Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 178: His punishment still stands

Chapter 178: His punishment still stands

"Can I at least wear my clothes first?" Wei Jiayi said helplessly. 

He felt... so used because now that she was done, he was already being pushed away. Like a side dish still on her plate that was immediately forgotten after the main course arrived. 

"Hmm. Do it quickly ." She said waving her hand, then laying back down, covering herself with the blanket. Just a little rest was enough for her, as he probably forgot that she was not like him who had unlimited stamina.  

Shaking his head unhappily, mumbling under his breath while getting clean robes from his storage ring, "not even a good luck kiss..." Whispered under his breath. "I am going out now!" He then shouted to get her attention. 

Gao Lan Mei suppressed her giggle with his antics and did not anymore, so she just raised her hand while eyes still closed to give a wave of goodbye.

As soon as she felt Wei Jiayi left the room, she immediately opened her eyes, sitting up, raised her arms to stretch, like a cat just woke up. 

Though tired, she really felt a lot stronger than before. No need to check their compatibility as dual cultivation with him was already a done deal. It was even starting to show results in less than a day. 

She still wondered where her rationality went, for her to agree on their current set up. There was no medicine for regret so she should just take advantage and Wei Jiayi was offering. 

Not that he could offer to cultivate after the sunset later. His punishment still stood, regardless of how enticing he was. 

Her father had also told her to be on good terms with Wei Jiayi, so this was fine right? No fighting, no insults, just bullying. 

It would be really fun, to make his life hard later. 

A man's attention is like a fleeing dandelion seed. It will eventually be carried by the wind to be planted elsewhere. 

Gao Lan Mei pressed her heart, not like the ache it felt by just imagining Wei Jiayi being with another person. 

If that happened, she will forget their bet, and just go somewhere else, where she wouldn't have anything that will remind her about him. 

Erasing her memory also sounded appealing if that happened. 

She just focused on the benefits of their current agreement. He was filthy rich and the herbs that he could provide might be a lot too, even the enchanted ones. 

He was also her business partner now so it was going to really give her a lot of benefits if they got married. 

The more she thought about it, the more it sounded appealing, as she could use the Wei Palace connections. 

She will just think about it later, now she felt the sweat and aches all over her body. 

First her clothes, she needed to find them, but before she was able to do so, she was distracted by a neatly folded cloth at the edge of the bed. 

Pulling it up she found that it was a dress, 'He wants me to wear this?' The long red dress was layered with white ribbons, and its end was embroidered with flowers.

The dress looked like her usual wear from her previous life. Also just like the dress she was wearing when she was inside the Eye of Meng. 

She wanted to try it because it looked comfortable, but she was not sure if it was fine. He never told her about it. What if it was owned by someone else?

Folding the dress neatly, she then placed it to where she had originally found it and proceeded to look for her own clothes. She found them, laying neatly on top of a chair. 

She was supposed to pick them up but her attention was taken aback, because of her reflection in the mirror. 

"Wei Jiayi!" She seethed, gritting her teeth with annoyance. What was with the dragon saliva healing? If that was really the case, why were there marks on her skin instead? Hickies marks!


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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