Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Earth-6969 (DC Comics)

Earth-6969 (DC Comics)

A/N: Earth-6969 is a discontinued commission originally written back in July of 2020. As it is not likely to ever be continued, I'm posting it up as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Earth-69 was a perfectly normal universe, completely average in the grand scheme of things. Eart-6969 on the other hand is a very different animal...

Themes: Bimbofication, Breeding, Dom/Sub


The universe is a vast, inexplicable place at the best of times. But the multiverse… the multiverse is even vaster. Made up of infinite universes, infinite timelines, the multiverse is constantly growing. Every action, every instance of free will, creates a new kind of existence, a new universe. But this story isn't necessarily about a vast universe… it's about one world in particular, and the people who live on it.

In the naming scheme of those who understood some of the multiverse and its functions, this particular Earth would be called Earth-69. And despite the easy sex joke being made there, Earth-69 was a completely normal place with completely normal societal morals that could be found on any other of hundreds of thousands of Earths.

However, that was before someone got their hands on it. That was before a change that spun a new universe, a new Earth, off of Earth-69. For the purposes of brevity, we'll call this one Earth-6969… and this is their story.


When they meet, it's just the two of them. Standing side by side, arms crossed over their broad, muscular chests as they stare out of the viewport, down at the Earth below. The more colorful of the two is the one who approaches the first, and as he does so, he calls out quietly, naming the other man.

"… Batman."

For a moment, the Caped Crusader doesn't speak. The World's Greatest Detective seemingly lost in thought. But after a beat, he inclines his head ever so slightly, though more than enough for his companion to see, what with the other's enhanced alien senses.


Grimacing, Superman looks down at Earth alongside a man who, despite having no discernable meta abilities, has been, at different times his greatest ally and his greatest enemy. Though the latter were almost all misunderstandings, it did not change the fact that Batman could and nearly had killed Superman once upon a time, where pretty much everyone and everything else had failed.

It didn't matter that the man beneath the cowl was just that, a man. He was as powerful as Superman himself, just in many different ways.

"… There's no changing things back to the way before, is there?"

Superman's voice is quiet and thoughtful, as he continues to stare down at the Earth. Thanks to his super-sight, he can see a lot more down there then his counterpart probably can. Once again, Batman hesitates to speak, as if collecting his thoughts. It's a little disconcerting, given that the Bat always seemed to know precisely what to say before. But… the change in their circumstances has clearly had it's effect on him, just as it has everyone else.

"No, there's not. In fact, within a couple of days, we probably won't remember there was anything to change back in the first place. I've consulted with a few individuals who would know better than us… and all of them say the same thing. The foundational building blocks of our universe have been altered, and in such a way that they can never be changed back."

Grimacing, Superman clenches his hands into fists, fists that could grind down even a diamond to dust.

"Could we… evacuate?"

It's a legitimate question, to be fair. The Justice League was well aware of the multiverse and had been for a long time. Unfortunately, Batman has a quick response to that one… he shakes his head the moment the words leave Superman's lips.

"No. We're… infectious, for lack of a better word."

Superman's teeth grind together as Batman unfolds one of his arms to gesture to the both of them.

"This? It already permeates this universe, has altered every living being in it into what we are now. So, there's no risk of us spreading it further, it's spread as far as it can spread. But take us out of our home universe and put us in any other? We become carriers. We wouldn't escape this… we'd just be bringing it with us and visiting this fate upon more Earths."

His friend's voice sounds confident and secure. Even Superman, who's advanced hearing allows him to be able to tell when someone is lying or unsure most of the time, can't detect a single note of deceit in Batman's words. Of course, he's not truly been able to tell when the other man was lying for a long time… but it makes sense. And that's the worst part. It all makes so much goddamn sense.

Rather than continue that line of thinking, Superman turns towards other things, though they're still quite related to what the two of them have been discussing.

"… I've got Power Girl and Wonder Woman locked down in the Fortress of Solitude at the moment. They're staying put under the promise that I'm going to be returning shortly. Supergirl remains in the wind, however, at least for the moment. Which… worries me. It means she might be behind lead right now, doing who knows what with who knows who."

Batman slowly nods… and then, to Superman's surprise, he visibly deflates, letting out a sigh.

"Well then, it seems we both have things we need to be doing."

That brings Superman up short, until the other hero explains.

