Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Aggressive Negotiations (Star Wars)

Aggressive Negotiations (Star Wars)

A/N: Aggressive "Negotiations" was a commissioned one shot originally written back in June of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which one accidental holocall opens up a whole new world for the Senator from Naboo. Before she knows it, she's submitting to her wonderful husband in ways she never has before.

Themes: Rough Sex, Threesome, Dom/Sub


It's been a long day, which has in turn been part of an even longer week. But then, all of her weeks since the start of the Clone Wars have been excessively long. Luckily for Padme Amidala, it's finally over, and her favorite part of the week has finally come. Sitting on the couch in her Coruscant Apartment Suite, the Senator from Naboo is currently waiting for her secret husband to initiate their regularly scheduled holocall.

Given that Anakin is the one out at war, it made sense for her to be waiting for his call then the other way around… but at the same time, Padme couldn't help but be a little worried and a little concerned. Anakin was running late, which was both like him and not like him. If something had come up, he usually tried to get a message to her ahead of time. The only times when he didn't manage to do so and didn't make their scheduled time was when he'd been captured or put out of commission… which honestly happened far more than Padme would have liked.

She would wait another ten minutes, and then she would put in an official call to Anakin's flagship, the Resolute, to check on his status. As his 'good friend', she was allowed to do that, but she suspected that the clones under Anakin's command were beginning to doubt the platonic nature of their relationship. Not that it mattered, Anakin assured her they were completely loyal. The concept of political subterfuge wasn't something that was trained into the Republic's Clone Army.

Before she can get too much more worried however, the transmission finally starts to come through. Padme perks up and answers the holocall, opening her mouth to greet Anakin, only for the words to die in her throat at what she sees taking place on the other end. Anakin isn't alone. He's with his padawan, the young Togruta Ahsoka Tano that had been foisted upon him. And while that normally wouldn't matter too much, it wasn't the fact that Ahsoka was there that was leaving Padme in a state of shock. No, that had more to do with what the two Jedi were currently doing.

"M-Master! Fuck me harder, Master! Your big fat cock is so good! Soooo good~"

Chuckling as he drills into his lithe, naked Padawan from behind, Padme's husband reaches forward, taking hold of one of Ahsoka's cute little montrals with his flesh and blood hand and gripping at her orange hip rather harshly with his metal prosthetic.

"Yeah Snips? You like my big fat cock? You little Togruta Slut, you can't live without some Skywalker D, can you?"

"Nnngh, n-no Master! I need it! I need it so much, oh by the FORCE!"

Padme… doesn't know what to say or do. She watches as Ahsoka very clearly experiences an explosive orgasm right there on the holocall, her legs shaking and spasming as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth. Anakin just laughs, delivering a harsh spanking with his metal hand to her backside, and keeps on plowing her from behind as the young Togruta clings to the chair she's currently bent over for dear life.

After slowly getting over her initial shock, Padme starts to put together what happened here. Neither of them is acknowledging her, which means… which means they almost certainly accidentally bumped into one of the controls on board Anakin's ship and called Padme unintentionally while they were fucking. It was just her luck that they'd hit the button that didn't bring up her own holo visage, or else they would have certainly noticed by now.

… Part of Padme knew she should be upset, watching Anakin fuck and denigrate his padawan like he is. He's degrading Ahsoka while pounding her silly, and the Togruta… the Togruta is apparently enjoying it immensely, from the way she's happily degrading herself in turn, begging him for more and moaning like a wanton whore rather than the Jedi Padawan she's supposed to be.

Yes, Padme knows she should be upset by this, and part of her is at first… but the more she watches in silence, the more turned on she gets.

"That's right you needy little bitch, moan for me! Cum for me! Fuck you're so fucking tight!"

"Ooooh, Maaaaster~"

Anakin… Anakin has always been so very gentle and kind with her. He treats Padme like a princess whenever they're together, or more accurately, like his angel. Like she's a fragile porcelain doll that will surely shatter if he's too rough on her. And Padme has always enjoyed that, or at least she thought she had. She thought that it was exactly what she wanted, experiencing what she believed was true, honest pleasure at Anakin's gentle hands and soft lovemaking.

