Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Being the Best You, You Can Be (Worm)

Being the Best You, You Can Be (Worm)

A/N: This commissioned fic, which I gave a way too long name, was originally written in three parts over the course of July to August. Enjoy!

Summary: In an AU of Worm where Taylor triggers with an alternative power much earlier than canon and joins the Wards, Missy has spent her entire cape life looking up to the older girl.

Themes: Rough Sex, Threesome, Toys


She's nervous, but also excited. This is possibly the most important day of her entire life, as weird as that is to say. For anyone who didn't know Missy Biron all that well (aka, everyone) they might have thought the most important day of her entire life would have been a month back, on the day she turned eighteen and became a full-fledged adult, graduating from the Wards to the Protectorate.

Or maybe they would have said that the most important day of her entire life was the day she joined the Wards, or even the day she got her powers in the first place, for all that the latter was also the worst day of her life. They would be… incorrect, however. What was happening today, what was happening in the next few minutes, THAT was what Missy had been looking forward to for years at this point.

A knock at the door startles Missy out of her thoughts and she straightens up in the chair a moment before the door opens and her fellow hero walks into the room. Taylor Hebert, aka the superheroine known as Ringer. The name was a pun of course, as well as a bit misleading. Taylor was, in a lot of ways, one of the Protectorate's ringers, a heroine who's power allowed the constantly beleaguered superhero organization to push back against the threats that were always trying to beset them from all sides.

There was also the fact that her original power had been to summon rings, both for the fingers and toes, that gave RPG style buffs to people's 'stats'. So yeah, Taylor was Ringer, in the same way Missy was Vista. But also… Taylor was everything Missy had looked up to and idolized for her entire life.

"Hey Missy, I bet you're happy to finally be getting these piercings."

Looking at Taylor, with her long dark hair back in a ponytail and her body covered in more tattoos then clothing, Missy blushes a little but returns Taylor's smile with a smile of her own, as well as a nod.

"You know it, Taylor. It's stupid I had to wait this long… but yeah, I scheduled the appointment for the piercings today, and then next month I'm going to have you give me some tattoos."

Grinning at that, Taylor's head bobs up and down as she moves over to her work station, getting everything set up for the piercings. As she prepares, Missy watches her, blushing even more now, and biting her lower lip, the young woman trying not to let on just how… well, how hard she'd been crushing on the older girl for so many damn years now.

Taylor was just too damn cool, at the end of the day. And, best of all, she was a girl. Of course, Missy had latched onto her as soon as she'd joined the Wards. After all, Taylor had been a Ward for four years by the time Missy joined up. There was also the additional thing that they shared, which was the fact that Taylor had triggered with her powers at the age of twelve, the same age as Missy, just four years prior.

Of course, as cool as Missy, aka Vista's power was, she had to admit, Taylor's was even cooler. There was a reason that Ringer ALWAYS had a security detail on her, and that the Protectorate did everything in their power to keep her safe. She was, after all, an extremely rare breed of Parahuman. Powers getting stronger or evolving as time went on wasn't entirely unknown. Dauntless, for instance, was constantly growing more powerful.

Taylor was the same way, as it turned out. Except, her powers had seemingly come to her in phases, as she'd grown up. One might wonder how Missy knew all of this, but if one had to wonder that, then clearly they'd never been a young girl experiencing her first crush. Missy knew everything there was to know about Taylor Hebert, because she'd wanted to know everything there was to know. And nothing and no one was going to keep her from doing her research.

As such, Missy knew that Taylor's powers had grown over the span of six years, from when she'd gotten them at Age Twelve, all the way to when she'd reached adulthood at Age Eighteen. Back at Age Twelve, Taylor's powers had been rather simple. She could summon finger and toe rings that held enhancements for lack of a better word. If someone wore these enhanced rings, then they gained those enhancements for themselves, making them stronger, or faster, or even just more durable.

Missy knew from reading PRT reports that the metal Taylor summoned was non-reactive to any external forces, with the only exception being the energy that Taylor used. Taylor could add energy to existing rings to increase their enhancements, or she could use that energy to create new rings with even higher level buffs.

And that was just Phase One. At Age Fourteen, Taylor's power had evolved and entered what the PRT scientists called 'Phase Two'. In Phase Two, Taylor gained the ability to summon other jewelry types, from necklaces to bracelets to anklets and ornamental belts. These types of 'buff jewelry' as the eggheads had taken to calling them, were able to hold 'feats' that modified their wearers in even more exciting ways.

