
Chapter 101: Compound X

Chapter 101: Compound X

Jarek stood at a prominent and beautiful backdrop surrounded by tall, white columns at the entrance to the main palace as he prepared to give his response to the press that had gathered before him.

He began, “As the spokesperson for the Master Family Alliance, I have the honor of relaying our response to Xenia BloodStar’s ultimatum. Jacek has ultimately decided against entering a marital relationship with Warlord BloodStar.”

The press gasped as cameras flashed and a stir of anxiety buzzed through the crowd. Jarek did his best to calm them, “However! This does not mean war. We have no interest in engaging in a war with the BloodStar Empire. We have for decades acted to avoid war, and we will continue to do so.”

Jarek sighed and said, “I will now take any questions. This will be a tense time, and I am happy to clarify anything. Yes, you there.” Jarek pointed to a reporter in the front with her hand raised.

“You say that you have acted to avoid war, and yet Xenia is stating that you have incited her by infiltrating her empire and violating the terms of her battle with Pope Gregory. Can you clarify?” The reporter held no punches in asking the first question.

Jarek calmly began, “A violation in an armistice for the sake of humanitarian efforts is an acceptable violation. Pope Peter was being held in conditions unfit for humanity, and the BloodStar Empire holding prisoners in such a state is a war crime. We will never stand for such acts.”

The next reporter spoke up, “Why doesn’t Jacek want to marry Xenia? She is amazing.”

Jarek shook his head, “He has his reasons, both personal and political, that he will outline in written form by tomorrow. I will allow that question to be answered by him.”

The next reporter yelled and the next one and the next one, until finally, Jarek concluded the press conference. He did his best to quell any fears the public may have regarding imminent war; however, try as he might, the anxiety of war still persisted.

He exited the stage at the entrance to the palace and walked into the palace surrounded by his guards. He thought to himself, “The ball is back in your court now, Xenia. Make no mistake, I am ready to play ball no matter which direction you serve. Tread carefully.”


In a dark, secluded room within the depths of the lower levels of the mansion in Dallas, Texas, Xenia and her mother sat in separate chairs as they quietly watched the live press conference from the Heraklinos Empire.

Xenia scoffed at the end of Jarek’s announcement, “It appears I have been rejected, mother.”

Empress Victoria sat across the room looking on to the television as well, “Hmm, maybe Jacek prefers weak and submissive women like that dreadful Erika Sage.”

Xenia smirked, “I don’t think so mother. If it were just he and I, we would be in bed together already. He has found a sense of duty to the world which is being fed to him by his father, Jarek, and his ally, Erika. It’s disgusting.”

Victoria chuckled at her daughter’s genuine discontent, “Will you organize a follow-up press conference to declare war?”

Xenia shook her head, “I think we have had enough press conferences. I will simply issue a statement. I intend to proceed in re-uniting the United States, and any interference will be recognized as an act of war.”

Victoria then asked, “And what of Jacek? Giving up on him? Who will you target next?”

Xenia crossed her legs and said, “Oh no mother. I’m not giving up. He is just playing hard to get, and I love a challenge. I crave what I can’t have. Don’t we all? I am going to wage war until he gives me an heir, willingly or not.”

Victoria raised her eyebrows, “You sound exactly like me.”

Xenia turned to her mother and smiled, “All great wars are fought over forbidden love, even yours. Correct?”

Victoria laughed, “Maybe. That is for me to know and the rest of the world to speculate. I do have one last thing I wish to accomplish though. Constance is working on it for me as we speak.”

Xenia stood from her chair and watched the announcement analysis following the live press conference. She then turned to her mother and said, “What is she doing for you in the Heraklinos Empire? Another secret?”

Victoria smiled to herself, “Yes, another secret I am afraid.”

Xenia wasn’t surprised. Victoria often kept secrets regarding history and future plans of hers. She turned to her mother and said, “While Constance is parading around as Peter in the Heraklinos Empire, may I have my way with the real Peter here? I have been rejected after all. I need someone to lift my spirits.”

Victoria replied, “Oh yes, that is why I brought him. Isn’t he some kind of sadistic toy for you?”

Xenia gave her mother a look, “Don’t judge me, mother. You sound jealous of the fun I have.”

Victoria looked to Xenia, “Not at all.”

“If you have no further use for Peter, then I am going to send him back to the Heraklinos Empire. That will surely confuse them.” Xenia began to walk out of the room.

Her mother called out to her, “Dead or alive?”

Xenia looked back and smiled, “Alive. But then dead. I have a new compound I am keen to test on him. If it works, this war is going to be long, slow, and oh so painful for anyone I capture.”

Her mother nodded, “I understand. As the first casualty of this war, I will arrange to have Ashrok deliver Peter personally to the gates of the Heraklinos palace.”

Xenia laughed, “Why thank you, mother. That is something that I am jealous of. The Blood Wraiths. And Ashrok nonetheless.”

Victoria waved her daughter goodbye, “I will be headed back to my empire. I will send Nero to join you here. And once she returns, I will also send Constance your way. Good luck in the coming war.”

Xenia exited making her way to the prisoner cell where the real Peter awaited her. She entered his cell to find him sitting in a simple chair with his hands cuffed behind his back.

