Born a Monster

Chapter 181

181 Servant of the Axe, 81 – Wooden Throne

Chapter Type: Character Development, Passive Event

I won’t list every case here, but let me make it plain; a muster can be serious clerical work.

“Ollog, tell the people who just want to report in to come directly to me, we don’t need them waiting in line on those with requests to be excused.”

Again, this was the wrong thing to say. It was an hour before the swarm became a line, and even then, it wasn’t orderly. I was busy and had a line out the door until nearly dusk, when people stopped coming.

“Well.” Victor said. “I think that was a productive day, how about you?”

I looked over to him with bleary eyes. “Your jarl asks that you show up with your axe and two days of food, outside the north gate by dawn of this Envyday.”

He chuckled. “Yes, it was a great help. How many do we have on the rosters?”

I pulled up the pages, some paper, some vellum. “At an eyeball’s glance, between half and two thirds have responded, most of them in the affirmative.”

“Give me the pages, I’ll gladly count them tonight and maybe even work up squad rosters.”


I blinked. “That seems rather formal for a muster.”

“This can’t afford to be like the grand hunts my brother desired for the Fenris. We must needs keep a proper double line, and coordinate reserves. The clansfolk won’t meet us in open battle. We need smaller units, capable of acting independently.”

Freida slammed a chair into the wall. “Enough strategy. This is my time, and I need to learn things to build tactics upon.”

“Well spoken.” Victor said. “We both have our works to do.”

“I got your shield rimmed in metal, like you told me. Black-forged steel.”

“Well, then that’s your shield now, let’s begin training you how to use it.”

“But I can’t. I still need both hands for my sword. I can’t just grow extra hands.”

I sighed. “Are you still performing your physical regimen?”

“Yes, though I’ve yet to see any rewards out of it.”

“Counting the weeks between seasons, each year has fifty-two weeks. Two years is over a hundred weeks. If you get even one point of physical development per week, that’s an extra hundred physical development that you would not otherwise have had. By the time you’re an adult, you’ll have the Might to carry that sword one handed.”

“I’d do better with a spear, such as father uses.”

I rubbed my eyes. Narces and Gamilla made it look easy, but a spear can use both single and double handed grips. At her current strength, she could, maybe, wield a javelin.

“When you have a spear you can wield in one hand, then I will begin your spear training.”

“Deal, we’ll start tomorrow, then.”

I sighed. “We start tonight. Normal spear stance is like this. Show me how close your hip allows you to get.”

It was actually a pretty close stance, and I taught her the usual footwork: rotation, sliding left or right, advance and give ground.

“That’s the second torch guttering,” Ollog said, “and I’m not staying awake for a third. That, children, is time for bed.”


The second day was actually less frantic than the first. Victor made his rules for what manner of injuries excused one from muster, and what family obligations, and let them report to me.

There were a surprising number of widowers in Lavin Buscala who needed to care for children.

There were injured who wanted to join the muster, and in most cases, that was permitted. There were those sporting fresh bruises who cursed me when they had to muster, and one with a tapeworm who was told to report to the women at the great hall for healing.

Parents would vouch for their children to muster, or against.

“What is the rule for children without proper parent or guardian?”

“We shouldn’t have those.” Victor said.

“Into the line for those who need to explain their circumstances.”

“I can fight!” he said, and made to chop his axe at my head.

I grabbed his forearm near the elbow. “Do warriors strike Truthspeakers for speaking the truth?”

His eyes went wide. “You’re fast.”

“If you want to be a warrior tomorrow, get in that line, and make your case. If you want to be in jail, attempt that swing again. Next.”

He joined the other line, and was, in fact, approved to muster.

“At an eyeball,” I said, “some forty to sixty have not reported.”

“Some of those will show tomorrow regardless. You have done well. Name your reward.”

I named it.

“You are still a child, and not suited to such activities.”

“But I can be held by a warm woman, and fall asleep in her arms. I do miss my wife, after all.”

“Why not ask for a night’s embrace with your wife?”

“Do YOU desire to confront Lady Ingrid with such a proposal? My wife will be in mourning for so long as she is in mourning.”

“Very well, Ollog, escort him after lessons. I doubt they’ll have a free woman tonight, but at least take him there.”

“I’m not making any human woman sleep with you.” He told me.

“If I need to ask that of anyone, then I don’t really deserve to sleep with a woman, do I?”

“I’m not sleeping with you.” Freida said.

“Not asking. Trainers ought not to sleep with their students.”

Somewhere, she’d gotten a child’s version of a spear, complete with the blunted point on the base.

“My father showed me this.” She would say. “Teach me something new.”

“Fine, let’s go over what you know.”

I only needed to correct her twice, and more often than that, she knew something about spears than I did. Oh, I have an EXACT count, but not all truths need to be spoken.

We had enough time for two practice bouts before the torches were done.

“Told you I could do better with a spear.”

“Yes, you did, and I apologize for ever doubting it.”

Ollog locked the door to the meeting hall behind us. “I’ve seen her father move like that. I’d swear by the gods there is Valkyrie blood in that family.”

I shook my head. “I’ve seen that style before. One of their ancestors trained in the style of Invicta Gloriana.”

“That’s not possible. His bloodline is pure Norvik, back twelve generations, and probably beyond the ability of our oracles to see.”


As Victor had predicted, the whorehouse was quite busy, and I had to wait in line.

“Given what you want, you’ll be waiting until well after moonfall begins.” The matron told me.

“That is acceptable. Is there a room set aside for such longer waits?”

“Tiny house, no spare rooms. But I can get you a book.”

The book “Priestess of the Feathered Cloak” took a rather risqué position on the matter of Frigg and Freya, and would probably have curled Kismet’s ears. I’d have to recommend a copy to her, it was very much a supernatural romance. And, I was surprised, actually used proper grammar and the translations between high and common Norvik seemed to me to be accurate.

I didn’t finish it, that night. Three women, blonde and naked except for leather masks and collars, were escorted into the room.

“This one.” I said, “I’m willing to wait until after she’s bathed.”

She made a gagging noise, but said nothing. Was that a sob forming? But she held some of her composure.

“Oh, Snowflower, it’s so horrible.” One of the others consoled her.

“We can have another one ready for you sooner.” The matron said.

“I like the birthmarks on that one.” I said, actually surprised it was true.

“As the customer wishes.”

And so, three chapters and between five to seven affairs later, depending on whether taking another’s form counts as a different affair, and after marking a night without sleep for my system, she was ready.

I checked her birthmarks to make certain the matron hadn’t done a switch, and then returned the covers atop her, climbed in over the covers. As I expected, one of her hands was already beneath a pillow, probably wrapped around a dagger.

Instead, it was a blade ring, an Itinar device for the defense of women that she pressed to my throat.

“I can claim you took unjust violence toward me and slit your throat. Your body will be feeding fish and none here will miss you.”

I sighed. “Listen to my words, Igrun Sivert. I am called Unapongo, or he who comes from Pongo. That is one of the spirits native to this island.”

“What has that to do with me?”

“A ... divinity of Vidar has heard your prayers. I am here to tell you that three of the eight men who have wronged you are dead, and more are to join them ... soon.”


“How soon? And how did you find me?”

“Let me answer the questions in reverse order. When one wants to humiliate and debase a female enemy, and yet not anger his wife by having her in his household, there is an obvious choice. As to our plans for your enemies...”


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