"I've got Catwoman and Batgirl both waiting in the Batcave right now. And I doubt they're going to be the end of this, either. Given my wealth, I suspect I'll be supporting several women by the time the dust settles. Given your power, you should plan for the same."

Once again, he has to acknowledge that Batman is right… even if he hates it with all of his heart. Slowly, the two men, Earth's greatest heroes, each in their own way, turn to face one another. Their arms still crossed over their chest, their hands clenched into fists, their jaws clenched as they look into each other's eyes, they ultimately nod in unison, and go their separate ways.

As Batman returns to his city, Superman makes his way back to the Fortress of Solitude… it's time… it's time to face the music.


"Superman! You're back!"

"It's about time! C'mon big boy, give it to us!"

The moment he arrives in the Fortress, Wonder Woman and Power Girl are in front of him. Of course, there's nothing about Power Girl that can be called 'girl' at this point. There never was before either, to be fair, but now… now it's even more pronounced. And the moment he lays eyes on the two women, Superman feels it all come crashing down on him again.

It'd been nothing more than a low murmur up in the Watchtower when he was with Batman. There were the alpha instincts, of course, the territorial need to fight and defeat the other man in order to make it obvious that he was the alpha. But Superman had far too much self control to give in to instincts like that, and so did Batman. They hadn't fought because they'd kept their new urges fully under wraps.

They were lucky that they could, that most men still had their full faculties. The same could not be said for the women all across the world, super-powered or otherwise. The changes that had swept across their universe had been sudden and apparently irreversible and had had both physical and mental effects on males and females alike.

Nowhere is this more evident then in how Wonder Woman and Power Girl have… changed. Gone are two Paragons of Virtue and Justice. Oh sure, they're still wearing their costumes… or rather, lewd and somewhat perverse versions of their costumes that manage to contain their absolutely massive busts but do nothing to hide their thicc thighs or fantastically large asses.

With their pillowy, fat, imminently kissable lips, combined with their new figures that go so far beyond hourglass that it isn't even funny, the effects of the change on Wonder Woman and Power Girl couldn't be more obvious, at least physically. Mentally, on the other hand… well, one only had to spend a few moments in their presence to see how they'd both been changed mentally.

"Power Girl is right! I need it, Superman! I need your big fat cock inside of me! The Goddesses demand it, they demand that I be bred by the most powerful man on Earth, even if he's an alien!"

Giggling beside her, Power Girl's utterly massive bust, still contained within the boob window of her white costume SOMEHOW, jiggles in the process.

"Still hiding behind your Goddesses, Wonder Woman? I think we both know that you want it more for yourself then them~"

Wonder Woman blushes, but doesn't deny it, even as both heroines look at Clark beseechingly, begging him with their eyes, inviting him with their enticing, desirable bodies. Because while the physical and mental changes to women all across this universe are undeniable… the men weren't left untouched either.

It's not as obvious for men like Superman and Batmen, who were already muscular and broad-shouldered, who already had an Adonis-level physique. But take a walk down any busy street on Earth and you'd see that EVERY man now looked like them, that EVERY man was as masculine and muscular as could be, while every woman was as voluptuous and curvaceous and feminine as could be.

You'd probably also see a lot of displays of public… affection going on as well, because mentally, they were all being pushed to engage in incredibly perverse activity, at all times. Even now, with Wonder Woman and Power Girl all but bearing down on him, Superman could feel it… the desire growing inside of him. The need to conquer, to take, to claim these two beautiful women as his and turn them into his broodmares right then and there.

… He'd resisted up until this point because he'd hoped there was a way to change everything back. But not only had his meeting with Batman confirmed that that was impossible, the Caped Crusader himself had told Superman that their ability to even remember a time before this change was going to fade over the next couple of days.

So why keep holding back, right? Why fight it when it was ultimately inevitable? Gritting his teeth and clenching his hands into fists at his side, Superman looks down at the ground for a moment, though that incidentally brings him into line of sight of the massive bulge forming in the crotch of his costume. He was deceiving himself, wasn't he?

He was the Last Son of Krypton. Fighting against what was declared ultimately inevitable was what defined him, much of the time. He'd laid his life on the line, even lost it once or twice, in the name of stopping or reversing the inevitable. The fact was… he didn't want to fight this anymore. He WANTED to give in.

