Book Eater

Chapter 268: Three Days Free (2)

Chapter 268: Three Days Free (2)

It had been half a year since Theo had seen Paragranum’s laboratory, and it was as filled with bizarre things as ever. Homunculi sleeping in huge tanks, crystal skulls, strange gemstones, potions bubbling away, fizzing reagents...

If Theo had not known who Paragranum was, he would’ve taken this as a warlock’s lair.

“Come, there’s no hurry, so sit here.”

Perhaps it was because Theo looked uneasy that Paragranum dug out a chair from a corner and sat Theo in it. She took a seat at a nearby table and started to write intently on a long piece of parchment, silently inviting him to look around.

Theo was puzzled for a moment before quietly laughing.

... Does this mean these medicines are really valuable?

The grimoire’s top priority was to acquire materials that allowed her to fulfill the purpose of her existence. She had mentioned in the past that she wasn’t particularly good at combat, so this bag of materials must have been the equivalent of a pie from the sky. There was no way she would be able to get her hands on such materials without invading a dragon’s lair.

Thirty minutes later, Paragranum placed the designs she had sketched out on an easel in front of Theo. He didn’t understand half the calculations and formulas she had scrawled on the side, but the designs showed a roughly humanoid figure.

As he admired it, Paragranum smiled gleefully. “Cough, let me explain the first design. It’s a war automaton that moves from the existing bipedal form to the far more advanced quadruped form, with three pairs of arms that can act like aura blades.

Theo blinked. “... What?”

“By changing the entire skeleton to an orichalcum alloy and converting the blood to a high-density liquid―”

Theo interrupted, “No, wait a minute. Quadruped form and six arms? Did I hear that wrongly?”

Paragranum slapped the sketch enthusiastically. “You heard it right! This promises to be three times more powerful than the last iteration. I call it Blade Centauros!”

Was it a monster that mixed aspects from the East and West Continents? Theo momentarily lost his composure and shouted, “I don’t need that!”

Meanwhile, Paragranum looked baffled.“You don’t need it? You are about to enter the battlefield, so you need something that can battle at maximum capacity. If you don’t like its appearance, you can customize it into any form you want.”

Theo’s eyelid twitched. “There’s too much to fix! I can’t wander around with something like this as my property. I will think about it a little bit if I can use your name as an excuse.”

Paragranum’s brows knitted. “Ummm, that’s a bit difficult.”

He might be able to get away with a humanoid war automaton, but Theo couldn’t take credit for a weapon that looked like this. He would eventually have to explain what he used and who its maker was. He couldn’t accept being mistaken as a warlock just for more attack power.

Theo thought this and asked Gluttony.

Is this realistically possible?

- The calculations are faultless. It’s true that this form can exert up to three times Lloyd Pollan’s combat power. The problem is that in order to maintain that level of output, it consumes more than ten times the materials. I estimate it will only be able to fight for thirty minutes.

... Then it isn’t feasible.

- Well, it isn’t bad as a disposable item. I’ll leave it to User’s discretion.

Theo pointed out the drawbacks, and Paragranum clicked her tongue. She hadn’t thought Theo would notice.

“Tch, that’s right. Damn Gluttony… Even if it can’t design like me, it can analyze the schematic?”

The grimoire, Paragranum, only excelled at alchemy, while Gluttony had more varied abilities. However, the difference wasn’t enormous. Paragranum would win if they were competing in the same environment, but it was impossible to avoid Gluttony’s insight when it came to this schematic. Theo didn’t know if Paragranum could lie, but Paragranum’s principle of existence was based on equal exchange. As such, it was taboo to lie during negotiations.

“It can’t be helped. I will have to scrap this design.” Paragranum tore up the first design and moved to the next one. “Next is Hell Blazer.”

Theo barely stopped himself from wincing. “That’s another incredible name.”

“Please don’t interrupt. This design allows for an area of effect attack, by utilizing the 7th Circle magic, Inferno, along with aura swords and armor, to be unleashed. The internal heating is a bit intense, but it only needs five minutes of cooling to fire again without problems.”

Theo murmured, “A type of magic cannon...”

The reason magicians were superior to knights on the battlefield were their ability to launch ranged attacks. Even the most skilled aura users couldn’t match the efficiency of a magician’s destruction. It was the same at the master level, with a few exceptions. Unless you had the ability to exert destructive power like 4th Sword, Pan Helliones, aura users often found it difficult to match a magician’s great spells.

Paragranum’s design wasn’t enough to match a 7th Circle magician’s offensive potential, but it was powerful enough to tip the balance in an even battle. It was worth considering as an asset for Meltor, unlike the first design.

“Then the cost?”

Paragranum smiled brightly and replied, “70% of the bag.”

“... What?”

“It needs the heart of an Eastern dragon, seals of a high ranking spirit, and ten liters of manticore blood. It won’t be equivalent if I don’t receive 70% of that bag.”

“Dismissed,” Theo rejected the proposal without hesitation with a shake of his head. “I’m sorry but I have to use some as medicine. I can’t afford to waste 70% repairing the automaton.”

Paragranum looked disappointed. “Hrmm, should I discard this design as well?”