But now… now, watching him give Ahsoka such rough treatment, watching him treat the little Togruta like she's his bitch instead of his apprentice… it's leaving Padme adrift and awash in utter confusion. He's fucking Ahsoka with such reckless abandon, calling his feisty young Padawan all sorts of lewd and degrading names. It calls to a deep, dark, secretive side of Padme that she hadn't even known existed until that moment. Hearing him talk like that, watching him treat another woman like that…

Before Padme knows it, she's started to masturbate to the transmission. At first, she's just enjoying the show. On the screen, Anakin suddenly grunts and reaches forward with both hands, grabbing Ahsoka by her wrists and yanking her arms backwards, behind her back as he fucks into her even harder than before.


He's almost raging, in a way. A sexual sort of rage that makes Padme wonder if Anakin… if her husband is toying with the Dark Side. But she really doesn't know enough about the Force to know one way or another, and it's very, very hot. Ahsoka certainly doesn't seem put off by it, her eyes rolling around in her head as her tongue lolls out of her mouth now, a wide-open smile on the young Togruta's face.

"Yesh Mashter! Drill me! Drill my tight Togruta c-cunt into oblivion!"

Yes, at first Padme is just enjoying the show as she runs her hands up and down her body. She'd worn a see-through dress for this call, thinking that Anakin might enjoy seeing her strip for him… now, she strips for herself, so she can play with her body, fingering her cunt and toying with her nipples as she watches the two go at it.

The more she watches though, the more she stops seeing Ahsoka. In the little Togruta's place, Padme begins to subconsciously slot in herself instead, fantasizing about it being her on the receiving end of that treatment, and not Ahsoka. What would it be like to be in Ahsoka's place right now? What would it be like to be the one treated like perverted trash by her husband, instead of like the goddess he always seemed to see her as?

Quivering, Padme continues to fantasize, even as Anakin and Ahsoka change up positions in front of her. Anakin ends up sat in the chair that Ahsoka was bent over, pulling Ahsoka backwards onto his lap and then onto his cock. He bounces her up and down on his dick hard and fast, nothing gentle about it as one hand wraps around to grab her by the throat, and the other grips harshly at her hip to continue slamming her back down onto his pistoning prick.

"Silly little bitch. Fucking horny slut. Need my cock, don't you? Need it deep inside of you to feel even remotely fulfilled. Else, you start to act up on missions. But ever since I started drilling you deeply every night, you've gotten so much better, haven't you?"

Ahsoka does her best to nod, because that's all she CAN do with Anakin's hand around her throat. Padme flushes at the realization that he's actually outright choking her with his hand, digging his fingers into Ahsoka's neck. Padme's own hand leaves her breast to wrap around her own dainty, pretty little neck, and she bites her lower lip as she tries to achieve that same level of asphyxiation, but ultimately to no avail.

She can't seem to do it to herself… or maybe it's just that she knows her hands aren't right, they're too small, too feminine. She needs a man's hand around her neck for it to really work… she needs her husband's hand.

Ahsoka orgasms again and again on Anakin's cock, from the way the young Togruta's body bucks and spasms and the looks her face contorts into as he fucks her. Until finally, Anakin throws her off of his lap and onto the ground, yanking her around by her montrals to bring her face to face with his dick.

"Finish me with that naughty little mouth of yours, slut."

"Gladly, Master~"

Eyes sparkling with avarice, Ahsoka leans forward and happily takes Anakin's cock into her mouth, eagerly slathering her drool all over his shaft in frantic worship, bobbing up and down his dick and outright choking herself on his length. It's crazy, to Padme, who has actually never even performed fellatio before. Anakin has never asked it of her, never done anything with her save for… for vaginal.

But it's clear from his groans of pleasure that he enjoys having his dick blown by his feisty little Togruta Padawan. And even clearer still when he suddenly yanks her back off of his cock and proceeds to cum all over her face, her lolling tongue, and her chest. He paints Ahsoka's orange skin white with his seed and in that moment, Padme tips over the edge as well, still fantasizing about herself in Ahsoka's place, still finding herself wanting to experience that rough treatment as well.

Her eyes roll back in her head and her own tongue sticks straight out of her mouth as she fingers her cunt and pulls on one of her nipples. She's lucky she doesn't make enough noise to alert them to the fact that she's watching, before ultimately collapsing back into the afterglow of the orgasmic bliss she just experienced. It's as she's basking in that afterglow that she hears it, however. Her husband's voice comes through loud and clear, and his words send her into a momentary panic.

