Born a Monster

Chapter 336

336 236 – Restless Dead

Plotline: Main

Type: Interaction

“Oh, of course you think you can bring your half-washed self up to my chambers!” Matron Su-Ya screamed at me. “Do not think that your being in charge of two lazy children...”

She literally slapped away my System group invite.

“We are not equals, and you have no right. What if I spam you with invites?” She sent about eight or so before I caught one.”

“Honored superior, please permit me to share my mystic vision.”

“No!” she said, kicking me out of the group. “How dare you presume...”

She moved the fan to cover her face. “Holy Sight.”

“It’s about time!” the remnant said, waving her elaborate sleeves like flag language. “I have a need for an investigator. Someone of station. I have been murdered by that child harlot Black Madonna.”


Matron Su-Ya sighed. “Because I just don’t have enough charges of I Eat Stress.” she muttered.

“Don’t you DARE be like that.” Remnant Bei said to her. “Not after everything I’ve done for you high mages. You owe me this much, at least.”

“And what proof is there? Everyone on the parapet last agrees you were overly aggressive, providing a tempting target. Again. After promising Dee Hwa you would protect yourself.”

“A promise to a man! And I kept it anyway!”

Su-Ya plopped down into a chair. “Except, according to everyone there, you did not. Did you flare your aura?”

“That little rain-maker bitch flared at me first. Of course, I wasn’t going to let her flaunt her power unopposed.”

Su-Ya snapped her fingers. “Remember to whom you speak. In life, I was your superior, and now in death, I can have your spirit dragged to the basement and torn apart. If the mood takes me, I’ll have Ping here carry you outside, and leave you inside the wall to suffer the wash of the sun.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“Ping, do you think I should dare?” Matron Su-Ya asked.

I lost the race to reply, perhaps because I took too long breathing in.

“HE has nothing to do with my murder. I was slain, and Black Madonna has made mockery of my position. Ask Ping.”

She didn’t ask, just looking at me with half lidded eyes.

“Although it was not my idea to become Senior Apprentice...”

“See? See?” Remnant Bei said. “Laziness to beget more laziness. To get more of the sleep she craves so much.”

Actually, as a being from the Hells, the wards probably did a number on her every time she went up onto the roof, let alone came back inside. Her mystic defenses must put mine to shame. Not that it was an especially high bar, mind you.

“All the more reason for her to NOT want you dead.” Matron Su-Ya said. “Start making sense. Provide me evidence or motive, if you want me to call any investigator on this, let alone look about for one of noble birth.”

“Lord Xho just concluded his investigation into the Nine.” Remnant Bei said, folding her arms triumphantly. “Remind him that we meet twice a year at Nan-Nan Wan-Ri’s balls. He will come, I am certain of it.”

“Very well, if only to put your spirit to rest. I shall write a letter.”

“I have time, I shall help you. He will be more swayed by certain words that I know but you do not.”

“No, both of you have taken up much both of my time and of my serenity. In spite of what you think, being in charge of all divine casters both here and at the other gates takes quite a bit of time and effort. It will be done today, and I will not mask that you have presented NO evidence. Unless you care...”

“My body.” Bei said. “Look at the burns on my body, striking me not in the front but in the side and back. The side that Black Madonna was on.”

“And if others tell me you turned from the attack?”

“An attack of fire, my native element? Tell me you believe that, and I will laugh at you to your face.”

“Well, it certainly seems to be you, and not some illusion cobbled together to waste my time.”

To me, she said, “Get her out of my chambers. You don’t need to keep feeding her. Make arrangements with Elder Shu for that. The investigator will want to interrogate her as well. You can handle that without my presence?”

“I can and shall, honored elder.”

“Honored SUPERIOR. I am not so exhausted, as to let that pass unremarked.”

“Honored superior,” I said, lowering my eyes, “no offense was intended.”

“If your rudeness delays my justice, I swear I shall haunt you every remaining day of your life.” Remnant Bei said.

I sent to her.

“You dare treat me like a common ghost? Me?”

“You may go now.” Mistress Su-Ya said.

I bowed and left.

“Answer me, you insolent...”

I tugged on the piece of my soul she was using as her personal divan. “Come along.”

“You haven’t the power to... argh... insolent CUR! I’ll have your head on a fence-post!”

“I can release the Mystic Vision before we get down to the basement.” I said.

And, to her credit, she stopped resisting after two more tugs.

Elder Shu seemed amused by the new task. “Ah-ah, yes, we have emotions of the finest vintages to slake her thirst. Give me an hour to whip up a batch, and then come back.

By that time, the Mystic Vision would have faded, and this escapade had already taken up so much of my time. I knew Blacksoul Madonna, and had no doubt she could have performed such a murder. I also know her well enough that she wouldn’t leave such blatant evidence of her treachery.

Besides, it gave me an idea for a teaching lesson.

“What are you doing?” Tsi Ba asked.

“Rummaging through the herb locker, looking for our salt.” I said.

“It is over near Tsi Ba’s area, from when we made the potions.” Yan Di said.

“Ah, good.” I said. “Both of you know basic wards, do you know how to strengthen them with salt?”

I’d originally been intending to teach them the Ward of Salt and Blood, but I wanted to start small and didn’t want the backlash trying to teach them blood magic could cause.

“Every apprentice learns that.” Tsi Ba said.

“I didn’t.” Yan Di said.

“How... Your element is EARTH?” she asked.

“Nek.” I said. “While the honored superior is our guest, we shall be using enhanced wards. She is going to be receiving nourishment from Elder Shu, and I shall see to that. Your duty and mine is to not permit her to use us as snacks.”

A fierce coldness let me know she was trying to communicate with me. Loudly.

“But... it can’t be that easy.” Yan Di said, once I had shown him. “Why is this not always done?”

“It is the norm.” I said. “But remember, salt is not free, and neither are the other things that you can use to enhance a ward.”

“At this rate of experience gain, we’ll be second level within two weeks.” he bragged.

“Or not.” Tsi Ba said. “Let’s just get today’s mana conversion done.”

“I do seem to have missed a lot of that.” I said. “Let us be about our work.”

Remnant Mei didn’t make it easy. Her chill aura was never far from my wards, and any time I left them she was especially active. Without my support, I didn’t think she could leave the room, for it was warded against outside influence, and to keep anything we unleashed by accident from getting out. Still... lungs into spiders had happened in this very room. With the un-nerving aura exuded by Bei, it was easier to envision...

An intense and painful wave of cold washed over me.

[You have taken three points of Cold damage. 17/80 health remain.]

[You have taken six points of Fear damage. After ability activation, you have received no damage.]

“Okay!” I shouted. “THAT. IS. IT.”

“Powers of death and spirits beyond, hear my petition, honor my request. I am Shaman and Dreamwalker, cursed at by spirits, and servant to their quests. Help me empower this ward, and bind this spirit here, in this corner of the room, within this circle I trace with salt. Ghost Ward!”

It only seemed to make her stronger, her whispered shouts almost audible.

Nan-nan is an overly familiar way of designating an older woman of superior station. And the word used for ‘ball’ more properly translates to ceremonial dance and tea ritual, which I’m not going to write every time it comes up.

It should come as no surprise that Vanity was the baseline for that. There was glory-seeking and cruelty in there as well, but I didn’t recognize the two others, at least not at the time.

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