Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

One’s Duty (Witcher 3)

One’s Duty (Witcher 3)

A/N: One's Duty was a commissioned one shot originally written back in March of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy~

Summary: After Ciri willingly returns to his side to begin learning how to rule an Empire, Emhyr decides that they need to secure the line of succession as swiftly as possible. Starting by having Ciri give birth to a child of their blood.

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Breeding


"It is time for us to talk about the issue of inheritance. Specifically, your heir."

He's kind enough to let her relax before broaching the subject. Or at least, Emhyr considers himself kind. Having summoned his rebellious, free-spirited daughter to his solar for a long talk, he and Cirilla had spent the last couple of hours talking about the future and what would be expected of her as the Empress after he stepped down.

But the Emperor of Nilfgaard could no longer beat around the bush. This was something that needed to be discussed and even handled right here and now in Emhyr's eyes.

Cirilla, of course, clearly disagrees if the way she stiffens, and her green eyes flash is any indication. He can tell just by looking at the young ashen-haired girl that she's once again regretting returning to his side of her own free will and accepting her role as the future Empress of Nilfgaard. Luckily, Emhyr knows her quite well. She won't abandon her duty just because of some mild discomfort. Major discomfort on the other hand…

"I don't see how relevant that is in the immediate. Such a thing can wait for after my coronation, when we find me a suitable marriage, can it not?"

It's clear Cirilla isn't excited at the prospect of marrying, even as she uses it as a way of deflecting from this topic of conversation. But Emhyr just shakes his head as his daughter tries to kick this particular issue further down the road.

"No, there can be no doubt about the line of succession. We will not wait for your coronation, and there will be no marriage. None are worthy of the future Empress of Nilfgaard's hands. None… save for myself."

As he expects, his daughter rears back as if struck. Her nose wrinkles in disgust, her lip curls in a sneer, and her eyes become stormy and wrathful. He cuts her off however with a raised hand.

"It is the only way. You must have an heir in the immediate, the people of this Empire deserve nothing less than complete devotion from their Empress, and by showing that you are pregnant, you will accomplish that while ensuring the safety and future of your rule. There is no other man who can be trusted with this task, and so I shall do it myself. I shall be the one to father the child."

His piece said, he lowers his hand. Predictably, Cirilla immediately explodes at him.

"No! Absolutely not! I don't know where you got the idea that I would just… go along with such a thing! I've told you of my time with the elves of another world, have I not? The entire reason I was being chased down by the Wild Hunt was because their leader wanted to breed me! I did not see him defeated and his armies laid low just to let another ruler knock me up like some breeding sow!"

Emhyr's nostrils flare at the blatant show of disrespect. Needless to say, the Nilfgaardian Emperor did not tolerate it… usually. With Cirilla, he tries to be a bit gentler, a bit kinder.

"You are now breeding sow. You are to be the future Empress of Nilfgaard. And you need an heir now, not later."

"And you would have me lay with my own father to make it happen?!"

Emhyr chuckles at that, a low chuckle that stops Cirilla in her tracks. After all, he is not a man oft times prone to finding humor in many things.

"Ah, I wondered what it might take to have you call me that. But as we both know; I had no part in your raising. You do not see me as your father."

Cirilla stiffens at the blunt accusation, before sneering at him in disgust.

"No, I do not. But that does not mean I will lay with you. All I see before me is a smug bastard who thinks his power gives him leave to take me. And I've had quite enough of that."

His daughter stands to leave, but Emhyr's next words cut her off at the knees.

"A shame then. I'm sure Lady Yennefer will be most disappointed."

Stopping in her tracks, Cirilla whips around and glares at him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Letting out a sigh, Emhyr waves his hand airily.

"I anticipated your reluctance and potential outright refusal. Yennefer has already been apprehended for her dereliction of duty. Whether she goes free or not… is up to you and your compliance with my wishes."

"D-Dereliction of duty?! What the fuck does that even mean?!"

Emhyr doesn't let his displeasure at his daughter's crass tongue show on his face. Instead, he remains impassive as he laces his hands in front of himself.