For example, one such 'feat' was called Alert, and from what Missy had experienced when she herself had worn an Alert neckless, it acted like a danger sense, making it impossible for her to be surprised and giving her precious seconds to react before danger even fully reared its ugly head.

At Age Sixteen, Taylor's power had entered Phase Three, and she'd discovered that by feeding energy into a piece of jewelry, it could phase through organic matter, bypassing the Manton Limit and allowing for piercings like the ones Missy was getting today. Piercings were so sought after because they could hold a feat AND a 'stat' enhancement, or even two 'stat' enhancements at once.

Finally, at Age Eighteen, Taylor's power had entered its fourth and seemingly final Phase, since she was now Twenty-Two years old to Missy's Eighteen and hadn't gotten any more powers at ages Twenty or Twenty-Two, as far as Missy was aware. Phase Four of Taylor's power allowed for her to summon and create tattoos on willing subjects. The tattoos were invariably iconography of powerful beings, whether it was existing capes, fictional capes, or other things.

If the tattoo was of an existing cape, the power was only a fraction of the actual powers. If the tattoo was of a fictional cape, the power usually defaulted to the closest equivalent. Either way, the tattoos were a massive boost to anyone who could afford them, or who the Protectorate decided to pay for to receive them. Missy had been saving a lot over the years and had actually broken open her trust fund to be able to afford the tattoos she was getting next month.

Of course, all of that… was the mostly clinical tale of one Taylor Hebert. As Taylor has her lay back and begins the process of piercing her ears with glowing golden earrings, Missy bites her lower lip, watching the other woman out of the corner of her eye. Her crush wouldn't allow her to just be content with the clinical power-testing reports, or Taylor's PRT file… so she'd dug a little deeper than was probably appropriate.

That was how she knew that Taylor had triggered from the death of her father at age twelve and joined the Wards shortly after. That was how she knew about the incident involving Taylor's friend, Emma Barnes, and how Taylor gave her friend jewelry which allowed Emma and her father, Alan, to kick the asses of the ABB goons that threatened them.

This had in turn attracted the vigilante Shadow Stalker, real name Sophia Hess, who had mistakenly believed Emma Barnes to be a cape, and had tried to target Taylor to split the friends apart in some sort of crazy predator and prey scheme. When that had backfired, Sophia had ended up suborned into the Wards and her and her family had been transferred far away from Brockton Bay.

Missy knew all of this, because at the tender age of fourteen, she'd been desperate to find a way to stay close to Taylor, as her idol and long-time crush had graduated from the Wards to become a full-time member of the Protectorate. So, she may have used her cutes and her charm on high blast to get some of the male Brockton Bay Protectorate members to tell her stories about Taylor and her life.

Without a doubt, at least in Missy's eyes, Brockton Bay would not be the city it was today without Taylor. The force multiplier that her presence created had allowed the PRT and the Protectorate to do so much good in the city in so many ways and had allowed them to take out some of the worst elements of crime in the bay. The ABB and the Empire were still around, unfortunately, but both gangs were diminished compared to what they were in Missy's childhood.

Meanwhile, groups like the Merchants had been annihilated, and bastards like that snake-themed fucker Coil were exposed and removed from the equation. Coil in particular was one of Missy's favorite stories about Taylor. Apparently, he'd had his claws dug so deep into the PRT that he'd been able to get access to the stockpile of jewelry that Taylor had made for the government.

Of course, when he'd tried to outfit himself and his mercenaries with the creations of Taylor's power, he'd quickly discovered something disastrous… when used 'against her' (and from what Missy read, that concept was incredibly nebulous and vague and far reaching) Taylor's jewelry stopped 'buffing' its wearers, and instead flat out cursed them. Not only would you not be able to take the jewelry off, making it quite clear that you were a thief and a criminal, but the original effects of the jewelry were reversed, making the wearer weaker.

As Taylor finishes up with her ears, Missy's eyelids flutter, and she flushes as she looks up into the older girl's smiling face. Taylor's Suicide Girl aesthetic did not in any way turn Missy off… in fact, it only made her cooler and more enticing in Missy's eyes.

"Alright Missy, that's the ears done. Now, I know you also put in for a belly button piercing… are you still up for that?"

She could feel it now, both the feats and the 'buffs' she'd chosen taking effect from the earrings in each of her ears. Missy's blush intensifies, because god does it feel good to be so powerful, and all of it thanks to Taylor. Looking down the length of her body to her belly, Missy bites her lower lip and bites back on the urge to say something truly inappropriate and outrageous, like 'I'd let you pierce my nipples and clit too, if I could get away with it!'.

