Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Drug Dealer’s Whore (Castle)

A Drug Dealer’s Whore (Castle)

A/N: A Drug Dealer's Whore was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in June of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Oz, the drug dealer from S3E14, turns out to be far more dangerous then Beckett and Castle ever could have imagined. In the end though, the biggest danger to Kate... is herself. Oz just brings out the worst in her, but it was always there, lurking beneath the surface.

Themes: Mind Break, Breeding, Dom/Sub


"Get us some drinks, Castle."

"Yeah, drinks… on it."

It doesn't take Kate long to put eyes on the suspect. But then, she is Detective Kate Beckett, all around badass and femme fatale. It wasn't every female detective that had a writer follow them around for years and use them as inspiration for his spy novels, after all. Perhaps Kate was getting a little too overconfident, a little too arrogant… but she didn't know that. Nor did she realize she was about to meet her match.

Dancing her way over to the suspect, a man named Marvin 'Oz' Osminkowski, a known drug dealer, Kate keeps her eyes on the prize… which is why she doesn't see or hear when Oz's men come up behind Rick at the bar and stick guns in his back. She doesn't even notice as her partner, as the man she's come to like and perhaps even start to have feelings for, is taken away at gunpoint.

She's too busy getting the job done… and of course, being stymied by the absolutely massive, hulking bruiser that Oz has as his personal bodyguard. As the big man stands in her way, Kate knows she could take him down. After all, she's a certifiable badass. Size isn't an issue, if she needed to break this giant, she has her ways.

… But that won't get her what she wants, so the femme fatale plasters a vapid smile on her face and giggles like she's some sort of party girl, rather than the hardcore decorated detective that she is.

"Oh c'mon… you have to let me see him~"

As the bodyguard turns to glance back at Oz, who in turn looks over, Kate leans around him to make sure that the drug dealer has the best view of her rocking bod, made all the more rocking by the dress she's got on, that he possibly can. She grins and bats her eyelashes and waves, the whole nine yards… but then to be fair, if you've got it, you flaunt it right?

Oz just smirks and jerks his head upwards in a nod that gets the big man out of her way and Kate over to his side. As she sits down on the couch, the beautiful detective places a hand on Oz's thigh immediately, planning on tricking him into exposing some of his criminal misdeeds. Him admitting having some sort of illegal substance on him would do the trick quite nicely in fact, so she'll work that angle. If she can arrest him for possession of drugs, she can get him in to the station and interrogate him about the murder case that she's currently working, that HE'S currently a suspect on.

However, before Kate can say a word, Oz is the one who leans in and flips her whole world upside down as he whispers into her ear.

"How forward of you, Detective Beckett. But before you do or say anything… why don't you make sure you still have eyes on your partner?"

Kate stiffens at his sinister undertone, the ominous words causing her eyes to flicker over to the bar immediately. She doesn't see Castle there though, doesn't see him anywhere in fact. But it is a crowded club, so Kate stands up, eyes still searching. Oz stands as well and places a hand on the small of her back that she'd dearly love to remove with violence. However, he's once again murmuring in her ear, and Kate can do nothing but listen.

"I have Richard Castle, Detective. If you don't do exactly what I say, then you'll never see him again. Got it?"

She wishes she had the foresight to wear a wire, but she'd mistakenly believed she would get this man on possession, not for any sort of confession made in the middle of a crowded, noisy nightclub. Now though, now it seemed like he had HER dead to rights… and for a moment, the certifiable badass and gorgeous femme fatale that Kate is… falters.

"… What do you want?"

She got Castle into this mess. He's her responsibility. She won't let him die because of her own stupidity, because she underestimated a perp. So, when Oz uses his hand on the small of her back to turn her towards a set of doors marked VIP, Kate can do nothing but follow along with the unspoken command. She almost hopes that she's being taken to Castle, so that she has a better chance of getting them both out of here… but no, the room that she's led into is completely empty, a VIP lounge that she's now trapped with Oz in.

