
Chapter 115: Human or Pufferfish?

Chapter 115: Human or Pufferfish?

Only a few hours earlier, Xenia stood alone deep within the BloodStar Citadel. She looked through a viewing glass into a holding chamber with an occupancy of well over a thousand soldiers; however, she had only filled it with one hundred soldiers for the first round of painful executions.

She put her hair into a high ponytail and grabbed her gas mask as she stepped through the air-tight door to the chamber and walked straight to the center of it. She drew all the men’s attention as she wore her all-black, tight, leather military outfit showing off her sexy curves and big boobs.

The men were silent. They didn’t dare speak a word knowing that they were prisoners of one of the most cruel war leaders in modern history.

She stopped and stood next to a cannister with a valve at the top and shouted, “You are all here today to die for me. Some of your death’s will be more painful than others. How painful and how long your death is to be, is completely up to you.”

She then affixed her gas mask and turned the valve without further word. As she turned the valve, a loud hiss could be heard as the room filled with a transparent gas, Compound X.

She stood in the center of the room leaning against the gas cannister with her all-black outfit and black gas mask looking upon her prisoners with a menacing presence as she watched their slow descent into death.

The prisoners began to scream and writhe for her enjoyment, and she shouted, “621st Battalion, you will serve me well until your death.”

She took a step down from the platform which held the cannister and walked towards the Captain of their battalion. Soldiers grabbed at her legs as she walked by, and she merely smiled down at their painful expressions as she continued to walk by.

She came up to the Captain and knelt down in front of him, “Captain, would you like to be the first to die? Or the last to die? Your choice.”

He stared ahead with a red, flustered face and clenched jaw as he struggled to form words. He managed to let out a, “Fuck you!”

She laughed and said, “Very well. Last it is.”

She then stood and said, “Who wants to die first?”

A nearby soldier threw himself at her legs and said, “Kill me! Please!”

She looked down, “A boy who begs. I like that.”

She sat down across from him and opened her legs wide and pointed between her legs, “Crawl in to my legs if you are ready for your sweet release from pain.”

The soldier crawled on his hands and knees between her legs. Xenia then clamped her legs around his neck and began to pet his head with her leather gloves, “Shhh. Don’t scream. I’m going to end your suffering.”

She then snapped his neck clean with a strong twist of her legs and released his limp, dead body to the floor.

She looked up and called out, “Who is next?”

Another soldier came crawling over to her with a choked voice, “End my pain. Just kill me. Kill me please.” His body was stiff from muscle spasms, and one of his eyes red from ruptured vessels as he experienced unbearable pain.

She spoke with a muffled voice through her gas mask, “Nothing would make me happier, darling.”

The soldier continued to crawl on the ground until he was between her legs, and she clamped her powerful thighs around his head. She maintained eye contact as she began to put more and more pressure on his skull.

She then threw her head back and yelled as she slammed her legs together completely crushing his skull in one powerful blow. She looked down to see brains and blood littering the ground beneath her.

She stood up and walked to a different area of the chamber as soldiers looked up to her from the ground hoping she would stop to end their suffering.

She walked up to one soldier in the corner and stood in front of him, “Do you want to touch my leather pants before you die, darling?”

The soldier in pain could barely look up at her, and she said, “Come on it will be fun!”

She then turned around and started swaying in front of him before shoving her ass into his face and pinning his head against the wall. She kept pushing harder and harder against the steel wall until she felt his skull began to splinter under the pressure. She let out a moan and stopped just short of crushing his head entirely.

As she released the pressure, he fell to the floor bleeding from various cracks in his skull; however, he wasn’t yet dead. She played with her ponytail and said, “Oops. Just more pain for you.”

She then walked to a different corner and sat on the ground with her legs open, “Okay boys! Who wants me?”

A soldier scrambled over to be the first. He couldn’t bare the pain any longer and desperately sought death. He immediately put his head between her legs hoping she would snap his neck in seconds; however, instead, she affixed his mouth right up against her crotch and closed her legs around the back of his head.

Against her leather pants, he slowly suffocated unable to draw in a single breath. She moaned with pleasure until his thrashing abated with his death.

She looked down and threw his head to the ground and said, “Come on! Who can please me for longer? Anyone? No one?”

Another soldier came scrambling over to position himself in between her legs, but she held her leg up pressing the stiletto of her boot into his shoulder, “Excuse me. You have to beg first if you want me to kill you.”

The soldier managed to string a sentence together through the pain, “Please… please kill me Warlord.”

She crossed her arms and said, “Okay, fine. But not between my legs.” She then shoved her stiletto directly into his eye socket pushing it firmly through his orbit and into his brain killing him instantly.

She sat with her arms crossed and legs spread waiting for the next victim. It didn’t take long as several soldiers all at once scrambled atop one another with one lucky winner besting everyone else for the spot between her legs.

She looked down at him and said, “Oh my. Anxious for death?”

The soldier nodded in pain and agony as he looked up at her. She removed her gas mask and drew in a deep breath as her face winced in extreme pain. She then said, “Let’s not rush it.” She called for him with her finger to work his way up her body.

The soldier inched his way up her body towards her face when she suddenly grabbed his hair and yanked him up to look her in the face. She smiled and began to make out with him. Her kisses were divine; however, the pain was overwhelming, and the soldier failed to enjoy a second of it.

Xenia grabbed his hair and pulled his head back and she sneered, “A terrible kisser.” She then threw him aside without killing him as she yelled, “I hope you suffer all night!”

She turned back and pointed to the next soldier, “You! Come here and kiss me!”

The soldier worked his way up her body, and she said come on now, “Enjoy me.” The soldier tried to indulge through the pain and grabbed her big boobs through her leather outfit as they kissed.

