Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Submitting to the Titan’s Bastard (Game of Thrones)

Submitting to the Titan’s Bastard (Game of Thrones)

A/N: Submitting to the Titan's Bastard was a commissioned one shot from June of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In Season Three, when Daenerys meets with the Second Sons to attempt to convince them to stand aside and let her sack Yunkai, Captain Mero tells her to take off her clothes and come sit on his lap for a chance at gaining the Second Sons' loyalty. In this timeline, Daenerys has been waiting for a man as strong as Mero, the Titan's Bastard.

Themes: Humiliation, Submission, Master/Slave


"Take your clothes off and come sit on Mero's lap, and I may just give you my Second Sons."

Daenerys Targaryen has spent much of her life as a victim. There have been many men throughout the years who treated her as trash, as less than nothing. Most had proven to be entirely worthless in their own ways. Dany's history was littered with the deaths of such men, practically none of them by her hand. Instead, it was as if fate itself decreed them unworthy of owning her, of holding her leash.

Truth be told, Daenerys was a broken girl playing at being Queen. It was what she'd been told she was all her life after all, in a way. Except, her brother had obviously never expected to die. He'd never expected her to be in charge of anything. She hadn't been trained to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she'd been trained to be a concubine, a pet, and perhaps if she were incredibly lucky, a wife.

She'd been happy with Drogo. Even when he killed her brother, she'd been happy. Because Viserys was mad, he was insane… but at the very least, he'd made sure to pass his darling little sister along to a man stronger than him who would look after her and care for her. For a time, Daenerys got to be a wife. But then she overstepped her bounds and it got her husband, her sun and stars, killed.

After all, if Dany hadn't spoken up, if she hadn't begged Drogo to be more lenient with the sheep folk, if she hadn't demanded to be allowed to take that hedge witch into her care, perhaps her sun and stars would still be alive today. Perhaps she would not be Queen and Khaleesi, as if those titles were all she needed, as if she did not need a King or a Khal to remind her of her place.

Ever since Drogo, Daenerys has been searching. She's been looking for a man who will treat her as she deserves to be treated. Unfortunately, while several men have tried, none have proven worthy. All of them were eager to use her, but none had even begun to properly approach her, at least in Daenerys humble opinion. From Viserys, she'd learned what a weak man looked like. From Drogo, she'd learned what a strong man could do. Daenerys… Daenerys wanted a strong man.

Xaro Xhoan Daxos of Qarth's Thirteen was not a strong man. He'd attempted to approach her as an equal, while at the same time plotting behind her back with her own handmaidens and Warlocks. He'd had her dragons stolen and intended to make her into his slave. That last bit was honestly fine, Daenerys had been raised expecting to be a concubine, a pet, a wife. But the way that Xaro had gone about things was imminently disappointing. It had hurt to have to lock Doreah and Xaro in that vault, but in the end Daenerys had known it was the right thing to do.

Kraznys mo Nakloz of Astapor's Good Masters could have been the man to tame the Mother of Dragons, but in the end he didn't even try. He too made the mistake, in Daenerys' opinion, of acting like she was his equal while at the same time plotting behind her back. Hearing him degenerate and insult her in High Valyrian would have just been fine, if he'd been aware that he was doing it to her face. The fact that he thought he was being subtle about it as he had Missandei translate for him made it clear to Daenerys that he too was a weak man. Having Drogo burn him to death and having the Unsullied sack Astapor in her name had just made sense, at the end of the day.

However, at the same time, doing what she'd done to Astapor had set Daenerys down a path of no return. How could she free the Unsullied, how could she free Missandei… but not free everyone else in the aptly named Slaver's Bay? Daenerys had never intended to become the Breaker of Chains or anything like that, but then, she'd also never intended to become Khaleesi with a capital K, or Queen with a capital Q.

She was supposed to be someone else's woman, but Drogo was dead because of her stupidity and so far none had proven worthy. Except… had her own mistakes led her to the man who would finally be what she was looking for after all? As Daenerys stares at Mero, the Titan's Bastard, her face a carefully crafted expression of mild disinterest and polite disregard, the young woman can't help but be aroused.

The Captain of the Second Sons is certainly a ballsy one. He's confident in a way many of the men in her life have failed to be. Even the stronger men have been kowtowing to her lately. Ser Jorah Mormont has spent the most time at her side and holds great love in his heart for her but refuses to put her in her place. Ser Barristan Selmy is a new addition to her court, but he too holds her in such high regard that Daenerys knows he would follow her to the ends of the earth.