That would be very, VERY unprofessional, and for all that Taylor dressed like a Punk Rockstar, she was still a professional, always had been. So instead, Missy settles for just nodding her head, not trusting herself to speak.

"Alright then, let's get to it…"

Taylor has Missy pull up her shirt, and Missy has to bite down her lip even harder as she keeps it bunched right under her bra, watching as Taylor begins to fiddle with her belly button. Luckily, she's an outie, not an innie, or this would probably be a lot harder. Honestly, Missy wishes she could have done this years ago.

But of course, the Youth Guard were a bunch of fucking assholes. They had effectively ruled that no Ward was allowed to get piercings or tattoos from Taylor. Well, they'd lobbied for it, and they'd won, so it was basically a ruling that was passed down from the overbearing idiots. Either way, it meant Missy couldn't even get her ears pierced until she was eighteen, which frankly, was insulting and a total claim to ownership of her body that disgusted Missy and squicked her the fuck out.

But those days were behind her now. She wasn't a Ward anymore, and the Youth Guard held no power here. No, it was Taylor with all the power, and as Taylor uses said power to meld the belly piercing into Missy's belly button, the younger woman's breath hitches, and she shivers, trembling as she tries to keep her arousal at bay. She can't… she can't…

It's not like Taylor is even doing anything that erotic. And any arousal that Missy is feeling from the piercings and the enhancements they convey to her is her own. While people reported feelings of euphoria at the power she gifted them, there was nothing about the ecstasy coursing through Missy in this moment.

It was just a matter of Taylor finally getting her hands on her. The woman that Missy had had a crush on for pretty much the last six years was finally touching her, even if it were just to make her stronger. It was the euphoria combined with Missy's secret feelings that ultimately pushed her over the edge. Getting a bit too worked up, Missy experiences a mini-orgasm right then and there as Taylor finishes up with the piercing. The older girl pauses for a moment but doesn't comment. Instead, she leans back and smiles.

"There we go, you're all-mmph!"

But Missy simply can't contain herself. Overcome by her emotions, not even able to feel properly ashamed over cumming in front of her crush, the younger woman lunges forward and kisses Taylor fully on the lips, wrapping her arms around the tattooed heroine and applying far too much tongue for the kiss to be misconstrued as anywhere close to appropriate in the process.

Now, Missy's new piercings DO make her tougher and stronger… but Taylor has been modifying her body with accessories, piercings, and tattoos for a decade now. Slowly, the older girl breaks the kiss, pulling Missy off of her with a strength that bellies her lithe, tall, stick-figure sort of body. As she pulls her away, there's still a smile on Taylor's face, but it's undeniably apologetic now, as she grimaces a little.

"Missy… you know I'm married."

The gentle reminder is all it takes to tear Missy back down to earth. Her mouth opens and then clicks shut, and she realizes just how much of a fool she's made of herself. As the tears start to prick at her eyes, Missy quickly gets up, causing Taylor to do the same.

"S-Sorry, sorry, I… I'll go!"

"Missy, wai-!"

But Missy is already out the door, leaving as quickly as she possibly can. Utterly mortified, totally embarrassed, and completely humiliated, the young eighteen year old can't believe how STUPID she was.

She's never going to live this down.


Missy doesn't sleep well that night, by any stretch of the word. Unfortunately, any Protectorate Member who receives any sort of enhancement from Ringer is required to remain off duty for at least a day following the procedure, in case of any complications. There had never actually been complications, unless one included the times when individuals who intended to do Ringer harm had their new enhancements turned against them, but no one actually counted those.

That was why it wasn't mandatory for rogues and others who paid for their enhancements, rather than receiving them through the Protectorate. But Missy wasn't a rogue or an independent hero or anything like that. She was a full-fledged member of the Protectorate now, which meant she was stuck following their rules, no matter how annoying it might be.

… She'd still been half-tempted to go out and fight crime last night anyways, truth be told. Physically, she'd never felt better. Emotionally and mentally, she'd never felt worse. Perfect combination for getting out there and doing some good, right? But no, in the end she'd managed to hold herself back and stay in as the rules said she had to.

In the light of the morning, she didn't really feel like she'd made the right call. She felt terrible, like utter shit, and honestly, she wished she'd just gone out and spent the night fighting crime. It would have been a far better way of passing a sleepless night then just lying in bed and tossing and turning until the sun came up, that was for sure.

Grumbling, Missy makes her way to the small kitchen in her one bedroom apartment, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and getting some coffee started. She really fucked up, yesterday. If Taylor never wanted to see her again, Missy would understand. She'd basically sexually harassed the older heroine… and Taylor was married, too! God, how had Missy forgotten that?

