Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Hunter’s Moon (Monster Musume)

A Hunter’s Moon (Monster Musume)

A/N: A Hunter's Moon was a commissioned one shot originally written back in October of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: It's a Full Moon on Halloween Night, and both Lala and Zombina are in a deep, deep heat. So of course, Ms. Smith dumps the job of dealing with the two of them right in Kimihito's lap.

Themes: Big Dick, Monster Girls, Threesome


"I'm sorry?"

Without skipping a beat, the government agent currently driving him to his impending doom cheerfully responds.

"You're forgiven!"

Groaning, Kimihito Kurusu palms his face for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, I mean… run all that by me again?"

Chuckling, his Cultural Exchange Coordinator and all around bane of his existence, Ms. Smith, pushes up her sunglasses, not even taking her eyes off of the road in front of her as they speak.

"It's quite simple. That paper in your lap is a special dispensation for this night and this night only. Because of a special confluence of events, namely the fact that the Full Moon has fallen on Halloween this year, things are a little unstable. Namely, there are certain types of Monsters that experience a sort of… awakening on Full Moon Halloweens in particular. You will be assisting in calming down two of these Monsters this evening."

Staring down at the slip of paper in his lap, Kimihito lets out a noise of disbelief in the back of his throat. Especially since he's already read over the 'special dispensation'. Besides the fact that Ms. Smith signed her name with a flourish and put a little thumbs up at the end of her signature, it looks very official. But the contents, allowing him to interbreed for one night only, are… certainly something else.

"W-Who… I mean, who uh, are you handing me off to?"

When your Cultural Exchange Coordinator showed up in front of your home and ordered you into her car to go for a drive, you didn't get to say no. Especially when it was Ms. Smith who held his life in her hands. If she wanted to, she could have him arrested and the Monster Girls living with him deported on the spot. So yeah, he sort of had to do what she said. This though… this was a bit beyond his expectations.

"Oh, they aren't strangers if that's what you're worried about! You know them both quite well, actually. Perhaps you didn't notice, given how much of a madhouse that place you live in can be sometimes, but your resident Dullahan departed from your home earlier this morning. There was a reason for that."

Blinking, Kimihito cocks his head to the side… and then pales.


Smirking easily, Ms. Smith just nods.

"Yep! Also, my cute subordinate Zombina as well! Just those two tonight. Zombies and Dullahans are two Monster Types uniquely effected by Halloween Full Moons, you see."

Kimihito doesn't even know what to say to that. He's still trying to formulate a response, trying to figure out a way out of this, when the car suddenly comes to a stop and they pull up outside of a hotel.

"Room Three-O-One! Here's the key! Have fun, Kimihito… and while you aren't technically breaking the law if you breed with them tonight, do try to avoid it anyways. If you can help it."

In a bit of a daze, the young human man takes the room key from Ms. Smith and climbs out of the car. As the government agent peels away, leaving him staring up at the hotel, he can't help but feel a little like he's walking to his death. Which is rather appropriate, all things considered.

Lala was a Dullahan that had shown up a little while back. Initially, she'd claimed that her entire point in tracking him down was because he was on the brink of death, or something. In the end, Kimihito had called her on her bluff, even raising multiple death flags just to prove that Lala wasn't about to reap his soul or what have you any time soon.

In the end, as Ms. Smith had explained it, Dullahan tended to exaggerate and use poetic, flowery language most of the time. In the end, Lala had been forced to reveal that she was following him around because she was curious about his 'ability to constantly avoid death'. But that didn't change the fact that Lala was ultimately a very dangerous, cool-headed individual.

Zombina, meanwhile, was a member of the Monster Ops: Neutralization Squad, or the M.O.N. Squad for short. She worked directly under Ms. Smith, and was a very dangerous, very effective soldier from what Kimihito had seen and personally experienced. But she was also a Zombie, and as a Zombie, she was already prone to letting her cravings get the better of her, ignoring all societal standards if it meant she could do whatever the hell she wanted.

Suffice to say, both Monster Girls were… incredibly intense. The two of them together though… they just might do what everything else so far had failed to accomplish. They just might spell his doom. But it wasn't like Kimihito had a choice. Ms. Smith may not have said it in so many words, but she didn't have to. The Special Dispensation he'd been given spelled it out quite succinctly.

Basically, he was allowed to engage in interbreeding for this night only, but if anything happened regarding Zombina and Lala while they were 'in his care', then he would be responsible for their actions. So yeah… he really didn't have a choice, except to just go along with it and hope he survived.