Mero is no Knight though. He is a mercenary through and through, but more than that, he is very clearly a man who is not afraid of speaking his mind. Case in point, the words that he's just spoken, that Daenerys has yet to respond to.

"Take your clothes off and come sit on Mero's lap, and I may just give you my Second Sons."

Her people probably expect her to respond in some suitably caustic, royal way. What does Mero expect though? Surely he can't possibly think that he can just waltz into her camp with nothing but his other two captains and demand such crassness from her? However, as Daenerys feigns disinterest, as she regards him… she realizes he does. He doesn't just think it, he knows it. The way the Titan's Bastard grins at her so cockily, the way he carries himself with such confidence as he sips from the wine glass Missandei gave him…

Daenerys had told him they had no slaves, after he'd called Missandei a slave girl in the process of ordering her to get him some wine. However, beyond that correction, she hadn't asked him to apologize to Missandei… and Missandei had followed Mero's order to the letter, bringing wine to him first and then to his fellow captains.

A glance to the dark-skinned young woman shows Daenerys that Missandei's eyes are down, averted to the ground, and her hands are clasped together in front of her. The Summer Islander is mirroring the exact pose that she used to take when she was still a slave to the Good Masters back in Astapor, a pose that Dany hasn't seen her take since.

In that moment, the Mother of Dragon's breath hitches, and she knows what she wants, her lower lips growing wetter and wetter by the moment.

"Leave us."

She's quite glad now, that she had this meeting take place in a closed tent, rather than an open area like her knights had suggested. Perhaps even then, subconsciously, she knew where this was going. There are of course protests from both Ser Barristan and Ser Jorah, but Daenerys overrides them both with a simple raised hand.

"I said leave us. I will treat with Captain Mero of the Second Sons alone."

Her tone is authoritative, something Daenerys has learned to mimic, to ape, ever since she became Khaleesi with a capital K. She was never meant to be in charge, but she's learned to play at it all the same. Looking quite distraught, Jorah and Barristan leave, as do her Unsullied guards. Missandei hesitates, eyes flickering between Daenerys and Mero as if she knows what's going to happen, but though she worries at her lower lip between her teeth for a moment, she too departs from the tent.

Mero's fellow Captains also leave at his nod, their eyes flickering over Daenerys' body, clearly hungering and lusting for her in the same way he himself is. But neither of them were truly in charge. Neither of them had spoken to her as Mero had, nor showed the confidence that the Titan's Bastard had showed. In a short time, it becomes just the two of them, all alone in the tent together.

Still smiling, Mero leans back on the couch they're both sat on, continuing to sip from his wine as he looks at her questioning, an eyebrow raised. Daenerys, meanwhile, stands up.

"Take your clothes off and come sit on Mero's lap, and I may just give you my Second Sons."

Part of her rationalizes that this is because she needs his Second Sons in order to take Yunkai easier. But truth be told, Daenerys knows better, even as she reaches up and begins to strip out of her clothes. When Mero's eyes widen slightly in surprise, it becomes obvious that not even he expected this to be why she sent everyone else away. But his surprise is quickly replaced by glee and smug satisfaction, and he continues to lounge, watching her hungrily as she exposes more and more of her pale flesh.

Soon enough, the body seen in it's entirety by so few men over the years is bared before the Titan's Bastard. Mero's gaze rakes up and down her form as Daenerys steps up to him. And then his arm slips out like a coiled snake, hooking around her waist and pulling her into his lap, just like that. Daenerys gasps in delight, because it's exactly what she'd hoped he would do, even as she grabs onto his armor in order to steady herself.

She's sat on one of his legs now, and his hand soon snakes down to her ass, groping and squeezing quite harshly as he stares at her body and drinks the rest of his wine.

"Well then, that's a good start, slut. But if you want the Second Sons to fight for you, you'll have to do more than this."

Daenerys shivers, and it's certainly not from the cold given what sort of climate they're in. Setting down his empty cup, Mero doesn't waste time. His suddenly free hand comes right down between her legs, and he cups her moistening pussy in his hand. He grinds the heel of his palm into her cunt and Daenerys moans wantonly, shuddering as she clings all the more to his armor in return.

"Well, Mother of Dragons? Get down on your knees and put that tongue of yours to good use."

