Boundless Necromancer

Chapter 160: State of Divinity (4) ————-«

Chapter 160: State of Divinity (4) ————-«

Protection of Big Dipper.

That is something that can be said to be indestructible.

The big dipper went beyond creating a new will like the sword aura. It could even interfere with the preexisting laws.

A skill that imbues the surrounding mana into the users will and deconstructing anything that comes into contact with it.


That would be the only word that could describe it.



The technique that is near its finality, that could not be destroyed by anything else.

It broke?

The blade that moved with almost no will completely pierced through the barrier.

How on earth.?

The black flow that could be seen after getting the potential of the grim reaper.

The moment the blade followed that seemingly meaningless flow.

It knocked the black dot on the Protection of Big Dipper, and shattered it.



This miraculous feat brought forth an even more surprising result.


The Heavenly Demon vomited a dark crimson blood after her heart got pierced.

Rather than being in pain, her expression was full of confusion.

what is this?

Although standing itself mustve been a struggle, she stood with a question.


Once the Blood Demon Sword was pulled out from her heart, the Heavenly Demon staggered backwards.

She held over her heart and shook violently.

Huff, Hnng, Haaaa.

It seemed as if she was trying to restore her pierced heart through mana.

The power Divinity is activated.

I knew that it had no meaning.

Black divine powers attached to the Heavenly Demons heart and it prevented the restoration.

As if it was determined to kill her, the black divine powers bit through her heart.


Gray colored divine powers flowed outwards from her heart.

Even without reinforcing my eyes with divine powers, I could see clearly that her divine powers were leaking.

Thats how broken the Heavenly Demon was.

my middle dantian is broken.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke in my head while the blood demon sword vibrated.

true innate qi and even her divine powers will be completely destroyed.

I already knew it.

Even without hearing it from him, I knew that the Heavenly Demons attempts were meaningless.

The Heavenly Demon was spilling blood on the floor now.

Have you. been mocking this one, ..till now?

At her question, instead of answering her, I just shook my head side to side.

Is that so.

The Heavenly Demon let out a short laugh and muttered.

you, came last, but have.. The right to ascend..

In those black pearl-like eyes of hers, a sense of futility filled it.

Why. Not this one but you, got the right..?

With those words, the Heavenly Demon stopped talking.


Youve absorbed the soul of the Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul.

Proficiency increased by 24.7%.

The black mist emerging from her body flowed into me.

Stronger soul than the user has been absorbed. Starting the power absorption selection process.

Everything felt unreal.

Truth is that I am too weak to stand here.

If the fight occurred as the natural flow of things, I wouldve died.

The Heavenly Demons Protection of Big Dipper was on an entirely different level than the Sword Aura that I manifested.

Even with the minds blade and sword aura.

Regardless of which skill I used, that shield wouldve stayed unyielding.

But I managed to break her Protection of Big Dipper and pierced through her heart.

Selection Complete.

That was the result of my determination.

No, to be specific, it was the result of the growth of my divinity.

I remembered.

A message stating that my potential of grim reaper was nearing completion.

Despite not wanting it, the divine powers suddenly covered my eyes.

And the black flow of energy created a path for my sword, and once I followed that parth, the Protection of Big Dipper could be pierced through.

Powers detected in the soul of the Heavenly Demon Cheon Yoosul.

Extracting power from the soul.

The Heavenly Demon gave me a hint of what that was before her death.

The right to ascend, really, too direct of a hint.

Am I nearing divine entity now..?

I couldnt understand why the divinity was nearing its completion all of a sudden.

I recalled why I started to climb the tower at the moment of near death.

The desire that rooted itself in what I lacked became my obsessions.

Did my obsession of rejecting oppression create this miracle?


I didnt know.

But there was a possibility.

Divine powers do react to determinations, after all.

Perhaps there was a new path that reacted to a strong explosion of emotions.

It was a miracle that could not be explained with something else.

Special Power Lineage of the Heavenly Demon(S+) is engraved in user Han Sungyeuns soul.


I woke up from my thoughts due to the sudden trembling within my body.

As if I was going through a shift, my entire body started moving oddly.

As I was frowning at that, the Blood Demon Sword shook and spoke.

Is it finally starting.? As I thought, it was not a coincidence that you defeated the Heavenly Demon..

Dam Cheonwoo spoke with surprise.

What do you mean by that?

No need for an explanation now. Youll find out soon enough.


the Heavenly Demon that you killed was not a complete one, but at least of the level that can be within the top ten strongest of Murim. Do you think that it was a coincidence that you could defeat such a person?

I didnt.

The cause and effect were always connected.

I know that your ability absorbed the Lineage of the Heavenly Demon.

Dam Cheonwoo spoke as if chased by time.

Your divinity is nearing its completion, and after absorbing Lineage of the Heavenly Demon, your energy of mind and body is in complete harmony now.

Harmony of mind and body?

like what the heavenly demon said before death, now you have the complete right as an official candidate.

