Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Fat Slob Supremacy (Granblue Fantasy)

Fat Slob Supremacy (Granblue Fantasy)

A/N: Fat Slob Supremacy was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Heavily inspired by Fatalpulse/Asanagi's Victim Girls 25, but with it's own twist to it. In which Metera needs some help in dealing with a slaver's operation and she recruits Forte and Narmaya. Except not all is at it seems for our two Draph short-stacks.

Themes: Mind Break, Master/Slave, Dark Themes


"Thank you, you two. I wasn't sure… these men are monsters. I couldn't be confident of my own ability to face them without back up."

As she leads them through the streets and down back alleys into the heart of the Warehouse District, Metera looks back over her shoulder at the two Draph Warriors who have agreed to accompany her, giving them a grateful smile. The Erune's ears and tail both flicker with something bordering on excitement, or perhaps adrenaline. After all, they're about to go into a fight.

In turn, the two Draph she's recruited share a look. Shorter than the Erune by a few inches but far bustier, they glance at one another as if to see which will answer. But of course it could only be the black-haired one of the two. The pink-haired one, Narmaya the Fluttering Swordswoman, is as shy and socially awkward as she is a menace on the battlefield. All of her time, all of her effort, all of her work has gone into her training with the sheathed katana she currently carries at her side.

Meanwhile, the black-haired Draph is used to being the center of attention and doing all the talking. Forte the Skydrover, Captain of the Dark Dragoons, smirks easily even as she wields her lance like she was born to it.

"But of course! If even half of what you told us about is true, we would be remiss not to handle this right away! A Draph Farm… how dare they!"

And indeed, that was what Metera had told them both. The Erune had almost cried as she'd told them what she'd witnessed, what she'd discovered. Deep within the Warehouse District was a highly illegal, morally reprehensible Draph Farm, a place where scum of the earth humans took captured Draph women in order to break off their horns and harvest them for Draph Powder, an incredibly potent drug.

There were a multitude of reasons that such farms were banned at this point, least of which because it infringed on the rights of Draph everywhere! But the black market for Draph Powder was all the more lucrative for the ban and both Forte and Narmaya knew such places still existed, as horrifying as that was. This would be the first time either of them had been alerted to the location of one however, leaving both short-stack Draph eager to exact justice and save their sisters from such a horrible fate.

"Y-Yes! It's just… just around this corner up ahead."

As Metera leads them around a corner and then over behind some crates, Forte and Narmaya follow her pointed finger down the street to where the Draph Farm MUST be located. Outside of large double doors are a pair of equally large human men. And not in the nice way either that's aesthetically pleasing to look at. They aren't muscles on muscles, they're fat on fat. Of course, they're easily twice Forte and Narmaya's height all the same, but being more rotund then chiseled, they look disgusting, like a pair of disgusting slobs.

Narmaya's nose wrinkles in disgust and Forte's lip curls into a sneer as Metera points them out.

"Those are the backdoor guards. The front of the facility is the processing area. This back entrance should lead to the holding cells where all the victims are being held. I think… I think this is where we should strike."

"Yes! There's no time to waste, we can't let our kin suffer for even one more moment!"

Clutching her sword tightly, Narmaya gives a nod as well.

"A-Ah, y-yes!"

The shy, pink-haired Draph might not seem like much of a fighter, but both Forte and Metera knew from reputation how deadly she was with her blade. All the same, Metera turns to Forte.

"We'll follow your lead then."

Needless to say, the Captain of the Dark Dragoons sees absolutely nothing wrong with this. She's used to leading the charge… in fact, she prefers it. Flashing the Erune and her fellow Draph a vicious grin, she swings her lance out in front of her… and leaps over the barrels with a harsh cry. A moment later, Narmaya follows suit without the cry, Metera just behind her bringing up the rear.


The first warning that anyone inside of the warehouse gets that they're under attack is when the backdoors suddenly slam open, one of their door guards propelled through quite violently. As Forte, Narmaya, and Metera all rush in, they find themselves face to face with a rather horrifying sight. This is indeed where all of the victims are being held… but not in a way they would be used to.

There are naked Draph females everywhere, none of them in chains, none of them so much as tied up or tied down. But every single one of them is missing one of their horns, and the vacant glazed looks on their faces don't paint the prettiest of pictures. However, it's not just Draph either. There are an equal number of naked Erune among the bunch too, and likewise, none of them are in bondage either.