… Probably because Taylor's husband wasn't a hero, or anything like that. And probably because she kept her personal life and work life pretty separate. As valued as Ringer was, Taylor had always valued her privacy. So, certain facets of her life were kept vague in the files. There was still a mention of Taylor's married status, but no actual name or place of residence or… anything. Operational Security was the name of the game when you were such an important asset to the Protectorate that your entire life was one continual mission, Missy supposed.

There's a grimace on Missy's face when her phone suddenly buzzes. Looking down, she blanches when she sees Taylor's smiling face staring up at her. The other girl has far too many piercings on her face, or so most would say… but honestly, Missy has always liked how far Taylor has gone with modifying her body. From the piercings to the tattoos to the hairstyle… Taylor is everything Missy has ever aspired to be.

Before she can think better of it, she answers the call and brings the phone up to her lips.


"Missy! Glad you're awake, I uh… wasn't sure when to call without disturbing your sleep."

Sleep deprived as she is, Missy lets out a bark of sardonic laughter at that. Sleep? What sleep. There's a pause on the other end of the call before Taylor speaks again.

"Look, Missy… about yesterday."

Wincing, the younger of the two heroines immediately starts to apologize again.

"About that, Taylor I'm so, so sor-!"

"It's okay! Just listen for a second, okay?"

… and for Taylor to cut her off. Blinking, Missy goes silent, and after a beat, Taylor speaks.

"My husband wants to meet you. And since you and I saw each other in the evening, I know you still have plenty of time left on your twenty-four hour mandatory rest period, so I know you're not busy. So, why don't you come over to my place and talk with us, yeah?"

Missy's mouth opens and then closes a few times, like a goldfish. She lets out a shuddering breath as she licks her dry lips. Taylor's inviting her over to her place? It's a big deal… in and of itself. But also, she's inviting Missy over to her place in order for her husband to talk to Missy. 'Talk' in this instance sounds a lot like it's going to be a pretty hefty dressing down.

"I… I don't know…"

"Please, Missy? It would mean a lot to me."

… Maybe she deserved a dressing down though? As reluctant as Missy was to go, she HAD kissed this man's wife. Even though it was practically impossible for her to fit a woman like Ringer, like Taylor, into that traditional box of 'wife'. But even still, Missy shouldn't have kissed Taylor. Hell, she shouldn't have lost control and climaxed under Taylor's touch like that.

She needed to make this right, and if having Taylor's husband yell at her for a while would make it so Taylor didn't hate her (a treacherous part of Missy's brain notes that Taylor doesn't even sound like she hates her NOW, surprisingly enough) then Missy had to do it. She refused to lose the friendship she'd managed to build with the older girl over their years in the Wards together, just because she'd let a stupid crush come between them.

"… Okay, Taylor. I'll… I'll come over."

"Great, I'll text you the address!"

And just when Missy was thinking about how secret Taylor's residence was supposed to be. Just like that, the Punk-themed heroine had given her the address to her home. It was a display of trust that ran counter to what Missy had done before, to the betrayal she'd foisted upon Taylor by forcing that kiss on her. Licking her lips, Missy goes to get ready. She's not going to screw this up…


"You must be Missy, come in, come in. I'm Dave."

Seated on a couch in their living room quickly enough, Missy is ashamed that her first reaction to meeting 'Dave' was a lance of worry that he might be a Neo-Nazi. The dude was literally the blondest, bluest-eyed man she'd ever met, and he was built like a tank besides. A total beefcake, though he didn't seem to go overboard with the bodybuilding. He just clearly cared about staying in shape.

But just a few moments with Dave was enough for Missy to realize her first impression was both wrong and a little racist. It was just hard, when you had a gang like the Empire in your city. Dave was too nice to be a Neo-Nazi though. Missy had had a lot of time as a Ward to get good at reading people. She could tell when someone was faking it… and she knew Taylor would be even better at that.

The fact that Dave had a single earing that was obviously from Ringer, as well as a tattoo creeping up around his neck from his back, made it clear he wasn't a bad guy. If he were, if he meant Ringer any harm, he would have been fucked over by her powers a long time ago. God, did he have to be so damnably handsome and perfect though?

"H-How… how did you two meet?"

Missy didn't really care, she mostly asked because she didn't know what else to say, and the silence was killing her. Taylor walks in with some snacks and drinks as Dave chuckles and explains their connection. It's funny, because despite Taylor keeping her professional and personal lives separate, Dave is an element of her professional life that became her personal life.