"Do not think me a fool. I know that she and the Witcher found you long before he brought you before me. She left it up to you and him to decide if I was to even know you were alive. Despite the fact that I only granted her clemency in the first place to search for you and find you. She found you using MY resources, Cirilla. She had a duty to inform me when you were located, especially given the threat you were all facing. With the might of the Nilfgaardian Empire behind you, this pitiful Wild Hunt would not have been a threat for long."

Cirilla's jaw works, and her mouth opens and closes a few times as she sputters.

"That's not… y-you can't just…"

But he just raises a hand, forestalling further attempted objections on the spot.

"I can, and I think you'll find that I have. If you do not comply, if you leave this room, I will be forced to take drastic measures. This is for your own good, Cirilla. More importantly, it is for the good of the Empire."

Grimacing, Cirilla shifts from foot to foot, her fingers trembling. She no doubt wants to kill him. Fortunately for Emhyr, she's unarmed, both physically and magically. His solar, much like the rest of his palace, is warded by trusted magic users to not allow magic. And of course, Cirilla was not allowed to bear her sword in the palace grounds.

On top of that, he has Yennefer. He can see the moment of resignation, when Cirilla's shoulders slump nigh-imperceptibly and she lets out a low sigh.

"Fine… fine, you bastard. You win."

Emhyr just makes a noise in the back of his throat and shakes his head.

"I take no pleasure in this, Cirilla. It's merely politics. Now strip."

She does so, and despite Emhyr's words, his eyes do linger across her body as she exposes it for him. Once she's completely naked, only then does he rise and move towards her. She stiffens but allows him to grab her by the hips and manhandle her over to the desk, where he picks her up and sits her bare ass down on the wood.

"You are quite beautiful, Cirilla. You remind me much of Pavetta."

The mention of her birth mother, of his late wife, only makes Cirilla bristle more. But Emhyr ignores that in favor of tracing his thumb along one of her scars.

"Of course, Pavetta was not nearly as battle hardened as you, my daughter. Perhaps that is good. Perhaps your experience will make this easier on you."

His cock slips out of its confines with ease, and he places the head of his engorged member against her bared slit. She's not wet, at least not at first, but Emhyr is a man who knows how to please a woman. And Cirilla truly is much like her mother, he finds. Thumbing one of her nipples, gripping her inside thigh with his other hand, rubbing his cockhead against her lower lips… and soon enough, her breath grows ragged, and her cunt begins to wet, just like Pavetta's would have in the same circumstances.

Smiling slightly, Emhyr waits until she's moist enough, and then thrusts forward. Cirilla grunts, trying to contain her voice, but that doesn't stop the Emperor from noting when he takes her virginity, tearing through her hymen. He lets out an approving grunt of his own at that, looking into her stormy green eyes and caressing her face.

"Virginal, good. It pleases me to know my daughter's maidenhood was not taken by some lowborn peasant, or otherworldly elf."

Ciri's lip curls up and she pulls her head away from his hand with a jerk.

"I am not your daughter."

Emhyr smiles thinly at that and settles in to fucking her. There's nothing loving or gentle about how he takes her, but at the same time, he's not overly rough either. In spite of her beauty, in spite of her similarities to his dearly departed love, this really is just business in his eyes, and he treats it like business, fucking Cirilla with a certain sense of duty and precision, taking her with finality until finally, amidst all of the grunting from both of them, Emhyr cums inside of her.

His daughter did not cum before him, not a single time… and yet, looking at her flustered red face, watching her gasp for breath, Emhyr thinks that might not be from a lacking on his part. Watching her for a moment as he pulls his cock free of her slightly agape quim, the Nilfgaardian Emperor comes to a decision.

One hand goes to her breast, the other to her cunt. At the exact same time, Emhyr flicks one of her nipples with one thumb, while flicking her clit with the other. And like a dam breaking, Cirilla lets out a keening cry as she bucks in his grasp, cumming on the spot for him, orgasming all over the edge of his desk and the floor between them.

For the briefest of moments, her mask is gone and in it's place Emhyr sees a woman in her basest state, another familiarity Cirilla shares with her long dead mother. He smiles a bit as she recovers from the orgasm before shooting him an angry, accusatory glare.

"Do not deny yourself satisfaction where you can find it, my daughter. There is so much in this world that is so very… dissatisfying."

