
Chapter 51: Do Your Worst

Chapter 51: Do Your Worst

Xenia was thrilled to have an occasion to wear her all-black latex dress. She had designed it herself, and she even had a white cross added over the chest for tonight specifically. She rode in the back of a limousine on her way to the evening party.

She called to the driver, “Make sure we are the last to arrive.”

The driver nodded and slowed the pace of the car as he drove on the country roads outside of the city towards the Innocente Estate grounds.

Ten minutes later, the driver called to Xenia, “We will arrive in five minutes. I am certain we will be the last to arrive.”

Xenia smiled to herself and began to roll up her pantyhose over the length of her long legs. She then slipped on her patent black stiletto high heels that matched her dress perfectly. Lastly, she slipped the latex veil over her head with a front face-covering mesh.

Moments later, the car came to a stop outside of the Innocente estate mansion. An attendant opened the door. He was star struck as he looked into the car to see the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her dress was paradoxically both classy and salacious.

She ignored the man and made her quiet entrance into the party. She maintained a submissive attitude and posture as she quietly slinked around the periphery of the party until she was near Duchess Carmen Innocente herself alone with Cardinal Betoli.

She was exhilarated to finally put her newfound powers to the test. Her control over her own ki as well as ambient ki was second to none now, and she could extend her aura ever so subtly that no one in the room could detect it. Not even Pope Peter himself if he were standing directly next to her. Her ki was now only detectable if she wanted it to be.

Effortlessly, and without anyone knowing, Xenia bloodbent Duchess Innocente and Cardinal Betoli. She used less than 0.1% of her total ki and less than 0.1% of her total concentration to accomplish the task.

She thought to herself, “Too easy.” With full control of Duchess Innocente’s body, she then began to seamlessly bloodbend Duchess Innocente’s eyes and directed them towards Peter who was already on his way to see her.

Xenia previously could bloodbend with unidirectional flow of ki to control someone’s body. However, she could also now receive information back via a loop of her own ki from the controlled person’s body. This allowed her flawless bloodbending of multiple people with no abnormalities in her victims’ movements. She had control of nearly every aspect of their body and mind. The extent of her power was unsettling.

She quietly made her way closer to the Duchess as she forced Carmen to converse with Peter.

Carmen gave a delighted smile to Peter and said, “It’s a shame you two have never met. Allow me to fix this at once!” Carmen then snapped her fingers and waved for Xenia to approach.

As Xenia approached, Carmen shouted, “Come meet our empire’s leader. The height of Christianity on this planet. The one who you strive for greatness for in your studies under Cardinal Betoli. Pope Peter!”

Xenia curtsied to Peter with the utmost grace, “I am Lady Elizabeth Innocente, daughter of Duchess Carmen Innocente. It is my honor to be in the presence of our Pope Peter.”

Peter responded in kind, “Lady Elizabeth. You honor me by studying under the highest of Cardinals Betoli. You have undoubtedly worked hard in the shadows to advance our agenda and religion throughout the world. I would like to know more of your studies if you have the time to spend with me.”

Xenia bowed her head as to keep her face in the shadows of her veil, and had Carmen prod her, “I have the perfect idea. Elizabeth. Take Pope Peter to the Crystal Falls cave within the papal suite. It was designed for his arrival after all, was it not?”

Xenia bowed her head, “Yes mother. I will do as you say.”

Pope Peter took her arm as she looped it through his arm. The touch of her tight latex dress against his skin aroused him to no end, and he had his sights set on ‘Elizabeth’ for the night. Garnering support and favor with powerful members of the empire had just taken a back seat to the lovely girl in front of him.

As they walked off, Peter made small talk, “I love this dress of yours. It honors our religion and is quite becoming of you. Who is the designer if I may ask? I must know.”

Xenia gave her voice a little more energy and playfulness as they left the crowded atrium and responded, “I designed it myself. It is meant to remind me to resist temptation as I see it everywhere.”

Peter replied, “You designed this yourself? You are very talented. Your resistance to temptation is admirable. I should say your dress succeeds in testing my own temptation as well. Something we are all keen to work on constantly.”

