
Chapter 148: Ready for the Beach

Chapter 148: Ready for the Beach

Jacek returned to ground level and made way to his new office. He opened the door and stepped in softly saying to himself, “This place is nearly as grand as my father’s.”

Upon entering, he walked nearly 30 feet down the room to his large presidential desk at a set of bay windows overlooking the gardens. The room had magnificent and tall ceilings with hand-crafted elements throughout the room including the elaborate crown molding.

He threw himself down into a plump leather executive chair and silently sat in thought, “There will be lots of fallout now that the war is over. As an heir to the most powerful empire in the world, father will expect me to carry my weight with politics now.”

He sighed and swiveled the chair to look out the bay windows, “I suppose now that I have the glory of victory in war on my resume, the people will support me just as they have my father. A strong military leader has always led our empire.”

He looked to his desk to see a red phone and smiled to himself. He leaned forward and picked up the phone off of its receiver. He brought it up to his ear as it began to ring immediately.

On the other end of the phone, Erika looked down at her desk to see an identical red phone ringing with the name “Jacek Heraklinos” flashing on the receiver.

She smiled to her two advisors sitting across the desk from her, “One moment please. I am obliged to take red phone calls from the Heraklinos Empire.”

Her advisors nodded in agreement.

After several rings, she answered the phone, “Jacek? This phone is for emergency purposes only. Is this an emergency?”

Jacek smiled to himself, “Of political urgency, no. Of personal urgency, yes.”

She gave a half smile to her advisors and turned her chair to the side to face away from them, “Can this wait? I am in the middle of an important meeting.”

“I’ll make it quick. Let’s go on a vacation together. We could use the Heraklinos Villa on the Mediterranean. Beaches and ocean. We need to relax together and have some fun. Something to help us put the past year behind us.” Jacek wasted no time throwing his idea out for her to consider.

Erika wasn’t in a position to have a lengthy conversation with Jacek and merely responded, “Sure. But-“

Jacek interrupted her, “Perfect! I’ll fly overnight and see you first thing in the morning.”

She hastily replied, “Okay, but I have meetings in the morning. Important ones.”

He laughed, “Then we will leave first thing after your meetings.”

Erika finally gave a genuine smile to herself, “Okay, that sounds good. I’ll see you in the morning after my meetings then. Goodnight Jacek.”

“Goodnight Erika.” Jacek hung up the phone and stood from his desk with a smile on his face. He was ready to leave the war behind him and start anew with Erika. He walked down the long room, turned the light off, and exited out the door closing it behind him as he left.


Morning had come and with it Erika’s most important meeting of the day, the Master Family meeting.

She joined the virtual call to find a roster which included herself, Master Karasu, Master Heraklinos, Master Starfallen, Master St. Michael, and the newly anointed Masters of the BloodStar Family… Ramses and Zara.

Jarek started the meeting, “Thank you all for being here promptly this morning as I know it isn’t an easy hour in all time zones. I would like to first announce that President Morrow will no longer be in attendance at the Master Family meetings as the United States has fallen under a combined Heraklinos and Sage rule. We plan to use the United States territories as a source for resources to enrich all of us and our people over time. The United States leadership has agreed to such terms in exchange for a great many things including protection.”

No one on the call had any qualms with the Heraklinos and Sage rule over the U.S. for it was simply a spoil of war.

Jarek then moved on to the next topic, “Now for an update on Xenia BloodStar. Her remains have been transported to the Heraklinos Empire and are under guard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. A secure channel to the security footage can be viewed by any of you at any time to ensure she remains dead.”

Lady Starfallen cut in, “We are pleased to here such welcomed news; however, what of her underlings Gladiator Champion Nero and Constance Khan?”

Jarek cleared his throat, “Lady Starfallen, it is no longer Gladiator Champion Nero. It is BloodStar Immortal Nero. An important title to him. And one that we should recognize.”

Karasu chimed in, “That is a great deal of respect you are giving to our enemy. Are we not to put some finality to this war and target Nero and Constance next?”

Jarek shook his head, “No. As part of my deal for Xenia’s body, I agreed to leave Nero be within Bella Domina. He is a warrior without a fight. Let’s not give him one. He is content to spend the rest of his days within the cathedral.”