At least, not visibly. While Forte and Narmaya can't see it, the Erune are all wearing one little accessory… a small metal clamp around the bases of their tails, leaving them unable to so much as walk on two feet and in a constant state of near-endless arousal and euphoric ecstasy. All of these victims look up at the two Draph Warriors and the Erune who led them here rush in, blinking slowly even as Forte tosses out a hand to them.

"Run! All of you! We're here to save you!"

"… Huh?"

"But why?"

The response from two of the Draph seems to be the response from all of the victims as they just stare blankly at their so-called rescuers. Meanwhile, the humans that are manning the back of the warehouse all begin to come forward. Large in both height and girth, the fat disgusting slobs all wield some basic weapon, like a truncheon or a massive butcher's knife. They both glare and grin at the three females who've just broken into the warehouse.

"Well, well, what do we have here? Free product? You know, if you want to present yourself for processing, you really should go around and come in from the front."

Forte grits her teeth, making a 'tch!' sound as she points her lance forward. She fails to notice the light blush on Narmaya's face or the small smile on Metera's as the two stand behind her.


And with that single word, Forte darts forward. Narmaya does the same a moment later, spurred on by her fellow Draph's courage and finally drawing her blade. What follows is the ass kicking of the century as the warehouse workers go up against the Fluttering Swordswoman and the Captain of the Dark Dragoons and find themselves… decidedly wanting.

There's no denying it, both Forte and Narmaya are certified badasses. They have to be, to be fair. Overcoming such a handicap as being born a female Draph. With sensitive horns perfect for being used as handlebars, with massive tits that constantly unbalance them. Not to mention their short statures, easily only half the height of the most common race in the world, despite being so very busty as well as thicc around the hips.

To be as strong as they were in spite of all of their disadvantages took years and years of practice and training and perseverance. There was no way that they were going to lose now, especially not with Forte leading the charge.

In no time at all, the majority of the men guarding the back of the warehouse are down on the floor or slumped against the wall. The last two are backed up against said wall as well, Forte pointing her lance at one while Narmaya holds her katana aloft and angled towards the other.

"A-Ah! They're too strong for us!"

"F-Fuck, I don't want to die to some walking big-tittied fuck toy!"

Snarling at the blatant disrespect despite their show of skill, Forte snarls.

"You scum! You'll pay for this with your life!"

The man in front of her squeezes his eyes shut as she begins to lunge at him with her lance, clearly intending on ending it all. However, before she can do so, something stops her… or rather, multiple someones stop her.


"Don't hurt the Master!"

All of the sudden, there are numerous naked Draph grappling Forte from behind, grabbing the black-haired Draph around her arms and waist and pulling her back. She ends up dropping her lance and twisting around to try and push them off.

"W-Wait?! What are you doing?!"

The fat disgusting slob that she was about to skewer lets out a shocked laugh.

"Ah! My sweet, precious onaholes!"

One of the one-horned Draph slaves, having climbed up onto the backs of her fellows, finally reaches Forte's unique, curved black horns… and promptly chomps down on one.

"D-Don't hurt the Master!"

In an instant, Forte's look of inherent superiority and blatant confidence is erased as she lets out a completely undignified squeak. The horns of a female Draph are in fact their biggest weakness, a testament to just how screwed they were as a gender and a race from the very start. Just the simple act of that one Draph biting down on her horn and grinding away with her teeth is enough to cause Forte's eyes to go crossed, her mouth to drop open as a loud, moaning groan leaves her lips.

"A-Ah… Girls, I'm, oooh, t-trying to save- Nnngh!"

The Draph gnawing at her horn hits a sweet spot and the Captain of the Dark Dragoons drops as she experiences a mind-numbing orgasm right then and there, her pussy juices positive squirting out from beneath her remarkably short skirt as her knees wobble and her legs ultimately give out on her. As she hits the floor, her knees splat into the puddle of her own pussy juices, causing her to shake and shiver as she pants noisily.

Meanwhile, Narmaya has frozen in place, holding her blade to the other human man while also looking back as Forte is attacked by the very women they're supposed to be here to save. The pink-haired swordswoman really doesn't know what to do. She can't… she can't attack the victims of all of this, right?

