Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Overwhelming Guilt (Legend of Korra)

Overwhelming Guilt (Legend of Korra)

A/N: Overwhelming Guilt was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Korra discovers what the full extent of her negligence has caused and it ultimately eats her up inside until she'll do anything for forgiveness.

Themes: Rough Sex, Mind Break, Dom/Sub


After finishing her getaway with Asami, Korra got back to work. She was the Avatar after all, so it was kind of her job. And there were plenty of fires for her to put out, all over the continent. Healing rifts between the people of the world, working her bending in to every single problem that needed to be solved… your average Avatar stuff.

And it was good that she did too, because the Earth Republic was having… teething problems. And she did her best to help with that, except… well, there were other things to draw her attention. Such as the massive cave that she was outside right now. Staring at it, trembling ever so slightly, Korra couldn't help but be… afraid.

It'd been some time since Kuvira's disastrous, tyrannical Earth Empire. But the wounds of that period were still being felt to this day. In order to maintain control, Kuvira had many, many different re-education camps scattered across the lands that held dozens, sometimes hundred of non-benders. Simple Earth Kingdom citizens who didn't bow to Kuvira's rule.

It was assumed that all of the camps had been taken down shortly after her reign, but Korra was in a position to know better. She was well aware that the proper authorities had continued to find more camps hidden beneath the earth long after Kuvira was brought to justice. However, this last and final camp… it was by far the worst.

The official name for it had been the 'Cave', but those who survived it's depths had taken to calling it Hell, apparently. On paper, there were supposedly eight hundred people in the camp when the Earth Empire was brought down. However, by the time it was found and cleared out… there was only one man left.

As a result, the only reports they had were those of the scant handful who had managed to escape it. Korra, horrified by what had happened, had used every bit of her power and influence to see the solitary man left in the Cave sent to the best hospital in Republic City. The soldiers who'd found the Cave recommended that she not go in, but Korra knew better… she knew she owed it to those she'd failed to go on ahead.

And so, with determination and resolve filling her steps, Korra descends into the Cave. She can easily say by the end that it's one of the worst decisions of her life. She thought she was in a better place, she thought she'd reached a sort of equilibrium and was at peace with all her mistakes and failures. But no, the Cave… the Cave only showed her how much she'd stuck her head in the sand and ignored the travesties that Kuvira had committed.

The Cave… the Cave was not a re-education camp; it was a torture camp. There were implements designed for nothing more than harming, for maiming and causing pain. There were even furnaces and Korra honestly couldn't say whether they were used to burn the prisoners after they expired… or before. The files she found in a back room gave details that quite literally made the young Avatar lose her lunch.

Needless to say, Korra fled the torture chamber after that. While she had plenty of guilt over decisions she'd made in the past and her failures regarding any number of individuals, the Cave… the Cave represented the physical manifestation of her greatest failure in physical form. As much as Korra wanted to run from it entirely and once again bury her head in the sand, she knew she couldn't do that.

So instead, she went to the hospital, watching over the sole survivor as he went into surgery. The longest living prisoner of the Cave's grotesque methods had a body that was mangled, and he looked like he'd been experimented on, like he'd been tortured. Judging by the files she'd read, all of that was true.

Luckily Korra was there. She was there when he woke up long enough to freak out at the needles, and she was there when he almost attacked a surgeon for bringing a scalpel into his field of view. She held him down until the anesthetic kicked in.

For days, Korra just… watched over him, hoping that at least this young man would make it. A result of her mistakes, she could only hope that he could still be saved.

Asami tried to assuage her guilt, visiting her and trying to make it clear that she didn't think it was Korra's fault. Once upon a time, it might have even worked… but not this time. In fact, it created quite the rift between her and her would-be girlfriend. They were still so new to their relationship, so uncertain of where each of them stood with one another. The get-away had been great, but now even those memories felt tainted by Korra's realization that she hadn't even begun making up for her failures in regard to Kuvira's tyranny and everything else.