"Clean me up, slut. And then get out, I have to call Padme."

As Ahsoka leans forward and begins to lick Anakin's cock clean, Padme quickly shuts off the transmission before they can realize that the call is already open, and she's seen the whole thing. She then hurries to make herself as presentable as possible, knowing that Anakin's call is likely right around the corner as she fixes up her clothing and tries to look as… nonchalant as possible.

Sure enough, Anakin is calling her again in mere minutes, and this time when Padme answers he's actually looking at her, standing front and center as he gives her a happy smile.

"Beloved. It's so good to see your face."

It's mind boggling that he can act so casual when mere moments before he was treating his Padawan Learner like his own personal fuck toy. To go from dominating Ahsoka to talking to Padme like this so easily… did she even really know her husband at all?

Pushing down on such thoughts, Padme just smiles as she does her best to lounge back and look at ease.

"You too, Anakin. How have you been? Have you been well?"

She tries not to let anything show on her face, and as a Senator, Padme likes to think that she has an excellent poker face. Besides all that, Anakin is halfway across the galaxy and shouldn't be able to feel her true feelings through the Force, right? And yet, he takes one look at her and furrows his brow, as if he's able to see right through her.

"I've been well, Padme… is everything alright with you? You seem rather… anxious."

Blushing, Padme thinks fast. She doesn't know why she doesn't confront him right then and there about his affair. After all, he's cheating on her with his Padawan! But… but she doesn't. She reasons to herself that she wants to do it in person when he's finally back on Coruscant for however long that will be. But in the meantime, she has to convince him she's fine, right? An idea quickly comes to Padme, and she smiles seductively.

"Everything's fine, beloved. I was merely… anticipating this call with great fervor all day long."

Slowly, she trails a hand down her body suggestively, both surprised and pleased when Anakin's eyes follow it like a loyal hunting dog.

"Oh? Tell me more~"

She can't tell if he's just humoring her at first, but as they slowly get into their holocall sex, Padme stops caring. Anakin is as eager as ever, despite what he's just finished doing before they called. And Padme experiences another orgasm that night, even if it's not as satisfying as the previous one…


It's months before Anakin returns to Coruscant again. One might think months would be a long time for Padme to wait before confronting her secret husband about his affair, but in this case, the Senator from Naboo had simply thrown herself into her work, putting it out of her mind most of the time. Of course, she and Anakin had continued to holocall every week, and during those times Padme couldn't stop thinking about it.

He and Ahsoka hadn't accidentally called her again, but Padme didn't need them to in order to know it was still happening. It had to be, there was no way what she'd seen was a one-time thing. It smacked of an entire relationship built on that incredibly degrading, incredibly domineering manner in which Anakin had treated Ahsoka while fucking her.

Regardless, Padme finds herself waiting in her apartment suite for Anakin to arrive… and then he's there, the door opening and her husband stepping inside with a big grin on his face.


He eagerly sweeps her up in his arms, his height advantage and her waifish body type meaning that her feet literally leave the floor. And for a moment, Padme is hugging him back, kissing him even as she lets herself get swept up not just literally, but figuratively as well. Anakin's happiness has always been infectious, and it's always so easy to just fall into his headspace and enter his orbit, being happy right alongside him.

But no, after a moment she remembers what she's been waiting months to do, and her smile drops. With time to separate her from the events of that night, she's been able to distance herself from her own desires, suppressing her fantasies about being used and abused by her husband, and she's been able to think longer on the fact that he's cheating on her and recognize how… how wrong that is.

And so, Anakin quickly notices her mood plummeting and lets her down, the two of them separating as Padme crosses her arms over her chest defensively and Anakin furrows his brow in confusion.

"Padme? What's wrong?"

Not able to meet his eyes, Padme swallows thickly… and then just rips the bandage right off.

"I know about you and Ahsoka, Anakin. I know what you've been doing with your Padawan."

She doesn't know what she expects. Him to deny it, maybe? Or maybe even beg forgiveness on the spot? Instead, all she gets is a simple one-word response.


Padme whips her head around and scowls at Anakin's lack of reaction, glaring at him furiously.

"Oh?! That's all you have to say to me, Anakin?! You disgrace our wedding vows and all you can say is OH?!"