Erika grit her teeth, “How can you be sure? He is a powerful threat. He was her right-hand man. He is culpable in the crimes of this war.”

Jarek once again responded confidently, “I can be sure because I am a warrior myself. We have a code. Without Xenia, he has no purpose. He will not fight us. As I said though, I made my deal with Nero. You are free to act on your own accord but make no mistake… it will be without Heraklinos support. And before anyone makes a hasty decision do recall that he is now a BloodStar Immortal.”

Everyone remained silent until Ramses finally spoke up, “For those of you who do not know, BloodStar Immortal is much more than just a title. Jarek knows this well. Nero has been imparted with a slice of power from the late Empress Victoria. As an already powerful warrior, he has been made even stronger with BloodStar ki. The extent of his power and abilities is unknown, and unless we would like to find out, we should leave him be.”

Zara nodded, “Provoking him would start another war. I know Nero. He lives by a code as Jarek says. He will live in solitude and isolation because BloodStar Immortal is more than a title and its more than power to him. Historically, a BloodStar Immortal is a title and privilege given only to those betrothed to the BloodStar heir. Were Xenia still alive, he would be her emperor consort.”

A silence lingered as everyone considered the significance of Nero’s new rank and title until Michael finally said, “He is my neighbor. I will keep a close eye on Bella Domina. I expect to see nothing as he meditates day in and day out. Should that change, I will let everyone know with haste.”

Lady Starfallen nodded, “Very well. We let Nero be until he gives us reason to do otherwise. And what of Mistress Khan?”

Jarek answered, “Now that is up for debate. She is a menace. She could also have negative effects on your new reign as BloodStar King and Queen, Ramses and Zara. What are your thoughts?”

Zara smiled, “I’m glad you ask Jarek. Constance has boldly returned home to her castle on Khan Island. Her father is keeping a low profile, and it would appear that he has left things to his capable daughter for the time being.”

Ramses followed up, “With the permission from the committee, we would like to make a deal with Constance.”

Michael narrowed his eyes, “What kind of deal? Deals with devils don’t always go as planned, you know.”

Zara laughed before saying, “The BloodStar Empire is split following the death of both the Empress and the heir. Half the population supports Ramses and me. The other half supports the old ways. They look to the Khan Family for direction. We would like to ask Constance to lead her half of the nation to support us. If there is any trickery or malintent from her, we would also like to make it very clear that we will not hesitate to destroy her and the people that follow her.”

Erika felt this proposition was likely the best option but also cringed at the idea of a BloodStar civil war should Constance not comply, “And you are sure you can defeat Constance in a civil war?”

Ramses tilted his head, “Reasonably so. But we would like to avoid a civil war at all costs though. As such, we would like to make a request of the committee.”

Jarek nodded, “Go on.”

“We would ask to borrow precious resources to pressure Constance to comply politically. And to put pressure on her knowing that any malintent will be met with a destructive force ending her games before they even get started.” Ramses stopped and took a deep breath, “We would request the politically powerful pair Erika Sage and Jacek Heraklinos mediate our terms with Constance Khan.”

Erika went wide eyed with shock as she thought, “But my vacation!”

Everyone on the call nodded, and Jarek said, “I think that to be a good idea. If it is okay with you Erika, then I will relay the news to Jacek.”

Erika gave an obviously unsure smile but said, “To avoid war, I suppose I can bear to speak with her. But Jacek will need to be present at all times. He is powerful enough to ward off her illusion ki. This won’t be easy.”

Jarek looked to Erika, “It won’t be easy, but you may find solace in knowing that you will be the first outsiders in a very long time to see the most beautiful beaches in the world. The BloodStar and Khan beaches have been sealed off for too long. I think you and Jacek may find them a great place to relax after hours.”

Erika smiled and said, “Thank you Jarek. I think we will find you are right.”

For the remainder of the call, Erika largely spaced out in thought until the call finally ended. She stood and pressed the communications button on her desk, “Guards, please see Jacek in now.”

Seconds later, Jacek burst through the door in a Hawaiian shirt, short shorts, and sandals, “Are you ready to hit the beach!?”

He looked at her and noticed her expression, “Oh no. What happened on the call?”

She smiled and said, “I’ve got a lot to tell you, and we have a lot to prepare for. But yes… I am ready for the beach.”

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