
Chapter 59: A Dance and A Kiss

Chapter 59: A Dance and A Kiss

Evening had come in the Heraklinos Empire, and the formal ballroom dance gala was just beginning within the Louvre fortress and museum.

News outlets swarmed the outside of the structure and only a select few trusted reporters and journalists were allowed to document the occasion from the inside. President Arthur Davis and Empress Victoria had long since left the empire taking their leave as soon as the Master Family Conference adjourned.

The men of the night all wore tuxedos and many of the women had since changed their outfits into formal beautiful dresses.

Hammond sat on the side of the dance floor with a glass of whiskey in his hand quietly muttering and musing to himself, “What does one do on the eve of war?” He took a sip of his whiskey and quietly muttered, “I suppose one cherishes the beauty in peace a bit more than usual.”

Something didn’t sit well with him about the conference. He turned his quiet muttering into internal thoughts, “One of the smartest young senators I have ever met. Turned to a reckless war monger? I simply don’t believe it. He knows something we all have missed. What is it? It isn’t often I find myself itching to be on the side of the underdog, yet that’s exactly how I feel. This war may yet prove to be more than the formality they all see it to be.”

A ruckus near the entrance complete with jabbering reporters and flashes of light pulled Hammond from his thoughts. He looked over to see the grand entrance of Lord Jacek Heraklinos and Master Erika Sage.

Jacek wore a bespoke tuxedo of the finest material the world had to offer while Erika had a white and green floor-length dress that flowed with grace and beauty becoming of a Master.

The two stopped to take a few questions before heading to the dance floor. Jacek grabbed the microphone and announced, “My father, in his old age, has retired for the night.”

The crowd chuckled and Jacek continued, “This is for the best as he would only embarrass himself on the dance floor. In his stead, I would like to welcome you all to enjoy this night at the conclusion of the conference. Master Sage and I will now formally kick off the night with the first dance. Please do not hesitate to join us on the dance floor!”

Erika and Jacek began a beautiful Waltz around the dance floor as couples slowly joined them on the dance floor from all empires and nations.

It was only moments until the dance floor was genuinely crowded with couples waltzing to the music. The scene was full of joy and was continuously captured by the photographers at the periphery.

The next song changed to a slow, romantic melody and the pace of the dancing slowed as couples rocked slowly back and forth with one another in each other’s arms.

The peaceful mood of the room would soon quickly turn to a hive of curiosity as a woman approached the dance floor.

Pope Peter and Lady Elizabeth Innocente had been sitting on the side of the dance floor observing the night. Elizabeth had not changed for the evening and continued to wear her all-black floor length dress with a cross adorning her chest and provocative full-leg slit up her dress.

She leaned over and whispered to Peter, “Why don’t you have the driver pull the car around and wait for me outside. I am going to enjoy a quick dance.”

She stood and walked on to the dance floor. She cut like a knife through the slow-dancing couples with her eyes firmly fixed on one man. She slowly came upon the dancing Erika Sage and Jacek Heraklinos and reached out with graceful form to tap Erika on the shoulder.

Erika was caught off guard. She turned to see Elizabeth who asked, “May I have this dance with Lord Heraklinos?”

A deathly silence overtook the party as no one could believe the audacity of Lady Elizabeth. Her request to cut in on their dance was a formal one that would be rude to deny, yet also the very idea of cutting in on a Master’s dance with her date was unheard of.

Erika found herself in an unenviable position. She gathered her composure quickly though and said, “Why of course you may Lady Elizabeth.” She released her hold of Jacek and turned to Elizabeth, “Don’t let him fool you. He may be a top-tier warrior, but he also holds the distinction of being an even better dancer.”

Elizabeth tilted her head and said, “Ohhhh. Is that so? I had no idea.” She then stepped in front of Jacek and put one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. Jacek welcomed her as he placed one hand on her waist and the other to receive her hand, “Good evening, Lady Elizabeth. The Heraklinos Empire is quite excited to be working with the Holy Light Empire in the coming war.”

She blushed underneath her veil and said, “Yes, well, the Holy Light Empire is lucky to have such a strong ally. Pope Peter is amazing, but he lacks the battle prowess that only experience can bring. You, on the other hand, have an impressive resume of battle experience. Is it true that you were stationed to lead the Saber Province for years?”

Jacek chuckled, “I wouldn’t sell Peter so short. He and I are very comparable in power especially with his Lightbringer ability. But yes, it is true. I served as Lord of the Saber Fortress for a number of years alongside General Magnus. Those were great years.”