Her husband, a Jedi Knight, just shrugs.

"I guess… I guess I always knew you'd find out eventually, Padme."

Jaw working as her anger builds and builds alongside something else, Padme's eyes sting as she turns away from him.

"Did… d-did you ever care about me?"

"What? Padme, of course I care about you! I love you! It's because of my love for you that I had to turn to Ahsoka in the first place!"

That gets Padme turned back around again, utterly incredulous and baffled as she stares at her husband in disbelief. And yet, somehow his words ring with a sense of truth to them? Seeing her expression, Anakin quickly elaborates.

"I've always had dark impulses, Padme. You better than anyone know that there's a darkness in me that I wrestle with every day."

Reminders of his mother and what he'd told her back on Tatooine about the Tusken Raiders who'd taken her flashes through Padme's head, and she slowly nods, swallowing thickly.

"I've… I've always had dark urges. But never in a million years have I wanted to hurt you, Padme. I didn't want to scare you away. Luckily… luckily my Padawan turned out to be a little schutta slut."

He says that last part drily, his lips quirking up into a half grin that Padme almost, ALMOST goes along with before remembering who he's talking about. That's Ahsoka he's talking about, and he's wrong for taking advantage of his Padawan in that way!

"Anakin! Ahsoka doesn't deserve to be the object of your aggression! You shouldn't be abusing your apprentice like… like she's some toy to bend over and slake your lusts upon until she breaks!"

Anakin blinks at that, surprised and taken aback.

"…Rest assured, Padme, Ahsoka is one hundred percent on board with what we do. There's no issue of consent there… she loves being my toy, as you put it. Honestly, I would have thought that you'd be more upset about me cheating on you then anything else. Instead, you're more concerned about the well being of the one who I'm cheating on you with?"

Suddenly feeling like she's backed herself into a corner, Padme sputters as she tries to brush that accusation off.

"Don't change the subject, Anakin! This is about power, and your abuse of your auth-!"

Anakin cuts her off with a raised hand as he shakes his head.

"No. No it's not, Padme. Your… your emotions are all over the place. They don't match what you're presenting right now. Padme… how did you find out about me and Ahsoka in the first place?"

Going incandescent, Padme recoils backwards, blushing as she stammers in reply.

"I-It doesn't m-matter!"

"You saw us, didn't you?"

She doesn't deny it, and something like understanding blooms in Anakin's eyes. Unbeknownst to Padme, he HAD in fact seen a holocall on the transmission logs that he didn't remember making. He'd shrugged it off as a glitch at the time, but now he was putting things together quite quickly.

"You watched us have sex, didn't you? You know Ahsoka is fully on board with things. You… you spied on us."

"I-It wasn't SPYING!"

That sort of half-denial is even worse than not denying it at all, and they both know it. Anakin suddenly goes from somewhere between indifferent and barely contrite to predatory, a knowing grin spreading across his incredibly handsome face. Slowly, he begins to advance on her, quite literally prowling towards her like a predator approaching prey.

"Did you like what you saw, Padme? You wished it was you in Ahsoka's place, didn't you? Or maybe you just wanted to join in, to come play with both of us?"

In response, Padme backs up, and continues to back up until she hits a wall, her breathing getting heavier and more belabored as she gets more and more turned on by the picture Anakin is painting for her.

"N-No, t-that's not t-true. A-Anakin, you're scaring me…"

Normally, that would be enough to make him pull back entirely, but they both know she doesn't mean it. Anakin even more so because he can feel her true emotions in the Force. She's not scared. She's hopelessly, deliriously aroused. And to be fair, he doesn't even need the Force to know that. He just needs to look at her blushing, flustered face.

Putting his hands on either side of her head up against the wall, Anakin closes in and Padme whimpers as she feels his breath on his skin, trembling in anticipation.

Anakin, when he sees her unmistakably aroused reaction, chuckles darkly.

"If I'd known the Senator of Naboo was such a slut all this time, I would never have needed to turn to Ahsoka in the first place."

Stiffening, Padme ignores how much that comment turns her on and pushes Anakin back, escaping out from between him and the wall.

"I-I'm leaving!"