In the end, after a particularly vicious verbal fight between the two of them, Asami left and Korra was the one who remained, staying in the hospital and continuing to watch over the young man they'd recovered from the Cave. It was the least she could do… frankly, it felt like all she could do. She didn't know what she was waiting for, really. Him to wake up and absolve her of her sins? Perhaps.

Only time would tell…


As he comes awake, he all but surges out of the bed he finds himself in. Too comfy by half, but that doesn't make him feel any better about anything. For a moment, his eyes dart around the room, making sure he wasn't… he wasn't back there. Luckily, he was not.

An Earth Kingdom kid, his name was Bask. Sadly, he didn't have any bending… but he could live without it after what had been done to him by benders. Looking down at himself, he grimaces. He didn't look quite like a walking corpse, but it was a near thing. At least he was gaining back some of his muscle now. Meanwhile, his skin was pale from the lack of sunlight, as well as covered in scars and marks. The most definitive of which was one he couldn't see, a massive scar across his forehead.

He was just starting to grow his hair back in, and he reaches up and runs a hand through the short stuff with a sigh before freezing up. He was about to go for his food, but instead he finally notices the woman sitting in a shadowed corner of the room. Scowling, Bask grows defensive.

"The fuck do you want?"

It was her again… the Avatar, or Korra as she'd tried to get him to call her. She'd tried to visit him the day before, but he'd responded by throwing a bedpan at her and getting so agitated that the doctors had sedated him. Looking down now, he sees that besides his food tray, everything he could grab and use as a weapon is gone… and unfortunately, he doesn't want to waste his food. He'd learned not to, down in the Cave.

"I just… I just want to talk with you. Is that alright?"

The way she asks makes it clear to him that he doesn't get a choice. Even if she respects his wishes now and leaves him alone, she's just going to keep coming back day after day until he finally agrees. With a growl, Bask crosses his arms over his chest.


"… Can you tell me a little about yourself?"

Grunting, Bask just shrugs.

"The name's Bask."

Smiling softly, Korra nods.

"It's good to meet you, Bask. Where… where are you from? Perhaps you have parents that-?"

With a shake of his head, he silences her.

"I'm from a small Earth Kingdom Village up north. Simple enough life until the Earth Queen died. Then everything went to shit, and that bitch Kuvira came and…"

Bask clams up, his jaw tightly clenched as he glares at Korra.

"I'm done talking."

He starts eating after that, refusing to say another word to the Avatar. Luckily, she doesn't push the issue, simply nodding in what looks like understanding before leaving him there. He scarfs down the meal and to his pleasant surprise, actually manages to avoid throwing it up. Then, he goes back to sleep.

Unfortunately, as he'd thought, Korra refuses to leave him alone. Day after day, she shows up to try and get more information out of him, clearly trying to build a repertoire with him. For what purpose, Bask didn't know, but he wasn't stupid. He'd learned all about the tricks of torturers and interrogators down in the Cave. He'd been on the receiving end of many of them.

At least in comparison, the Avatar's efforts were incredibly gentle. That didn't stop them from being irritating, however. In the end, perhaps that's why he finally snaps and gives her what she wants.

"You want to know what happened after Kuvira came? Fine, I'll fucking tell you."

He takes some satisfaction in watching the Avatar's horror grow as he lays it all out for her. He and his family had lived a simple idyllic life in a simple idyllic village. They weren't benders, and frankly, none of them wanted to be. Well, perhaps his younger brother, but it just wasn't in the cards. When Kuvira's men came, their entire family was rounded up and taken to the Cave.

It was the first of Kuvira's re-education camps, and ultimately it turned out to be the worst, not that Bask knew that. All he could do was outline what had been done to him and his family, as well as their village. He made sure to go into explicit detail on how his father died, how his younger brother died, how his sister and mother were defiled by the guards before they too eventually died.

It hurt to say it, but there was a vicious sort of satisfaction in seeing how much more it hurt Korra to hear it. Pushing all of this onto another person, specifically the Avatar when she SHOULD have saved them, when she SHOULD have been there to stop it… Bask can imagine nothing better. And so he keeps on talking, explaining how in the last few weeks of the Empire (not that they knew it was that) things got even worse in the Cave.

