Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 927


Huo yunnuan can't believe to look at his message, her head is busy dizzy or funny. How could I send such a message to Ji Haonan!

When she wanted to withdraw, Ji Haonan came to the news again.

"I will be there on time."

Huo Yun warmed his forehead, but sweat came out of his forehead. How could she answer well?! It's hard to explain now, and it's not clear.

Holding one side of the chair, Huo yunnuan sat down helplessly, feeling depressed. Is this the legendary subconscious? She has not been waiting for Ji Haonan's news. After seeing his news, she couldn't help it!

"Huo yunnuan, you are so promising!"

Huo yunnuan can't help but cry, and this sound is just heard by Huo yunxun.

"Why not?"

Huo yunnuan suddenly raised his head and looked at Huo yunxun standing at the door of the office. A flat mouth, "brother..."

"Tell me. What's going on? "

"I did a stupid thing."

Huo yunxun laughed mercilessly. "Stupid thing? What have you done? "

Words to the mouth, Huo yunnuan forbear not to say, lest they worry and think more. Since Ji Haonan has promised to terminate the engagement, in their eyes, she and Ji Haonan have no relationship at all.

And Huo yunnuan knows that Qiao Wei doesn't like Ji Haonan, so it's not good to mention it again.

"It's OK."

"Remember to speak when you need to. Don't carry it alone. "

"No way." Huo yunnuan said with a smile.

Then he talked about other things with Huo yunxun and put Ji Haonan's affairs down.

When Huo yunxun was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked at Huo yunnuan who was walking in front of him.

Huo yunnuan pressed the elevator and found that Huo yunxun did not move. "Go, brother."

"Well." Huo yunxun went to Huo yunnuan's side.

The door of the elevator just opened and they walked into the elevator together.

At first, the elevator was very quiet. The two did not communicate, but looked at their mobile phones.

Huo yunxun, of course, replied to Gu Yaoyao, and then told a Jin about some of the company's affairs.

Huo yunnuan looks at the mobile phone, Ji Haonan seems to be unlocking the same, again sent a message.

"Warm, I'm glad you didn't pull me black."

Huo yunnuan's eyebrows wrinkled, she had done so, but every time seems to be delayed by other things. I don't know what this is, or his luck.

Huo yunnuan was angry in his heart and didn't intend to reply again. Who let him ignore himself like that. Now he sees himself opening a studio and then comes to greet him. What is this!

Huo yunnuan didn't notice how sad his expression was, but he had a lot of opinions about Ji Haonan's behavior.

"I'm sorry!"

These three words let Huo yunnuan fantasize, why suddenly appear these three words. What does he mean? Before said to break the engagement, but after that there was no news!

Now three words come out to make Huo yunnuan's expression serious.

"I was sick and I was in hospital."

Huo yunnuan had been playing a section of ruthless words, but when she saw Ji Haonan go to the hospital, she immediately became nervous. All the typefaces that have been typed before will be deleted immediately.

"How can I be hospitalized?" Huo yunnuan immediately cares.

Is it because of the traffic accident before, when he was in o Zhou, he strongly asked to be discharged from the hospital, obviously his health was not good. But it was also after he proposed to him that he wanted to break up clearly, he insisted on leaving the hospital.

Now it's all right. Here comes the question!

"Nothing." Ji Haonan simply mentioned it and was willing to say it.

Huo yunnuan frowned, "Ji Haonan, you are old, your body is your own, if you don't pay attention, no one will care about you!"

Huo yunnuan is completely angry, Ji Haonan is so conceited every time. I don't know if I'm sick! However, she couldn't help but feel a little heartache when she thought that he was ill and didn't even have a speaker.

Compared with Ji Haonan, he is much happier. Because she has family members who love her, and Ji Haonan has no one near her.

"You don't care about me?"

Huo yunnuan hum a, all arrive at this time, still this can tease. Put the mobile phone down, just raised his head on Huo yunxun that inquiry eyes.

What happened just now, Huo yunxun all saw in his eyes, and also noticed that Huo yunnuan finally showed his real expression.

And the person who made her have a vivid expression change is Ji Haonan!

Huo yunnuan was looked at by Huo yunxun, inexplicably felt guilty, and quickly staggered his own eyes.

"Why hasn't the elevator arrived yet?"

Huo yunxun a face speechless, "did not arrive?"

Huo yunnuan noticed that the elevator had arrived early, and Huo yunxun had been pressing the door opening key.embarrassed!

Huo yunnuan put his hand on his forehead and strode out of the elevator.

Huo yunxun looked at the back in a hurry and couldn't help shaking his head, silly sister!

Huo yunxun drives, Huo yunnuan sits next to him, but he is on pins and needles. Worried about what he would ask, Huo yunxun never asked.

Huo yunnuan has been exchanging ideas, whether to be active or passive.

"Take the initiative to admit that it's not the first time you've come across such a thing. Be smart!"

"Don't talk, just go quietly. Huo yunxun didn't see the content of the dialogue just now."

Huo yunnuan has been in contradiction, do not know what to do?

"Little warm!"

"What!" Huo yunnuan is highly nervous.

Huo yunxun frowned, obviously dissatisfied with her absence of mind.

"You didn't listen to what I said just now?"

"What do you say?"

"Get out of the car and buy me a cake for your sister-in-law."

Huo yunnuan turned back, and found that the car had been parked in front of a famous cake shop. She gave a few dry smiles to hide her embarrassment.


Seeing Huo Yun warm off the car, Huo yunxun can't help shaking his head. Ji Haonan's a few messages let her out of her mind, these two people really have no less Cao heart!

After Huo yunnuan has selected the cake, he is waiting to check out.

Suddenly, the cell phone rings.

Huo yunnuan sees Ji Haonan calling. What is this guy going to do? Huo yunnuan is very arrogant, so he hung up.

After settling the account, the mobile phone rings again. Or Ji Haonan, Huo yunnuan hesitated for a few seconds, but finally hung up.

This time was hung up and called immediately. Huo yunnuan looked at the familiar number and hesitated to turn left or right. Think of Ji Haonan said before going to the hospital, there won't be anything?

Huo yunnuan took it this time. "Ji Haonan, what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Huo, this is Jess."

Huo yunnuan's heart sank, "Jess? How can you use Ji Haonan's phone. "

"Miss Huo, Ji Shao he..." Jess's words did not finish, Huo yunnuan heard Ji Haonan's voice, "who asked you to call her!"

Huo yunnuan also wanted to say something. Jess called out anxiously, "Ji Shao!"

Then the phone hung up.

Huo Yun warm a Leng, eyes flustered up, Ji Haonan in the end what happened?!

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