
Chapter 105: Bella Domina

Chapter 105: Bella Domina

A massive naval aircraft carrier flying the Heraklinos empire flag was docked at the largest United States naval base in Norfolk, Virginia. Although the carrier was chock full of fighter jets, guns, and other weapons of war, the strongest asset aboard was none other than the heir to the Heraklinos Empire, Jacek Heraklinos.

Jacek stepped off the bridge of the boat and onto the dock stepping forward to shake President Monroe’s hand.

Monroe welcomed him, “Jacek! You look more and more like your father every time I see you. And you get stronger and stronger every time as well. I am glad to see it. You will undoubtedly be the leader we need during this war, and I thank you for coming to our side.”

Jacek stood with a serious expression. He wore military style pants tucked into combat boots with a plain white T-shirt which showed off his muscular arms. He nodded to Monroe, “Let’s get started. Is Karasu present?”

Monroe replied, “Right this way. We have all gathered in the port’s main building conference room.”

Jacek and Monroe made their way to the conference room with a security detail of both Heraklinos and U.S. soldiers. They entered to find several people waiting including Master Karasu, his second seat ninja – Natalya, Master Chief John Washington, VP Morrow, and a number of high-ranking generals.

Jacek sat at the head of a long table and immediately said, “Master Chief, report!”

Master Chief Washington stepped forward and began, “Our latest reconnaissance shows Xenia mustering her army within the Holy Light Empire. We have seen no evidence of enemy forces within our domestic lands. Furthermore –“

“Hahahaha!” Natalya gave a loud laugh at John Washington’s report. She feigned looking at her nails instead of making eye contact with Jacek or her master, Karasu.

Karasu took note of Jacek’s frustration, and he stepped in, “Everyone. I would like to introduce my second highest seat, the second seat of my clan, Natalya. She will be aiding me by my side as we fight together.”

Jacek remained unamused, “Natalya. Is there something you would like to say? As the Commander-In-Chief of this military operation, I expect your interrupting laughter to disappear entirely while a meeting of mine is in progress.”

Natalya wore long, black flowy robes with a sharp sword sheathed at her side. Her hair was up in a bun, and her legs were up on the table. She emitted a carefree and unruly attitude and carried an air of utmost confidence as she replied, “Forgive me Commander-In-Chief Heraklinos. But Master Chief Washington’s report was intended to be a joke, wasn’t it?”

Jacek continued to stare at her with a cold expression. The room froze with anticipation until Jacek finally said, “If you have something to add, please speak freely.”

Natalya removed her feet from the table top and leaned forward in her seat with charisma and confidence, “Xenia’s entire armed forces are already within the United States. Well within.”

John furrowed his brow and a hushed murmur swept through the room as she continued, “I suppose it can be forgiven that a low-level ki user may overlook their advance though. An extremely powerful ki user has masked their advance the entire way.”

She beamed with a smile and finished by saying, “Luckily they aren’t intent on striking immediately. Instead, they have focused their efforts on building a sizeable fortress within Kansas City around Liberty Memorial and the surrounding grounds including Union Station.”

Jacek unfolded his hands, “Constance Khan is the powerful ki user concealing their advance. It can only be her.”

Natalya nodded, “Correct, Lord Heraklinos.” She stood and said, “With your permission and my master’s permission, I would like to command an assault on their position to give them a proper welcoming to the United States.”

Jacek leaned forward interested in her proposal, “And why are you intent on attacking so quickly?”

Natalya played with her hair and smiled at Jacek, “You know Constance Khan just as well I do. She is on par with the Gladiator Champion, Nero. This is a golden opportunity to take her out. It takes an immense amount of ki to conceal an entire army for days on end. Her weakened state leaves her vulnerable.”

Jacek turned his head to Karasu, “Master Karasu, your second seat seems quite capable as well as confident. However, I have never worked with her. Is she the appropriate person to lead this assault?”

Karasu stood to address the meeting, “Ninja Natalya, my second seat, is an extremely gifted ki user. Her talents lay in aggression and leadership. This assault is practically tailored for her. Furthermore, my seventh seat was killed while obtaining this information. She is motivated to strike back.”

Without giving a direct answer just yet, Jacek then turned to the Master Chief, “John. I can sense your ki nullification domain has improved by leaps and bounds since we last met.”

John nodded. Although his techniques had improved well beyond even Jacek’s expectations, he didn’t feel the need to flaunt following his massive reconnaissance failure. He simply said, “Correct, Lord Heraklinos.”

Jacek stood at the head of the table, “Then I have decided. Natalya will lead this assault as she sees fit. Master Chief Washington will accompany her as second in command.”

Natalya shot Jacek a sharp look, and Jacek returned the look, “Ki nullification domains are of utmost importance in war. Do your best to keep John alive, Natalya.”

She smiled and nodded, “I think you will find John is quite capable of looking after himself. But you have my word, I shall give extra care to his protection at your request.”