Making his way over to the bar, the drug dealer pours two glasses and then, not even being subtle about it, slips something into both. The look on her face probably says it all when he walks back over and offers one of the glasses to her, because Oz just grins wickedly, even as he continues to hold out the glass.

"Just a pick-me-up, Detective. Drink."

Reminded once again that he has her by the proverbial short hairs and needing to make sure Castle makes it out of this alive, Kate takes the drink and quickly swallows it down, grimacing only slightly as the hard liquor burns down the back of her throat. By the time she's done, Oz is already seated on one of the lounge couches, merely sipping his drink rather than downing it too quickly. When Kate moves to join him however, he lifts a hand and stops her.

"No, no. You stay right there… I want a bit of a show first, Detective. Let's see that sexy, slutty body of yours. Slowly."

Of course, he's going to make her do this. Kate grimaces even harder, having a fairly good idea of what a bastard like Oz would want from a beautiful woman like her. Knowing his history, she's all too aware that he gets off on humiliating and tearing down strong women, whether they're strong because they're wealthy, or strong because of their position.

To make matters worse, Oz reaches over and presses a button behind the couch, and a second later, the bumping club music from outside is filtering into the VIP lounge as well, giving her a beat to dance to… to strip to. But all the same, she has to save Castle, so of course Kate does as she's told. It's not like she wants this or anything… right?

Except, a part of her is secretly enjoying this. It's an exceedingly small part of the woman who is Detective Kate Beckett. It's a holdover from her days before she became an officer of the law, when she was still in college, when she was still young. Kate Beckett had a past as something of a party girl, back in those days. She'd done things she regretted, things that she had in turn done her best to forget.

This though, slowly beginning to bump and grind to the music, slowly beginning to strip out of the sexy, skimpy dress she's got on… it's bringing her right back to those days. Despite herself, Kate is getting just a little wet. And no, it's not the drugs that Oz made her take, though she's half-ready to blame them. He'd been honest with her, those really were just uppers, and all they would ultimately do for the two of them was keep them going all night long…

But Kate doesn't know that yet. All she knows is that her blood is pounding in her ears, as she flicks her dress off to the side, her body going through the motions. Muscle memory is a hard thing to get rid of, and Party Girl Kate had gotten drunk at more than enough parties to have a lot of muscle memory when it comes to getting wild and stripping down to her underwear.

Just like she's done now, exposing her matching set of black silk underthings to Oz's appreciative gaze, the drug dealer's smirk rather wicked and his eyebrows raised as he nods in approval at the sight of her. But they both know she's not done yet, so Kate keeps going, reaching back to undo her bra, even as he face burns with humiliation. She unslings the undergarment from her arms and tosses it to the side, exposing her flushed tits and trying to ignore how the open air is making her nipples rock hard. It's definitely the air doing it. Kate refuses to believe that she's… that she's enjoying this humiliating exposure.

Deep in denial, the gorgeous detective moves her thumbs to the waistband of her silken black panties next, hooking them in and finally sliding them down her legs. She doesn't make as much of a show of it at the end, mostly just wanting to get it over with. Her panties stick a little to her crotch, her pussy having gotten a little wet while she was stripping. But Kate ignores that, and glares daggers at Oz as she does her best to cover herself up with her hands.

"Oh, come on now? Do you really think I'd have you strip down just to not get a good view of the goods? Hands behind your head, Detective. Legs spread."

Not having a choice now that he's made it an order, Kate grits her teeth and does her best to ignore how much his commands are turning her on. The party girl buried deep in her psyche is trying to rear its ugly head, but the Detective won't let it. She's a strong, independent woman now, and she refuses to revert to that… to that bimbo she once was.

"Good… very good. I like what I see, Detective. In fact, I like it so much that I'll let your partner live… for now. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl over here, won't you?"

Blushing profusely, eyes narrowed in anger even as she tries to swallow the arousal threatening to build within her, Kate does as she's told. Dropping to her hands and knees, the gorgeous femme fatale does her best not to sway her hips overly much or anything like that, but it's all but impossible, given how a woman's bone structure is designed, to keep it from happening at least a little. Oz just wolf whistles at her, a big wide grin on his face as she finally arrives between his legs. Then, he unzips his pants and in one smooth motion pulls out his dick and lets it flop onto Kate's upturned face.