"Oooh, looks like SOMEONE is finally admitting how happy he is to see us~"

"Don't tease him, Power Girl. He will lay claim to our bodies when he is ready… so long as that happens today."

Neither of the beautiful, buxom heroines in front of him are helping matters either. Or maybe they are. Maybe they're helping him find the strength to give in. Licking his dry lips, Superman stops fighting his instincts. In a moment, he's zipped across the space between him and the two women at great speed, his powerful hands closing in blonde and black locks respectively as he takes hold of them both by the head and growls.

"You both… have been very naughty."

Going from teasing to flustered and flushed in an instant, Power Girl practically has hearts in her eyes as her breath hitches, her pillowy, inflated lips parted.

"Yes, alpha…"

Wonder Woman, meanwhile, moans wantonly, writhing in his grasp, but making no real attempt to pull away.

"Fuck us, Superman. Fuck us both, breed us silly… I need to feel it inside of me, your seed. I want you to plant a baby in my womb and make me your woman before all of the Gods and Goddesses atop Mount Olympus!"

A heartfelt plea, to be sure… and one that Superman is no longer willing to deny. There's no going back from this, he knows as much… but that doesn't stop him from tightly gripping at the two bimbofied heroines' hair and slowly guiding them both to their knees.


The two busty broads drop to their knees before him without complaint, and once they have, they simply can't keep their hands off of him anymore. Not that Superman minds, in fact, he's all too willing to let them pull at his costume, effectively tearing it away when they can't quite figure out how to take it off in a proper yet timely manner.

Instead, they use their combined strength to shred the crotch of his outfit, and out from within its confines pops Superman's cock. This… was not the cock that the Man of Steel was born with, just as these were not the bodies that his female companions were born with either. While Superman was never particularly small in the genital department, the absolutely massive, thick, veiny BEAST of a member that unfurls and slaps across the tops of Wonder Woman and Power Girl's fat racks now is completely out of this world in size and girth and length.

Or perhaps it's not, given Superman knows for a fact (X-Ray vision can be such a curse at times) that pretty much every man on the planet Earth is sporting a cock around this big at this point in time. That was part of the physical transformation for the male side of things. Women all got massive bosoms and fat asses and wide hips and thicc thighs, while men got big fat cocks perfect for breeding those bimbofied thots with.

Gasping and mewling and moaning in unison, the two busty heroines coo over Superman's member, which even with how big and thick and veiny it currently is, is not all the way hard.


"We… we'll need to work together, to take care of a dick this big, Power Girl. There's no way either of us can handle this alone."

"But of course, Wonder Woman. Didn't we already agree to that? Or were you foolish enough to think you could handle a monster this size all on your lonesome, right up until you were face to face with it?"

The answering blush on the Themyscirian Princess' face gives her answer to that question away, even as Superman watches in some bemusement as the two heroines argue over his cock like it's some great enemy they have to fight and vanquish. He's about to say something when they finally reach up in unison and grab hold of his dick, first with one hand each, and then with both hands when they realize just how truly massive he really is.

They end up facing each other, pressing their prodigious busts together as his member lays across the top of their chests, and leaning forward, moaning as they begin to rub against him, stroking his cock with their hands, with their tits, and eventually even using their mouths as they lean down to apply sensual, soft, pillowy kisses to his shaft.

Soon enough, they graduate to licking. Of course, half of their kisses are as much the two of them swapping spit around his girth between their mouths as anything else. Their tongues intertwine as they try to share real estate atop his cock more times then Superman can count. But the fact remains, the grand majority of their focus is on his shaft, on HIS pleasure… as it should be.

The thought comes out of nowhere, and the Man of Steel blinks at it, even as he shakes his head slightly. But shaking his head doesn't dislodge the stray thought, nor does staring down at Wonder Woman and Power Girl raining attention upon his member help much either. They… they DO belong on their knees before him, don't they? He is, after all, the Last Son of Krypton. Why… why hadn't he done this far sooner? This was… they were… they were perfect for him, practically made for him.

Hell, Wonder Woman WAS made. Had her Goddesses, who were probably watching even now, if they weren't being fucked themselves, known that they were making the Amazon Champion for this purpose? Had they known, all the way back then, that one day she would belong to him, that she would be his broodmare, that she would bare his children?