Around the warehouse, one-horned Draph and naked Erune alike are helping their attackers up and receiving either abuse or praise, all of it sexual and casual and dehumanizing at the end of the day. But that's all just backdrop for what's happening right before Narmaya's face.

The man that Forte had been about to kill stands up and chuckles, picking his big butcher's knife back up off of the ground and moving forward with it.

"Guess the tables have turned, cunt…"

Kneeling there, still trembling from the aftershocks of her orgasm, currently weaponless, Forte looks up at him and goes wide-eyed.

"W-Wait! N-No d-don't touch me you scum!"

He just laughs and all but falls atop of her, the fat slob easily pinning the half-pint of a short-stacked Draph beneath him as he wields his knife with purposeful precision.

"S-Stop! Don't touch my horns! No, I don't wanna, I don't wanna b-become like them, p-please I'm beg-gggkkh!"

Narmaya has turned around entirely at this point, leaving herself completely open to the fat disgusting slob behind her as she stares at the horrifying sight. But her blade has already dropped to point downwards as she holds the handle up against her chest, almost like she's trying to defend herself, almost like she's trying to ward off evil.

Forte's voice cuts off as a sawing sound fills the air, and the fat human slob on top of her cuts her horn off right then and there. The Captain of the Black Dragoon's legs go from flailing about behind him to suddenly ramrod straight, and she cums so hard that her pussy juices splatter all across Narmaya's face and fat tits, causing her to flinch back as she's coated in the evidence of Forte's complete and utter defeat.

"A-Ah… ahh…"

"Huh, you sure gave me trouble, bitch. But in the end, you're just more product. Like our boss always says, small brains, big tits."

"Hehehehe, yessssh~ yessssh, big titties, hehehe, fuck me, fuck me, use me Master, I can be a good girl!"

"You ain't no girl, stupid cunt. You're fucking product now."


It's in this moment, as Narmaya stands there trembling, covered in Forte's pussy juices, staring at the humiliating scene that her fellow Draph is being forced to take part in… that Metera steps back into the room. Having not even noticed when she left, the pink-haired swordswoman Draph is surprised to say the least. She's even more surprised to see who Metera has brought with her.

The tallest and biggest of the human males so far, it's quite obvious that this fat, slovenly slob of a man is the leader of this whole operation as he rakes his eyes over the scene with an evil grin of approval stretched across his jowls. Metera, meanwhile, has stripped down to nothing and is now wearing a collar, the naked Erune leaning in to his side and hugging his impressively fat belly as she rubs herself with one hand, moaning and mewling like… like a whore in heat.

At the same time, from behind Narmaya comes the human male that she herself had failed to put down, one arm sliding over her shoulder and wrapping down to nonchalantly and casually grope one of her massive melons as she stands there, her legs locked together and unwilling to answer her call.

"Heh, they look really happy, don't they? Erune, Draph… you're all the same really. You Draph in particular get so fucked in the head when you discover the pleasure of losing a horn. You lose your ability to walk on two feet, forced to crawl on the floor for the rest of your lives. Meanwhile, Erune take a bit more effort. You've gotta disable them via their tails first, and then fuck them a few dozen times before they properly break."

As he finishes his horrifying explanation, Metera calls out from her Master's side.

"Doesn't she look like she's having fun, Narmaya? Being a slave is so much better than being free! Aren't you glad I tricked you both? Aren't you glad I gave you this opportunity to worship humans like I do?!"

With a perverse giggle, the Erune turns and wraps her arms around her Master's neck, lifted off the ground by his arm around her waist and his fat hand groping her ass as she kisses her ugly, sloven master quite happily, leaving pink lipstick all over his face and rubbing her chest against him.

In this face of this betrayal, in the face of Forte's abrupt one-eighty, Narmaya doesn't… she doesn't know what to do. Slowly, her katana falls out of nerveless limp hands as she stands there getting molested. Meanwhile, her tongue has already slipped out of her mouth, licking up some of Forte's pussy juices as they continue to drip down her soaked, blushing face. As her weapon clatters to the floor, the slob holding her by the tit reaches up with his other hand and grabs onto one of her horns.

Immediately, Narmaya feels a surge of pleasure as he roughly tugs and grips at her horn, a wanton moan exploding from the shy pink-haired swordswoman's lips as he chuckles wickedly.

"Oops, you dropped your weapon. But that's fine, isn't it? Female Draph are more suited for handling cocks then weapons, don't you think?"

