Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Fudge’s World (Harry Potter)

Fudge’s World (Harry Potter)

A/N: Fudge's World was a commissioned one-shot written back in May of 2020. Posting it here now for people to enjoy.

Summary: Because the concept of a Multiverse means that yes, there is a version out there where Lily survives, Harry Potter is Rose Potter, both are Mary Sues... and Fudge still wins.

Themes: Corruption, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex


"Minister, Ms. Evans is here to see you."

Smiling, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, gives his secretary a simple nod.

"Show her in."

A few moments later, the most beautiful woman in the Wizarding World steps into Fudge's office. At least, that's his opinion… and to be fair, it's an opinion shared by many who have gotten a taste of the fruits of their labor over the last several years. This past decade and a half has been… challenging in some ways, but in so many others, it's been so very rewarding.

Regardless, Fudge doesn't stand in order to meet the woman who's just walked into his office, despite there being those in the Wizarding World who might have thought he should. Who might have thought he wasn't showing the mother of the Girl-Who-Lived the respect she was owed. But Fudge knew better. And you know what? So did Lady Lily Evans-Potter.

The absolutely gorgeous red head doesn't so much as twitch at his lack of respect as she steps inside of his office and moves to stand in front of his desk. Nor does she try to take one of the chairs he has there for guests either. Instead, she takes up a practiced position, placing her hands behind her back, straightening her spine, and thrusting out her chest as she awaits leave from the Minister to be allowed to speak.

For a moment, Cornelius just… enjoys the view. Lily Evans-Potter… she was honestly almost more a threat to their society and way of life then You-Know-Who had been. But they'd taken care of that right quick, all those years ago. There are several truths to this world, some of whom Fudge is aware of, some of whom he's in deep self-denial over, and some he has no idea about.

To start with, Lily Evans-Potter isn't just drop-dead gorgeous, she's an absolute genius, a stunning witch with powerful magic and a mind that just would not quit. She soaked up every ounce of knowledge that Hogwarts offered her, when most witches and wizards manage to take in about fifty percent of what they're taught in those hallowed halls… or in some cases, less. She'd even gone beyond that, getting passes to the restricted section of the Hogwarts Library and consuming much of that knowledge as well.

She was second only to one person… and no, it wasn't Voldemort or Dumbledore, it was her daughter, Rose Potter. Rose Potter, who was the most powerful witch who had ever-lived, a female version of Merlin, sent by magic itself in order to fix how corrupt and just plain… backwards the magical world had become. Once she fully grew up, she would be capable of outdoing both Voldemort and Dumbledore with an ease that would shock both men.

Meanwhile, the Potter Vaults contained vast amounts of wealth, lost magics from centuries past, and artifacts that, if used correctly, made their wielders unstoppable. The IQ of the Wizarding World was in the toilet from inbreeding, the vast majority of wizards and witches were incompetent, and the Ministry of Magic was corrupt, sexist, racist, and mostly incompetent.

All of this was true… but despite all of that, despite all of those things, some of which the Minister knew, some he didn't know… Cornelius Fudge had made the best decision of his career right after becoming Minister of Magic. It was shortly after the Fall of the Dark Lord, and Lady Lily Evans-Potter had managed to topple his predecessor for being incompetent and stupid. Lily was poised to potentially bring the entire Wizarding World down on its head, and end his own term as Minister before it could even begin…

So, Fudge had gone to the Unspeakables. He'd made a deal with that most mystery of Ministry Organizations. In the end, even with their reputation as mysterious secretive agents of the Ministry of Magic… they were still OF the Ministry of Magic. More than that, they were still of the Magical World, the Wizarding World… and they were just as susceptible and prone to corruption, sexism, and racism as the rest of the Ministry of Magic. They were just a teensy bit less incompetent about it.

So yes, they'd taken his deal when he'd offered the Unspeakables the lost spells and artifacts from the Potter Vaults, if they helped him kidnap Lady Evans-Potter and helped him brainwash her into supporting his new regime. All Fudge wanted in return was access to the massive wealth of House Potter, in order to properly support his preferred lifestyle, and of course his upcoming re-election bids over the years.