Theo said firmly, “I’m only willing to go up to 50% with a design that other people won’t pay attention to. Otherwise, this isn’t going to end.”

“Um... I understand. Wait a moment.”

The conditions made Paragranum’s work even faster. She narrowed it down to five designs, which they then examined. Theo was interested in some of them, while he dismissed others. After ten minutes of discussion, they had brought it down to two designs.

Then he made a choice.

“This one.”

Paragranum nodded. “It is complicated but practical. The commission has been received.”

Paragranum thought the design Theo chose was a good choice. However, it was obvious that she would praise him no matter what he chose. She immediately started collecting materials from the clutter. There was no reason for him to stay now that he had finished their transaction.

“I will complete it before you go, so don’t come looking for me in the meantime. I need to do careful work.”

“I understand. Ah, that reminds me,” Theo paused, “You aren’t participating in this war?”


He clarified, “Not as the female avatar but as the Yellow Tower Master. I heard that you never participated in the wars of the past, but I think this is a situation that shouldn’t be missed.”

“Umm, indeed, it’s a good conclusion from your perspective,” Paragranum praised him, but quickly added, “But like I said earlier, I don’t have many combat skills. I’m strong in my prepared ground, but I won’t be a big help on a constantly changing battlefield. My avatar will function as a 5th circle magician in Quattro, but my role is the defense of Manavil.”

“Defense? That’s the Blue Tower Master’s role?”

It was like he was peeling back an onion as more layers appeared. Paragranum shrugged and raised an index finger to her lips.

It was hard to tell what she meant.

Theo stared at her, so she let a serious expression fall across her face, “From this point on, this is a secret only the king of Meltor is allowed to know. I want to let you know, but from the standpoint of the Yellow Tower Master, Norden, it isn’t possible. But, if you pay me...”

Theo interrupted, “Ah, it’s okay.”

Paragranum was still going. “The price... eh?”

Theo grinned at Paragranum. “The situation won’t get better if I know the secret, right?”

The grimoire hesitated. “Well, yes...”

Theo’s grin widened. “So, you don’t have to tell me.”

He would find out one day, so Theo bade farewell and left the Yellow Tower without further ado.

A baffled Paragranum stared at the door that had been politely shut behind him before bursting out in laughter, “Ahahahahaha! What’s with that guy?! It isn’t normal for a magician to not be tempted by a secret! Gluttony’s owner is really interesting!”

The young girl delicately wiped the tears away from the corner of her eyes. “It’s unfortunate that I only got 30% of the goods, but... isn’t this fun? He’ll come back in time. After all, it’s his destiny.”

There was always a question when it came to heroes. Were they born or made?

Either way, they always had to go through tremendous suffering and trials. Zest had turned her first design to scrap metal, but there was no guarantee that her new design wouldn’t suffer the same fate.

The grimoire chuckled as she hung the ruined automaton from a large hook in the middle of the room. Three days was a tight timeframe, even with Paragranum’s prodigal skills.



After handling the repairs of the automaton, Theo made his way to the Red Tower. He’d met the king in the morning, and he had been busy negotiating with Paragranum when the sun was high in the sky. He wasn’t physically fatigued, but he felt like he needed a nap.

For better or worse, the Red Tower was almost deserted as the magician prepared for war. Theo greeted three people before he arrived at his room. It had been kept clean, despite his absence in the past few months. Theo unlocked it with a quick unlocking spell and turned the knob happily, noting the oiled hinges.


The heat which had been trapped in the room blew the hair back from his face as it rushed out.


Theo reflexively shielded his eyes from the hot wind. Why was there hot air in a room where no one should be present? It was like entering a bathhouse. Then he saw the source of the heat sitting before him.

“You’re late.”

Her red and golden eyes gave away her beauty even in darkness. It was the Master of the Red Tower, Veronica.

She looked at Theo with a dour expression as she grumbled, “I was waiting from sunrise to surprise you but... I guess you didn’t want to see me.”

“T-Tower Master.” Theo’s eyes widened.


He asked, “I thought you were still on the battlefield?”

“Orta. I stopped by to check up on that idiot. I have to go back soon, but I wanted to talk to you... Shit,” She grunted as she wriggled in Theo’s chair.

Even Veronica, whose body and mind were like steel, wasn’t entirely unaffected by the battlefield. The heat around her body reflected her mood.



Veronica got up and opened her arms like she was hoping for something. “I don’t like acting like this, but I am having a hard time these days. So, can you cheer me up just once?”

“C-Cheer you up...”

“Don’t you see what I’m doing?”

Theo didn’t need any further explanation. She wanted a hug, a simple act of kindness.

Theo had gotten over his hesitation a long time ago, so he stepped forward and held Veronica in his arms. Her body temperature was a few degrees higher than that of normal people, so it felt like his body temperature was also going up.

But it isn’t that hot...

Veronica was probably being careful as the temperature of the heat haze near her never increased. It seemed Veronica hadn’t expected Theo to so easily accept her request, because she had stiffened in his arms.


“Kid.” In contrast to Veronica’s hot body temperature, Theo heard her cool voice in his ears. “Why is Blue’s scent so thick around you?”

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