Xenia moaned, “That’s more like it! Yes!” She slowly enclosed her legs around his abdomen and began to squeeze slowly harder and harder like a python around its prey.

She fully embraced him as both were in complete bliss from pleasure and pain until the man suddenly found himself unable to breath from the pressure of her legs preventing his diaphragm from extending downwards.

She held her legs there and continued to kiss him sucking any air in his lungs out as she watched him asphyxiate from the strong grip of her legs around him. She kissed him one last time and said, “Goodbye, sweet dreams.”

She bit her lip and pointed to the next soldier who raced up to her in between her legs and up her body as they began to kiss. This time she left her legs completely lax around his body and instead closed her hands around his neck strangling him as the two kissed.

She continued squeezing her leather gloves around his neck as they made out until she finally heard a snap as she crushed his cervical vertebrae paralyzing him instantly. She threw him aside and looked at him, “I’m not sure if you’re dead or just paralyzed. Either way, you were fun!”

Another soldier scrambled up to her immediately, but she stopped him with her stiletto once again and said, “Nuh uh.” The soldier began to beg and beg, but she held her finger up to his lips and said, “Shhhh. I’ll put you out of your misery.”

She reached down at grabbed his pistol strapped to his leg and stood as she looked at it admiring the simplicity of a firearm. She said, “12 bullets. Who wants the first one?”

She suddenly had men surrounding her begging to escape the intense pain plaguing them. They sorely wished for a painless death rather than the painful one they were assured.

She pointed the barrel of the gun down and said, “If you suck it well enough, I’ll give you the release you’ve earned.”

The first soldier wrapped his lips around the barrel of the gun and began to suck it up and down. Xenia watched him as she moaned and felt her body up and down with her free hand. She then closed her eyes in utmost pleasure and squeezed the trigger blowing the soldier’s head to pieces.

She shrieked with excitement, “Sometime I just love guns!”

She pointed the barrel down at the next soldier who took the barrel in his mouth enduring the extreme pain throughout his body as he slid his tongue along the barrel praying for death. She moaned and watched him suck it up and down as her finger on the trigger got tighter and tighter until, “BOOM!”

She yelled with excitement and said, “You have all been such good boys!” She began to rapid fire one shot after another at their heads until she pulled the trigger and only a ‘click’ was heard as she ran out ammo.

She through the gun aside and said, “Play time is over for you boys. But it’s just getting started for me.”

She kicked them all to the ground to clear a path as she walked back over to the captain who looked at her with disgust as she stood over him. She held up an open hand and then clenched it into a fist. As she did, the head of every remaining soldier exploded with bits of brains, blood, and bone.

She laughed and said, “Just you and me captain.”

He grimaced through the pain and said, “Fuck you! You are a war criminal! You will burn in hell for your unspeakable deeds!”

She sat down next to him and pushed him back against the ground as she straddled his lap and ran her hands down his chest. He growled and exclaimed, “I will never give you the pleasure of begging for my own death. I am a fighter.”

She smiled and played with her ponytail as she gyrated on his lap, “Captain, you don’t have to give me any pleasure. I am good enough to simply extract it from you if I want it.”

The captain laughed, “You can try.”

She leaned in and kissed his neck and lips until she abruptly stopped and stood, “Come with me. Let me show you what happens to defiant captains.”

She walked over to close the valve releasing the gas into the room. She then bloodbent him to walk over to her as she looped her arm into his and said, “Killing always makes me hungry! And I think you’ll make a great snack.”

The captain wasn’t quite sure of what she meant, but he knew it couldn’t mean anything good. She then healed his body just enough to allow him a reprieve from the pain without fully clearing Compound X from his body.

The two walked up several flights of stairs to her personal quarters, and she locked the door behind them. She then had him lay face down on her bed as she bloodbent him still.

She walked over to the cabinets and pulled out a steak knife and fork as she said, “Compound X is a very painful gas. It is wonderful for killing pests like your soldiers in large numbers very quickly. But it isn’t very personal. And I like my killing to be more personal. It’s just so hot that way.”

She had bloodbent the captain into silence forcing him to merely listen to her scary, crazed ramblings of murder. She walked back over to the bed and straddled his lower back and laughed, “Depending on how you taste captain, I may kill you tonight or… never. Now don’t move.”

She carefully skinned his back and threw the bloody drape of skin in front of him to instill fear, and she began to cut into his paraspinal and upper back muscles like a raw steak as she formally used her knife and fork as if she were sitting at a high-class dinner party.

She cut the first square of meat and brought it to her mouth and began to chew it. She let out a closed-mouth, “Mmmm.” After chewing, she cut another bite and another until half of his back was missing into Xenia’s stomach.

She put her utensils down to blot the blood from her mouth with a napkin, and she said, “I have great news for you captain. It seems the gas from compound X has entered into your muscles. Each bite gives me a tingling pain on my tongue and then in my stomach.”

The captain felt a relief knowing that he would be dead this evening at this news. However, the Xenia shut the door on his hopes.

“I quite like it. It’s like eating pufferfish with tetrodotoxin, but… its human with toxins. How divine!” She picked up her utensils and began eating more with each slice inflicting sharp pains that shot through his back and body as she severed multiple small nerves with each slice of the knife.

She chewed and moved the meat around her mouth spreading the tingling sensation of pain across her palate as she ate, “I will have to heal you of course which will rid your body of Compound X. But that is no problem. I will simply throw you in the chamber every time I use it. And every night, I expect to have a wonderfully exotic cut of meat with you.”

She smiled at the fruits of her labor in discovering a delightful new way to eat her favorite food as she cut into his back to take another bite. She laughed maniacally as he was helpless to stop her or his hellish fate.

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