The blond beefcake was assigned to her protection detail a month after Taylor turned eighteen. That was where they first met. Of course, after they started dating, Dave was transferred away… but the distance did nothing to quell their love, the way he told it, so they'd gotten married shortly after. It's then that Taylor drops a bombshell on Missy.

"It's actually a three-way marriage. Not many people know that, because we had a very private ceremony, but there's three of us. Me, Dave, and one other. But she's… well, she's a big deal, so she travels a lot. She's not home very often due to work."

Missy isn't sure what to say to that, at first. Dave just chuckles and nods.

"Yeah, in fact I'm kind of the third wheel, there. Those two have known each other since childhood. Sometimes, I feel like they only keep me around for my cock."

THAT causes Missy to blush, even as Taylor laughs and smacks Dave, her tone teasing in her reply.

"Well, who's to say we don't?"

As Dave mock pouts, Taylor turns her eyes towards Missy, suddenly looking serious.

"… This is why we called you here today, Missy. That… yesterday made it clear you're harboring feelings for me. And… I'll be honest, I'm willing to return some of those feelings. But… I'm a package deal. We have one rule in our marriage… if we're going to bring someone in from the outside, it has to be a threesome."

Missy gapes, while Dave nods in agreement, though he looks apologetic as he does it. Stupid, perfect, handsome Dave…

But then Taylor is leaning forward and holding one of Missy's hands and giving her a hopeful smile.

"So… what do you think?"

And that's how Missy finds herself stripped naked and climbing into Dave's lap with Taylor's help, after a stuttered, stammered yes. The young woman, freshly eighteen and still quite virginal, can only blush as she looks down at Dave's cock. She can see why Taylor and her other spouse might keep Dave around… it was a genuinely nice dick, from Missy's limited experience.

This… really wasn't a hardship, by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, Missy was pretty Taylor-focused these last few years, but she'd always known she was bi. Porn featuring guys and gals did it for her just as much as porn featuring gals with gals. So… yeah. She was… she was going to do this. She was going to ride Dave's cock.

It helped that Taylor was with her every step of the way. The heroine's Suicide Girl aesthetic was only more pronounced without any clothes on. Everything that could be pierced was pierced, and her pale skin was covered in beautiful tattoos, all of which glittered with parahuman power. It was nothing overly extreme, like tongue-forking (which Missy had been a LITTLE disturbed by, when she'd been researching the scene) but still…

Having Taylor's naked body pressed into Missy's back, having her arms around her, having Taylor hold her as she slowly impales herself on stupid, perfect Dave's gloriously stupid, perfect cock… it makes everything a thousand times better. It's like they're both fucking her, in a way. Taylor's whispering sweet nothings into Missy's ear, doing all the dirty talk as Dave focuses on holding her by her hips and letting her down onto his member slowly but surely.

The young woman can do nothing but whimper and moan and mewl and nod her head to all of the things Taylor is saying, because it DOES feel big and makes her feel full, but it also DOES make her feel so good, so satisfied. The loss of her hymen hurts, but it's barely a footnote. Missy has had worse from her time as a Ward… a lot worse.

Taylor knows it too, because she tells Dave when he can start thrusting, and it's not a moment too soon or too late. It's exactly right, and soon enough Missy is moaning and whimpering and mewling as she bounces up and down on Dave's cock while feeling Taylor's nipples and nipple piercings rubbing against her back, and Taylor's clit and clit piercing rubbing against her ass crack.

Tilting her head back onto Taylor's shoulder, Missy lets her eyes flutter and float, lets herself get lost in the pleasure of being sandwiched between her long time crush and the beefcake with a heart of gold that managed to bag her. Even if Missy is the third (or possibly fourth) wheel here… it's still really, really good, better than she ever could have hoped for.

"Fuck, I'm getting pretty close…"

When Dave calls out that he's getting close, Taylor abruptly changes things up, pulling Missy right off of Dave's cock and out of his lap. The blond doesn't seem put out by this though, in fact, he seems like it was what he expected. Missy on the other hand, was moments away from creaming herself again, so she whines and struggles a little, expressing her disappointment right up until Taylor suddenly whispers melodic music into her ears in the form of a heartfelt desire.

"I want to fuck you, Missy. I want to fuck you from behind while you suck Dave's cock. Alright?"

Missy doesn't even hesitate, nodding frantically. Taylor leaves her standing there by herself for a time, fidgeting and squirming as Dave grins at her and casually strokes his member, keeping himself hard but clearly winding down from the near-release. And then Taylor is back, and the tattooed, pierced up heroine has a big honking strap-on attached to her crotch, the harness cinched on tight and the cock attacked to it looking strangely familiar, until Missy realizes it's identical to Dave's.