They began rationing food and killing off prisoners in order to keep supplies from growing too tight. Bask had done what he had to in order to survive, and he makes sure to go into detail, watching with gleaming eyes as Korra literally gets sick in the wastebin of the hospital room from what he tells her. And yet, still she doesn't flee… so Bask continues on.

When the guards suddenly left, well, that was probably when the Empire fell he figures. But they didn't let all of the prisoners go free or anything like that… no, they left them behind, sealing the cave up with metal bending and trapping them beneath the earth.

While Korra was on her month long vacation, happy, Bask was in fact taking part in a forced battle royale within the Cave as the prisoners all began to kill each other for the scant supplies that still remained. In the end, he outlasted them all, describing to Korra how one particularly broken prisoner had gone absolutely insane, hunting down the others one by one until it was just him and Bask left… until it was just Bask left, not because he'd killed the other man, but because he'd managed to hide the last supplies away from the man until he died of his wounds and of dehydration and hunger.

Finally, Bask makes sure to go into detail on how he survived after that. The food he had lasted him a week longer before he went the last three weeks of the month with barely any. Meanwhile, he'd managed to ration the water to last until two days before they'd finally found him. He'd almost died a million times over, but somehow he'd survived, somehow he was still here.

As he finishes, he doesn't thank Korra for saving him, and she doesn't ask for it. Instead, the Avatar looks absolutely shattered, tears streaking down her cheeks as she stares at him, a broken woman. Good, Bask can't help but think. Let her feel even a small amount of the pain he and his family were put through…


Staring at Bask, staring at this amazing young man who survived so much pain and suffering, no thanks to her, Korra doesn't know what to say. All she feels right now is guilt, shame, and horror. If she'd focused on the Earth Kingdom a bit more, perhaps Kuvira's reign of tyranny would never have happened. If she'd done her part as the Avatar, perhaps she could have stopped Kuvira before she really got started.

But maybe not. Even still, even if she couldn't have stopped Kuvira, she could have stayed and helped clean up her messes a bit more, rather than taking a month long vacation. Maybe then they would have located the Cave earlier with the Avatar's help. Instead of attending to her duties, she'd left them behind to… to what? Have a little fun, relax a little bit, pat herself on the back for a 'job well done'?

Standing up, Korra moves to the side of Bask's bed, causing the young man to tense and clutch at the blanket currently covering his lower half. Bowing deeply at the waist, Korra swallows thickly.

"Please… please, allow me to make up for my failure, allow me to make up for your suffering, Bask. There must be something I can do for you!"

She's not sure what she's expecting him to say, but in the end, Bask just laughs at her, causing her to lift her head. He pins her with a glare that contains some serious soul-deep hatred.

"There's nothing. My family died screaming because of your negligence, Avatar Korra, and nothing you can do will ever make up for that. I will never forgive you or that bitch Kuvira. Go fuck yourself."

Korra's heart breaks as he goes back to eating his food. She knows she SHOULD accept his words and just walk away, but she can't. Instead, she grabs at him, clinging to him like a lifeline, desperate as she drowns in an ocean of her own self-loathing and self-hatred.

"P-Please, a-anything… please just let me m-make this up to you."

Looking at her almost indignantly now, like she's less than the dirt beneath his feet, Bask sneers.

"Blow me."

He clearly doesn't intend it to be a suggestion, but a condemnation, just like 'go fuck yourself'. And yet, in that deeply vulnerable moment, feeling as desperate as she feels, Korra latches onto his words without hesitating.

"I-If that's what you need…"

The young man's face turns shocked as she moves to his crotch and slowly slides down his blanket, before carefully pulling up his hospital gown. Bask doesn't do or say anything to stop her, and Korra can only gasp in shock of her own as she frees his cock and stares at it, eyes wide. It's not even hard yet, and yet… it's a monstrous dong, nearly as thick as her wrist, with a large bulbous head. It's long and veiny, and Korra whimpers as she grabs hold of it, knowing she needs to do this, knowing she needs to make up for her sins.