Ah, of course. She remembered what he'd said about the Lysene whore who'd tongued his ass. The obscene gesture he'd made with his tongue at her, as he'd nonchalantly sat down on the couch beside her, making it clear that he was the predator and she was the prey, right from the beginning. Sliding off of Mero's leg and onto her knees, Daenerys has never felt surer that she's right where she belongs.

The Titan's Bastard, meanwhile, goes about freeing his cock from it's confines. Daenerys watches as he exposes himself to her, and much to her surprise and mild delight, he's even bigger than Drogo was. Truly, she's finally found the man to replace her dearly departed husband, to punish her for failing the greatest Khal to ever walk this world.


His cock lands across her face with a meaty slap, and Daenerys blushes, her cheeks heating up as she goes cross-eyed just looking at it. He's magnificent in every way, and she can't help but let her tongue snake out and lap at the underside of his member. Mero grunts in pleasure, before reaching out and gripping tightly as her silver-gold tresses.

"That's right bitch. Here I thought I was going to have to beat your armies in battle before I got to teach you this lesson. But you've sure proved me wrong, haven't you?"

"Y-Yes sir…"

Mero's eyes widen again in surprise, clearly not expecting such a meek response to his taunting words, despite everything Daenerys has done so far. But once again, this surprise clears up quite fast, and then he's grinning and pressing his cock into her mouth, and Daenerys is being forced to stretch her jaw nice and wide to take him past her lips.

This wasn't something Drogo had ever done to her, she's never sucked a man's cock before… but if that's what Mero wants, then it's what she'll do.

"Watch the teeth, slut!"

The Mother of Dragons does as she's told and does her best to avoid grazing his girthy member with her teeth, and after a moment Mero begins to thrust forward, while at the same time dragging her down the length of his cock.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

As Daenerys gags on his member, her hands instinctively come up to rest on his thighs. Mero doesn't like that though, if his barked order of 'hands behind your back, cunt!' is any indication. Daenerys does as she's told, and for her reward she's treated much like she assumes Mero treated that Lysene whore he spoke about. She's used like a piece of meat, her mouth and throat turned into Mero's fuck hole.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Oh yeah, that's a tight throat, bitch. Fucking take it you little pale cunt. Take Mero's seed…"

And then he's cumming, and Daenerys does her best, she truly does… but her best isn't good enough, not with how inexperienced and altogether inept she is. His seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making an utter mess of the would-be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. He groans and pulls out halfway and sprays the rest of his load all over her face for good measure as well, as punishment for failing to contain the first half.

Daenerys takes it because she knows she deserves it. She deserves all of this, and her pussy has never been wetter, her cunt positively dripping now, even as Mero looks down at her with a curious eye.

"… Tell me what you would have of the Titan's Bastard, cunt."

If she were doing this reluctantly, if she were simply trying to get his Second Sons, perhaps this was where Daenerys would claim as much, would ask him to help her take Yunkai, even as his seed dripped off of her face. But looking up into his searching eyes, Dany knows what she truly wants… what she's always wanted. She wants to stop pretending. Even if it's just with one man.

"I've… I've been looking for you all along, C-Captain Mero. My entire life, I've been seeking you out. I want… whatever you are willing to give me."

Plain and simple honesty. Daenerys wants Mero to treat her like the trash she is, but they both know that if he does, if he tries to enslave her, even if she tells everyone she wants it, that she's happy to be his slave… well, neither of them will likely make it out alive. None of her people will continue to follow her, if they ever know her true nature, and Mero… Mero can get a lot out of her if he's willing to pretend for now.

A slow, wicked grin spreads across the man's scarred face. He inclines his head in acknowledgment of all of this, and Daenerys can tell he understands just as she does.

"The Second Sons are yours, my queen… for as long as your slutty little body belongs to ME."

A shudder of abject pleasure runs through Daenerys' body at that, especially with how he says 'my queen'. He might as well have said 'my cunt' or 'my slave' for the amount of derision that he puts in those two words. It's exactly the way the man should treat her, and Daenerys nods her head in agreement, even as his cum continues to dry, caked on her face as it is.

Grinning almost ferally, Mera suddenly tightens his hold on her silver-gold locks again and rises, spinning her around and forcing her face down into the ground. His other hand, big and strong and so very masculine, hooks under her pale body and lifts her hips and ass high into the air. In an instant, the Mother of Dragons, the so-called Breaker of Chains, is face down, ass up, her gushing wet cunt and pale white ass on full display as the Titan's Bastard slaps his cock down onto the latter before bringing the head up to the former.