Her idol and long time crush pushes her forward, bending her over, and Missy lets it happen. She moans as Taylor pushes the thick, fat, veiny dildo into her already wet cunt from behind, the lubrication from before providing enough friction to get Taylor going. And then, with every thrust into her, Taylor pushes Missy forward, back over to where Dave is sat.

Her hands slap down on Dave's naked legs, and her face is inches from his big fat cock as Taylor fucks her from behind. When Dave brings the head of his member to her lips, Missy doesn't hesitate to take him in her mouth, because that's what Taylor asked her to do, and she's not going to fuck this up. Instead, she sucks and sucks like her life depends on it, wanting more than anything to make a good impression on Dave, on Taylor, wanting more than anything to open the door to more of this going forward into the future.

Spit-roasted between her idol and her idol's beefcake husband, Missy moans around Dave's cock, both of them quickly ramping back up again. Taylor fucking her from behind like this is more than enough to finally send Missy over the edge. She finally creams herself as she was about to when Taylor stopped things originally, and she has to admit, cumming from Taylor fucking her is a different sort of special then if it had been Dave who'd managed it.

At the same time, reverberations travel up the length of his member, and frankly, Dave was already on the edge once before. He doesn't even get out a warning this time, but he does pull her head back, so she doesn't get choked on his seed. Instead, she ends up taking it all over her face, something Missy isn't sure what to think about… until Taylor pulls her hair from Dave's grasp and whips the younger woman around, applying lips and tongue to Missy's face, seeming quite eager to lap up her husband's seed.

With Taylor quite literally cleaning her with her tongue, Missy decides she doesn't mind the facial one bit… and when she catches Dave giving her a knowing wink out of the corner of her eye, she throws him a thumbs up in thanks.

This… this just might work out after all.


It'd been about a month since Missy's graduation from the Wards, her first piercings with Taylor, her embarrassing confession TO Taylor, and her threesome with Taylor and Dave. In that month, the three of them had gotten together multiple times a week. Having threesomes with Taylor and her husband… it was pretty much a dream come true, even if it was a very lewd dream and not quite how Missy ever imagined her crush on Taylor evolving.

But it was what it was, and at this point she had her own key, since she was such a frequent guest. She'd even gotten a few tattoos from Taylor at this point, and frankly, she was feeling on top of the fucking world. After a long day of patrolling as a full-fledged member of the Protectorate, there was nothing she wanted to do more than set aside the heroine identity Vista and become Missy again.

But becoming Missy wasn't worthwhile if she wasn't going to get fucked by Taylor and Dave, so without hesitation, as soon as she was done with her patrols and had reported in and changed out of costume back at the Rig, Missy had made her way over to their humble abode. As she got to the front door, she could already hear pleasured feminine cries from inside.

Taylor was a bit of a screamer, especially once she got Dave inside of her, so Missy didn't think anything of it as she fit the key in the lock and opened the door, stepping inside and closing it behind her as quickly as possible so that the neighbors wouldn't have cause to complain. Perhaps if she'd spent a little longer at the door she might have realized something was a little off about that female voice, but in Missy's defense, the sounds were all muffled to begin with, and hard to really discern.

As such, when Missy finally looks up from closing and locking the front door, it's to the surprising sight of a voluptuous, gorgeous red head bouncing up and down on Dave's lap, moaning wantonly as she does so, riding him as he sits on the couch, leaving her facing the wall and away from Missy. She's spectacular, there's no doubt about that… but she's not Taylor.

Perhaps it's a little silly, perhaps it's a bit of a secretive hope of Missy's, a selfish desire, but her very first instinct is to say Dave is cheating on Taylor. Which… would just be ridiculous. They clearly had an incredibly open relationship, after all, Missy was an example of that. Luckily, she didn't have a chance to voice that completely inane, completely idiotic thought, because before she can even begin to process what she's seeing, Taylor steps out of the kitchen wearing nothing at all, snacking down on a sandwich… as a big fat futa cock bounces back and forth with every step.

"Oh! Hey Missy, nice of you to stop by!"

Taylor's mildly surprised but altogether happy callout causes Dave and the unknown redhead to stop what they're doing, the curvaceous dame bouncing on the muscular man's cock turning around and looking behind her in Missy's direction. The movement gives Missy the impetus to finally tear her eyes away from Taylor's cock (she DEFINITELY hadn't had one ever before) and look up to meet the red head's gaze. Only to get another shock.

"Holy shit, you're Emma Barnes."

Blinking, the world-famous fashion model raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow before quirking up the side of her mouth.