Arriving outside of Room Three-O-One, Kimihito lets out a deep put upon sigh and uses the key card to open the door and slip inside. Even before he's finished closing and locking the hotel room door behind him, twin exclamations come from further in the room, familiar voices that match up exactly with who Ms. Smith said he'd be looking after tonight.



Despite the two of them having the exact same verbal reaction, their tone of voice couldn't be different, and the physical reaction was also quite different. Zombina, upon seeing him, lights up, her eyes sparkling with desire, her lips curling into a wide grin, and her hands coming together in front of her to clap in eager excitement.

Lala, meanwhile, flushes an interesting shade of purple due to her blue coloring, clearly blushing. But that's just the head. At the moment, her body is separate from her head, and upon recognizing his presence, the Dullahan body reacts even more lewdly then Zombina does… it immediately lifts up Lala's skirt, revealing the fact that she's not wearing any panties.

Right… letting out a sigh and offering a small smile, Kimihito nods.

"Me, yeah. Uh, I guess you both know why I'm here then?"

Zombina bobs her head up and down excitedly, even as Lala scowls, flustered at her body's antics.

"Yeah! Ms. Smith told us she'd get someone for us! Didn't think it would be you though!"

"I was given a special dispensation…"

"W-Well… just don't get full of yourself, okay Mortal? We're only… o-only doing this because of tonight! If we had a choice, you wouldn't be it!"

Kimihito raises an eyebrow at Lala's flustered response, so in contrast with her usual cool attitude. She really is out of it tonight, isn't she? Zombina, meanwhile, just flashes a shark-like grin.

"Nah, I'd totally be up for riding you any time, if it wasn't illegal. You're a cutie, Kimihito!"

Lala gapes at her fellow Monster, while Kimihito takes one look at those teeth and remembers something quite critical.

"Uh, about your teeth…"

Zombina blinks and then lets out a sheepish laugh.

"Oh right! If we're going to do this, we need to be extra-safe! Technically you shouldn't turn unless you're near death, buuuut…"

Kimihito nods emphatically as Zombina moves over to a duffle bag near the bed and unzips it. The 'buuuut' part was that he might just end up relatively close to death at some point tonight, so best not to tempt fate. While the Zombie Girl rummages around in her duffle with him watching curiously on, Lala pipes up from where her head is sat on the bed.

"I-I suppose if we must… well, s-since Zombina can't do it… then I suppose if you must use my mouth to get yourself ready, I-I'd be in no position to stop you."

Wait, was she seriously suggesting what he thought she was suggesting? Where in Lala sounds reluctant and embarrassed, her detached body is proving to be a lot more expressive and honest. Namely, as she speaks, offering her mouth up to his cock, her body is busy touching itself, playing with it's breasts and pussy off to the side in an incredibly lewd way.

The whole thing is rather surreal, but then, it IS Halloween. Kimihito walks over to Lala in a daze, and slowly unzips his pants. In response, the Dullahan blushes even harder. She doesn't resist when he slaps his cock down across her face though… on the contrary, her tongue immediately slips out like she can't stop herself, and she begins to lick and lap at his dick.

"Itsh not like I WANT to do thish or anything!"

Meanwhile, Zombina finally finds what she was looking for in her bag, pulling out a great big orange ball gag. Looking over, she giggles at the sight, even as she brings it up to her lips.

"Right, well after this, I won't be able to communicate quite so easily! So just to be clear, I definitely want to do this… and I'm willing to try ANYTHING at least once."

With her piece said, she secures the ball gag in her mouth and then wraps it around her head. Frankly, Kimihito isn't too worried about her inability to talk. She'll still have her hands free after all, and she's physically stronger than him, so it should be quite easy for her to stop him if he goes too far.

Speaking of hands free, Kimihito groans and reaches down to grab Lala's head in both of his, picking her up off of the bed entirely. His cock slips past her lips and she opens wide to accommodate him, writhing her tongue along his length quite enthusiastically as he begins to use her detached head like the onahole it is.



Whatever she might have wanted to say, it could wait for later. Her body certainly thought so. The Dullahan's detached body has actually begin dancing at this point and stripping at the same time. As she removes her garments, she also touches herself and takes up lewd poses whenever he looks over. Ultimately turning and sitting down on the end of the bed as he fills Lala's mouth with his cock again and again, Kimihito decides then and there to stop worrying so much about everything. If he died, then he died. Best to just go with the flow and enjoy this incredible experience while it lasted.