It was a plan that, in a just and fair world, shouldn't have worked. Unfortunately, magic itself had put so much effort into Rose Potter that Lily was left brilliant but without allies, the loss of her husband leaving her paranoid and distrusting of Dumbledore. She'd been in the process of trying to get Sirius' snap conviction overturned and the man released from Azkaban when the Unspeakables grabbed her, but because she hadn't known who to trust, no one besides her ever learned that Black was actually innocent. Well… save for the Unspeakables who sorted out her mind.

But they didn't quite care about things like that, and neither did Fudge. Far more interesting was learning just how dangerous Lady Evans-Potter was, in both mind and magic. While digging around in her head, they'd discovered that she'd actually been responsible for creating some of the artifacts in the Potter Vault, and even recreating some lost magics. More than that, Rose's raw potential was even greater than Lily's.

Needless to say, upon learning these things, Fudge had decided he needed to keep Lily on a short leash. Luckily, the restructuring of her mind had worked beautifully, and the muggleborn witch had come to believe that the Ministry (and specifically Minister Fudge) were the only people she could trust with the contents of the Potter Vaults, the wealth going to Fudge and the artifacts going to the Department of Mysteries.

She'd also come to believe (with some help) that muggleborns and even half-bloods were altogether worthless compared to purebloods, and that neither she nor her daughter had any right or claim to the Potter Family lands or fortunes. As such, Fudge had happily seized all Potter properties with Lily's willing assistance, and in turn she'd accepted his offer for a small room deep in the belly of the Ministry.

In return, she'd been working for the Unspeakables off the books all these years, giving her groundbreaking ideas to the Purebloods in the department. She had even been letting them train her daughter as a weapon… a weapon that Fudge had to admit, he couldn't wait to get his hands on and in more ways than one.

At the end of the day, both Lily and Rose were well aware that they were magically more powerful than practically anyone else. But thanks to Fudge's quick thinking, both mother and daughter were convinced that it was a woman's duty to obey her father or husband, and if she didn't have either, to then obey the highest male authority figure in their lives (him, of course). On top of that, they believed that the impure served the pure… and that he and his Ministry decided who was pure and who was not.

All of this was to say… Fudge had just spent the last five minute staring at Lily's gorgeous rack as he contemplated all of that, and the red head had noticed. With a slow smile, Lily reaches up and begins to unbutton her blouse right there in front of him. Exposing herself, letting him see more of her gorgeous rack and pale skin, is actually what finally pulls Cornelius out of his momentary stupor.

"I have the report on my daughter's most recent progress here for you, Minister. But I have to wonder if there's not something else I can help you with, in the meantime. As always, I live to serve."

The best part is, Fudge knows Lily doesn't actually find him attractive. The Unspeakables had specifically asked if he wanted her to during her brainwashing, but he'd said no, having them instill a deep sense of loyalty and devotion towards him instead. He didn't need her to think he was some handsome hunk on par with the late James Potter. He just needed her to be obedient and know her place.

The absolutely gorgeous red head certainly knows that, as she's now taken off her bra and is standing in the middle of his office with her perfectly shaped tits out, just waiting for him to tell her what to do. In the end, Fudge finally rises from his chest, even as his shaft rises in his pants. He works hurriedly at his belt buckle, even as he approaches the waiting witch.

"You're right. You've riled me up again, as always. All you muggleborns are so slutty…"

Lily ducks her head, a flush of shame spreading across her face and down her neck.

"I apologize, Minister. It's my fault, please-mmph!"

Before she can finish asking him to take out his frustrations on her, Fudge already is. He grabs Lily by the arm and drags her in close, pressing her naked tits against his chest even as he kisses her roughly. His other hand reaches around, and he laces his fingers through her gorgeous crimson locks, all while guiding HER hand down to his cock, which is now sticking out of the front of his pants, growing harder by the moment.

Lily is all too happy to jerk him off as he sticks his tongue down her throat. After all, it's her duty as a stupid muggleborn. He'd call her a mudblood, but this is the Ministry of Magic, and they DO have some standards. Not that it really matters, muggleborn is meant to be just as offensive as mudblood when used within the Ministry of Magic most days.

Everyone thinks that Lady Lily Evans-Potter and her daughter Rose are living in seclusion on some undisclosed Potter Property, somewhere deeply hidden. But that's quite far from the truth. In reality, Lily Evans has forsaken her married name, allowing the Ministry to privately annul her marriage to the late Lord Potter officially. She was just Ms. Evans now… and Rose didn't even have that. She was just Rose… no Potter, no Evans. No last name to speak of.