As she trembles and quivers, on the verge of orgasming, he hums to her.

"What do you think? You wanna give it a try?"

In the end, he doesn't wait for a response. One of the other human men hands him a surgical saw and Narmaya doesn't resist as he takes it to her horn, as he cuts it from her head. At the same time, the man who's pinning down Forte lets out a sneer as he begins pawing at her clothes.

"Sows like you don't need clothing, get out of that shit!"

Both Forte and Narmaya are soon stripped down, now reduced to mind-numbed bimbo Draph in their one-horned states. Their eyes roll up in their heads as their tits are fondled and mauled equally, as their bodies are abused and used. With the loss of one of their horns, it's like the erogenous nature of said horn has been transferred to the rest of their form. They couldn't walk on two feet if they tried, just like said, but they can certainly cling to the large human men who they are now beholden to.

Laid out beside each other, the two Draph are soon being fucked at the same time, the two humans they were about to be kill before their defeat came from the most unlikely of sources getting first dibs as they pin them down and slam remarkably large cocks into them both. Meeting Forte's eyes, Narmaya moans and Forte moans right back, the two of them sex-crazed sows now, enjoying their Master's cocks so very much.

"Fuck this one is tight…"

"Heh, so is this one. And shit, I'm pretty sure this was the Captain of the Dark Dragoons. Can't believe I got to personally reduce such an uppity Draph bitch into the product she's made to be."

"Hah, you're telling me. I recognize this one too. The Fluttering Swordswoman they called her. Well, the only 'swords' she'll be handling from now on our are cocks!"

"Damn straight!"

The two one-horned Draph find each other's hands in the midst of this, lacing their fingers together, holding onto one another as they lose all semblance of themselves to the pleasure side by side. It makes so much more sense now. They were never meant to be heroes, never meant to be warriors. Their place was always here, beneath the humans that were so inherently superior to them.

"Fucking love these big-tittied short-stacks. I swear, they practically walk themselves into our arms half the time!"

"It's because they know what they're meant to be! Deep down inside, they all know that they're nothing more than product."

Yes… it was true. Forte and Narmaya could see that now, and as the two fat slobs fucking them lean forward and cease their conversation in favor of dominating the two Draph with their tongues, the one-horned females happily kiss their human Masters back, wrapping their weak limbs around the girthy torsos of the men as best as possible. It's all their limbs are good for now after all. Their legs no longer have the strength to prop up their top-heavy bodies, and their arms no longer have the strength to hold up weapons in their hands.

They've been reduced to nothing more than a pair of sows, a pair of products for their Masters to do whatever they want with. And frankly, the two female Draph couldn't be happier about that.


"Well done, pet. Another pair of Grade A Product delivered to their rightful state."

As her Master, the largest and ugliest of the human men in the warehouse chuckles at his own words, Metera just smiles a dopy, perverted smile, one that doesn't show her teeth as she looks upon the two idiotic Draph cunts that were so gung ho about helping her. She'd been tricking them both from the start, as it so happened.

Metera herself had long known the true superiority of the human race. Her Master had been the one to show her so many months before, when he'd-!

Her thoughts are suddenly abruptly cut off as her Master reaches back behind her and grabs her at the base of her tail. On the spot the Erune Heroine, a prodigal archer who'd been looked up to by many of the Erune race, cums her pretty little brains out, even foaming at the mouth a little as she grits her teeth and her eyes subsequently roll back in her head.

While Erune weren't quite as… helplessly inferior and poorly designed as Draph, they weren't that much better off. A Draph had so many downsides to contend with that it wasn't even funny. From their short statures to their heavy chests to their incredibly sensitive and highly important horns. Erune didn't have anything like a Draph's horns. If you removed a Draph horn, you got a docile, bimbo fuck toy. If you removed two horns from a Draph, you effectively reduced them to a braindead meat puppet.

An Erune's ears were quite sensitive, but nowhere near as important as a Draph's horns. And likewise, an Erune's weak point wasn't QUITE as exploitable. But it still did exist, and the fact that anyone could take advantage of it if they were lucky enough and completely disable even the strongest most skilled Erune was proof that they were made to be property, made to be product, made to be used and abused and ultimately discarded by the human race.