Zombina, seeing how much her fellow Monster Girl was already getting into things, moans through the ball gag and quickly begins to strip naked as well. Honestly, watching both Monster Girls get naked… Kimihito can't help but fuck Lala's face even harder, even faster. Luckily, she doesn't need to breathe and thus doesn't have a gag reflex. She is gurgling a lot though, and her saliva and slobber are starting to just get everywhere as he slides her down to the base of his cock again and again and again.

A normal guy might take one look at the pair of women and run screaming for the hills. A headless Grim Reaper and an Odd-Eyed Zombie covered in stitches and looking like a patchwork quilt. They weren't necessarily conventional beauties, though they still had conventional bodies in spite of their Monster oddities. But deep down inside, Kimihito had to admit… it was the oddities even more than the conventional bodies that really did it for him.

After all, he couldn't detach the head from a normal human girl and fuck her face while her body gave him a strip dance. Nor would a normal human girl have to wear a ball gag just to avoid biting a chunk out of him during coitus with her infectious teeth. Put simply, it was the strangeness, the unnaturalness, the near-fatal deadliness… that made Kimihito a total Mon-con.

There was no denying it, as much as he tried to claim otherwise a lot of the time. Ultimately, women like Lala and Zombina certainly interested him a lot more than women like Ms. Smith. And not just because she was a government agent who held his life and freedom in her hands.

By the time Lala's body and Zombina are stripped naked, Kimihito is just about ready to tip over the edge. And so, he does, cumming on the spot. Except, he pulls out moments before, and covers Lala's face in his seed rather than cumming into her mouth. He's not sure whether his seed would have spewed out of her neck or been magically transported to her body or what, but the idea of facializing her is one that's just too strong for him.

As he finishes cumming on her, it's to look down to see the Dullahan moaning, her tongue sliding out to lick and lap around her mouth, until she realizes he's staring and realizes what she's doing. She freezes up then, but Kimihito just grins and sets her down on the bed to continue to enjoy the sticky white treat he's left dripping down her face.

His cock still rock hard, he stands up and moves towards Zombina and Lala's body, though more specifically he moves towards the Zombie Girl. Gagged for his safety, she watches him with lazy, but lust-filled eyes, clearly eager to get fucked, but willing to let him take the lead, at least for the first time.

Grabbing her by her hips, Kimihito turns her to face Lala's head over on the bend, and proceeds to bend her over. He can't lie, he's always fantasized about fucking Zombina in this position. He never would have said it out loud, but now it's actually happening and there's no way he's going to pass up this chance. Using his foot to spread her legs apart, he bends Zombina over and places his cockhead against her slit from behind.

She moans through the ball gag, even as his hands run over her stitched up body. Her breasts are not very soft, but instead rather firm, a consequence of her Zombie status. But once again, Kimihito was all about the oddities, all about the strange, unnatural aspects of Monster Girls. This was on different. He gropes and squeezes them anyways and is pleased when he's rewarded with more moaning from his current partner.

His cock finally slips inside of her a moment later, and he has to stop for a second, because her pussy is like a vice around his dick at first, even as her gagged squeals fill the room. Did she just cum immediately around his cock? Either way, Kimihito eventually finds that he can move again, and begins to thrust forward. With how solid and strong Zombina is, there isn't much jarring or jolting as he fucks her. She's not going to go anywhere, not unless he directs her to.

Instead, she stays right where she is, bent over with her arms pulled behind her back as he grabs her by the wrists and really starts going to town on her. Over on the bed, Lala is watching this with jealous eyes, still licking his cum up off of her face and from in front of her. As time goes on, some of his seed slides down her cheeks, either past her questing tongue or out of reach of it. When that lands on the bed in front of her, the Dullahan makes a point of lapping it up eagerly.

But as to how Kimihito knows that she's jealous of the attention he's now giving Zombina, there's the fact that her body once again expresses the truth of the matter. Coming up behind him, Lala's detached body grabs onto him from behind, gripping him tightly. Unlike Zombina, there's a lot of parts of Lala that can be called soft. Her prodigious blue rack is one of them, the Dullahan's gorgeous tits rubbing and massaging into his back as he continues to rail Zombina from behind.