John’s ki nullification domain was unique, and the fact that he had improved it so drastically in recent months made him an extremely valuable asset in this war.

Natalya turned to John and said, “Looks like we are going to be the first-strike team. The team to take down a powerful Khan.”


Xenia walked up the steps to her glistening new cathedral in dark gothic style architecture. The stone was dark grey and black, and the cathedral itself had an imposing, threatening look complete with sharp spires and gargoyles. The landing surrounding the cathedral isolated it from any would-be passerby.

Xenia walked with her arm looped into Arthur’s arm as they were flanked by the chief architect and a number of high-ranking religious officials within the country including several Cardinals and Bishops.

As he walked with her, Arthur was in awe of its size and power. He softly said, “This cathedral is a wonder of the world, Xenia.”

She gripped his arm tightly and smiled as she said, “And it matches my dress.”

He smiled and looked her black latex dress up and down noting the white cross on her chest and black veil giving her a nun-like appearance, a sexy nun. Her dress had a leg-length slit up one side exposing her black fishnets underneath and knee-high boots, something quite unbecoming of a true nun.

Xenia released her hold of Arthur and walked to the top of the stairs as she shouted, “I welcome you all to my private cathedral, Bella Domina!”

She raised her hands with the cathedral at her back as everyone was still completely stunned. A cardinal finally took hold of his senses and asked, “Bella Domina meaning Lady of Beauty? Or Bella Domina meaning Lady of War?”

Xenia turned and looked over her shoulder as she answered, “Both, cardinal. Am I not both?”

The cardinal nodded, “Indeed, you embody both to their fullest.”

She giggled and said, “Come everyone! Come tour the inner hall with me.”

They walked through the massive set of ornate double doors with depictions of war and cruelty adorning them, and they arrived into a hall glistening with a red light from the predominately red stained-glass decorations covering the majority of the upper walls.

The inner hall reached 100 feet into the air before reaching the ceiling, and rows of pews were found on each side of a walkway lined with a beautiful black and red carpet which led to a center pulpit with the world’s largest pipe organ.

As the sun was setting, the low light gave both an intense red light from the stained glass and yet also a darkness within the shadows where the light could not reach.

It was only as the group walked closer to the front of the inner hall and up the stairs that they noticed three crosses hanging 20 feet up the wall. Laden upon these three crosses were three very-alive men, all of whom were crucified to the crosses by their palms and ankles.

Everyone in the group stopped in their tracks including Arthur. It was only Xenia who took steps further up to the landing area where the pulpit and pipe organ awaited.

She looked up with her eyes and said, “Oh, you like my crosses? This is a cathedral after all. What are crosses for if not crucifixion? Tell me Cardinal Joseph.”

The Cardinal looked to her as he said a whispered prayer, “The cross is to remind us of the horrors Jesus Christ experienced. It is a symbol, not a tool. This is wicked.”

Xenia turned to the Cardinal and crossed her arms underneath her big boobs and scowled at him, “Are you trying to ruin the inaugural tour of my cathedral, Cardinal Joseph?”

He shook his head as he only just now realized his honest words likely offended his empire’s leader. She walked towards him and said, “Then tell me again what you think of my crucifixions.”

The Cardinal bowed his head and began to speak; however, Xenia cut him off, “Tell me while you kiss my boots!”

She stuck one of her boots out from under her long dress and snapped her fingers as she pointed down to her boot.

Cardinal Joseph, fearing for his life, immediately fell to his knees and began to kiss her boot up and down as he said, “The crucified men are but symbols of your power, and they top off an already impressive cathedral befitting of only one as mighty as you, Warlord Xenia Victoria BloodStar, heir to the BloodStar Empire.”

She smiled down at him with her hands on her hips, “That is much much better. Stand Cardinal.”

The Cardinal stood and bowed his head to her. She smiled sweetly as she said, “Next time I will offer no forgiveness.”

She then said aloud, “Everyone leave!” The small group listened to her command immediately sensing Cardinal Joseph had soured her mood. Without turning around, she called out, “Not you, Arthur!”

Arthur inwardly jumped with joy hoping to have some alone time with his Mistress. He turned around to see Xenia sitting atop a stone altar table behind the pulpit. Her legs were crossed with her dress draped down over the edge of the table, and her hands were supporting her as she leaned back on the stone table.

She looked to him as he walked to her, “Cardinal Joseph isn’t very smart. Not only did he offend me with his grotesque comments regarding Jesus Christ, but he also mistook these men as decorations for my cathedral.” She scoffed and continued, “I would never put something so dreadful up as decoration.”

She uncrossed her legs welcoming him in between her legs as he walked up to her. She then closed her legs behind him enwrapping him within her leg’s grasp. She ran her hand down his cheek and kissed him before saying, “These crucified men are meant for our entertainment.”