"Fuck… you…"

Humming, Emhyr just pulls away, leaving her to hop down from his desk and begin getting dressed.

"As I said, this is merely politics. We will continue to do this until you are decidedly pregnant, and not for a moment longer. The purpose of this is merely to give you an heir… nothing more."

Cirilla doesn't respond, she doesn't say anything until she's finished getting dressed. At that point, she clenches her hands into fists at her side and glares at him.

"Am I allowed to leave?"

Emhyr waves his hand airily.

"You are dismissed."

As his willful daughter departs with a load of his seed startling to trickle down her thighs, Emhyr watches her leave impassively. He's well aware that she will immediately try to seek Yennefer out, that she will try to save her surrogate mother so they can escape his reach together. Unfortunately for Cirilla, she will not find Yennefer. He would not be so foolish as to imprison the raven-haired sorceress where Cirilla could reach her.

No, there is no escaping her duty, not for his daughter. He can only hope she will come to understand why this needed to be done. As it stands, it should be over soon, once she's pregnant…


Unfortunately, Emhyr's estimation of how long it will take is a bit off for one simple reason… the White Flame isn't as young as he used to be, and his virility could be said to be on the down turn. However, that had nothing to do with his stamina, which he still had in spades.

Ciri hates it, truly she does… but she has no choice. Much as the Emperor had suspected, she spends the next day trying to find Yennefer's cell, trying to locate the dungeon that the sorceress has been placed in. Unfortunately, it's nowhere near by, and when Emhyr calls her to his side the next day, Ciri has no choice but to go to him, no choice but to lay with him yet again.

Once more, he fucks her, and once more Ciri bears with it until the end, when he seems to know just what to do in order to tip her over the edge. She tries desperately to hold it back, but it's as if he knows her body, as if he knows all of her weak points, knowledge that no other man could possibly lay claim to. And then, once he finishes inside of her and in turn makes her cum as well… he turns her over and takes her from behind next, bending her over his desk and fucking her AGAIN.

Ciri tries to raise a protest, but in the wake of her orgasm, still experiencing the aftershocks, she can do nothing but moan, which in turn causes her to clam up in sheer embarrassment. Unfortunately, the Nilfgaardian Emperor has a way of making her sing, something he begins to show as days turn to weeks. Each and every day, he calls her to him, sometimes his solar, sometimes even the bedroom, and they fuck.

She doesn't want it, truly she doesn't. But at the same time, there's no denying he's forcing a certain amount of pleasure on her, and the more it goes on, the more his words from that first time begin to resonate with her. There IS so much in this world to be dissatisfied with, her current circumstances included. So why shouldn't Ciri find satisfaction where she can get it, even in the midst of her misery?

They fuck multiple times a day for what feels like hours, and as the weeks go by, Ciri… Ciri finds herself succumbing to the pleasure more and more. It's mostly vaginal sex of course, but there comes a point where the Emperor orders her to prepare him for her… and Ciri doesn't even offer a token refusal. Instead, the ashen-haired young woman simply drops to her knees and takes his cock in her mouth right then and there, sucking him until he's fully erect and pulls her back in order to dump another load in her fertile womb.

Or at least, Ciri assumes she's fertile. As days become weeks and weeks become months, she starts to wonder if she's capable of carrying a child after everything she's been through, even as she begins to get more and more into having sex with her own father. In truth, he's not her father, merely the man she shares the most blood with. That helps a little… as does his good looks, his sizable cock, and his seemingly endless stamina.

As time goes on, it begins to be Ciri who starts seeking out the Nilfgaardian Emperor for a quick breeding. It starts off slow, with him not calling her to him for over half a day and Ciri deciding to seek him out of her own accord. She doesn't notice the glimmer of approval in his eyes as he fucks her that day, and before she knows it, she's the one instigating their every coupling.

She tries to make it clear that it's just business, even throwing his 'it's merely politics' line back in his face. Even internally, Ciri attempts to convince herself that she's not doing this because she wants to, but because she has to. In the heat of the moment though, when she's on her back across a table and Emhyr has her legs raised high into the air and held in his grasp as he fucks into her… Ciri can admit to losing herself at times.