At the same time, the 'schlicking' sounds that Kimihito can hear filling the air make it clear that the Dullahan body is currently fingering itself as well, even as it rubs against him. Over on the bed, Lala is moaning like a wanton little whore, far from the stoic, gloomy, and altogether cold character he's always known. Zombina too, is surprisingly docile at the moment. He would have expected her to take charge, but it seems like she's willing to let him take the reins for the time being, at least.

Zombina's cunt clenches around his cock several more times with orgasm after orgasm before he finally finishes inside of her. When he does, to his mild surprise, she goes crashing to the floor the moment he lets go of her wrists and slides his cock out of her pussy. It would seem that, for as strong as she is, the Zombie still has her limits, and through sex, Kimihito has managed to surpass them.

Turning around to face the headless Dullahan body behind him, Kimihito has a big wide grin on his face as he grabs Lala's breasts by the nipples and pinches them between his fingers. Firmly, but also tenderly, he begins to pull her along, taking her body over to the bed where her head lays, reuniting them, somewhat.

"Y-You… what deviancy do you have in mind now?"

Lala is still trying to keep up the act, but they both know that's all it is at this point. Chuckling, Kimihito lays out her body on the bed beside her, making sure to force it to splay it's long blue legs and thicc thighs apart. Then, he picks up Lala's head and turns it to face her own pussy.

"Mm, I don't think you're wet enough yet, Lala… prepare yourself for me, won't you?"

"W-What, I am-mmph!"

Grinning as he grinds her down into her own already dripping folds, it's not long before she begins licking and lapping at her cunt. In response, Lala's body begins to quiver and tremble, shaking and shivering beneath her own ministrations. One of her body's hands goes to her tits, playing with a nipple, while the other goes down to her head, gripping the back of it.

It's at that point that Kimihito lets go of Lala's head, allowing for her own body to bully the Dullahan for a little while. It's an incredibly hot sight to be sure, and combined with that and a few minutes of stroking his cock, he's soon back to fully erect and ready for… well, this would be Round Three now, wouldn't it?

Climbing up onto the bed, he reaches out and displaces Lala's head, turning her around again. Holding her by the hair, he places her atop her body's abdomen, leaving her scant inches from her pussy… and from his cock, which was about to go inside of her. When he feeds the first few inches of his dick into her mouth for a bit of spit polish, she hastily swirls her tongue around his cockhead, not even raising a protest.

And when he finally pulls back, only to thrust forward into her tight, wet cunt, Lala moans throatily, much louder than Zombina due to a lack of gag. But that's okay, because Kimihito already has something else in mind for her to do with her mouth. Bringing her closer, he ends up grinding her nose into his belly button area, even as he brings her mouth down upon her clit and the top of his pistoning prick.

She quickly gets the point and spends half her time nibbling at her own clit and the other half of her time lapping at his fast-paced member. Needless to say, this leaves her body in quite the state, shaking and quivering and orgasming explosively around his dick again and again and again. All the while, Lala is contributing to her own fucking. Her tongue lashes between her clit and his cock in equal measure, working past the moans and shrieks of ecstasy muffled by his body coming from her lips.

To say that this was an exceptional sexual experience would be the understatement of the century. And to think, he could only do this for one single night… was this Ms. Smith's plan? To let him have this taste of what he truly, desperately wanted deep down inside, in order to make him snap and leave her with just cause to arrest him?

… Nah, he didn't think so. She wasn't that clever by half, to be perfectly fucking honest. That said, even if it wasn't her plan or intention, it really might just end up that way. He needed… he really needed to get it out of his system now. As he starts to go faster, as he starts to fuck Lala's twat harder and harder, growing closer and closer to completion, he knows one thing for sure. He can't stop, now that he's started.

A few minutes later, he finishes inside of her just like he did Zombina. But he doesn't stop there, and not just because Zombina has recovered by that point and is more than ready for another round. He doesn't stop there, because he doesn't want to stop. Instead, the three of them go all night long, and Kimihito uses every last bit of his stamina and endurance, and then some, to try and satisfy not just the horny Monster Girls, but also his own libido, his own lusts.

But even as the sun comes up and November First begins, Kimihito is laid out on the bed in the hotel room, exhausted. Meanwhile, Zombina and Lala are both fully dressed and walking out of the room, neither half as tired as he is. As Lala refuses to look him in the eye, Zombina looks back over her shoulder and grins wickedly, throwing him a wink.

"We should do this again next year, stud!"


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