"That I am. And if you're Missy, that makes you Vista as well, yeah? Big fan of your work."

She should probably be upset about her secret identity being out of the bag, but Missy isn't an idiot. She puts two and two together pretty fast. Or maybe more accurately in this case, she puts one and one and one together pretty fast.

"… You're married to Emma Barnes, Taylor."

The currently-futa Suicide Girl-esque parahuman lets out a little laugh at that as she takes another bite of her sandwich, casually chewing and swallowing before responding.

"Yeah, Missy. I thought you knew. Didn't you read my file?"

Missy goes bright red at that, because yes she had read Taylor's file, but this was the first time Taylor had let on that she knew that. And also…

"Y-Yeah but I didn't… I didn't think she was that Emma Barnes. I thought… I thought it was someone different."

She really hadn't connected the dots between Taylor's childhood best friend Emma, and the extremely famous model, Emma Barnes. Like, Emma was a non-parahuman celebrity in a world where parahuman and celebrity were becoming more and more synonymous. To be fair though, she had the body for it. And while Missy had always had a crush on Taylor, she had to admit… Emma was her celebrity crush. And she really hadn't put it all together! God she felt so dumb!

Groaning, Missy covers her face with her hands. Laughing, Taylor walks over and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. Wanna meet her?"

Missy goes to say 'Yes, please', but when she pulls her hands away from her downturned eyes, the first thing she sees is Taylor's cock again, the cock that the punk chick definitely hadn't had just the day before. Missy's mouth closes and shuts, and she can't find the words to express herself. Taylor eventually realizes what's happening.

"Oh! Ha, sorry about that, I forgot you hadn't seen me like this yet. Yeah, me and Amy have an arrangement, these days. Part of that arrangement… when I see my wife, who's always traveling, I get to dick my wife properly. Amy helps with that. Already had my turn with Emma though, so if you wanted to take it for a spin…"

From over on the couch, where Emma has started moving again, up and down Dave's dick, the red head calls out in a teasing, mock exasperated tone.

"Oh, pleeease do. If you don't, she'll just ravage my ass with it while I ride Dave, and that's SUCH a bore."

Missy blushes at the mental image that invokves, Emma Barnes' gorgeous, bodacious body pressed between Dave and Taylor. Fuck…

"Y-Yeah, I'd um… I'd like that…"

And that's how Missy finds herself bent over the back of the armchair on the edge of the living room, Taylor finishing up her sandwich and then taking up position behind her. The two of them are in a prime viewing spot to watch Emma ride Dave, and Missy can't help but do exactly that, even as Taylor's temporary futanari cock thrusts into her from behind, drawing a cute, quiet little mewl from the young woman's lips.

"Oh man, this one is adorable, Tay-Tay. I'd ask where you found her, but I've heard plenty about the estimable Vista over the years~"

Emma's teasing from across the room makes Missy both blush and smile, at the end of the day. She can tell, after this short interaction with the red head, that Emma wasn't the sort of person you wanted as your enemy. She had a way with words, and even bouncing up and down on the sizable member Dave was packing, she was managing to send salvoes across the bow of SS Missy.

And yet, they were clearly tempered, and more meant to compliment then harm. Missy got the impression that Emma Barnes could be a lot more vile and poisonous when she wanted to, however. A good friend to those close to her who she cared for, but the worst possible enemy one could ever make. Not counting parahumans of course.

For a little while, the living room is filled with the sounds of feminine pleasure and masculine grunting. It was a bit weird to hear the latter from Taylor as the tattooed, pierced-up woman fucked Missy from behind, but it was also pretty good, if she was being honest. The way Taylor was thrusting in and out of her… Missy had never been wetter in her entire life. Her cunt was tightening and clenching around Taylor's pistoning futa prick, and her entire body was shaking and trembling from exertion.

Clinging to the back of the rocking armchair, Missy cries out as she rolls her way through another orgasm, her sopping wet insides clinging all the harder to Taylor's member, not that that keeps it inside of her any longer. She could easily imagine Taylor doing this to Emma on the regular, because Taylor knew how to fuck like a guy, she knew how to take Missy and just… bend her over for a hard plowing.

As Missy's eyes go crossed and her mouth forms into a cute little o for the umpteenth time, Emma cries out over on the couch, and Dave lets out a groan that Missy recognizes as his own release. The luckiest man in Brockton Bay fills his stacked, redheaded, supermodel wife with his cum, and then slowly lifts her off of his cock and sets her down on the couch to rest.