Much like with how he grabbed and felt up her cunt once he had her in his lap, Mero wastes no time in thrusting into her from above. Daenerys' eyes widen as he mounts her and claims her, much like her sun and stars had once done. Except even Drogo had eventually softened to her… and it had cost him his life.

Daenerys could already tell that Mero would never make the same mistake. As he savages her, as he fucks her with his cock, plowing into her depths at points that until now have been entirely unexplored, Daenerys knows without a doubt in her mind that Mero will never care for her as anything more than a free meal ticket and a collection of fuck holes. He won't make the mistake of falling in love with her as her late husband did.

That fills Daenerys with a sense of relief and satisfaction, even as Mero fills her cunt with his cock and stretches her insides until she's perfectly fitted to his member. As her pussy clenches down around his member and she cums rather noisily, he muffles the sounds of her climax by keeping her face down in the first with his hand still in the back of her hair. It's perfect, just where she belongs, down in the dirt.

Daenerys' eyes roll up in her skull as she cums again and again around Mero's pistoning prick. She really is little more than that Lysene Whore he talked about before. Perhaps that was where she would have ended up, in another life. Perhaps that's where their destinies would have crossed paths if things had gone differently for her and Viserys.

As it stood, this was where she was finally meeting the Titan's Bastard in this life, and this was where Daenerys had finally found the man who could put her in her proper place and KEEP her there. Oh sure, they would still have to play at her being more than his slave and fuck toy. She would still have to act like a Queen, like a Khaleesi, for now. Her followers expected her to destroy Yunkai and probably Meereen as well, to bring freedom to all of Slaver's Bay.

So long as she could spend her nights beneath Mero, being used and abused by the Titan's Bastard, Daenerys didn't care all that much what she would have to do to keep up appearances. She'd already resigned herself to having to play a role for the rest of her life… now she would get to do it while being dominated and put in her proper place by a big strong man like Captain Mero.

When he finally cums, it's not unexpected that he cums outside, coating her in another layer of his seed. Not that it mattered where he came in the end, given her own infertility. With her womb barren, she would never have children… but Dany had already decided that was for the best, after the disastrous end to her husband and unborn child's lives. She was poison… the Targaryens were poison. It was better for everyone involved that she not be able to continue her line any further.

Of course, Mero has other ideas in mind when he covers her in his spunk.

"Clean me off with your tongue, and then clean yourself up as well, bitch."

Daenerys does as she's told, of course, and as she turns around and kneels there in the dirt, beginning to lap and lick at his messy cock, Mero smirks down at her, his hand still in her hair, one of the only places he's left untouched.

"That little handmaiden of yours… she acts like a slave, but you said you had no slaves."

Daenerys nods and explains Missandei's circumstances to Mero in between licks. Grinning even more wickedly, Mero chuckles.

"Of course… but once a slave, always a slave I find. Might need to keep the rest of them in the dark… but tonight, you're going to bring that dark-skinned bitch to me, and together we're going to remind her of her place. Got it?"

Shuddering, Daenerys lowers her gaze to Mero's cock, but ultimately agrees with a soft 'yes sir' in between licking him clean. Intellectually, she knows that the thought of betraying Missandei in that way SHOULD fill her with horror… but ultimately, Dany can't bring herself to care, all that much. What Captain Mero wants; Captain Mero gets. She's finally found the man who will own her for the rest of her days, and Daenerys intends to put his happiness and satisfaction above all else, even her own… especially her own.

If Daenerys had read Missandei's glances right as she'd exited the tent, the dark-skinned summer islander would understand. Perhaps she'd even be happy to enter servitude again, this time to a strong man like Mero. And if Daenerys had misread Missandei's desires, if she were wrong about what her handmaiden truly wanted… then she'd happily hold the bitch down while Captain Mero broke her on his big fat cock.

That was the way the world worked, after all. The way Daenerys had been raised. A woman, even a royal woman, belonged at a man's feet. If her brother had been a strong man, perhaps Daenerys would still be at his side. Perhaps she would be his wife, perhaps even, he would be King of the Seven Kingdoms by now, and she would be his Queen.

But Viserys was not a strong man, and in a way, neither was Drogo. Drogo had strength of arms, but he had a weakness of the heart, a weakness that had allowed Daenerys to creep in and inadvertently manipulate him, until she'd ultimately killed him by making him all the weaker still. Mero was not likely to make the same mistakes… and Daenerys was all too happy to be his pet, his toy, his slave. Missandei, with her prior training in that regard, would crumble easily, willing, or not.


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