Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 946

"Well, I see."

Huo yunnuan put down his mobile phone and waited for news from O Zhou.

Huo Dongyang's action is very fast, it's just vigorous. Let o continent partner interrupt the cooperation with Fei Yuchen, and several cooperation projects in a city were also interrupted.

These are the lifeblood of Fei Yuchen, and it took him a long time to make achievements. He originally wanted to rely on these businesses to gain a foothold in Feijia, but now all his efforts are in vain.

Allen told all the situation to Fei Yuchen. Fei Yuchen looked ugly, but he never said a word.


Fei Yuchen's eyes were cold and his heart was clear.

This time, Huo Dongyang is determined to get rid of himself. This is to avenge Ji Haonan.

"What about Ji Haonan?"

"I've heard from you before, but I haven't recovered. If you can't wake up, you may become a vegetable, "the doctor said

Fei Yuchen's eyes flashed. He knew he should have given Ji Haonan a fatal blow. He was too soft at that time and saved his life.

"Boss, now the Fei family wants you to go out and take on the responsibility."

"Well, I don't want to die. When it's good, I'll be nice. If I'm in trouble, I'll push it out. There's nothing so cheap. "

Allen's cell phone rings. After listening to the phone, he looks at Fei Yuchen with a complex expression.

Fei Yuchen's heart sank, and it seems that worse things have happened.

"Say it

"The Huo family has interrupted all our cooperation in o state, and even their private links have been controlled by them." Alan said it with such caution.

Fei Yuchen frowned. He was careful about those things. Huo Dongyang's ability is so big? You know all this? These are impossible!

Suddenly, Huo Yuchen thought of Fei. In front of Huo yunnuan, he used to call the partners of O continent. It seems that she wrote down the relevant content at that time.

"It's her!"

Allen does not understand, do not understand Fei Yuchen said this person is who?


"Huo yunnuan." Fei Yuchen raised his eyelids and looked at Allen. "I look down on her. I also forgot a little bit before. She is a well-known Huo family. This time Ji Haonan's accident, she is full of malice to deal with me

Alan didn't speak. As expected, the woman is cruel, and she is not recognized by her six relatives.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?"

Fei Yuchen closed his eyes, but this time he fell into Huo yunnuan's hands. His efforts for so many years are in vain.

"This time, I lost." Whether it's love or career, they lose completely.

Ellen looks at Fei Yushen anxiously. "How are you, boss?"

"You go out first. I want to be alone."

Allen nodded and left Fei Yuchen's office.

Fei Yuchen propped up his head with his hand and thought of the dilemma he would encounter next.

"Huo yunnuan, you win."

City a.

Huo yunnuan received a call from Fei Yuchen, listening to his tone also less proud of the past.

"Warm, you let me not pass these two days."

Huo yunnuan said rudely, "did you make me feel better?"

"Ji Haonan has nothing to do with me."

"Well, do you think I'll believe you? Fei Yuchen, your retribution has come. "

Fei Yuchen knew that Huo yunnuan was full of hostility and hatred towards himself.

"In your heart, Ji Haonan is so important?"

"He is my husband, who dares to hurt him will hurt me. I will not let those who hurt him feel better! "

"Warm, I'm like a queen now. In fact, it will be very hard for you and Ji Haonan to be together. "

"I like to have the best of everything." Huo yunnuan said without hesitation. "I want to tell you Ji Haonan is my man!"

Fei Yuchen laughed. "I envy you. If only I knew you before Ji Haonan. "

"There is no such if." Huo yunnuan said decisively. "Because I only love him in my life."

"Well, I lost."

Huoyun heating angrily ended the call, who said that only men can protect women, she can also protect their own men.

Fei Yuchen was defeated, and he was removed from the Fei family. After that, no one knew where he was going. This man is as if the world had evaporated.

As for Huo Dongyang, it is also Huo yunnuan's demand, which only makes the Fei family's vitality seriously damaged. This war without smoke of gunpowder ended with the success of the Huo family.

