Blacksmith: You Are Making Mjolnir For The Forging Exam?

Chapter 502 Award

Fifty disabled soldiers would become the first batch of test subjects for the special regenerative agent. They were all semi-retired or retired soldiers selected from each company.

These soldiers had made great contributions, but they were left with all kinds of injuries, such as severed arms and legs. These were sources of regret in their life.

However, their eyes were now wide in anticipation. They were hoping to use the Biological Regeneration Agent to regrow their limbs like the young master.

These fifty people swore that as long as they could regenerate their missing limbs, they would return to the battlefield and bring glory to their country.

Wu Mo looked at their determined expressions and smiled internally. He then signaled for the researchers and staff to begin.

Immediately after, the staff members who had been trained by Wu Mo carefully opened the bottles of Biological Regeneration Agent and began administering them on the outstanding soldiers.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats.

The small bottles before them were filled with a mysterious blue liquid, which gave them some doubt.

Could this agent really regenerate a person's limbs?

Finally, an hour passed amid the tense and exciting atmosphere.

After everyone was given the Biological Regeneration Agent, they entered the observation room for seventy-two hours.

"Wu Mo, once their limbs regenerate, I'll definitely hold a special award ceremony for you and these researchers, as well as staff, whether you agree to it or not!"

The old chief patted Wu Mo on the shoulder and spoke affectionately.

Wu Mo knew that the soldiers held a special place in the old chief's heart. Seeing that his invention could save their lives, he was happy.

Furthermore, Wu Mo was thinking about making a second batch of the agents since these soldiers had already used the available ones.

He had not forgotten about his disabled relatives after all. They could also join the second batch of test subjects and enjoy the blessing of a rebirth.

Sure enough, the physical conditions of the fifty soldiers remained stable after seventy-two hours.

After three days and three nights, their physical stats reached a perfect level. As such, Wu Mo could announce that the second trials had been successfully completed.

When the test subjects walked out of the observation room and learned of the results, they were so excited that they could not speak.

Wu Mo then told them to stay at home for fifteen days to observe the changes in their body.

Everyone had to return to the Institute of Special Biology after that to report on their recovery.

They nodded solemnly and left the Institute of Special Biology feeling a little uneasy.

Wu Mo knew that the results would cause a sensation fifteen days later.

In the beginning, only the young master had received the Biological Regeneration Agent, and he was an isolated case.

Now that all fifty of these outstanding warriors were going to recover, how shocking would it be?

Out of the fifty warriors, forty-eight of them successfully regrew their severed limbs. Only two of them experienced minor changes in their physical data and needed to be observed for a longer period.

Even so, the ninety-six-percent success rate still left everyone dumbfounded and amazed!

"Heavens, this success rate is simply unbelievable! It's enough for widespread use!"

An officer could not help but sigh.

After their "rebirth," these warriors were filled with joy. They were so excited that tears welled up in their eyes.

A soldier excitedly held Wu Mo's hand and sobbed. "Chief Engineer Wu, thank you! You've given us a new life and the chance to bring glory to our country again as well as fight on the battlefield!"

Wu Mo nodded and comforted the excited soldier.

He was satisfied because the success rate had far exceeded his expectations.

Originally, he had only predicted a ninety-percent success rate for the second batch.

After all, this agent had just been developed, so its success rate would not suddenly reach a hundred percent.

Even if the remaining two soldiers did not achieve the desired effect for the time being, their lives would not be endangered.

The agent's effect might be slightly delayed, and they would require follow-up treatment, but that was all.

The celebratory and commendation ceremony was held as scheduled, and fifty soldiers sat among them.

As the first soldier to receive the Biological Regeneration drug, the young master stood on the podium and expressed his gratitude passionately. He also described his mental journey during the treatment process.

He longed to return to the battlefield and bring glory to his country.

Everyone reminisced on the young master's heroic deeds in the past. Hearing his impassioned speech, they could not help but wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes.

In the end, the young master made a solemn promise to everyone. After a period of special recovery training, he would return to the army and become an omnipotent elite in the Special Forces again.

After the young master's speech ended, the entire venue erupted in thunderous applause.

Then, the second batch of fifty soldiers who had received the Biological Regeneration Agent went on stage in succession to express their feelings.

Each of these brave warriors had a similar experience as the young master. Their internal journeys were also unique, and they found emotional support here.

They had either retired from the most outstanding company or were in a semi-retired state. They could deeply understand each other's thoughts and feelings.

Everyone on the stage, including Wu Mo, felt sympathy for them. They knew that these soldiers had endured a lot, and now, it finally felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders.

"Wu Mo, we'll remember your great contribution for eternity! No medal in this world is enough to express our respect!" an officer below the stage said to Wu Mo excitedly.

Wu Mo finally stepped forward at this moment. Lights kept flashing as reporters aimed their cameras at him.

Everyone knew that it was this outstanding scientist who developed a major breakthrough in the field of biotechnology—the Biological Regeneration Agent was a legendary magical thing.

For one, it could regenerate severed arms and legs. It could even reforge a warrior's will and reignite the fire in his soul!

As Wu Mo slowly walked up to the podium, thunderous applause rose and fell. It echoed throughout the entire venue and never seemed to fade.

Everyone was staring at Wu Mo with respect.

Right then, Wu Mo looked at the faces below that were glowing with new life, and he could not help but nod his head in relief.

"It has always been my intention to develop a biological regeneration drug that would allow you to gain a new lease on life and make up for your past injuries! The power of the Biological Regeneration Agent isn't limited to the soldiers present. It will benefit the world and rid countless people of their regrets…"

Wu Mo described in detail the process of developing the Biological Regeneration Agent and expressed his current predicament.

In the end, he firmly stated that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would overcome them because this was the result of everyone's joint efforts.

It was a fact.

When Wu Mo's speech came to an end, the applause in the entire venue reverberated like thunder, and it did not die down for a long time.

After that, Wu Mo began a new journey in the Institute of Special Biology. He focused on observing the volunteers for the Biological Regeneration Agent trials.

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