Maybe if there'd been a bit more confidence in her voice, a bit more condemnation, Anakin would have let her go. As it is, she sounds so shaky and unsure of herself that Padme doesn't even believe in her own resolve for once. Anakin grabs her before she can get more than a couple feet, and proceeds to bend her over their nearby couch. She tries to fight back, tries to struggle her way free, but with the Force, her husband has a firm grip on her.

"You're not going anywhere, Padme. We've wasted enough time already without you taking your rightful place."

A shiver runs down Padme's voice at his dark, husky tone, and she hates how hopeful her questioning response comes out.

"R-Rightful place?"

"At my feet, of course."

Padme can't find it in herself to do anything but whimper, and grinning wickedly, Anakin begins. Yanking her dress up to around her hips and exposing her peach-shaped behind, he brings his palm down HARD on her upturned ass, making Padme cry out as he spanks her ruthlessly.


"Such a horny, needy little Naboo slut, aren't you? I can't believe my own wife was so naughty as to watch me go at it with my Padawan. Really, Padme, I never would have taken you for a voyeur, but I guess here we are?"

Padme moans in between yelping and squealing as he continues to smack her bottom red with his flesh and blood hand. His metal hand, meanwhile, is fisting her hair, pulling her locks back and forcing her head up as her spine arches from the rough treatment. And yet, as rough as it is, she can't help but get more and more aroused.

Her undoing comes when he reaches down betwixt her legs and shoves three fingers up into her sopping wet cunt, hooking them inside of her and yanking her up onto her tip toes as she yelps and moans in equal measure.

"Look at how fucking wet you are, you silly cunt. Admit it. You loved watching me fuck Ahsoka, didn't you?"

"Y-Yes! Yes, o-okay! I fingered myself while you plowed your Padawan silly! I came w-while watching! Is that what you want to hear?!"

Chuckling, Anakin gropes and squeezes her ass cheeks for a moment, rubbing them down after giving them quite the paddling, and making her squirm and moan even more.

"It's a start…"

Knowing what he wants, Padme doesn't hold back.

"P-Please fuck me, Anakin! Just fuck me already! I can t-take it! I want your big fat cock inside of me!"

She figures by copying Ahsoka, Anakin will be unable to resist, but she turns out to be wrong. Instead of fucking her, he yanks her down onto her knees and puts his dick in her face, smacking it across her pretty perfect cheeks with obvious delight.

"You have to earn that first, slut. And I think we both know how you do that."

Padme gets the message quickly enough… and perhaps she always knew this was where things were going to end up, because she's actually been practicing on phallic fruits and vegetables for months now trying to get this right. And so, she takes Anakin into her mouth, sucking his dick and worshipping his balls, while one hand goes down to her cunt where she begins to eagerly finger herself.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Fuck, Padme… such an eager, enthusiastic little cunt~"

She was. She was an eager, enthusiastic little cunt. She was HIS eager, enthusiastic little cunt. Eyes staring right up at him, Padme moans and gurgles around his cock as she debases herself for him, as she acts like the wanton slut, they both know she truly is deep down inside. This is what she wants… this is what she needs, and they both know that as well.

Finally, Anakin gathers her hair into a makeshift ponytail and yanks her off of his cock, proceeding to bend her back over the couch. He's going to fuck her, and Padme eagerly reaches back to splay her pussy lips apart, moaning throatily in abject, wanton desire.

"D-Do it, Anakin! Fuck me hard! Take my needy cunt and make me your bitch!"

"No… no, I don't think I will."

That's the only warning Padme gets before he surprises her by taking her ass instead. As she squeals, tears pricking at the corner of her vision from the sudden loss of her final virginity, her 'anal virginity', Anakin drives deep into her bowels with his spit-polished, well-lubricated cock. At the same time, he leans over her and explains.

"Wives get fucked in the cunt. Sluts get it in the ass. This is our first time together with you as my slut… it needs to be special. It needs to be new. You need to know where you belong now… under me, always."

Although anal is completely knew to her, something about how Anakin does it… doesn't hurt that much. What does hurt of the experience is a good kind of hurt, the kind of hurt Padme is starting to get off to more and more. Groaning and moaning beneath her husband, Padme's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she's soundly butt fucked by the well hung, handsome Jedi Knight.

"What do you think, slut? You like taking my big fat cock up your tight little ass?"