They slow danced together with Elizabeth’s veil in place masking her true identity. She said, “I know so much about you. Do you know much about me?”

Jacek gave a nervous laugh and said, “I’m afraid not. In fact, you are quite a mystery to most of the people here. Although I must say your dress has captivated the minds of many men and women alike.”

She gave a coy smile and said, “My dress? What about it?”

Jacek laughed, “Surely, I don’t have to say. The design, the material, the classy yet sultry vibe. I think many men would love to be dancing with you tonight.”

Jacek admitted to himself that he found Elizabeth extremely attractive. The touch of his hand on her waist against her latex dress gave him terrible thoughts. Thoughts he was glad were private from Erika.

Elizabeth said, “Well. I’m more than just a pretty face and a fashionable dress. Did you know I’m a supremely gifted ki user?”

Jacek raised his eyebrows, “Is that so? If that is the case, then I look forward to training with you someday. I am always in need of a strong training partner.”

Elizabeth smirked and said, “I’d like that very much because there is another thing we both have in common.”

Jacek was enjoying his conversation with this mysterious lady and said, “Do tell.”

She said, “Oh I really shouldn’t. It would be uncouth of me to say in this setting.” She looked down and said, “But if you promise to give me this next dance to a more upbeat song, I suppose I can tell you.”

Jacek nodded in agreement, and she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “We are both dating people that we are too good for.”

Jacek was a bit taken aback by her comment and said, “High words from the Lady. Who could be more fitting of the heir to the Heraklinos Empire than a Master Family beauty such as Erika? And who could be more fitting for a Lady of your talent and beauty than a Pope of your own empire?”

The song suddenly switched to a more upbeat tango beat, and Elizabeth said, “Give me the dance, and I’ll tell you who is more fitting for you.”

The two changed positions and Elizabeth said, “Just how good are you at dancing?”

Jacek smiled and said, “The best in my empire.”

She smiled back at him and said, “I am the ballerina prima of my empire. Let’s show off.”

The music struck a hard beat, and the two began their tango. Jacek led her across the dance floor with their arms extended with their feet stepping to the beat. Once at the end of the dance floor they whipped their heads to the side in unison before looking back the other direction.

Jacek and Elizabeth spun as a pair in perfect synchrony before Jacek twirled her and dipped her perfectly in sync with the music.

It wasn’t long before the dance floor cleared, and the spotlight shone on the dancing couple. The pair continued to perform a world-class tango for the audience.

Jacek was genuinely impressed at her ability to follow his complex lead as he knew his brand of dancing was specific to his empire. The subtleness in his movements should’ve been extremely hard for someone from a differing empire to follow; however, she didn’t miss a beat.

The audience looked on in awe. It appeared as if the two had been dancing for years together as they swept beautifully across the dance floor with Jacek in his black tuxedo and Elizabeth in her sweeping black dress twirling gracefully with her every spin.

The song came to a head, and with the final firm beat of the music, Jacek dipped Elizabeth in his arms. The only unexpected movement of her dance came with it. She held her hand to the back of his head dipping him with her, and she kissed him.

The two held the kiss as they held their pose. The crowd gasped and looked on as they all very well knew that both Jacek and Elizabeth had different dates for the evening. Not only that, but their dates were respective heads of their empires. The consequences of this kiss could have serious consequences ripple through both empires.

Regardless, the crowd cheered as Jacek raised Elizabeth back to an upright position. She said, “Did that kiss ring any bells for who might be a more deserving fit for you?”

He looked at her in silence with a furrowed brow. He was completely caught off guard and had no idea how to react with all eyes on them both. She put her latex-clad hand around the back of his head and leaned in to whisper, “I’m the girl who taught you shadow steps by the waterfall.”

Jacek’s eyes went wide with disbelief. Elizabeth slowly backed away before turning to curtsy to the cheering crowd. She then left the dance floor with haste towards the exit where Peter was waiting with the limousine.

Jacek remained in shock on the dance floor. He stood in place as the majority of the reporters and journalists followed Elizabeth to the exit.

The chauffeur opened the door to the black limousine, and she grabbed her dress as she prepared to enter the car. Reporters were screaming and yelling, “Lady Innocente! Lady Innocente! Do you have any comments on the kiss that just took place!?”

She stopped and turned to the reporters, “That kiss? That kiss was merely a part of our dance routine. A tango is best capped off with a passionate kiss as all great dancers will tell you. It meant nothing more or nothing less.”

She then escaped into the limousine. The chauffeur shut the door, and Elizabeth sat beside Peter with a huge grin on her face. The night had gone perfectly.

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