Bask lets out a soft groan as she begins to play with his member, getting him hard. But then, he didn't tell her to jerk him off, now did he? And so, despite feeling trepidatious, Korra leans down after a few moments and takes the head of his massive cock between her lips, having to stretch her jaw incredibly wide in order to take even that first inch into her mouth.

Beginning to bob up and down on his cock, the gorgeous Avatar starts to gag as she finds it hard to get more than a quarter of his length past her lips before he hits the back of her throat. However, when she looks up with watery eyes to find him staring down at her impassively and uncaringly, rather than pull back, she forces herself to take him deeper, face fucking herself on his massive cock.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

It feels good, there's no denying that. It feels phenomenal, and in more ways than one. There's the physical way it feels good, yes… but there's also the other way. Having the Avatar debasing herself on his cock isn't something Bask ever thought he would get to experience. As Korra fellates his member, Bask groans and places his hand on the back of her head, forcing her down even further.

Before he knows it, he's gripping tightly at her hair and thrusting up into her mouth and throat with all of his recovered strength, skull-fucking the Avatar as she slobbers and gulps down his cock, gagging and choking even harder now.


With one final loud groan, he soon unloads into her throat and mouth, and in response, Korra drinks his seed down like her life depends on it, swallowing his entire load without hesitation, gulping and gulping until there's nothing left.

When all is said and done, Bask slumps back in the hospital bed, exhausted. He lets go of Korra's hair, and the Avatar responds by slipping down to her knees at his bedside, looking up at him with acceptance shining through her ruined face. It looks… she looks like she's waiting for more orders. Like she knows she hasn't done enough yet and wants to continue to make it up to him.

Realizing just how much power he now has over her, Bask's mouth goes dry as he licks his lips.

"… Okay then…"

This, he could work with. This… he would be more than happy to maliciously abuse.


Two months later, Bask was doing a lot better. He was now able to walk of his own power, and his muscle definition had returned in force all over. He was a fighter, or at least that was what all his doctors told him. To be fair, they didn't know about his nightly extracurricular 'workouts'. Regardless, he's doing a lot better now. His skin is getting back it's color, his muscles are returning and so is his vitality.

He's also been getting interviewed a lot, with everyone seeming to want to know his story. It hurts less with every retelling, and perhaps because he's able to take out all of his frustration and anger over what was done to him and his family on a certain Avatar. Regardless, Bask is happy to tell his story, because word of what he survived spreads far and wide and further vilifies Kuvira and anyone who tries to defend her and her actions.

Finally though, it was time for him to leave the hospital. Luckily, he had a new home waiting for him at the Air Temple, courtesy of Korra as well as people wanting to help one of the greatest victims of the Earth Empire. As he enters his new chambers, he's not surprised to find the Avatar waiting for him. After all, he'd ordered it of her.

Closing and locking the door behind him and moving to pull the curtains on the nearby windows closed, Bask turns back to face Korra just in time for the Avatar to finish stripping out of her usual attire, revealing the lacy blue bra and panties that he'd ordered her to wear underneath for him. Licking his lips and admiring the way the blue goes with the mocha-color of Korra's skin and the way her lingerie barely manage to contain her firm but voluptuous sexy form.

Needless to say, he's got a pretty good read on the Avatar by this point. Her guilt has eaten away at her and left her in a unique position of vulnerability that Bask hasn't even hesitated to exploit. She's done everything that Bask has ever commanded her to do, acting as his pet nurse whenever she's had the time, bringing him things he's asked for from the outside, and feeding him with her mouth and breasts.

She'd also given him a blowjob every single day she came to visit him… which was basically every day. Now though, now that he was out of the hospital, things were getting… serious. Bask wasn't sure if the Avatar would go for it, but he knew he wanted to try.


His pet does as she's told, and Bask moves forward, staring down at her as she kneels with her palms down atop her legs, staring up at him with guilt warring with lust in her eyes. He knew she was beginning to enjoy visiting him, beginning to enjoy his cock and worshipping it. Which is the only reason that he was going to try this.