The detective's eyes go wide at that, as she's confronted with the biggest cock she's ever seen. Oz's member is truly magnificent, fat and thick and with a heady musk that leaves her a little dazed and a little confused. It's into this confusion that the party girl buried deep inside of Kate strikes, seizing on the opportunity provided by her more serious self's lapse to take momentary control. Her tongue traces out almost unconsciously, and she laps at the underside of Oz's cock for a moment.

His responsive groan is enough for Kate to come back to herself though, her tongue hastily retreating back into her mouth as she tries and fails not to breathe in more of the heady musk filling her nostrils now. A bastard like Oz has no right smelling this good. Nor does he have any right to such a big, fat, scrumptious-looking phallus either. It's just not… fair.

"Suck it, bitch."

And there it is. Kate knew that sexual acts were on the table, she'd known from the moment he ordered her to do the striptease and forcing her to crawl over to him naked had merely sealed that certainty in her mind. But all the same, knowing is different from actually being face to face with it. Or rather, in her case, face-to-cock. Still, it's not like she has a choice, right? This is all for Castle's sake. The writer's life is on the line, and it's all her fault.

Pulling back enough so that Oz's massive member is no longer laid out across her face but staring her right in the eye, Kate opens wide and begins to take him into her mouth as best she can. Her jaw stretches to accommodate him, and for a moment she's stymied, a grimace etched across her features as at first, it seems like she won't be able to fit him into her mouth.

But Party Girl Kate is still lurking in the background and eager to play. This might be the biggest dick that the good detective has ever had the misfortune of dealing with, but back in her college days, when she'd gotten REALLY wild, Kate had managed to fellate two or even three dicks at a time in an erotic version of the 'fluffy bunny' party game. She really was a champion cocksucker in those days, and even though the slut had done all she could to put that behind her, it was coming back up now.

Almost as if telling the Detective part of her to take a backseat so that the Party Girl side she's spent so long suppressing can take a crack at it, Kate's muscle memory begins to take over and she sucks and slurps and laps at Oz's cock with more and more experience, as well as, inadvertently of course, more and more enthusiasm.

It's not like she wants to be sucking his dick or anything like that. This is humiliating and degrading, and she's supposed to be a successful, confident detective, not some cock sucking whore naked and on her knees in the VIP lounge, choking down a drug dealer's dick. But what she's supposed to be, and the reality of the situation are one hundred percent clashing right now. Kate's eyes water with unshed tears as she gags and gurgles along Oz's dick, staring up at him with warring emotions in her eyes.

Her pussy, meanwhile, is absolutely drenched and that is a betrayal Kate doesn't even know what to do with. Especially when Oz suddenly grabs her by her hair and yanks her off his cock, dragging her up off of her knees and onto his lap as she whimpers and yelps at the pain of having her hair pulled so roughly. Party Girl Kate recognizes and even enjoys the domineering way this well-hung man is handling her. Detective Kate has never been more ashamed of her body's reactions in her entire life.

"I'm going to fuck you now, slut. I want you to do the honors though. Go on… impale your sexy little twat on my big fat cock."

Shuddering in shame and arousal, Kate does as she's told, not even able to look Oz in the eye anymore as she grabs his massive schlong with both hands and fits his head against her pussy lips. The slippery nature of her slit makes it a little hard to get purchase at first, but when she finally does, her slick insides betray her all the more quickly, causing her to practically slip down onto his entire length long before she's ready for that much cock to be buried in her twat.

A long, loud moan emits from Kate Beckett's throat as she tosses her head back in wanton pleasure. Oz just laughs at her, his arms already wrapped around her fit, feminine form as he holds her to him, his fat, giant cock throbbing and pulsating within her.