An Erune's main weak spot was the base of their tails. Of course, cutting off the tail didn't remove their intelligence like a Draph losing a horn, in fact it removed the weakness. So rather than cutting off their tails, their human masters had devised small little iron rings that clamped down on the base of the tail just like a normal hand.

But it wasn't ever quite as good, and Metera herself had just gone without either for hours on end. She always did when she was sent out by her Master to find more idiots to become product. She had to have her full faculties available to her after all, and the ability to walk and talk.

Now, as her Master holds her by the base of her tail, the slutty Erune lets it all go, turning back into the mindless horny beast she was born to be as she cums again and again. He kisses her and their tongues wrestle with one another, but she has nothing but submission for him, especially when he has her by the tail.

Soon enough, she's in his lap and bouncing up and down on his cock, exactly where she belongs. The Erune known to many as the 'Genius Archer' can do nothing but moan as her eyes roll back in her head, her arms wrapped around her Master's impressively massive girth. Her cunt clenches down hard along his huge fat cock, which is directly proportionate to the rest of his large body.

Meanwhile, behind her, the first two men are finishing up with Forte and Narmaya. The one-horned Draph bimbos are passed around to all the others they harmed after that. After all, only the boss gets to slack off as much as he wants and fuck the product whenever he desires. The rest of them are permitted to have some fun when it becomes available, but they still need to do their jobs.

Still, when you love what you do for a living, is it even really work? As Forte and Narmaya are forced onto all fours and then lifted off of the ground as they're spit-roasted between four of the large men, their gurgles and gags fill the air, only to be overridden by squeals and moans from all of the other product lounging about the room.

In the front of the warehouse, in the processing center, rows and rows of female Draph are tied down and gagged with bits as their horns are harvested one by one. Some of them are losing their horns for the first time and being transported back here. Others are losing their second horns and being transported… elsewhere.

There's a reason that these humans in particular are all so fat and ugly, while also being so damn large. One of the men walks up to the boss as he's bouncing Metera up and down on his dick and hands him two dishes of freshly ground Draph Powder, nodding to the two bitches currently hanging limply between two cocks and being fucked in both ends a few yards away.

"The one on the left is from the black-haired sow, the one on the right is the pinkette's."

Eyes sparking with interest, the boss of the entire operation ignores Metera for a moment, leaving her whining and mewling and riding him all the harder to try to get his attention back on her, to try to get his hand back on her tail. He snubs her of course, as is his right as the superior human Alpha Male. With both of his hands free, his sausage-like fingers reach out and dip into the two dishes of Draph Powder.

Bringing one to his nose, he proceeds to sniff it up one nostril, taking in the processed Draph Horn, which became a powerful drug when utilized properly. After a moment, he goes for the other up the other nostrils, sniffing up both effectively and then grinning lazily.

"Ahhh, high quality Draph Powder, is there anything like it? The pink-haired one… Grade A for sure. The black-haired one, that's Grade S."

His subordinate's eyebrows climb at that and then he grins just as wide as his boss.

"Aye-aye, sir! I'll be sure to get them both bottled up ASAP!"

As he leaves, Metera's Master's hand goes back to the base of her tail… and his other goes to one of her ass cheeks. He suddenly stands up from where he'd sat down and let her crawl atop him, and with a strength that bellies his immense weight and overwhelming obesity, he begins to standing fuck her like the fat rolling off of him means nothing.

This right here is the power that her Master used to beat her all that time ago, and Metera's eyes roll up in her head as she presses her nose to his chest, causing it to scrunch up like a pig, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and writhing wildly against him. Draph Powder was an intense boost for any human male, giving them power and might that could not be matched. He'd so easily dominated her back then, grabbing hold of her tail and showing her just how weak and worthless she was in comparison to him. He'd fucked her for days on end, leaving her unable to recover, unable to think about anything but his cock and the pleasure it could bring her.

He'd broken her, plain and simple. And Metera loved him for it. She loved being his Erune pet, she loved being his best earner, his best tool. He sent her out again and again, and she ALWAYS brought the choicest product.

Abruptly, her Master spins her around so she's bent over and hanging from his cock. One hand on the base of her tail and the other gathering her ears together and pulling them and her head up as he fucks her, he laughs, letting her see what she's wrought. Forte and Narmaya are both choking down dicks and getting fucked in their cunts and their asses now, their welcoming gangbangs continuing apace. The two will no doubt be used quite extensively.