"Y-Yes! Yes, I love it! Oh fuck, it's so fucking good! I love your big fat cock, e-even in my ass, Master!"

Anakin pauses at that, and it takes Padme a moment to realize he's stopped.

"… What did you call me?"

Blinking, Padme looks back at him.

"M-Master? You… Ahsoka called you that… a-and I've been fantasizing about taking her place for months, s-so I guess I did it too in the heat of the moment."

Anakin looks deeply uncomfortable for a moment, and it's easy enough to understand why. He's Ahsoka's Master in the Jedi Arts. But being called Padme's Master makes it more of a Master-slave thing, and considering where he came from, his slave background on Tatooine, that was always going to be a tough pill to swallow for him.

Realizing she has to think fast, Padme wiggles her hips and tightens up her anal muscles around her husband's cock as she hurriedly gives him an explanation, she hopes he'll accept.

"I-If I'm your slave… it's because I want to b-be, Anakin. No slave chip, nothing forced… I'm a slave to your cock, to your domineering p-personality. I want to serve you… I don't need to be threatened with death to do so."

Slowly, Anakin begins fucking her ass again, so Padme continues on, degrading herself and explaining herself in the same breaths.

"I want this. I want to be your needy little fuck toy, M-Master. I want to be your s-sex slave. I want you to treat me like the horny, perverted t-trash I am. Please Master, please don't stop."

Growling lustfully, Anakin doesn't stop… he speeds up, fucking her harder and eventually moving her from the couch to in front of a nearby standing mirror, so she can watch herself get fucked.

"Look at you. If anyone could see you now, would they still think of you as the venerable Senator of Naboo, it's former Queen?"

"N-No Master! They'd just see a worthless sex slave being used properly by her Master, getting fucked by his big fat cock!"

"Damn straight."

It's not long after that, that Anakin cums inside of her, filling her bowels with his seed. Padme squeals and climaxes herself, squirting all over the floor between her legs. From there, they end up on their bed, both of them resting and recovering. Padme in particular is exhausted and doesn't say anything for a while… until finally, she pipes up.

"I-I suppose you'll be breaking things off with Ahsoka now that you don't need her anymore…"

Scoffing, Anakin shakes his head.

"No, I won't."

Padme rolls over, pulling an upset face… only for her eyes to widen in surprise when she sees that Anakin is still rock hard.

Smirking at her, Anakin strokes his cock at a languid pace as he stares her down with eyes filled with glittering purpose.

"She's my horny little bitch, just as much as you are, Padme. And besides, you need her backing you up. We both know you can't handle me alone… not like this."

A little upset, but forced to acknowledge the truth, Padme dips her head down and silently accepts Anakin's words by beginning to lick and lap at his cock once more. He's right, of course. He always is.


To go from respected and proud Senator of Naboo to what she was now… it was a big leap for Padme, and she'd spent the last few days getting used to her new role in the relationship she had with Anakin. Oh sure, she was still the Senator of Naboo, still respected to everyone but her husband. But proud? No, she was learning how little she had to be proud of.

With Anakin on planet, they were spending a lot of time together, and so Padme found herself getting dominated and fucked several times a day for the last few days since they'd… renegotiated their marriage with heavy use of Anakin's big meat stick. Even now, Padme was waiting eagerly for her husband (her Master) to come back from the Temple, having prepared a very special outfit to surprise him with.

The outfit consisted of an under-boob corset along with fingerless armlength gloves and thigh-high stockings, with the ensemble completed by a choker around her neck with a leash draped down between her exposed tits and her naked thighs.

Soon enough, Anakin comes walking back into the apartment, and no sooner does he do so then Padme instantly kneels at his feet, emphasizing her undeniably small tits by pushing her chest out as far as she can.

"Welcome home, Master. Do you like my preparations?"

She watches eagerly as Anakin responds not with words, but simply by taking his rapidly hardening cock out and smacking it across her waiting face a few times. Padme is all too happy to lean in and greet him 'properly' by taking his cock into her mouth while at the same time putting her arms behind her back, clasping them together back there just as she's been taught.

The next few minutes are filled with gagging and sucking noises as Padme sucks Anakin to completion, greedily swallowing his seed as he finishes down her throat. She's gotten so good at sucking cock, what with her jump start from the fruits and veggies, to the last few days with the real deal. She drinks down her husband-master's seed without issue or complain, before smiling up at him and batting her eyelashes.