"Damn, bitch. I didn't expect you to be that into this. You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

Kate grits her teeth, her hands coming down on his shoulders. Part of her would like nothing more than to wring his neck, to strangle him to death right here and now while she has him beneath her in a compromised position. But that part of the gorgeous femme fatale is held back by the certainty that Castle would be in grave danger if she went through with it, and maybe even killed her for audacity.

The other part of Kate Beckett, the part that started out so small and diminished and repressed, but is quickly coming back with a vengeance, wants nothing more than to bounce up and down on Oz's cock all night long, cumming her brains out upon his member over and over again. As the two sides of Kate war within her, the Detective herself tries to deny Oz's words, even as she clings to his shoulders, digging her nails into his suit.

"N-No… I-I'm not… there's nothing e-enjoyable about this!"

Oz just laughs at that, not believing a word she's saying. And then, despite being beneath her, he takes complete control by thrusting up into her from below. And he doesn't stop either, fucking her from the bottom like he's on top and she's on bottom and she's nothing but his horny little whore. Kate squeals, doing her best to try to fight off the pleasure, but ultimately proving to be completely unsuccessful. Soon enough, she's orgasming explosively around his cock as he bounces her up and down on his dick.

She doesn't even really notice when he pulls out, and by the time she recovers, it's her who's on bottom, as he thrusts into her again. Folded up on the couch, her legs up in the air on held by his hands on her ankles, Kate can do nothing but squeal like a bitch as Oz takes her quite roughly, pounding down into her from above like a jackhammer breaking up concrete.

And in a way, he is breaking her. He's breaking down the façade that Kate put up all these years, the persona she built around herself using her career and reputation. Detective Kate Beckett, accomplished detective, strong independent woman, and all around gorgeous femme fatale and badass who didn't take shit from anyone. It was all an act, of course, it always had been… but even Kate had come to believe in her own narrative just a tad.

Now though, it's all being broken down as she's fucked into oblivion by Oz's big fat cock. In the end when he finally cums inside of her… he doesn't use protection. But Kate is in no position to stop him or to protest his unsafe practices. She's too busy cumming her brains with her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she shudders and shakes beneath him.

As Kate is still recovering from that final explosive orgasm, Oz, who finishes up first, sends a discrete text to his guards to knock Castle out and stash him away somewhere. He'd already made his decision earlier, when he'd realized how wet Kate was as she sank down his cock. This isn't just taking down a bitch of a detective and teaching her a lesson anymore… no, he's going to play the long game, and see about keeping her as his sex pet.

The drugs he'd taken were the exact same he'd given Kate. And they would indeed let the two of them go all night long. His cock is still rock hard inside of Kate, even as he pulls out of her and then turns her partially on to her side. With one leg up in the air, he thrusts into her again, causing Kate to moan, her eyes wide with surprise as she claws at the couch she's laying on and looks at him in disbelief. Chuckling, Oz takes advantage of what this new position is best for… the way it lets him play with his conquest's tits as he fucks her hard.

Groping and squeezing Kate's delicious mammaries as he fucks her on her side, Oz leans into his next thrust and smirks down at the moaning detective, even as she tries and fails to hold in her voice.

"We're not done yet, bitch. You aren't going anywhere until you've FULLY pleasured me."

Judging by the anticipation and trepidation mixed together in her eyes, Oz can tell he has her right where he wants her. Grinning ferally, he begins fucking her all over again, plans forming in his head for how to make this entire situation more… permanent.


Several hours later, and the club is just starting to close up. It's past two a.m. and everyone is slowly being ushered out of the main room as the music dies away. Luckily, the VIP lounge is completely soundproofed, so none of the noises coming from within it are still going. Because, hours later… Oz and Kate are still going at it like a pair of rabbits.

Kate Beckett, who's not quite sure she can still call herself a detective after this, can scarcely believe the stamina that the drug dealer has exhibited. It's one thing to have a big fat cock, which he certainly does… but it's another entirely for him to be able to put that big fat cock to use for several hours straight without more than a glass of water or a snack break.

