his jaw and the determination she can see in his eyes, Kassandra can tell that he's not stopping until he's had his way with this, her last untouched and unclaimed hole. In the end, all she can do is take it, gasping for breath, breasts heaving as her chest rises and falls. She squirms and she grimaces, and she shivers and trembles, but she doesn't let out much in the way of noise. Perhaps one or two whimpers here and there, but mostly, she holds it in.

Meanwhile, he doesn't stop or slow down for even a moment. Nor does he speed up, of course. Not while he's still hollowing out her ass, stretching her back door until it's the perfect shape to sheathe his cock in. He pushes forward inexorably, continuing to force his way into her bowels… and at a certain point, it goes from being uncomfortable and slightly painful… to feeling surprisingly good.

Kassandra has never ever even considered anal an option before. Now she finds herself wondering what she was missing. Looming over her, holding her by the ankles, he begins to slowly slide in and out, now that he's buried most of his shaft in her anus. And as he butt fucks her, all Kassandra can do is groan and then moan. Her moans get louder and louder too, much to her embarrassment. It feels better than she expects, and by a long shot too.

She'd thought that perhaps, at least for a bit, she was done with orgasms. With him moving to her ass, she imagined this next while to be more about his pleasure than her own. Which honestly, Kassandra had been okay with, because more than anything, she welcomed the break from the overwhelming, nearly mind breaking pleasure that he'd been delivering to her. If it was his turn to feel all the pleasure, that was okay with her.

Alas, that seemed like it wasn't going to be the case. It was starting to feel good… really good. And the way he was thrusting in and out of her while staring down into her eyes, the masks covering up their features but not stopping them from locking gazes… Kassandra soon finds herself cumming from his cock in her ass. Truly, this is the most ashamed and humiliated she's felt all night. Exposing her body to these followers of Aphrodite, that was fine. Engaging in oral and then sex in front of all of these people… she'd made her peace with that too.

But experiencing such pleasure from having her asshole hollowed out and fucked by this absolute beast of a man? That was a bit much for the Spartan mercenary. Her cheeks are all the hotter beneath her mask from sheer embarrassment, but even still, once again she finds she can do nothing but endure it… and endure the unexpected pleasure resulting from the anal plundering as well.

He makes her cum several times from fucking her ass before he finally creampies that hole as he'd already twice done to her cunt. But that's not the end of it, by far. They continue on like that for hours on end, the orgy around them reaching crescendo after crescendo in response to their antics. Kassandra at least, manages to keep her wits about her until the very end. When she DOES finally pass out a second time… she takes the big black man in his golden bull mask with her, collapsing atop his chest as his head falls back into the cushions beneath them at the same time.

As her eyes drift shut, the last thing she sees is all of the others disentangling themselves from one another and rising to make their way closer to the raised platform. Diona is speaking, but Kassandra can't quite make out what the Priestess of Aphrodite is saying as consciousness finally leaves her.


When she wakes up next, it's alone, in a different room, in a bed. Or rather, not entirely alone. There, standing over her, dressed and no longer wearing a mask, is Diona with a smile on her face, the blonde radiating cheerfulness.

"Well done, Kassandra! You passed with flying colors!"

… She's not sure why that fills her with such satisfaction and pleasure, truth be told. After all, this whole thing was just a means to an end… right? She certainly had no desire to actually pledge herself to Aphrodite in the long term. And besides, the night before had been embarrassing in the extreme. Though, deep down inside the Spartan woman can admit to herself… it'd also been quite enjoyable.

Even still, it was done now. Would she ever see that man again? The man who'd taught her more about sex in a few hours then she'd learned her entire life up until that point? Likely not… but she would certainly never ever forget him.


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