In the moment, when she's being well and truly fucked by the stud of an Emperor, it's easy to succumb to the pleasure, to find the satisfaction in such a 'dissatisfying' situation. Afterwards, she feels such shame and self-loathing that she buries her pleasure, ignoring it, trying to act like it doesn't exist. But it does, and it begins to influence her every action, seeing her to her father's side multiple times a day as she becomes the one who demands they have sex, that they breed in order to create an heir.

Finally, the day of her coronation rolls around. She's named as Emhyr's successor, properly becoming the Heir Apparent to the Empire of Nilfgaard. Before this, if Emhyr had died, Ciri's claim to the throne would have been somewhat in doubt. There might even have been infighting, rebellions, and her rule would no doubt have been a tumultuous one, if not incredibly short.

But now that she's heir apparent, there's no doubt in anyone's mind who will be Empress once Emhyr is gone. Any attempted usurping of her position would result in everyone else in Nilfgaard coming down on the usurper's head, post-haste.

Regardless, immediately after the ceremony, Emhyr orders the room to be cleared. In mere moments, it's just him and Ciri. Striding over to his throne, the Emperor of Nilfgaard sits down… and frees his cock from his confines. As she stands there, staring at him and it, the White Flame lifts a single eyebrow.


In the end, it's a testament to just how much Ciri has succumbed that she doesn't even hesitate. Not that she's willing to acknowledge that, even internally. Her back ramrod straight and her head held high… Ciri nevertheless immediately strips naked and very nearly struts over, climbing aboard his lap and impaling herself on his cock right then and there.

As she sinks down onto his length, a moaning groan leaves her lips, and as Emhyr's experienced hands settle on her hips, she wiggles and begins to rock back and forth of her own accord.

"So eager…"

She jolts as he makes a not of her eagerness, and scowling, Ciri shakes her head, trying to ignore how good it feels to have him inside of her once again.

"I just… I just want to get it over with as fast as p-possible. That's all."

Emhyr just hums at that but doesn't call her out on the blatant lie. In the end, he doesn't have to. As she begins to ride him, doing all the work while he sits there rubbing soothing circles into her hips with his thumbs, Ciri starts to get into it. She can't help herself. Her moans grow louder and louder and she whimpers as she bounces up and down on his cock. Her cunt grows tight around his member, clenching down on him.

About midway through, she begins to get more and more vocal, letting out cries of ecstasy, not even bothering to hide just how much she's enjoying fucking the Emperor at this point. It's purely carnal delight of course, she hates the man himself for forcing her to do this in the first place. But in the end, does it really matter? Emhyr certainly doesn't think so as he grips a bit more firmly at her hips.

"You're enjoying this, Cirilla."

His tone is neither chiding nor happy. It's as if he's making a statement of fact, and Ciri has to rise to the occasion to dispute it. Shaking her head back and forth, she puts on a pitiful showing.

"N-No… no, I'm just… I'm just d-doing my duty."

Emhyr doesn't let that slide this time. Moving a hand to her breast, he flicks her nipple with his thumb in just the way he's conditioned her body to associate with an explosive orgasm. Needless to say, Ciri tips over the edge she hadn't even known she was on immediately, cumming upon his cock as her teeth clench together and she groan through them.

"Do not lie to me, girl. Do not lie to your Emperor."

Gritting her teeth, Ciri just continues to shake her head, even as she wantonly rides him, bouncing her hips up and down on his cock faster and faster. Suddenly, however, his hands on her sides clench down harshly and he stops her dead in her tracks, halting her in place and forcing Ciri to look him dead in the eye.

"Then perhaps we're done here. Leave me, I will not tolerate a liar in my presence."

Ciri jolts at the realization that he's serious. Her nostrils flare as she whimpers needily. Even now though, she tries to tell herself that it's solely because of duty, because of politics. Duty and politics that he'd foisted upon her. In the end, deep down, Ciri knows it's because of neither of those things, even if she won't admit it.

"P-Please… please, your majesty… please keep fucking me. Please knock me up. Please breed me with your royal c-cock…"

Emhyr doesn't take much more convincing than that, thankfully, and his grip relaxes, allowing Ciri to go back to riding his thick phallus. However, now he begins to thrust up into her from below as well, joining the intercourse as more than just a bystander. As his cock pistons up into her and she rides him to orgasm after orgasm, Ciri moans wantonly, while Emhyr grunts and groans.