Now, Party Girl Kate had been part of her fair share of marathon sex encounters back in college. She'd been fucked for hours on end a few times, in fact. But all of those were trains and gangbangs, where multiple guys at a party took advantage of her slutty drunken behavior and just… went to town on her, not really caring whether she was all that coherent for the exchange or not. Kate hadn't really cared either, it had… it had helped her escape from everything, just being a group of boys' horny, needy fuck toy.

But she'd left that life behind her… or so our good detective thought. Getting fucked for hours on end by one man with a massive dick was a lot different from getting gangbanged or having a train run on her however, Kate was quickly discovering. For one, most of those sexual experiences back in college, Kate had been drugged out of her mind for. Or she'd been nearly black out drunk. All of it consensual drinking and drug-taking, she'd been a party girl in college and that meant drugs and drinking galore for the young slut.

But with Oz… Kate had been mentally as well as physically present for every last moment of this. She hadn't checked out, no matter how badly she wanted to, and she'd never once passed out from the sheer physical exertion that the drug dealer was forcing on her. Oz had plied her with a couple more drinks here and there, putting something in them each and every time right in front of her… but Kate was beginning to realize that he'd been telling the truth when he'd said it was just a pick-me-up.

She'd never felt more alive, more present, more aware of her surroundings. It was like an adrenaline rush but doubled, and it'd been going for hours. Her heart has been pounding in her ears nonstop for a while now, just as Oz has been pounding her pussy like it's his property, like she's his slave or something. Not that Kate has said no to him even once. She has to… she has to submit. F-For Castle's sake, of course… n-not for any other reasons.

On all fours on one of the lounge's many tables, Kate moans like the wanton whore she's become for the umpteenth time as Oz's cock brings her to another orgasm. He's been railing her from behind for a good little while now, and his member is slamming home into her sloshing pussy and womb, her twat filled to the brim with his seed by this point. He's cum inside of her so many times that Kate has outright lost count by this point…

With a grunt, Oz suddenly reaches forward and grabs her by her neck, yanking her back so that she's flush with his chest and using his other hand to grope and squeeze at her poor breasts. As Kate mewls and moans, Oz's hot breath rushes across her ear, and she has to focus to hear what he's saying, if only to see if it's an order that she's expected to follow. But it's not… it's much, much worse.

"You know, Detective… I should probably let you in on a little something. Look over at the bar. Do you see it?"

It takes her a moment to focus on where he's pointing, takes her a moment to process she's staring at a small lens, nestled between two bottles of liquor.

"And there, in between the back cushions of that couch opposite of us."

Another camera, leaving an icy feeling of fear and helplessness traveling down Kate's spine as she's suddenly very sober, suddenly very aware of what Oz is letting on. He continues to point out the numerous secret cameras he has hidden around the VIP lounge. And then, he chuckles in her ear.

"More than enough cameras to make an almost professional-looking porno, don't you think? What should I title the one I make of us, huh? Maybe something like 'Bitch Detective Gets Her Due'."

She's ruined. There was still a part of her that was Detective Kate Beckett, a part of her who'd still been looking for an angle while Party Girl Kate took the reins outwardly. The Detective in her was still looking for a way to escape this humiliation… until now. Now, she knows she's screwed in every possible way that matters. As Oz continues to fuck her from behind, leaving her to process what he's just told her, Kate is left moaning wantonly, suddenly very aware of how much pleasure is likely evident on her face right now as she gets fucked from behind, seemingly willingly.

And it would look willing, on whatever 'home video' Oz decided to edit together. This wasn't just about Castle anymore… if Oz wanted, he could have her badge. He could ruin her in every possible way that mattered. Kate shudders and hangs her head, even as the party girl half of her presents the detective half with a solution.

"W-What… ooh, what do you want f-from me?"

Oz was smart to break her down with several hours of mind-blowing sex at first. If he'd started with the cameras, the good detective might just have taken it on the chin, might have lost her job in order to keep some small amount of her dignity, rather than betraying the department she'd worked so hard to rise up through the ranks of.