"Thank you for your cum, Master."

Chuckling, Anakin finally speaks up.

"I do indeed like your preparations, slut. You look exactly like a sex slave should, presentable and ready to be fucked by her Master."

His complimenting her choice of outfit in such a crude manner only turns her on further, and Padme pants as she nods excitedly.

"Yes, Master! I knew from the moment I saw it on the Holonet that I had to have it for you. I paid extra just to have it delivered as soon as possible so I could be a proper fuck toy for my Master. Please, Master! Please fuck your bitch with all your power!"

Not needing much convincing, Anakin picks her up with the force and carries her into the bedroom, where he slaps her down onto their bed and climbs aboard without another thought. Soon enough, he's inside of her, fucking Padme hard and fast and treating her like a worthless whore rather than is wife. Truth be told, it's everything that Padme wanted, eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth as she squeals in ecstasy and eggs him on while degrading herself further.

Of course, what she's NOT expecting is another voice to suddenly fill the space, or for Ahsoka Tano of all people to walk in out of nowhere.

"Skyguy? You here? What was it you nee… ded…"

Upon seeing them go at it, Ahsoka freezes up in the doorway, while Padme just stares at her with wide eyes. Anakin, meanwhile, simply chuckles.

"Good, you made it."

Both women realize in that moment that Anakin hadn't told either of them about this. Honestly, Padme didn't care so long as her husband and master continued to fuck her silly like he was already doing. But then he pulls out of her, making her whimper and whine in complaint. Standing up, Anakin turns to Ahsoka with his cock in hand, pointed directly at her.

"What're you waiting for, Ahsoka? You know what to do, you Togruta slut."

The Padawan only hesitates for a moment before dropping to her hands and knees. Getting on all fours, she crawls over to her Master and takes his cock in her mouth. Padme, not wanting to be left out, also only hesitates for a moment before crawling over off of the bed as well, where she joins Ahsoka in worshipping Anakin's cock.

A silent understanding passes between them as they make eye contact, the realization that they both are here for one purpose and one purpose only… to satisfy Anakin, to satisfy their Master.

Anakin watches them work over his shaft with their tongues for a moment but given Padme had already made him cum once with her mouth, it's not long before he lets out a grunt and jerks back.

"Up onto the bed, you two. Assume the position and tell me why I should fuck either of you with this cock you both crave so much."

Ahsoka, despite clearly being surprised by Padme's inclusion, has recovered and is the first up onto the bed, getting on all fours and looking back as she spreads her cheeks to expose her holes to her Master. Padme is soon up as well though, with the two moaning and competing for who can be the biggest whore.

"Fuck me, Master! Fuck my tight Togruta pussy or my even tighter Togruta asshole! Pull on my montrals, tug on my lekku! Treat me like the trash I am, and I promise I'll make you feel really good!"

"Me, Master, choose me~ This little alien bitch doesn't have what it takes. She doesn't have the experience I do. Sheltered Jedi cunt, you're better off fucking me instead!"

If Ahsoka is taken aback by Padme calling Anakin 'Master' too, she doesn't show it, only confirming in Padme's eyes that Ahsoka had stopped considering Anakin as JUST her Jedi Master a long time ago. Both of them moan and writhe and offer themselves up, trying their best to entice Anakin with their words and their bodies in any way they can. Until, in the end, Anakin just chuckles.

"Why settle for just one of you, when I can have both?"

Padme and Ahsoka both yelp as they're lifted up in the Force and arranged to Anakin's liking. Suddenly, Padme is on her back with her head nearly dangling off the edge of the bed, while Ahsoka is brought down atop her, facing the other way. The cute little Togruta's tight orange cunt is right above Padme's face, and Padme whines as Anakin shoves his cock inside of his Padawan first, neglecting his wife in favor of fucking Ahsoka.

She doesn't get to whine for long though, because Anakin quickly shuts her up by shoving his ball sack into her face, forcing her to suckle and slurp at his nuts as he rubs them all over her face while thrusting in and out of a moaning Ahsoka. Of course, Ahsoka isn't allowed to just sit there and get fucked either. Her face is shoved down into Padme's quim and the Togruta Padawan is soon eating out her Master's wife, even as Padme sucks on his gonads.