Emma lays where he puts her, sprawled out with her eyes heavily lidded as she fingers her creampied pussy. Dave, meanwhile, gets up and moves over to the armchair, kneeling on it and pulling Missy down by her hair to clean and service his cock with her mouth. This wasn't the first time that Missy had been spit-roasted between Taylor and Dave, so she wasn't all that put off by the way he so casually did it. This WAS the first time both cocks doing the spit-roasting were real however, instead of the one Taylor was wielding being a strap-on.

… Missy had to admit, it felt rather good, having two warm, throbbing, pulsating lengths inside of her. But it only felt that good because those lengths belonged to two people she'd honestly come to love with all her heart. If it wasn't Taylor and Dave, it wouldn't be this good. If she didn't feel as safe as she did right now, she wouldn't feel half as euphoric.

Eventually, Emma rises from the couch and saunters over, though Missy only catches flashes. The red head reaches out and runs a hand down the younger woman's bared back, tracing out one of the larger tattoos that Taylor had done for her.

"Oh my. Taylor… you really outdid yourself with this one. This Phoenix is downright exquisite. I assume it'll keep Missy here alive a bit longer, yes?"

In between grunting and thrusting, Taylor answers her wife and childhood best friend.

"… Yeah. It gives Missy some enhanced healing. She'll survive just about anything that's not instantly fatal, so long as she's able to get to safety."

Emma's voice sounds almost in awe of her wife as she responds.

"That's… amazing."

Missy is inclined to think so too, but she's not quite capable of speech at the moment. And then stupid Dave has to go ahead and ruin it.

"You should ask Taylor WHY Missy wanted the Phoenix."

Taylor's thrusts slow a little, and Emma's next response is undeniably coy.

"Oh? Tay-Tay?"

For a long moment, Taylor doesn't respond. Missy, trapped in between two cocks, CAN'T respond. She can only pray Taylor won't say anything. But alas…

"… She wanted something to do with me for her first tattoo. I vetoed my face and my name. Told her about how people regret names, more often than not. So she decided on the phoenix…"

Dave jumps in again there.

"Right. She picked a phoenix, because she said it represented our Taylor's drive to continue to rise from the ashes and overcome all forms of adversity."

Missy is blushing now, and not just from pleasure, but also embarrassment. She's half-tempted to bite Dave's cock in retribution. Lightly, of course… but no, she doesn't do it. Still, she waits for Emma to laugh, to tease her and Taylor in equal measure, she waits for the embarrassment to grow as Emma heaps on the teasing, because that seems like the sort of thing the red head would do.

Instead, the next thing she gets is Emma's hot breath across her neck as the gorgeous supermodel leans in and murmurs directly into her ear.

"That's so beautiful, Missy. And you're right, that's Taylor in a nutshell."

Missy's blush intensifies at those kind words, and she thinks she might have just fallen in love a third time in one month. And then Emma nips at Missy's ear and her next words are oh so gently biting as she ribs the younger woman all the same.

"I suppose since Taylor won't let Dave and I get a dog, you'll have to do as a house pet. You're potty trained, at least~"

Yeah, that's about right. Though, Emma's tone is teasing rather than intentionally hurtful, and the way her fingers are dancing up and down Missy's arching back and across her rippling flesh is… delightful. In the end, Missy decides she doesn't mind being their house pet, if it means experiencing this pleasure on the regular. She was already the most common meat in a Taylor-Dave sandwich, after all.

As Missy tips over the edge into another orgasm, Taylor finally does as well, pumping a hot, thick load of cum directly into Missy's cunt. Groaning around Dave's cock, Missy wiggles in place even as Taylor pulls out of her, still bent over the back of the armchair and getting face fucked by the beefy, muscular man. Until finally, he pulls away as well. Not for long though.

The next thing Missy knows, she's on her knees, with Taylor and Emma on either side of her, pressing in close. To her surprise, when she glances down at Taylor's lap, there's no cock to be found. It's completely gone, leaving behind the entirely female crotch that Missy is most familiar with. Taylor just gives Missy a wink and a grin at that, and murmurs into her ear as Dave jerks it right in front of the three of them, with obvious intent.

"Amy's such a dear. No need to make multiple trips when she can make a cock that flakes off after a few climaxes. Now… open wide and say 'ahh', Missy."

Looking forward, into the end of Dave's meat cannon, Missy blushes but does as she's told, opening her mouth wide and lolling out her tongue as Taylor and Emma press their cheeks into hers and do the same. Maybe it wasn't 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination, maybe it was quite weird indeed… but Missy had never felt more connected to anyone then she did to these three people in their weird three-marriage.

So yeah, she'd be whatever they wanted her to be, so long as it left her a place at their side. This was where Missy was happiest.



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