With how her Master had graded the quality of their horns however, they might then get sold later on. It was something that the ugly sloven human man did with the best Draph bitches. If their Draph Powder Grade was A or better, then it was usually best to sell them as a package deal. Rather than removing their final horn and then reducing their braindead meat puppet of a body to it's base components, they would be sold as a sex slave to a rich benefactor, along with the dish of Draph Powder from their first horns.

Then, it would be up to the buyer when to remove that second horn and effectively use their new Draph Slave up. Inevitably, they always did from what Metera had seen at her Master's side. Eventually, the supply of powder from the first horn would run out and as much fun as they were having with their new slave, they would cut off the second horn and process it. And then they would need more product. They would need more powder. They would need a new slave.

Her Master was so smart, such an intelligent businessman. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he did it well. It didn't matter that his entire operation was illegal. By catering almost exclusively to the rich with his best product, he was able to fly under the radar and keep those who might try to bring him to justice from ever even knowing he existed. The only way anyone ever found out about him was through her, and that was by design.

As her Master cums inside of her, Metera squeals like the Erune bitch she is, moaning up a storm, her eyes fluttering and rolling back in her head once more. He lets her go a moment later and she slumps forward, face down on the ground. His foot toes at her cunt for a second before delivering a swift kick to her pussy that causes her to squeal and shriek in both pain and pleasure as the masochistic bitch rolls over onto her back.

When his foot comes down on her neck, she doesn't try to stop him from pressing down. She looks up into his eyes as he stares at her and wonders if this is it. After all, while a high quality Draph could expect to be sold to some rich client after losing their first horn, Erune had no such simple path before them. Many were still sold to those who had a certain taste for Erune sex slaves, but most… most were used up and then eventually reduced to product.

That was why the men in the warehouse were all so fat. Erune meat was so very, very rich and tender, as well as incredibly fatty in it's quality. And one of the benefits of working in the warehouse was that they all dined on a tasty meal of Erune steak every single night. Was it going to be her, tonight? Would her Master finally deliver unto her the greatest reward that an Erune could, turning her into chow for his men? Would she be killed here and now and then cooked and eaten by her Master and the superior humans working for him?

But no, in the end he pulls his foot back and snorts, shaking his head.

"Not yet. You haven't earned it yet."

Metera doesn't complain. She doesn't exclaim that he graded the Captain of the Dark Dragoons as S-tier himself not a few minutes before. She just accepts his words as she crawls to her knees and begins worshipping his cock with her mouth like the good little fuck toy she is. He lets her do so for a little while before pushing her off and towards the back doors.

"Go on. Get dressed and get back out there. See if these bitches had any friends, yeah? Perhaps they'll be some high-quality product as well."

"Y-Yes Master. Anything for you, Master~"

Her tail feels so very bare without his hand or an iron clasp on it's base… but Metera knows that she has to do what her Master says if she wants to be rewarded with more of his cock as well as the greatest pleasure of all. So she does as she's told and heads back out, eager to find the next few rubes to trick into following her back to the warehouse.


"What?! They have Forte and Narmaya?! We have to go save them!"

"Ah, Princess… if you insist on this path then I shall assist you."

Metera hides her smile as best she can, instead affecting a sympathetic expression and an earnest nod. But it's so hard not to laugh in their faces as she gazes upon the Pugilist Princess Aliza and one of the Twelve Divine Generals, Anila. The two Draph were almost too easy to track down, as they'd already been hunting for their missing fellows.

"Oh I'm so glad that the two of you are on board! I saw exactly where those terrible men took them after they unjustly ambushed the two in a back alley. With the three of us together, I'm sure we can defeat them all and get your friends back! Come on, follow me!"

What would her Master think of these two, she wondered? Would he love them? Would this be enough for her to earn her final reward? Licking her lips, Metera begins to lead Aliza and Anila deep, deep into the warehouse district. As worried as they are about Forte and Narmaya, neither heroine suspects a single thing is wrong about any of this.

Once upon a time, Metera's magic and flight could not be contained within her simple village, and so she'd dashed off into the vast and endless sky in search of excitement and adventure. But now, all she wanted was to be put into the ground and used by her Master until he grew tired of her. That was all that mattered now, that was all she cared about.

Life was so much simpler when you gave up on your dreams and accepted your place as an Erune bitch or a Draph sow.


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