A lustful growl leaves Superman's throat, and the Man of Steel tightens his grip on Wonder Woman's hair as he guides her pillowy lips to the head of his cock. Seeing this, Power Girl is quick to adapt, and even as Superman is driving Wonder Woman down his length, inch by inch, Power Girl regulates herself to his massive gonads, his hanging ball sack beneath his cock soon receiving the attention of her tongue and lips as she slurps and sucks and slobbers all over his nuts.

Wonder Woman, meanwhile, never once takes her eyes off of his face as she descends the massive length of his dick, swallowing inch after inch of his cock. He's surprised at how little he's surprised by her lack of gag reflex; truth be told. Of course, she doesn't have a gag reflex… she was made for his cock. Instead of her choking or gagging, she gurgles a little bit, but otherwise has no problem with taking his cock down her esophagus, into her gullet.

Her neck bulges prettily, and her mouth is stretched wide around his girth, but she's handling him like a champ, her tongue writhing along the underside of his dick and her pillowy lips clamping down as her cheeks suck in. She looks particularly whorish like this, nothing like the Themyscirian Princess she's supposed to be.

Or maybe… maybe this IS what the Princess of Themyscira is supposed to be. Maybe this is where Wonder Woman's original position as Ambassador to Man was always leading. With her, on her knees, deep-throating the Man of Steel's big fat cock. Groaning in pleasure, Superman doesn't hold back once he gets started. With his hand on the back of Wonder Woman's head, he pushes her down his member time and time again, forcing her faster and further.

She never quite makes it to the base of his cock… he's fairly sure not even their new bodies are made for that, truth be told. As big as Wonder Woman's tits are now, she still has organs beneath them, and if Superman forced his cock any further, he's quite sure he just might rupture something. That's okay though, because as it stands, having his cock ALMOST all the way down Wonder Woman's throat, combined with the adventurous Power Girl working away at his balls, is enough to eventually send him over the edge.

The build up takes a lot longer than it used to, Superman absently notes, but then, of course it would right? His cock is huge now, and his balls are proportionately just as big, certainly much bigger than before. As such, it stands to reason that his releases would take longer… and that the volumes of his loads would be much bigger.

As Superman's first release approaches, he knows what he wants to do with it. He knows where he wants to put it. As such, right before he's about to cum, the Man of Steel yanks Wonder Woman back off of his cock and drags Power Girl out from where she's been worshipping his balls. Then, with both of them held at arm's length, and his massive meat cannon of a prick inches from their faces, Superman cums.

Needless to say, it's a cum bath of epic proportions. His seed hoses out of his… well, his meat hose, and both Wonder Woman and Power Girl are rocked back on their heels by the amount of high-velocity jizz being blasted across their faces and their tits. If not for his hold on their hair, there's no doubt in Superman's mind that they'd both be blasted back ass over end from the sheer force of the cum blast. As amusing as that mental image is, Superman needs this, he NEEDS to mark these two bitches as his property, so he doesn't relax his grip for even a moment, holding them both in place until he's finally done.

When he is, the two heroines aren't just facialized, they're positively COATED in thick strings of his white, hot cum. Superman has not spared either woman, leaving both of them well-matched when it comes to the amount of seed he's plastered them each with. Most of it ends up dripping off of their faces and collecting on their breasts, some slipping down into their cleavage, while the vast majority remains atop their fat racks, held there by the sheer size of their absolutely gorgeous busts.

It's a beautiful sight, Superman realizes. These superwomen, marked with his seed, subservient to his will, obeying his every command… it's a thing of beauty. This is where they belong, and it's right where he belongs too. Mouth dry, but also paradoxically wet with anticipation, Superman's cock doesn't even really go soft, so much as it droops for a second before perking back up again in need of MORE.

"We'll forgive you for wasting the first load on our bodies if you knock us up now, Superman~"

"That's right… you're supposed to cum IN us to breed us… I hope your mama taught you that, country boy~"

The two bimbos are still teasing him, still testing him. A snarl develops on Superman's face, and he spins them both around, bending them over until they fall forward onto their hands, and then walking them both by his tight grip on their hair. As he pulls, the two voluptuous heroines yelp and squeal and then moan as they're dragged along by his grasp.

"Oooh, that's more like it~"

"Treat us like your bitches… and we might just submit to your rule, alpha~"

"Shut. Up."

Those two words cause their mouths to click shut, even as he continues to walk the two cum-covered beauties along on their hands and knees.

