Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 233: Blum Ogma

Chapter 233: Blum Ogma

[I found him, I found him!]

[I found the guy that can fly, I'm sure of it!

What an unexpected coincidence!

He also participated in the hunting expedition, although I didn't see him at the beginning.

But now that I think about it, he can probably travel very fast.

Damn, he's so lucky!

Okay, actually, maybe not

When I first saw him here was in an underground chamber.

He apparently went on a rampage underground for some reason.

A few of the warriors there already knew him from before it seems.

I didn't quite catch his name, but it doesn't matter.

What surprised me, however, was that he appeared to be extremely week at the time.

He was covered with blood, and by all means, I thought he was going to die there and then!

That's when I saw him fly out and disappear, and I wasn't sure where he went.

At that time we didn't have much time to think, however.

We found a badly wounded man laying on the ground unconscious.

He apparently sustained quite a few broken bones and internal trauma.

When we brought him to light, his body was completely covered in bruises.

He was a lucky man to be alive, that's for sure.

There were many prisoners like him that didn't make it.

I know humans can be pretty cruel too sometimes, but this is just too much.

At least there is just a small group of lunatics that find pleasure in torture, but these beasts are all like that.

They are so sick and twisted!

It just makes you want to kill them all!

But it's useless!

These monsters, no matter how many we kill, more just keep coming back!

It's so demoralizing!

I got myself too worked up writing it seems...


Back to that mysterious guy, he actually went missing for some reason.

Tabbris Northendark organized a search party so of course, I joined.

I learned a few things as well.

Apparently, his name is Gerald and he comes from a group called Black Onyx.

It's the first time I heard of it, so I don't know much about it, but it seems like the group of girls is also a part of it.

Lucky guy, having two Dark Elves, although it is currently unclear if he's going to survive this to enjoy their company.

We searched for a while and found him in the middle of what I can only describe as a thorn fortress.

I'm still unclear how he managed to create that monstrosity, but I couldn't help but be in awe.

When we finally got to him, he was in a bad shape.

Forget the wounds, that wasn't the problem, any Health Potion can solve that.

No, the issiue was way diferent

He overused his magic it seems and fell into a Mana Coma.

It happens when a mage goes way over his limit and instead of a simple unconsciousness that lasts from a few minutes to an hour, he was still out cold hours later.

His brain might have sustained permanent damage, and even Mana inside him started destroying his body.

Our leader tried to cool him down, but he is close to Mana Overload too, and so are his friends.

It's a tricky situation

They have to heal him quickly, and although the damage is already done, they can't use any magic or the situation will be even worse.

I would love to join the Black Onyx with this man as the leader, but I'm afraid his days are numbered.

Sometimes there come rumors of desperate mages overusing their Mana and pushing themselves way over their limit, and they usually lose their mind afterward.

I truly hope something like this doesn't happen to this guy.

Now only the gods can save him]




"Destroy all!"

"Gieahaha! Kill! KILL!"

"Follow the master Hihihihi"

"Eat Grow Kill Repeat!"

"Becomethe master"

"Follow the sign!"

"Follow the snake"






Gerald suddenly awoke from a terrible nightmare, drenched in sweat.

In it, he was mong mountains of corpses, both human and monster, and they spoke! They laughed and cried, they screamed and shouted in pain, and most of all, they were looking at him.

Their greedy eyes were opened wide, the white in their eyes forming a perfect circle, as they stared. He could hear their voices, feel their emotions, and taste their death.

Their words full of confusion, anger, and malice still echoed in his ear.

He shook his head to wake himself up, but he quickly realized it was not a good idea since he had a damn painful headache.

Doing his best to resist his body's attempt to drag him to the land of dreams, he slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get his vision clear.

He was lying in some sort of wooden wagon and beside him were a few more injured people, wrapped in bandages.

They appeared to be sleeping.

"Hey you, you are finally awake!"

Gerald turned his head with difficulty and looked at the person that called out.

Because he was also wrapped in bandages, his movement was slow, and the burning sensation all over his body similarly didn't help.

"Who're you?" Gerald asked with a raspy voice, his throat was dry and his mouth thirsty.

The man responded with a genuine smile and handed him a waterskin.

"My name is Blum, Blum Ogma."

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