I widened my eyes at the mention of the word candidate.

And realized now.

Dont tell me

Is a path towards the state of divinity opening up now?

But before I could ask that question, I felt my sight darken.

Sit down and focus on your inner divine powers. Detachment will start now.

Without replying, I quickly sat down.


Please select your divinity.

After making the selection, you can get the appropriate divinity for it.

With that, my consciousness ended.

- -

My eyes opened.


After going through this a few times, I remained calm.

Realizing that Ive entered another place of imagery, I started to analyze my situation.

Unlike the spaces Ive seen before, this place of imagery that was completely painted white had something off to it.

It was.


A black door connecting to an unknown path existed.

Of course it was unknown as to where that door would lead, but I knew what it was for.

Developing divinity.

It was tasked with leading me into becoming a divine entity.

So there was no need for hesitation.


The black doors opened to reveal a familiar picture.

A place of imagery within a place of imagery.

A dimly glowing vortex surrounding a sword, an endless black background, and a bright light connecting to the upper floors.

It was the place of imagery that Ive seen from borrowing the powers of saint Aileen back at the 11th floor.


The black door closed by itself once I entered the place of imagery.

Of course, it did not matter since I wasnt planning on going back.

Step, Step.

I started to walk slowly within the place of imagery that could be called an inner universe.

And let out a bitter smile at the thought that occurred to me.

State of divinity.

Ive assumed that the tower chose candidates to have them ascend into divine beings before.

But actually being in the situation made me feel flabbergasted.

Of course, my powers wouldnt increase drastically even after reaching the state of divinity.

At most, it would likely end after absorbing the powers that Ive used at the state of discipleship.


Thats still a huge gain.

< Death >, < Dark >, < Immortality >.

The three powers of the divine powers had a truly inconceivable ability.

< Death > had the ability to end life with an ability akin to a death god.

< Dark > could consume everything using the shadows that resemble the abyss.

< Immortality > allowed me to survive through a fatal attack that wouldve killed me.

Regardless of which power I got, I could surpass any typical challenger.

Even if I couldnt get the power to surpass everything, it didnt matter.

I would grow strong enough to be on par with the state of divinity eventually.

I bet that the state of divinity that Ill choose will be related to those.

But not all of the aforementioned would be a selectable option.

After all.

Well, I dont believe that id be able to select Dark since god of dark already exists.

< Dark > already had a divine entity attached to it, unlike < Death > or < Immortality >.

The god of dark wearing that eerie robe was the one who granted me the state of discipleship back then.

Thus, < Dark > had a high probability that it stems from the god of dark.

So I could not expect < Dark > to be a part of the selection process.

But on the other hands, the other parts of divinity could be expected to be a part of the process.


And my theories proved to be true once I arrived at the destination.

So it really was like that.

Once reaching the center of a black universe-like space,

Orbs emitting different colored lights could be seen.

Dark light, crimson light, green light.

Once I saw those orbs of three lights, I immediately realized that they were divine powers.

How unexpected.

For some reason, there were more divine powers other than < Death > and < Immortality >.

After a moment of thinking, I reached my hand towards the dark light.


Will you select the divinity < Death >?

I smiled at the system message.

As expected.

Since it mentioned that I could select it, the system would explain what it meant.

So I thought that I would be able to understand what each divinity meant if I reached into them.

And my theory was proven correct again with the system message asking for my confirmation.

Of course I declined at first.

Let me look into other divinities first.

And once I reached out to the crimson light, a new message appeared.

Will you select the divinity < Immortality >?

This was within my expectations.


Will you select the divinity < Harmony >?

The contents of the message of the green light was beyond my expectations.

What is this now?.


I frowned at the unexpected divinity affinity.

But I laughed after realizing where this affinity emerged from.

Dont tell me that the divinity that the Light Swordmaster imbued in Flashing Blade Master is also categorized as a choice

But it did make sense.

After all, the Light Swordmaster did tell me that I could become the heir to inherit their divinity or something like that.

So it was understandable to be a part of the selection process.

But I had no intention of accepting Harmony in the first place so I skipped it.

So now I have to make a choice.

Currently, I was between < Death > or < Immortality >.

< Death > was very strong, but < Immortality > couldnt be ignored either.

The < Immortality > Ive experienced before had the ability to ignore messages of regeneration forbidden and immediate death.

If I chose < Immortality >, Id never die no matter who I would face.

But it was not attractive enough.

The best situation is never being in a near death situation.

And with my affinity being closer to < Death >, my options became more narrowed.

And the moment I was about to make my selection.


Behind the three orbs, a golden energy rushed out.

As if to let their existence be known.

What is this now?

My interest piqued and I walked beyond the three orbs.



Saw the unnatural golden orb behind the three orbs.


The golden light that seems to be unrestrained by anything stimulated my thoughts.

The moment I saw that, I instinctively understood.

This was.

Will you select the divinity < Transcendence >?

Not an option provided by the tower.


This was a new divinity that I myself created the path for.

[To be continued.]

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