"I want you to swear yourself to me. I want you to pledge your service to me personally forevermore. Then… I might consider forgiving you."

Korra's breath hitches, and it's clear the Avatar is momentarily uncertain. Bask lets his face fall into a disapproving frown and shakes his head as he turns to begin ignoring her, but she stops him, calling out before he can fully do so.

"W-Wait! I'll… I'll do it. I swear myself to your service, Bask. I'll be yours personally f-forevermore… it's the least I can do, for all that's happened to you. I'm sorry… I'm so s-sorry."

With a growl, Bask whips back around, grabbing Korra by her hair and yanking her to her feet. She'd grown out her locks a bit more on his orders, and so he's able to wrap her hair in a makeshift ponytail around his fist as he drags her in and kisses her. With tears of relief in her eyes, Korra happily kisses him back, the Avatar eager to reciprocate and prove herself to him.

As they makeout, Bask reaches around to the back and unclasps her bra. He pulls it off of her body and flings it away, revealing her gorgeous mocha tits. As sexy as she looked in the lingerie, he wants her out of it now. Soon, he has her panties off too, and his hands are all over Korra's body. He's not gentle about it, not nice about it. He grabs and gropes at her tits and her ass and her hips like he owns them all… which to be fair, he does now.

Pushing her over to the nearest wall, Bask pulls out his cock and leans back to look his pet Avatar right in the eye.

"I'm going to fuck you now. Is that understood?"

Nodding happily, Korra presses back against the wall and spreads her legs wide. As she splays them, Bask surges forward and lifts up one leg to give him access to her cunt. Then, he rams into her, filling her with every last inch of his massive, monstrous dong. Korra groans as she fills him stretching her out, and she clings to him, her hands on his shoulders as he pounds into her.

Soon enough, he's ramming up against the entrance of her womb itself, plowing into her cervix until it finally gives way, like castle gates before a battering ram. His massive cock invades her most sacred of places, causing Korra to groan and cry out in mild pain mixed with utter ecstasy as she finally gets impaled by the cock she's been sucking and tending to for two months now.

As he fucks her womb directly, Bask leans his head forward and sucks on her tits. He fucks the Avatar with passion and anger, directing his considerable fury towards pounding into her with all his might. Pulling back from her nipples, he snarls at her as he squeezes her tits harshly.

"I lost everything because of your inaction, Avatar. My family, from my parents to my siblings, are GONE because of you. You can never bring them back… so instead, you will help me create my new family."

Korra's face takes on an expression of anguish amidst the pleasure as her heart breaks all over again from the guilt and self-loathing that he's fostered within her.

"Y-yes! Yes, I'm so sorry… I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear it!"

Grasping onto his desires like a lifeline, she only manages to keep from drowning in her own self-hatred by submitting to Bask wholly and utterly. And Bask, tortured young man that he is, doesn't even hesitate in taking advantage of that face. He fucks her and fucks her, until eventually Korra explosively orgasms around his cock. Smiling vindictively, Bask steals a kiss from his pet Avatar as he impales her one final time before filling her womb to the brim with his seed.

There's an expression of pure nirvana on Korra's face, even with tears tracking down her cheeks. Her eyes are half-rolled up in her head as Bask pushes his tongue into her mouth and she willingly submits to it. She never thought she would feel like this, she never thought she would quite enjoy fulfilling her debt to Bask so very much… and yet here they were, and she knew that she belonged to him now, that she was finally making strides in finding forgiveness for her foolish mistakes and failures.

And so, Korra soon finds herself on her hands and knees, Bask manhandling her down to the ground after creampieing her womb directly. Her mocha buttocks, firm but also jiggly in all the right places, now has Bask's massive cock nestled between it. Korra moans as Bask rubs his warm length between her ass cheeks, causing her to give him an assjob as she slides her hips back and forth to accommodate him.