"The both of you… do I have to find something to occupy your mouths to get any sort of peace and quiet around here? I'll fuck you cunts when I damn well feel like fucking you cunts… and not a second before. Nod if you understand."

Even as they both nod as best they can while he's gripping their hair so tightly, Superman is vaguely aware that that was… out of character for him. But he can't help himself. So much damn blood going down to his massive erection… not enough blood flow to the brain. Reverting to a more primitive manner of thinking is to be expected when he's this fucking hard.

Still, for all that the two super-sluts have annoyed the man who's about to fuck them silly, Superman really has no intention of making them wait any longer. More importantly, he has no intention of waiting any longer himself. He's got a couple of gorgeous broads to breed, after all, so why hold back?

Coming to a bedroom, not HIS bedroom, but a bedroom in the Fortress that's usually meant for guests, Superman tosses first Power Girl and then Wonder Woman up onto the bed face first. To their credit, the super-powered bimbos both immediately assume the position, staying on their hands and knees, arching their backs beautifully, and swaying their asses back in his direction.

Seeing the stars of the American Flag on Wonder Woman's ass is a glorious sight to be sure, while the creamy white of Power Girl's all-white leotard is barely discernable from the buxom blonde bimbo's pale skin. Both of them have some of the fattest asses Superman has ever seen now, that's for sure, and with wide hips just MADE for child-bearing.

He's going to fuck them, one after the other, breeding them and likely knocking them both up on the spot. The only choice left to make is which of them gets to go first. But really… is that any choice at all?

Flying up onto the bed, Superman grabs Power Girl by her cape and her collar, and then pulls HARD. Much like the two of them together shredded the crotch of his costume, Superman alone is enough to rip Power Girl's white outfit to shreds, pulling it off her body entirely in one smooth motion as she gasps and mewls, her bimbofied figure suddenly on full display.

Wonder Woman whines in disappointment, watching from the side, but Superman pays her no mind. He's saving the best for last, and while Power Girl is certainly no ugly duckling in her own right, there's no denying that in all the ways that they can truly compete… Wonder Woman has her beat. So yes, Superman starts with Power Girl, and he wastes no time in giving it to the blonde, once he's stripped her naked.

His cock slams home into Power Girl's hungry twat, and amid the bimbo blonde's squealing cries as she creams herself immediately around her alpha's cock, Superman groans at just how amazing she feels wrapped along his length. Her pussy is gushing wet already of course, but his member is just way too big… there's no such thing as 'loose' when it comes to him, not anymore. He can of course reshape a woman's pussy to be a sheathe for his cock, and he's going to do that to Power Girl for sure, but to start with, she is just unbelievably tight.

However, her tightness is no match for Superman's strength and speed, for all that they're supposed to both be Kryptonians. In this new universe created by the change, it's all about your gender now. They might both be Kryptonian, but whereas exposure to a Yellow Sun does provide female Kryptonians with some measure of power and strength and enhancement in this universe, it doesn't hold a candle to the amount of power that a male Kryptonian will get.

Put simple, Superman really is the most powerful being on Earth now, and as he fucks Power Girl from behind, grabbing her by the hips and plowing her like the bitch in heat that she's become… she gets to feel every last inch of that. His cock slams up against Power Girl's cervix on the very first thrust, while she's still creaming herself along his dick… and then on the second, it smashes right through the gate to her womb, and from then on, Superman is outright womb-fucking Power Girl with all his force.

Her womb is soon stretched around his cockhead like some sort of debauched meat condom, and her belly is bulging as her entire body spasms and shakes. The sticky cum covering her pillowy lips and massive breasts is flung all over the place as her tits bounce and jiggle violently, which is why Superman brought the two super sluts to the guest bedroom in the first place… he's not about to make a mess of where he actually sleeps, after all.

Crying out as she cums around Superman's cock again and again, Power Girl tosses her head back in ecstasy, her pussy walls clenching and clinging and squeezing to his dick quite eagerly and insistently. Her body is trying to milk another release from the Man of Steel… but he's just finished cumming all over their tits, so it's going to take a while.

A while in which Superman fucks Power Girl into oblivion. Marking her and Wonder Woman with his seed was one thing… but making them his actual women is something else entirely. This is what Superman is doing now, the new laws of the universe recognizing his dominion over the female Kryptonian as he takes her to pound town and fucks her straight into a pleasure coma.