Finally, he cums inside of her, filling her with his seed. Though neither of them know it at the time, that's the moment when Ciri gets pregnant. Here on this throne, on the day of her coronation, is when she's finally well and truly bred by her own birth father.

Of course, in the moment, Ciri just wants more. And so she spins around on Emhyr's lap and continues to ride him, this time facing away as she returns to bouncing up and down on his cock. His hands wrap around her from behind and his mouth falls upon her neck as he plays with and fondles her body to his heart's content. It's the closest he's gotten to kissing her after all these months, but in spite of that, Ciri doesn't feel any disgust as he necks her. Instead, she leans into his sucking lips, moaning all the more loudly for it as she finds satisfaction wherever she can.


True to his word, Emhyr stops fucking Cirilla the moment that he knows she's pregnant. However, he also finds out after the fact that his daughter had continued having sex with him long after he'd bred her, to the point where she should have KNOWN she was pregnant. When confronted on the matter, Cirilla had feigned ignorance, acting as if she simply hadn't known what the signs were.

All the same, Emhyr knows full well that it should not be him discovering her pregnancy by the engorged state of her breasts, or the fact that she was beginning to store milk in them. It should not be him taking note of the small bump in her formerly taut and firm belly, signifying the life growing within her as he took her on her back and fucked her through another honest, screaming orgasm.

He's beginning to think he's made something of a mistake truth be told. And now, months into Cirilla's pregnancy, as the two of them sit in his solar once again discussing matters of state as he lectures her on ruling the Empire that he's built for her, Emhyr can't help but notice that his daughter is… distracted. She's undeniably more focused on his crotch then on his words. He's not even hard right now, and yet there she is, practically staring as if she thinks he'll take his cock out and fuck her right then and there at any moment.

… As if his cock is the only thing she can think about. Frowning, Emhyr halts his speech and watches as Cirilla doesn't even notice that he's no longer talking. She continues to bob her head up and down to pretend she's listening, even as her gaze remained solely fixated on his member. It's been months since they last had sex at this point, she shouldn't…


His sharp tone finally pulls her away from her fixation, and she blinks as she stares at him with big, guileless eyes.

"You are distracted."

"I don't… I don't know what you could possibly mean, your majesty."

Making a noise in the back of his throat, Emhyr rises from his seat. Cirilla watches him do so, watches as he circles around behind her. Bringing his hands down on her shoulders, he notices how she leans into his touch, far from stiffening up as she would have before.

"… Are you perhaps feeling neglected, my daughter? Pent up?"

"N-No… O-of course not."

Scoffing, Emhyr brings his hands down to Cirilla's breasts. She breathes in sharply at his touch, and then lets out a low moan as he begins to grope and squeeze her very sensitive mammaries through her top. When she doesn't say anything, he frowns and yanks up her shirt, groping her breasts directly and watching as she shivers and shudders, pushing into his grasping hands.

Eventually, things escalate to him sliding a hand down between her thighs and sticking two fingers up into her sopping wet cunt. She DOES stiffen then, and Emhyr pauses momentarily, speaking in a low, silken tone.

"If you wish for me to stop, you need only say the word."

As he continues to play with her, as he fingers Cirilla while groping her sensitive, engorged tits, she remains utterly silent, save for whimpers and moans. She never once speaks up, never once tells him to stop. In the end, she cums upon his hand, orgasming explosively as he brings her over her peak and down again. Her pregnant body bucks in his grasp as Emhyr holds onto her from behind.

And then it's over. He pulls his hands away and lets out a simple grunt.

"You are dismissed."

And so Cirilla leaves, and Emhyr retakes his seat as he wipes his hand clean with a cloth, watching his daughter leave and staring at the door she departs through long after she's gone.

Yes, he may have made a mistake… but only time will tell if a change is needed in the end.