Then she's screaming as he abruptly pulls back and uses the lubrication of their previous coupling to slam his cock right into her unprepared, utterly virgin sphincter.

"W-Wait! N-Not there!"

Bask just snarls at her begging, holding her by the hips and driving himself deeper into her bowels.

"You said you would do anything I asked! You pledged yourself to me forevermore, Avatar! Is this to be yet another of your broken promises?!"

Whimpering, Korra hangs her head, knowing he's right. As a result, she doesn't see the wicked, triumphant grin on Bask's face. She does feel it though, as he grips her harder by the hips and begins to give her a brutal, powerful anal fucking, plundering her asshole with all his might, causing quite a lot more tears to stream down Korra's cheeks as she takes her punishment.

It's not long however before she gets over the pain of being anally deflowered just as she got over the pain of face fucking herself on his massive cock. Soon enough, Korra begins to love getting plowed in the ass, moaning instead of groaning as he gropes her breasts from behind and bites into her neck.

She's not… she's not the Avatar right now. She's just some animal, and she's being fucked like an animal too. Bask plows her in a bestial, primal manner, and Korra lets it happen. Because… she's failed so many people as the Avatar, and this feels like the only way to redeem herself. And so she takes his cock, she takes it as he spanks her ass, as he denigrates her with his words, and she takes it as he grabs her by the hair and forces her to twist around and kiss him.

By the time he finally cums in her ass, Korra has cum four times as well, and she takes the filling of her bowels with his cream in good spirits, moaning throatily like the wanton butt slut she's just become.

However, it's not over… not yet. Letting go of her, Bask moves over and lays down on his new bed, before snapping his fingers at the still recovering Avatar.

"Get over here bitch. I want to see you ride me."

Korra does so, crawling over to the bed and then climbing up onto it before hurriedly impaling herself on Bask… on her Master's cock. She whimpers as her tenderized pussy sinks down on his dick, but he just grabs her by the hips and raises an eyebrow at her. And so, Korra begins to ride him, moaning softly as she does so, gyrating back and forth and undulating her body across his big fat cock.

As her boobs sway with her movement, Bask looks upon her and smiles.

"I have three orders for you, ironclad and non-negotiable. If you can't agree to any of them, then you can leave and know that I will never, ever forgive you."

Korra bites her lower lip and nods, showing she's ready to hear them.

"First, you will continue to serve me for the rest of your life, as you already agreed to."

"Y-Yes… sir…"

"Good. Second, you will have no further contact with Asami Sato unless I specifically allow it. She's a bad influence on you, and you belong to me now, don't you?"

Shuddering, Korra thinks of her once girlfriend. To be fair, while Asami had tried to reach out a couple of times, neither of them were willing to apologize. And… Bask was right, Asami was a bad influence on Korra. She tried to make Korra shirk her responsibilities, her duties. She tried to act like all of this WASN'T Korra's fault, when the young Avatar KNEW it was.

In the end, it's not as hard as she might have thought to nod her head in agreement with her Master's second order. Grinning, Bask reaches up and cups her tits, groping and squeezing them harshly.

"Third and finally… you will marry me as my submissive slave-wife and bear as many children as I can possibly knock you up with, to make up for the family that I lost because of your failure to act."

After two months of already trying to make up for her actions, it's so very easy for Korra to grind her cunt down on Bask's massive cock and moan as she nods her head again, almost seeming eager to accept this last order.

"Y-Yes! Yes, I'll do it… I'll be your wife and servant for all my days, I'll give you a new family to replace the one you lost, my husband! Please… please let me earn your forgiveness for the rest of my life!"

As she begs him, Bask just smiles and reaches up, pulling her down by her hair into a deep kiss and an even deeper creampie as his other hand grabs her ass and yanks her down his cock, followed by him cumming inside of her once more.

Korra was his, forever and ever. And he'd even left himself a loophole. He didn't quite know if there was a way to get Asami Sato to join them at his feet as his slave as well… but if he could do it with Korra's help, Bask would make it happen.

Redemption for the Avatar and her stupid friends was a rode paved by his big… fat… cock.


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