By the time Superman finally DOES cum inside of Power Girl's needy quim, by the time he finally plasters her womb walls with his seed and then fills her to the brim, causing her belly to bloat as if it's already several months pregnant… Power Girl herself is barely cognizant enough to enjoy it. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue lolled out of her mouth, the beautiful blonde's face is frozen in a wide, happy smile at the very least, even as she falls forward upon him pulling out of her creampied cunt, completely insensate.

Needless to say, Superman doesn't even hesitate before starting in on Wonder Woman next. The bimbofied Princess of Themyscira doesn't want him to either, having been waiting this entire time. The instant that she realized he was cumming inside of her female counterpart, Wonder Woman had gotten back into position at Power Girl's side, on her hands and knees, offering her ass up to the Man of Steel, eager for him to take her sopping wet quim in the same way he took Power Girl's.

And that's exactly what he does. Though, when he tears Wonder Woman's costume off of her body, he leaves her tiara and bracers on. There's just something so delightful in fucking a Princess of all things, and he can't get enough of it, of the concept. He might be fucking the Amazon Champion from behind in the same exact position that he fucked Power Girl, but there are some key differences that make it all the more arousing for Superman.

For one, Wonder Woman's skin tone is a bit more tanned then Power Girl's pale white countenance. For another, Wonder Woman's long, dark curls are much more like reins then Power Girl's short blonde locks. With a grin on his face, Superman reaches out and gather's Wonder Woman's hair into a makeshift ponytail as he begins to fuck her properly. His other hand holds her by the hip, groping and squeezing one of her prodigious ass cheeks.

Wonder Woman's cries fill the air as her head is forced back, her spine arching in what, for anyone normal, would be an incredibly painful manner. As it is, the bodies that they have are made to be fucked like this, and her back bends in just the way it's supposed to as the bimbofied Princess is soundly pounded into the bed by the Last Son of Krypton.

Much like Power Girl, Wonder Woman cums the instant Superman is inside of her. Much like Power Girl, the Amazon Princess lasts one thrust before her cervix gives up the ghost and she's taking Superman's ENTIRE cock into her, her womb getting filled up and stretched and used by his repeated thrusting. In no time at all, Wonder Woman's eyes are rolling back in her head.

She remains cognizant a little longer than Power Girl, or at least has the ability to speak a bit longer than Power Girl did, because she's soon calling out to her Goddesses.

"Great Hera! Aphrodite! Demeter! Look upon me now! My purpose, I-I am fulfilling my purpose! Fuck me! Fuck me harder, Superman! Breed your broodmare, turn my worthless whorish body to some use beyond being used as fuck meat and make me give birth to your children!"

Well, who is Superman to deny her, right? And with such encouragement, combined with such a rocking body that's all his for the taking, he finds he can't hold back any longer. With a triumphant roar, knowing that his conquest of these two heroines is undeniably complete the moment he finishes inside of Wonder Woman, Superman lets loose. The Man of Steel fills the Themyscirian Princess with his seed just as he did Power Girl.

In response, Wonder Woman lets out a keening wail as she cums explosively all over his cock right alongside his release. Her entire body shakes and spasms, just as Power Girl's did, and when Superman is done, she flops forward in the exact same way as well. The two bimbos have finally been sated, at least for the time being, his virile seed filling their wombs and breeding them right and proper. He's not sure how he knows without a doubt that they're already pregnant… but he does.

Slowly pulling back, the Man of Steel stares down at the two bimbofied women he's just marked, fucked, and claimed. They're his now, he knows this to be true as well. They are HIS… and they won't be the last either. Earth is in a state of upheaval… hell, the entire galaxy is. Superman is far from the only alpha male there is, of course, and he won't go around trying to claim every single beauty for himself.

But out there, both on the planet Earth and amongst the stars themselves… there are women of great power. Women that really, only Superman himself can handle. Power Girl and Wonder Woman are two such beauties. He's brought them under his control now, so they won't cause any problems. But they're just two of many, and while he can count on his fellow male Justice League members to do their part, he knows his work is far from done.

Though, he does find himself wondering how Batman might be doing. Or Green Lantern. Or even Aquaman. And he finds himself wondering where Supergirl got to. The Daughter of Krypton belongs with him, almost certainly… but if even he can't find her, does that mean someone nefarious has already got their hands on her?

In the end, only one thing is for certain. This… this is just the beginning.


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