Pulling away from Lily, Fudge goes ahead and spins the gorgeous red head around, thrusting her over the front of his desk. She doesn't fight him whatsoever, despite the Minister knowing for a fact that in a one on one duel, Lily could have taken him any day of the week. The difference in their magical power is part of what makes it so intoxicating, having this beautiful dame as his BITCH.

Bending Lily over his desk, Fudge grunts as he yanks up her skirt and then yanks down her pantyhose. She's not wearing anything underneath those, so he's able to shove his erection into her moist cunt without fail from there.

"Go on then, Ms. Evans. Hah, give me your report, you little slut."

"Y-Yes, mm, sir…"

As he fucks Lily from behind, his balls slapping up into her clit with every deep, penetrating thrust, the red head does her best. She takes the file she's brought with her and opens it on his desk so that he can see the contents. Then, she begins to give her latest report on her daughter's growth and potential use as a weapon of the Ministry of Magic.

It's quite amusing, watching her talk in casual terms about how the Ministry and the Unspeakables might best use her own flesh and blood, all while he's pistoning his prick in and out of her cunt. He groans as her pussy walls clench down around his shaft, but honestly, even though Fudge is interchangeably groping Lily's ass and pulling on her crimson red hair, and smacking her fat bottom, his eyes… his eyes are on the pictures.

Lily's file comes with pictures of Rose, and for the first time in the last decade and a half, Fudge finds himself viewing his supposed weapon in a new light. Oh, it wasn't like he was ignorant to what Rose could become, given her mother's looks, but that was all academic before. Now… now it's beginning to become real.

Rose is finally reaching that age where she just might be worth a fuck here and there. Fudge finds himself admiring the younger witch's developing curves, even as he makes use of her mature, brainwashed MILF of a mother. He groans as he sinks his member into Lily's depths again and again, while imagining what it would feel like to have his cock inside of Rose instead, be it in her cunt, her mouth… even her ass.

With a loud groan, Fudge thrusts forward one final time and empties his balls in Lily, coating the mother's womb with his white, hot seed. He pumps and pumps until there's nothing left, and only then does he pull out. Cutting herself off in the middle of the report, knowing full well that other responsibilities take priority, Ms. Evans immediately slides off of his desk, dropping down into a crouch as she spins around and faces him.

A moment later, her hands are squeezing HIS ass as she deep-throats his member quite lewdly, sucking down his entire length without complaint and swirling her tongue along his cock as she cleans him off with her mouth. Fudge groans in enjoyment as she extracts the last bits of cum from his balls as well as licking his messy length clean of both their juices, all while his seed threatens to drip out of her creampied pussy, onto his office floor.

But Lily knows better, she's all business and always professional, no matter what the situation. She gets him clean before the first dollop of cream can escape her freshly fucked quim, and then straightens up, pulling her pantyhose into place and her skirt down over her ass once more, letting his cum begin to soak into the undergarment while she goes back to standing at attention, arms behind her back, chest out, and legs together.

Fudge leans in and takes a quick suckle of one of her tits, just to check if she might be pregnant and lactating… but not at the moment, it would seem. Unfortunate, but not totally unexpected. Either way, he gives her a smile and a nod before moving back around his desk and sitting back down. There, he takes up the file that Lily has brought him and doesn't so much as look at her as he waves a hand dismissively.

"That will be all, Ms. Evans. You may go. Hopefully, someday soon I'll get to see mother and daughter in action together…"

"Good day, Minister."

Lily gives a bow, and then walks right out of his office, not even bothering to fix up her blouse. It's alright, the only people who are going to see her on her way back to the Department of Mysteries will be his all-female staff… and Fudge has long since had the Unspeakables brainwash all of them as well as the years have gone on. Case in point… a beautiful brunette witch pokes her head in, looking almost hopeful.

"Do I need to clean up a mess, Minister Fudge?"

Smirking at the overeager Auror-Turned-Secretary, Fudge chuckles.

"No, Amelia… but if you're so eager, I suppose I can find something for you to do under my desk. Come in and remember to close the door behind you."

"Y-Yes sir!"

In another time, Amelia Bones might have had the potential and drive to become the Head of the DMLE. But not in this world. Not in Fudge's world.


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