Time came to the fourth day.

Huo yunnuan sits beside Ji Haonan, holding Ji Haonan's hand.

"When are you going to wake up?" Huo yunnuan asked discontentedly. "Do you know I've been waiting hard?"

Huo yunnuan lies on the edge of the bed and asks in a low voice: "are you punishing me? Because I made you suffer. So I didn't wake up on purpose this time! Ji Haonan, you are really too much. ""I don't want to wait. One more day. If I don't wake up, I'll go to another man! "

It's time to visit. Huo yunnuan can only leave the intensive care unit. As a result, after walking for less than a few minutes, Xia yueqian came to Huo yunnuan in a hurry.

"Little warm, that..." Xia yueqian gasped for breath. He was a little worried about his age and couldn't speak clearly.

"What's the matter?" Huo yunnuan's heart is tight, "Ji Haonan?"

Xia yueqian nodded.

"He What's the matter with him? "

Wake up

Huo yunnuan heard the news and immediately ran back to the intensive care unit. As a result, I saw several doctors examining Ji Haonan.

"Ji Haonan!" Huo yunnuan rushes into the ward and looks at him in surprise.

Ji Haonan looks at Huo yunnuan with strange eyes. "Are you calling me?"

Huoyun warm a Leng, she clenched his slightly shaking hand, can't believe this is true.

"Ji Haonan, don't you know me?"

Ji Haonan looks straight at Huo yunnuan, and then his eyes fall on the ring of Huo yunnuan's ring finger. He drops his eyes.

After the doctor's examination, Ji Haonan's body function is no problem, that is, the head needs to be scanned again. Because he seems to have forgotten the past.

Transferred to the ordinary ward, Huo yunnuan has been following.

"Ji Haonan, you really don't remember me?"

Ji Haonan is silent, and then turns his head to the other side. He doesn't want to talk to Huo yunnuan.

Huo Yun was warm and angry and stood up after rubbing against the ground.

"Great amnesia!" Huo yunnuan said in a loud voice. "I was blind and worried about you for days and nights. It turns out that you are so angry

Ji Haonan looks at Huo yunnuan. She is still so angry.

"I don't remember you, so you're angry?"

"Yes Huo yunnuan nods.

Then he took off the ring and threw it to Ji Haonan. "I'll ignore you later!"

Ji Haonan takes a look at the ring, the corners of his mouth hook up, so angry, really speechless.

"You still laugh!"

"Is this a wedding ring?" Ji Haonan asked.

Huo Yun warm angry reply. "No!"

"Oh, if not, can I give it to someone else?"

Huo yunnuan's eyes widened. She exploded with anger. "Dare you! This is the ring you proposed to me. You want to give it to someone else? Ji Haonan, do you have a conscience? "

"Little warm..." Ji Haonan smiles. Then he took Huo Yun's warm hand and put the ring on again.

Huo yunnuan is totally ignorant. She seems to have heard Ji Haonan call himself just now.

Ji Haonan clenches Huo Yun's warm hand and kisses the back of her hand. "Sorry to worry you."

"You You Remember, remember me? "

Ji Haonan looks at Huo yunnuan gently. "How could I forget you! Don't you give you a chance to find another man. Now you don't have a chance. I'm the only man in my life

Huo yunnuan was made to smile bitterly by Ji Haonan, and she hit Ji Haonan with her hand.

Ji Haonan covers his heart with pain. "Pain!"

"What's the matter with you?" Huo yunnuan asked nervously.

Ji Haonan sees the opportunity and immediately pulls Huo yunnuan into his arms and kisses Huo yunnuan's lips accurately.

Huo yunnuan is stunned slightly and responds to Ji Haonan actively.

This man, let her pain cry smile, too many deep memories are with him.

This life is inseparable

A month later, I heard that Huo Dongyang took over Huo yunnuan's studio and started the daily clock in mode. As for Huo yunnuan, I heard that after Ji Haonan recovered, they went to travel around the world, and started their new life.

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