Stepping into her father's solar, Ciri bites her lower lip as she approaches his desk. The White Flame is sat behind it of course, currently doing paperwork. Ciri stops in front of his desk and waits quietly and respectfully for him to acknowledge her. It's been a few months since she gave birth to her daughter. Her heir is a gorgeous little babe, and Ciri would sacrifice the world for her. But… but even a new mother has her needs.

"Why are you here? I did not summon you."

Despite being several months out from her pregnancy, Emhyr has not touched Ciri since he initially found out she was pregnant in the first place, save for that one time in his office, when he'd proven a point. That was a time Ciri found herself thinking about quite a lot in fact, a time that had opened her eyes in a way… and given her the courage to come to him now, as well.

Furthermore, Yennefer had been released. Her surrogate mother was now in Ciri's daughter's life, and while Ciri could tell that Yen did not approve of what Emhyr had forced her to do, the sorceress had stayed her hand from seeking retribution when Ciri had begged her not to try anything. It wasn't worth it at this point… and besides, Ciri wouldn't put it past Emhyr to be more than ready for Yennefer's betrayal, and for the raven-haired sorceress to come out the worse for the exchange rather than actually succeeding in her aims.

Hesitating for a moment, before gathering her courage, Ciri offers her proposal in as calm and dignified a manner as she can.

"I thought… perhaps that we should continue our arrangement from before. It wouldn't hurt to have a second heir just in case, now would it?"

There. She'd framed it as just more business. That should appeal to her father's political sensibilities, right? He would-


Emhyr's flat rejection of the idea (and of her) causes Ciri to startle badly. She stares at him as he doesn't even look up from his paperwork.

"W-Why ever not?"

Finally, Emhyr sets aside the papers in front of him and looks up at her, staring her right in the eye and almost seeming to pierce to her very soul.

"I refuse to continue to act under false pretenses just to stare your dignity, Cirilla. If you want me to fuck you, then you must at least admit WHY you want it."

Ciri freezes in place, and after a moment Emhyr just shakes his head and returns to his work. However, he does not order her to leave, and Ciri does not go. Instead, she stands there in his solar and watches the Emperor of Nilfgaard work as she realizes… as she realizes he's right. She can't just walk away, not anymore. And not even just because of her daughter, but for her own selfish reasons. She wants it… no, she wants HIM.

He's right, in the end. No other man is worthy of her. She hasn't even considered seeking pleasure from any of the lesser males in the palace. They wouldn't be the same, she knows that instinctively. Emhyr knows her body inside and out, and the White Flame is the only man who can bring her the pleasure she's come to desire. After so many months with only her own hands to satisfy herself, Ciri isn't just pent up, she's downright lust-drunk.


Emhyr looks up from his papers again at that, and as a reward gets to watch as his daughter gives up her dignity and reveals the wanton slut he's accidentally made her under all of that propriety and polite façade. Right before his eyes, Ciri strips naked in record time. She exposes her body to him, running her hands up and down it as she does a little movement, wiggling her hips and dropping into a crouch before coming back up again.

"Please fuck me… please breed me. I need it. I need your c-cock inside of me. I've missed it so much all these months, I've missed YOU. I need your big fat dick and I need you to fucking take me and knock me up again. I want to be the mother to another of your children. I want to be filled with your seed day after day and night after night once more. So please, your majesty… please just fuck me!"

Finally being true to herself and honest with Emhyr, Ciri is actually ready to go even further. Dropping her dignity leaves her with so many options, and if he remains unmoved, she plans to go all the way to her hands and knees, pressing her forehead to the floor of his solar to beg him again. Luckily, it doesn't come to that.

Even still, there's a look of immeasurable disappointment on Emhyr's face, even as he stands up from behind his desk and frees his cock from it's confines while walking around to where she's standing, naked and ready for him. When he gets within reach, he lashes out and grabs hold of her by her hair, fisting her white locks and drawing her head back a bit with a growl.

"I disappointed in you, my daughter. The future Empress, acting in such a way… if you're going to act like a slut, I'm going to treat you like one."

Ciri shivers, but not in dismay or embarrassment. No, she shivers in anticipation, whimpering as she comes to find that she's not opposed to such a suggestion in any way, shape, or form. With a growl, Emhyr pushes her forward, forcing her hands to come down on the desk in front of her to catch herself as he bends her over it.