With her legs still wrapped around his waist, she laid back on the table. Her hair was up held in place by three long, thin, and razor-sharp metal needle-like accessories. She removed one and said, “Fuck me. Fuck me, Arthur. Fuck me as hard as you can with the goal of trying to make me miss my target with these needle projectiles. The harder you fuck me, the less accurate my aim will be. Meaning the harder you fuck me, the more painful their deaths will be.”

She laughed and encouraged him as he eagerly obeyed her. Arthur had come to know she never wore panties, and he was ready to fuck her on command. Her legs secured him from behind, and he took a firm grasp of her hips as he began to fuck her in earnest right out of the gate rocking her body violently against the stone table.

She was caught by surprise and moaned, “Arthur! Yes! I love it when you take control. Harder! Fuck me harder!”

Her eyes rolled back, and she yelled at the top of her lungs as he thrust in and out, in and out. She then looked to the man crucified above her on the right and smiled in his direction. She took aim with her hair accessory and told Arthur, “I am aiming for his carotid artery in his neck. Make me miss, baby!”

He looked to her, and just as she began to throw her needle hair accessory, he pounded her harder than ever. She rocked and moaned as she threw the needle missing the carotid entirely. The needle landed one inch to the right as it pierced through the man’s entire neck slicing numerous smaller arteries.

She gave out a mixture of laughter, yells, and moans as she watched the man begin to suffer even more as he inched closer to death. Although his carotid was intact, the slow bleed from his neck would still prove lethal over time, and Xenia watched with full pleasure as his life faded ever so slowly while Arthur fucked her.

She leaned her head upside down off the table in order to glance up at her next victim above and behind her. She licked her lips and said, “A perfect angle for a brainstem strike!”

With no prompt from Xenia, he watched closely for her strike. Once again, just as she readied her throw, he fucked her harder and harder even grabbing her big boobs over her latex dress and rocking her.

She yelled with excitement as she released her needle accessory watching it fly towards the crucified man hanging above. She planned for the needle to slide into and through the entire brainstem causing instantaneous death. However, her aim was slightly jostled by Arthur, and instead, the needle only hit the medulla oblongata.

As a result, the man’s control of breathing was lost entirely. He wasn’t bleeding out; however, his diaphragm had trouble regulating his breathing, and he slowly suffocated to death due to his brainstem injury.

Xenia watched for minutes as the man struggled and turned red in the face until his fight against death finally overcame him. She smiled and turned to her left making eye-contact with the final victim whose face was riddled with fear.

She grabbed the last needle from her hair allowing her hair to fall down the table. She took aim, and said, “The heart this time. A needle right though the left ventricle and left anterior descending artery should prove quite lethal.”

However, just as she planned to throw the needle upwards at her victim, Arthur began to explode inside of her. The gushing from within made her drop the needle before she could even throw it, and she instead rubbed her own body up and down indulging in the pleasure of his orgasm as it brought her closer to her own.

His thrusts became slower and slower as he came to a stop. Xenia unwrapped her legs from around his waist and sat up to kiss him, “Impressive President Davis. A man who can stop me in my tracks is a rare thing indeed.”

She stood up and patted the stone altar table and said, “Strip naked and lay down.”

Arthur didn’t question her for a second. He quickly stripped completely naked and climbed atop the table laying his back down against the cold stone. Xenia began to strip as well inching and squirming out of her sexy, skintight dress. She even rolled her fishnets off and removed her boots.

She stood naked at the foot of the table with the last crucified man behind her in the air, and she said, “You have earned this man a quick death and yourself a second orgasm. I am going to ride you until we both cum. Are you ready?”

Arthur nodded, and suddenly he felt a surge of power gathering around Xenia as she raised her hands into the air. She then suddenly clenched her hands shut into fists. As she did, the body of the man above exploded completely as the sound of crushed bones and rending flesh could be heard.

Xenia bloodbent the blood to fall atop her directly like a shower as her entire body ran red with blood covering her big round boobs and long black hair.

She climbed atop of Arthur like a blood-red devil and straddled him as she began to fuck him cowgirl-style with her blood-soaked body.

Had anyone been daring enough to peek in at that moment, they would have seen Xenia riding Arthur like a devil with three bloody crosses above in the most ornate cathedral the world had ever known.

She ran her hands through her blood-drenched hair smiling and laughing as her primed body reached orgasm faster than he or she expected. She yelled at the tops of her lungs as the entire cathedral rang with the sound of her pleasured cries.

She kept riding him harder and harder well into her orgasm and continued after until she finally felt him cum inside her once again.

She collapsed atop his body with a smile as she smeared blood all over his chest and abdomen, “You’re amazing Arthur. I’m so glad you’re mine.” She kissed him on the lips giving him a blood-filled kiss.

The two lay atop the stone altar table in post-orgasmic bliss as the sun had fully set allowing the full darkness to take over the hall. The cathedral had formally been christened with blood and sex.

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