The three-way Sixty-Nine is a new experience for the two women, both of which have only ever been with Anakin before now. Still, they make it work, their love and submission towards their mutual master prompting them to do whatever he wants in an effort to please him, out of eagerness to submit to him as his slaves.

With a loud groan, Anakin creampies Ahsoka and fills her with his seed, pumping a hot thick load into her womb that in turn leaks out of her tight gushing quim and flows down Anakin's balls into Padme's mouth. Without missing a beat, the former Queen slurps up the combined juices of her husband-master and his love slave of a Padawan, drinking them down and gulping away so she doesn't drown under the barrage of bodily fluids.

As soon as he's done cumming in Ahsoka, Anakin uses the Force to manipulate their positions again, spinning both of them around. Padme is still on bottom and Ahsoka is still on top, but this time it's Padme's cunt that Anakin's cock drills into, while Ahsoka happily shoves her creampied pussy down onto Padme's messy face, making even more a mess of it.

As the Senator of Naboo eats out the Togruta Padawan atop her, Anakin begins to fuck Padme just as hard and fast as he fucked Ahsoka, plowing into her cunt while Ahsoka puts that naughty little mouth of hers to use on Padme's clit and the top of Anakin's cock, tonguing both and nibbling at Padme's clit in ways that makes her squeal loudly and cum HARD on Anakin's dick.

Things only grow more debauched from there. Anakin eventually cums inside of Padme as well, but he's far from done with both of them. In the end, her husband and master was right, Padme wasn't capable of handling Anakin alone. She needed Ahsoka's help to have a chance of surviving the raging beast that was her aroused husband with his libido fully unleashed. He fucked them both so much, and together they worked to please their Master.

Of course, that's not to say they didn't compete with one another as well. It was impossible to avoid, wanting to get their own pleasure as much as possible, wanting to be the favorite of Anakin's slaves. As his wife, Padme should have had top billing already, but it felt like she was constantly competing with Ahsoka for Anakin's attention anyways.

Still, she wins at one point, getting a load of Anakin's cum that Ahsoka desperately wanted. And that's when Padme knows for a fact that she and Ahsoka can make this fucked up relationship work, because far from throwing a temper tantrum, Ahsoka eagerly cleans Anakin's cum off and out of Padme's body as Anakin watches with a smile.

When the day finally comes to a close, they're all drenched in sweat and covered in bodily fluids. A shower washes most of it away, while changing the sheets allows them all to go to bed before it can get much later.

With Anakin dominating the middle of the bed and Padme and Ahsoka curled into either side of his rock hard, chiseled body, all three are so very happy and content. Holding them close with an arm around either of their lithe, nubile frames, Anakin smiles and looks between them.

"Mine. Both of you… are mine."

The Jedi would probably say such obsessive attachment was unhealthy… but Padme didn't care, and from the look of adoration and devotion on Ahsoka's face, the young Togruta didn't care either.

"Yours, Master. All yours."

"Forever and ever."

And with those words said, the three of them drift off, happy and content.


The Clone Wars continue, of course. Things get worse and worse all across the galaxy, even as Anakin and his two fuck toys find new happiness in their three-way relationship. Of course, eventually the Temple Bombing happens anyways, much as it would have in the original timeline. Ahsoka is blamed, Anakin manages to save her… but in the end, after Ahsoka is exonerated, it's Anakin who tells his Padawan and sex slave to leave the Order, no longer trusting it to protect her.

And so, when the time comes that Anakin is called away to the frontlines once more, Ahsoka is with Padme, hired on as her PA and bodyguard. Just as Anakin is arriving back in his room aboard the Resolute after a long battle, he gets a call from his sex slaves. Picking up, he finds them both smiling at him, utterly naked and putting on a show as they makeout passionately with one another.

Anakin's cock grows hard in his pants as he watches them rub their small chests against one another for a long beat, before they finally pull away and grin at him impishly.

"Hope you enjoyed the show, Master~"

"We miss you dearly, Master. Please come home to us soon~"

Snorting in amusement, Anakin crosses his arms over his chest.

"I will. And when I do, I'll be sure to punish you both for this ill-advised teasing. Get ready, because I won't be gentle with either of you after this."

Beaming at him happily, the two women from two very different walks of life answer in unison.

""We can't wait, Master~""


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