A moment later, his hand comes down on her naked ass, giving it a harsh spanking that he follows up with another few slaps as Ciri finds herself enjoying it, enjoying the pain, enjoying the belittlement, enjoying the degradation.


"Useless, worthless, fuck-drunk SLUT!"

Ciri can only moan, getting off on all of it as she finally lets herself be honest.

"Y-Yes! Your slut, E-Emperor! Please fuck me! Please, please, please! Please daddy, punish me more!"

Emhyr pauses for a moment at that last one… and then delivers a rapid-fire series of stinging strikes to her buttocks, until they're bright red from the blows.


By the time he's done, Ciri is bent over the desk entirely, her breasts rubbing into the wood as she whimpers, staring down at it and shuddering in orgasmic ecstasy. When he pauses however, she goes right back to begging him to fuck her.

"Please, daddy. Please stick your cock in my cunt. Stir up my insides and breed me, just like you used to…"

Her eyes heavily lidded, her dignity in shambles, her pride tossed aside, Ciri can't imagine her father will hold back any further. Surely he'll HAVE to fuck her now, right? And for a moment, she's sure she's right, because she feels his cock pressing against her gushing wet slit from behind. He pushes the head of his member into her pussy, working it around a bit, almost like he's lathering it up on her juices… and then he pulls it away.

Ciri only has a moment to groan in disappointment, before she's squealing in shock and some pain from her father spreading her reddened ass cheeks wide and spitting her ass upon his cock. His dick plows into her back door and Ciri's sphincter gives way as he thrusts into her, the lubrication from her cunt proving enough to effectively allow him to barge right into her last 'virgin' hole and make himself right at home.

Gripping her by her hair still, forcing her to arch her back as he drags her head up, Emhyr growls as he fucks into her ass. Ciri, meanwhile… is just fine with this, much to her own surprise. It hurts at first perhaps, but then it hurt a bit the first time he fucked her cunt and took her virginity as well, now didn't it? In no time at all, her ass is just as accommodating as her quim would be, and as he drives in and out of her, the young ashen-haired slut of a mother realizes this is just as good as that would have been.

At the end of the day, she only begs him to breed her because she assumes that's what he wants to hear. All in all, what Ciri wants more than anything else is to get fucked. So in that way, anal is just as good as vaginal, she rapidly discovers.

Moaning throatily as her head is pulled back, Ciri pants and continues to beg for more.

"Yes, daddy, yes! Fuck my tight little ass! Take me however you like! I want it! I want your cock inside of me, I don't care which hole!"

Emhyr just snorts derisively, his hand coming down on her ass again, though not nearly as harshly as before.


"You're hopeless, daughter. I expected more of you."

Ciri just shudders at his insults, as his harsh words. She doesn't know why he expected more of her. To be fair, she expected more of herself once upon a time too. But now she knows… now she knows that she's right where she belongs. The steady sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the solar as Emhyr fucks her ass, mixed with his grunts and her moans as she cums again and again from the anal pounding.

And when it's over, and he's deposited a thick load of his seed right into her bowels? Ciri doesn't hesitate to spin around and drop down to her knees as soon as he lets go of her and steps back. She kneels there before him and positively inhales his cock down her throat, taking him in her mouth as she begins to slavishly clean him off… of course, she's not just doing it for that. Looking up at him from below with wanton eyes, Ciri works hard to make sure Emhyr is not just ready to go again but WANTS to go again.

She riles him up, and soon enough the Nilfgaardian Emperor is fucking her once more, properly this time. Ciri exults in it as she finally succumbs fully, giving in to what she truly is… her own father's horny, needy slut.


It's not often that Emhyr makes mistakes. He didn't get to where he was, he didn't get Nilfgaard to where it is by making them that often. However, he ALSO didn't accomplish all he'd accomplished by refusing to see when he had made a mistake. Part of ruling was recognizing when you'd erred and working hard to correct it to the best of your ability.

The truth was, Cirilla was not made for ruling. It had taken over a year for Emhyr to recognize this fact. Perhaps she could have been sculpted into a proper Empress with enough time and energy, but instead he'd focused too hard on securing the line of succession first… and in doing so, he'd unearthed the hidden slut at his daughter's core. The young woman he and Pavetta had brought into this world together had turned out to be a wanton whore in need of constant sexual attention.