She walked straight up to him and sat in his lap. Peter immediately became aroused with her big boobs and leather outfit pushed up against his body.

She grabbed his chin and kissed him before saying, “I’ve enjoyed our time together Peter. I really have. However, a war is starting, and I need to send a message.”

Peter didn’t like her tone and scrambled to plead his case, “A war? I could be very helpful. Let me help you!”

Xenia stood from his lap leaving him erect as she walked over to a table, “Oh, you are going to be very helpful. Trust me.”

She turned back around holding a small centimeter glass vial of a cloudy black gas, “I need someone to help test out my new invention, Compound X.”

She then grabbed the gas mask off the table and affixed it to her face securely. Her all-black leather outfit turned from sexy to both sexy and menacing with the addition of her gas mask. She sat back down in his lap and with a muffled voice held the glass vial of gas up to his face, “I need to test this for the upcoming war. I am going to have a lot of prisoners. I am going to need a way to thin them out from time to time. Will you help me?”

He hesitated to answer, and she said, “Please?” She put her arms around his shoulders and began to grind in his lap against his throbbing cock. Peter had been trained to get instantly erect at the sight of her, and this time was no different even if it had a more lethal tone to the encounter.

As she grinded in his lap, she said, “This gas won’t kill you, but it might make you wish it did.”

She grabbed the back of his head and shoved it into her leather outfit over her big boobs, “Since you can’t kiss my lips, kiss my chest instead. Just because you aren’t going to enjoy this doesn’t mean I’m not. I don’t need anything more than your screams to get me off.”

She moaned in pleasure as she grinded on him and felt his kisses over her outfit. She then yanked his head back and said, “Now take a hit of my new experimental compound for me, darling.”

She snapped the vial in the middle and held it up to his nostrils as she watched him breathe in the cloudy black gas.

Peter felt an impending sense of doom, but he ultimately felt nothing physically. He looked to Xenia and said, “I don’t feel anything.”

She spoke from behind her gas mask, “You will.”

Then, right on cue, Peter felt shooting pains all over his body that continued to spread and grow in intensity by the second. His muscles tensed up, and he began to squirm in pain. He then yelled at the top of his lungs as he felt like a thousand needles were stabbing him all over his body.

Xenia threw her head back and laughed, “Yes! Yes! Scream for me! This gas can’t kill you, but what it does do is permanently activate every pain receptor in your body, all at once while also preventing neural attenuation of the pain signals to your central nervous system. It is also incredibly difficult to clear, even for me. By my estimates, it would take 14 days for your body to clear it. It takes me 5 minutes, but I still wear the mask unless I am just in the mood. 14 long days… but don’t worry… you’ll be long since dead from starvation and dehydration by then. You’ll be begging for death!”

Peter grit his teeth and threw his joints out of place squirming against his restraints and attempting to do anything to bear the pain.

His painful cries and futile efforts only fueled Xenia though. She began to moan and grind against him harder and harder. She enjoyed every minute of his pain, and she was climbing closer and closer to her orgasm simply from torturing and grinding on Peter.

Peter bit his tongue in his futile struggle, and blood began to drip down his chin. Xenia held his head firmly in place and yearned to lick the blood from his chin clean causing her to moan loudly from the burst of pleasure she gained from it all.

“I’m already so close. You’re amazing! Scream for me more! Struggle for me!” She leaned into Peter and wanted to kiss and suck on his neck; however, the gas mask impeded her. Instead, she took her nails and scratched his neck up and down on both sides in her fury of pleasure.

The cumulative experience was overwhelming for Xenia, and she ultimately came to an intense orgasm before long. As she felt waves of pleasure rush over her body, she squeezed Peter’s body with her hands and legs as she pulsed her limbs around him aiding in her own pleasure. Peter felt no additional pain as his neurons were already teaming with hyperactivity from the gas.

In her post-orgasm clarity, she stood up and smiled at Peter who was completely unaware she had even stood from his lap. His eyes were closed, and he continued to thrash aimlessly against his restraints.

She turned the vent on to clear the room of any residual gas, and she took her gas mask off. She looked back to Peter and couldn’t resist. She sat back on his bucking lap and began to suck on his neck giving him a hickey after several minutes.

She sucked on his neck so vigorously that his skin began to break, and small blood droplets of blood began to squeeze from the lysed surface capillaries. Xenia ravenously lapped the drops of blood up. She whispered into Peter’s ears, “We had a good run together. Goodbye Peter.”

She stood from his lap for the last time and exited the room. Ashrok was waiting for her as instructed to do so by Empress Victoria.

He knelt and said, “I am here to deliver the prisoner to the Heraklinos Palace steps as instructed by Empress Victoria.”

Xenia wiped her lips and exhaustedly said, “He is ready.”

Ashrok frowned, and Xenia took note, “Yes, he will be that loud the entire trip. He will be screaming until his death. He will likely die around the time you deliver him by my estimates. I hope they have the displeasure of seeing him die at their feet.”

Ashrok nodded, “Very well. I will take him from here.”

She smiled at Ashrok, “Thank you. The Blood Wraiths are second to none. Especially you, Ashrok.”

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