Boss, Your Wife Runs Again

Chapter 220

After a while, Li qianluo's wechat began to card.


Simply ignore, directly put the mobile phone aside, and then began today's work.

At noon, Li qianluo went out to find a place to have lunch and opened Weibo hot spots.

When Helian Yutuo abdicated, six words became popular.

Li qianluo's action of eating a meal stopped, and he pressed in. The content was that Helian Yutuo officially abdicated today and retired to the second line to take over other government work.

He still abdicated and took the initiative to resign as president, which caused a great sensation all over the world.

Microblogs and news apps are reporting on the incident.

Many people are regretting the handsome and close to the people president, so out of everyone's sight.

The president, who is close to the people, is dialing Li qianluo.

However, he couldn't divert his attention from her, so he couldn't help but contact her.

"Going shopping together in the evening?" His voice is incomparably relaxed, Li qianluo at the end of the phone can feel it.

She thought about it for a while, but she didn't refuse. "Well, I may be late for work." She took a bite of the seafood bibimbap on the plate.

Why doesn't he give up, OK! I'm having a good talk with him tonight. So as not to delay him

"Never mind. I'll pick you up." Helian Yutuo was lying on the couch on the balcony. He had never dared to relax himself so much

After making a deal with Helian Yutuo, he hung up the phone. Li qianluo finished the seafood bibimbap in a hurry and went back to the company.

Just walked to the door of the company, a woman quickly walked up to her.

Li qianluo curiously looked at the woman who was blocking her way in front of her. She was in her thirties, with a fat figure and a dark blue skirt. On the foot step on the white slope heel shoe, the hand holds the white bag.

A sad face on his face, but after seeing Li qianluo, his eyes were bright.

"Hello, are you Li wennuan's mother?" Li Qian excitedly stopped in front of this dress is very fashionable very beautiful woman, look carefully, Li warm and she looks very similar.

Warm? Is she the parent of the child? She's the only one to find herself.

She nodded clearly, "what's the matter?" Although she knew something, she asked faintly.

Li Qian instantly wiped a tear, "Li warm mom, I'm sorry, I'll give you an apology, please let Li warm father let my old Wang go!" After returning that day, Lao Wang was dismissed by the company for a reason, and several big companies in the same industry refused to employ him.

Li Qian thought of the things in the day and understood them instantly.

But she did not dare to tell her husband that she could only find Li wennuan's mother by herself. In the kindergarten, she waited for two or three days, and found that it was Li wennuan's grandparents or uncle who sent her to the school. She had never seen her mother.

From the head of the garden, Li wennuan's mother is actually the acting female president of SL group. Li Qian is confused.

I have never regretted so much that I have offended the little ancestor of the Li family.

She told the security guard this morning that she didn't agree to see Li qianluo directly. She could only stop here.

Just now, the security guard told her that this woman was Li qianluo, their female president. After seeing her for the first time, she was immediately shocked.

Li qianluo's aura and temperament can not be compared with ten of them.

Li qianluo heard her say it again, and sighed in his heart, "this thing is done by warm father, you should go to him." She bit the words "warm dad" very hard.

Li Qian began to cry again, Li warm mother, she can also find out who is, Li warm father mysterious a word can not be found out. Where did she go to look for Li wennuan's father, she wiped her tears, "please, Mr. Li, please tell warm dad, let go of my old Wang, can I kowtow to you?" Li Qian is going to kneel down.

Li qianluo saw her like this, and quickly supported her and pulled her up. Many people had already looked at them.

A woman cried and sobbed for herself. I didn't know how she was.

"Don't do this, you go back, I'll tell his father." When his heart softened, Li qianluo agreed.

Li Qian a listen, immediately smile up, bent over, hands together, "thank you Li general manager, thank you Li general manager."

Li qianluo looked at the curious eyes cast around him. He was very embarrassed and quickly sent Li Qian away, "you're welcome. You're welcome to go back first."

Li Qian wiped her tears and left immediately. Ma ya, she asked her son to change to a kindergarten and stay away from the little ancestor of the Li family.

Later, all the parents of future star kindergarten knew that Li wennuan's parents were very good. Even though I haven't met her father, I dare not say that Li wennuan has no father.

At 7:00 p.m.

Li qianluo's mobile phone rings and Helian Yutuo. She quickly signed the documents in her hand and connected the phone."Not finished yet?" His voice was gentle and elegant. For a moment, she seemed to hear Qi Zeming's voice

She lenglengleng nodded, thought that the people there could not see, and quickly said, "just finished."

"Well, I'm downstairs at your company."

I packed my things and left the company with my bag. On the square outside the company stood a man in a sky blue striped shirt, his hands in his black slacks pocket, his deep eyes straight at the company in front of him.

The waiting man appeared in the sight, he raised a smile, waiting for her to come.

Li Xiangluo laughed at him, "has it been a long time?"

The man shook his head. "Come on, let's go to dinner. What do you want to eat in the evening?" Two people to the roadside luxury car, Helian Yutuo waved to the driver, he personally opened the door of the rear seat for Li qianluo.

Li shallow Luo shallow said a voice, "thank you."

When Helian Yutuo got in the car from the other side, she said, "you can eat anything in the evening."

Helian Yutuo looked at her, "don't you like hot pot?" He remembers that's what the survey said.

Li qianluo thought of hotpot, really want to eat, nodded, "can ah, there is a very delicious pedestrian street." She offered to recommend it.

Helian Yutuo gave an order to the driver and drove to the pedestrian street. He turned around and took a big box from the back of the car and handed it to Li qianluo, "open it and see if you like it or not."

She was stunned for a moment and took the exquisite rectangular box with a white bow tied on it.

The box is a little big, open the lid, inside quietly lying in a bunch of Charming Blue enchantress. I've probably counted them. There are 19.

"It's just flown in from Japan today. Do you like it?" He looked at the woman's eyes with satisfaction.

Li qianluo is really amazing. The stuffy oil bottle of Si Jinheng has never sent his own flowers.

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