It was a disappointing realization to find that one's only child by the departed love of one's life is unfit to carry on one's legacy. Luckily, the situation was not entirely unsalvageable. For all that Ciri was not ready to rule on her own, and perhaps never would be, she'd at least given him another child who might grow up to be more like him than her slut of a mother. Only time would tell on that front.

In the meanwhile, Emhyr had removed Cirilla as Heir Apparent, instead naming her the Empress Consort. For the time being, he would continue to lead Nilfgaard. Cirilla, slut that she was, was of course completely fine with that. More importantly, at least in Emhyr's not so humble opinion, Nilfgaard was fine with it.

He'd always ruled his empire with an iron fist, to be fair, but even still, there were politics to be considered and certain individuals to be… placated. Emhyr hadn't gotten where he was by ignoring the whisperings of his nobles and generals. Luckily, the general consensus from the announcement that Cirilla would be stepping down as Heir Apparent and stepping into the role of Empress Consort was… positive.

Such taboos as incest were not taboo for people like him and his daughter. The Emperor could get away with a lot that others might consider… unnatural. More than that, it had apparently become obvious to even his nobility that Cirilla was not fit to be Empress, because there was a sense of approval and relief when the announcement was made.

In the end, while everyone knew that Emhyr had taken Cirilla as his consort and that her daughter was his daughter as well, nobody knew just how far the depravity truly extended behind the scenes. Cirilla had only become more and more addicted to Emhyr's cock over time… as evidenced by this moment here and now.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

With his hands on the arms of his throne, Emhyr var Emreis stares down into his daughter's green eyes as Ciri looks right back up at him, willingly deep-throating his cock, choking herself on his member. As she gags and gurgles and slurps at his dick, debasing and disgracing herself on her knees before him, Emhyr lets out a light sigh.

"Is this what has become of my daughter? Neither Witcher nor Empress… in the end, she was just a horny, needy slut deep down inside. And that's all she ever was."

Far from being chastised or even infuriated, Cirilla is turned on by his degradation of her, redoubling her efforts at deep-throating his cock as her tongue swirls around his length enthusiastically.

"To think, you've fallen so low. I had such expectations for you, Cirilla."

Slipping off of his cock for a moment, Cirilla nevertheless continues jerking him off as she gives him a cum-stained smile.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you, your majesty. But I think we can both agree, I'm right where I belong…"

And then she goes back to servicing him with her mouth, worshipping his cock with her tongue and lips. Emhyr just grunts, unable to deny it… and a few moments later, he's cumming down his daughter's throat, his hand finally moving to atop her head where he splays his fingers across her skull. Pinning her in place, he forces her to swallow… and to her credit, Cirilla drinks down his entire load, gulping it as her throat convulses the entire while.

As soon as he's done, his slut of a daughter rises to her feet, gathering up her skirts and lifting them to reveal to her father that she's not wearing anything underneath. Smiling coyly, Ciri turns around and proceeds to sit her ass down on his lap, impaling her cunt on his cock once more. Emhyr notes how soft her body has become. For all her scars, she's no longer the battle-hardened warrior she once was. Instead, she's closer to Pavetta's body type than ever before.

With her head turned away from him, Emhyr allows himself to indulge for just a moment, though his ironclad will keeps him from making a mistake such as saying his dead wife's name out loud or anything like that. Still, in that moment, he's no longer fucking Cirilla.

He's fucking Pavetta, his hands on her hips and his cock thrusting up into her from below as he bounces her on his lap while sitting on his throne. It was how it should have been; he should never have lost her in the first place… and as he fills Cirilla with another load of his cum, impregnating her on the spot though neither knows it yet, Emhyr imagines Pavetta in her place, groaning as he does so.

Deep down, the Emperor knows that his late wife would not approve of what he's done to her daughter. She would probably not even approve of what he's done to the world in his pursuit of conquest. But that's alright. Emhyr has long come to terms with that. In the end, he will make a world where their child… and his and Cirilla's children, will never want for nothing. A world united under Nilfgaard rule… under their rule.

And that's all that matters.


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