Xenia laughed under her veil, “You flatter me, Pope Gregory. You mean to say the Pope of the Holy Light Empire has eyes for the Lady Elizabeth Innocente?”

Pope Peter began to respond; however, just as he was ready to speak, they entered the Papal suite, and he was stunned into silence, “This… was designed for me? Incredible.”

Xenia was extraordinarily educated in all matters of the world especially when it came to knowledge regarding other empires. Her mother felt it to be a necessary knowledge requirement for someone who would one day rule the world.

She stepped into the Papal suite and said, “Have you never visited the Crystal Falls of the Holy Light Empire? It’s truly a sight worthy of our Lord. This room is designed around one of the few known entrances.”

The room glowed with a vibrant blue over the stone floor and walls. The room, of course, had the finest quality furniture, bed, tables, glassware, et cetera; however, what made this room truly unique was the private entrance to the cave which was considered a historically significant religious location given the tales of miracles taking place within it.

She took his hand and led him into the cave entrance, “Estates come and go, but nature persists in its beauty. May I show you the Crystal Falls within the cave?”

Peter gripped her hand firmly and said, “Please. You would make my night one to remember by doing so.”

Peter could see her smile which was uncovered by the veil, and he couldn’t help but note her perfect white teeth, luscious lips, and perfect cheeks. He wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then; however, he restrained himself for the time being.

As they descended into the cave, the walls turned to vibrant glowing blue crystals of varying sizes and shapes. Upon venturing further, a rush of water could be heard. As they turned the corner, a magnificent sight of a 100-foot-tall waterfall of pure crystalline blue water rushed down to a spring below ground level. The spring was bordered on all sides by tall blue crystals shaping the border of the spring.

“I present to you, the Crystal Falls!” Xenia twirled in her dress before walking forward and turning back to smile at him, “Legends say both great miracles and great calamities have occurred in the very spots where we stand now. The water represents the vibrant brilliance of life. And the crystals represent the cold but beautiful reality of death.”

Peter stepped forward and gawked in awe at the natural formations. Xenia, too, looked on in awe as it was her first time visiting the falls in person.

Peter grabbed her hand and stood beside her for a few moments before turning to her and putting his other hand on her waist, “The crystals and the falls are beautiful. But there is a third beauty that you have not yet accounted for.”

Xenia took a step closer to him and pressed her big boobs against him and said, “Oh, your Holiness. I have accounted for it. I simply couldn’t say it aloud for it gives me an irresistible temptation which I cannot indulge in such a scared place.”

Peter released her hand and ran his hand along her back pulling her even closer against him. He then took his other hand and brushed her chin with it as he inched ever so close to a kiss saying, “I will allow it. And then I will personally request our Lord forgive us. Special things are meant to happen in special places. Tonight is no accident. Tonight is fate.”

Xenia smiled to herself in pure and extreme satisfaction. For the duration of their time together, she had been slowly filtering his ki away from his blood. Her brand-new technique, Bloodletting, allowed her to sift the ki from an individual’s blood and release it to the ambient ki of nature. The process was painfully slow as to be undetected; however, she only needed to decrease his ki by 10-15% for her to be certain she could Bloodbend him.

A powerful man such as Peter would require an immense amount of concentration and power to Bloodbend with full control against his will, and she was ready to gain every advantage she could get. She planned to drag her seduction out for as long as possible until she could resist the temptation of controlling him no more.

So, while Peter planned to indulge in his temptation, Xenia still had to resist from her own.

She looked to him through her veil and slowly moved in for a kiss. The two stood before the rushing waterfall as they began to make out. Their kisses were slow and deliberately full of passion.

In between kisses, Peter said, “I am a man who enjoys an assertive woman. Don’t be afraid to take full advantage of me. If you impress me, I may yet take a long-term liking to you.”

Xenia smiled at him with her veil shrouding her eyes and half of her face, “Oh darling, I have had my eyes on you for a long time. You may yet regret giving me permission to indulge in my deepest and most passionate desires.”

Peter smiled as he couldn’t believe his luck and said, “Do your worst.”

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