Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 925

City B, Jijia.

In the past two days, the atmosphere at home and in the company is low pressure.

"Ji Shao, this is the work arrangement for tomorrow."

Ji Haonan took a look and nodded his head without saying more.

Jess stood aside, some words came to his lips, but he didn't know how to say them.

"Say what you have to say." Ji doesn't want to be disturbed.

"Yesterday, Miss Huo went to Xia yueqian's hospital."

Ji Haonan heard this, the mood changed, immediately asked: "what's wrong with her?"

"I don't know. I just know that Miss Huo has been in the hospital for nearly a day and left."

Ji Haonan's brows are locked. Huo Yun's warm body is always very good. How could he stay in the hospital for a day? Is it the sequela of the last car accident?

Last time, he suspected that the doctor had not done a serious examination. She hit her head, which was a big or small thing. As a result, they said it was OK.

Ji Haonan didn't think much about it. He picked up the phone and called Xia yueqian directly.

"I'm Ji Haonan." The phone calls, Ji Haonan volunteered his name.

Xia yueqian seems to be not so surprised by this call. What can I do for you

"What's wrong with cloud warming?"

"In what capacity did Ji Shao inquire about this?"

Ji Haonan is speechless for a moment. Now he has no relationship with Huo yunnuan. If he makes this call rashly, I'm afraid they will make fun of him. But when he thought about Huo Yun's warm situation, he couldn't care so much.

"What happened to her? Is it the sequela of the last car accident

Xia yueqian there pause for a few seconds, "it is so serious."

"What!" Ji Haonan worried, "does she have a headache?"

"When I came here anyway, it was very bad." Xia yueqian replied.

Ji Haonan can't help worrying. She is not around her. How does she take care of herself? How does the Huo family take care of her! Even to go to the hospital is her alone, think about how vulnerable people are when they are sick.

Want to also feel Huo Yun warm a how poor. Huo's father and son are the standard beloved wife. In their eyes, their wives are more important than the daughter and sister.

So Huo yunnuan now if a person is really sick, but there is no one to take care of.

"Has it been examined in detail?"

"She won't. She'll sleep with me for a day and go back."

Ji Haonan's face sank, "she's still so conceited. Every time, she's holding on. What on earth is this stubborn! "

"Jishao, since we broke up, xiaonuan doesn't need you to worry. We will all take care of her

Ji Haonan was stabbed with pain. They must be gloating now. It took him a long time to decide who could make such a decision.

"I'll be with yunnuan."

"It's late in the season. I'm going to bed." Xia yueqian said in a telephone self mockery: "this person is old must serve old."

Ji Haonan heard the beep, and then he knew that Xia yueqian had hung up the phone.

Ji Haonan holds his mobile phone and looks at Jess. "Let people keep a close eye on the Huo family. If there is news of cloud warming, report it immediately."

Jess nodded and was comforted. He knew Ji Haonan would not give up easily, or to break the engagement was for a new start.

"Not yet?"

"Yes Jess's spirit is coming. He's going to be busy.

Ji Haonan looked at Huo yunnuan's photo, and his eyes were full of love, "just say you won't take care of yourself. Now I'm well. I'm sick and I don't have any personal care. I feel sorry for you

Although this is to say Huo yunnuan, but this is also to himself. Now the season left him, such a large house on his own, but also lonely empty cold.

City a.

After Xia yueqian finished the conversation with Ji Haonan, a phone call immediately called Huo yunxun, and then said everything.

Then he added his own opinion, "I think Ji Haonan has feelings for xiaonuan, and I think xiaonuan is also for him. Don't force them to make choices all the time! Everyone's way of treating love is different. They are two wonderful flowers. They like to be noisy, open and close. But if we really want them to separate completely, they don't want to. "

Huo yunxun's face was expressionless, and the result was expected. What he wants is such an effect, otherwise it is to grind haw and never have a head.

"Xiaoxun, tell your parents to accept Ji Haonan! He's not bad! When Xiao Nuan goes to their home, he doesn't have any worries. He won't have a relationship with his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which saves a lot of trouble. "

"Thank you today, brother-in-law. I know what happened."

Huo yunxun did not say much, finished the call.

Gu Yaoyao is holding her baby to one side, and she also hears some things about Xia yueqian."Ahun, what are you going to do?"

When Huo yunxun and Gu Yaoyao were facing each other, their eyes were tender.

"I'm not a party. He still needs to solve these problems by himself."

Gu Yaoyao knows that Huo yunxun cares about his sister, but he still doesn't understand why he asks Ji Haonan like that.

"Yao Yao, don't worry. Now it's a good start. "

Gu Yaoyao frowned and asked no more questions. Men's mind, she really does not understand.

In the next few days, Huo yunnuan went out every day and came back late every day. He was very happy all day.

But in the dead of night, Huo yunnuan is alone. She looked at the mobile phone in silence, Ji Haonan really quit his world, there is no news these days.

Huo yunnuan looks at Ji Haonan's wechat head in silence, and seems to be angry.

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Huo yunnuan said to himself, "I'll wait another two days. If you don't have any news, then I'll make all your contact information black."

Huo yunnuan put the mobile phone aside, then turned on the computer and found a very popular palace drama.

This time I saw three or four o'clock in the morning, Huo yunnuan still didn't feel sleepy. She was lying in bed, her eyes fixed on the snow-white ceiling.

Can't sleep!

Huo yunnuan turned over and forced himself to sleep. Even after counting a thousand sheep, he still couldn't sleep. Toss and turn to seven in the morning, Huo yunnuan just a little sleepy, this just closed his eyes.

Qiao Wei wanted to wake her up, but seeing that she was still asleep, he went out of the room.

"Not up?" Huo Dongyang asked.

Joe shook his head slightly. "I just thought she was sleeping."

Qiao Wei is worried about going on, Huo yunnuan will be ill. During the day, it seems that there is nothing wrong, laughing. But in the evening, she must have thought otherwise.

Huo Dongyang eyes light a sink, can't continue to let Huo Yun warm so on.

Huo yunnuan woke up at one o'clock in the afternoon. She touched her mobile phone and took a look at it. Then she slowly got up.

Just ready to get out of bed, Huo Dongyang knocked on the door.

"Little warm, are you up?"

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