But now, beleaguered and overly pleasured for hours and hours on end, Kate is in no state of mind to do anything but submit. Her badge, her job as a detective… it's all that the gorgeous femme fatale has left of her fractured persona at this point. So, while it's probably very wrong of her to do, Kate is willing to corrupt and defile that job before she'd ever be willing to lose it.

Chuckling darkly, clearly knowing he has her right where he wants her, Oz doesn't stop fucking Kate even for a second, even as he explains their new… relationship to the poor detective.

"You're my bitch now, of course. My personal bitch, on call whenever I decide I want some of your fine-ass body for myself. You'll come when I call, and you'll make sure I'm fully satisfied before I let you leave. Don't worry, Castle will be free to go… because I think we both know you're not tightening up your delicious cunt around my cock right now for HIM anymore. You're doing it because you're mine, cunt, and you want it. You want me to cum inside of you."

Even though she knows how wrong it is… his words, combined with his massive schlong stretching her wide around his girth do the trick. Her body is loving his attention, and she orgasms around his cock as a result, whimpering as he in turn ejaculates again inside of her. She cums so hard and so long that final orgasm that she very nearly passes out. She very much does collapse forward onto the table when he pulls out of her and abruptly lets go of her hips.

As Kate lays there atop the table, cum dripping out of her well-fucked twat, pride and dignity irrevocably destroyed, Oz takes out a burner phone and slides it across the table's surface until it hits her right on the bridge of her nose, between the eyes.

"That's for you, bitch. Keep it close, and whenever I summon you, you'd better coming calling… pet."

A shudder runs through Kate's body, and she averts her gaze as the drug dealer walks away, whistling to himself. This… wasn't how she planned for this case to go at all. Hell, she still doesn't even know if Oz killed the man she's trying to find justice for or not. Not that it matters anymore… Kate is no longer capable of viewing the drug dealer with any sort of objectivity.

She can't give him what he wants… but she has to. Swallowing thickly, Kate slowly gets up off of the table and moves to gather her clothing, putting on her underwear and her dress as she bites her lower lip, thinking as hard as she can about how to get out of this. The recordings, the tapes… she'll have to find a way to get ahold of them, to erase any copies. Only… o-only then will she be free.

Until that time, she'll have to be his p-pet… there's no other choice, really. She'll p-pretend to submit, for now… she'll definitely break free eventually… definitely.


Oz lets out a pleased sigh as he leans back in the chair, only to look down and watch as his pet detective slobbers all over his cock, bobbing up and down his length as she pleases her new Master with a blowjob. Not that she's calling him Master yet, but she does call him Sir, so he's confident that they'll get there soon enough.

After all, it's only been a couple of months since the… incident. Where the overconfident and downright arrogant Detective Beckett had thrown herself into his clutches, and Oz had happily taken advantage of her idiocy to do as he liked with the bitch. Of course, not even he'd expected she would be a cock-hungry whore eager for domination at first.

Now though, several weeks later, she's been at his beck and call for at least part of every single day and practically all night every night. He's fucked her in every position he knows, including some that she didn't until he'd taught them to her. Oz is well aware that this in turn has caused a rift to form between Kate and that author. So far, Castle had been holding his silence over what had happened that night in the club.

From what his pet bitch had told him, Kate had basically told Castle that Oz wasn't guilty… and to be fair, once he finally got around to asking why the fuck Beckett was even looking into him on their second night together, Oz had been able to confirm it was even true. As much fun as he'd had with Nicole Hixton, both sexually and financially as he'd drained her of her family's lottery winnings, Oz had nothing to do with Jay Hixton's death.

He HAD firebombed the Page brothers' place when Jay set Ty and Greg on him for leading Jay's little girl astray, but that was just a teaching moment of sorts, a lesson that the brothers had learned quite effectively. As far as Jay Hixton himself was concerned, Oz had an alibi. This had allowed for Kate to continue the investigation, and she'd ultimately made it to the end of the rainbow, discovering that it was Jay's neighbor's nephew who'd actually done the deed, and by accident at that!

Honestly, it was altogether laughable, made even funnier by the simple fact that Kate had ultimately brought this all upon herself, and he wasn't even the actual murderer. Still, allowing her to finish the Jay Hixton case had at the very least allowed her to keep her job with the police department. Something that Oz fully intended to take full advantage of, going forward.

"Alright, that's enough pet. Get up here on my lap and ride me, you slutty little bitch."

Popping off of his cock, Kate keeps her eyes on the ground as she gives him an answer in the affirmative.

"Y-Yes sir…"

Climbing aboard, she impales herself on his cock, riding him cowgirl. Unlike that first night, Oz doesn't have to do a thing. Kate does all the work, bouncing up and down on his massive erection like the whore he's turned her into. Grinning, the drug dealer merely rests his hands on her hips for the moment and leans back to admire his new pet. He's had Kate pierce her nipples and belly button now, and though he can't see it at the moment, he's also had his name, 'Oz', tattooed on her plump ass, denoting his ownership of her.

She's all his, and they both know it. Oz is fully aware of Kate's plan to try and get at the recordings and video tapes of their spectacular night together. But it's been a couple of weeks since she's even tried, and Oz knows that she's breaking down, that she won't fight him much longer. As she rides him, he leans forward and begins sucking on Kate's tits, slurping away as he gropes and squeezes them, much to her moaning pleasure.

Imagine Oz's surprise, however, when he tastes sweet breast milk on his lips. His eyebrows climb and he grins as he drinks from her chest quite greedily, with Kate whimpering and squirming on his lap the whole while as the pleasure builds and builds for her. He has to thrust up into her from below more than once to remind her to keep riding him, but in the end he drinks his feel, even as Kate's twat clenches and squeezes down on his massive cock in orgasmic bliss.

Leaning back again, Oz looks at his pet detective a bit more closely, noticing that not only has her chest grown in size in these past two months, but her rock-hard abs are gone as well, and the beginnings of what might either be flab or a baby bump are presenting themselves. Before he can ask the obvious, Kate breaks in, blushing furiously.

"I-I'm pregnant!"

Oz lifts a brow at that as he looks his cunt in the eye, silently waiting for her to expand on that. Flushed with shame and embarrassment, Kate whimpers as she clings to his shoulders, all while her sopping wet cunt clings to his cock.

"Y-You knocked me up… I haven't been with a man besides you in months… you've bred me with your b-big fat cock, sir…"

Oz grins wickedly at that, running his hands along Kate's body. He remains silent even then though, recognizing that if he lets her, she'll keep speaking. This right here, he realizes, is her final breaking.

"I-I've tried to fight it… I've tried to hold back my true nature… b-but I can't. I want… you're just so big, and in control, and s-strong willed… I'm nothing before you, s-sir… I want to be your pet full time, b-but I think being your girl on the inside will be better f-for you… I'll stay a cop so that you can make best use of me… j-just please keep on fucking me, alright?"

Yeah, she's broken. Chuckling, Oz doesn't answer with words right away. Instead, he pulls his pet detective in close and kisses her soundly on the lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth and dominating her even as he thrusts up into her from below. He fucks her hard and fast for the next several minutes, until Kate's eyes are crossed and she's squealing into his mouth as she cums all over his fat cock. In turn, Oz also cums, the drug dealer pumping his seed up into his already-pregnant cop bitch.

As they cum together, Oz pulls back and looks Kate in the eye.

"You're mine now bitch… now and forever."

Shuddering, Kate knows he's right. There's no going back now, not after such a shameful confession. It's not even a matter of Party Girl Kate and Detective Beckett anymore… over the last two months, as he used and abused her day after day, as she'd discovered that he wasn't even the killer and she'd thrown it all away for nothing… those two sides of her psyche had effectively broken down and merged together.

She was just Kate now, Oz's bitch and baby mama. She can't beat him… she never could. So, she'll have to be happy with being his cum dump incubator for as long as he wants, just like a good baby mama should be.


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