Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 171: Enticing

Chapter 171: Enticing

(Warning: Explicit and offending content ahead)

How could Gao Lan Mei not understand what Wei Jiayi was trying to say?

Double repair. Dual cultivation. That's what he meant. Probably. She just needed to ask to really find out. If she will not look stupid asking this, she would have already asked.

Gao Lan Mei was not used of not being the one in control, so she was having a hard time getting used of Wei Jiayi dominance, though she had learned that she did not mind it.

He was offering double repair to help all the scars disappear. Was he that much disgusted with them?

Instead of answering, she silently raised her eyes sideways, lifting her head, trying to glance at her wrists that were still being held down.

Also to avoid Wei Jiayi's smouldering gaze that made her unconsciously stop thinking like her brain had just become dead.

Wei Jiayi slightly winced. There goes his chance. Her being forced down was reminding him that there was no way she would agree, especially after watching his predatory side, that also craved to own her.

She was the reason of his state, she had that power over him. It didn't really matter how she looked.

How many people have eyes like this? There was a race of them.  It was his predatory side guiding him consciously to find her because it wanted its other half.

He had almost lost it earlier, if not for his other side being distracted by the scars, bringing him back to his rational mortal side.

Though he could still feel his savage side trying to surface from time to time, with the way his eyes interchanged from normal to slits of silver and yellow, he was more in control of himself now.

Slowly loosening up his grip, but not completely freeing. He lifted both her hands to his face and peppered both wrists with small kisses.

He will definitely understand if she decided to poke him in the eye or scratch his face just to get even.

Feeling a little delighted when he saw the conflicting emotions on Gao Lan Mei's face, his other hand continued to caress her skin lingering on the area that made her squirm. Ticklish?

With the male mask gone, he found her honestly reflecting her current thoughts.

"What are you?" She asked out of the blue, looking at him curiously.

'Wife, it's not the right time to chat... Really...' His thoughts at that moment. Wei Jiayi was tortuously leaning on top, his chest touching her own with bare chest, while he could smell her arousal.

Despite this, he will not make the same mistake as he had pushed her down earlier without consent. 

Wei Jiayi cleared his throat before answering, "Dragon..." He uttered softly with a frown.

Trying to sound more confident may not really help him win her over. It might even scare her more.

She blinked, "I see." She responded dryly. That explained the predatory atmosphere, eyes changing and all that growling.

Then added softly, "You... Ahm... The-" supposed to clarify if he really meant it when he said that he will remove all the scars, but she was not sure, how to continue before was cut off by Wei Jiayi.

Thinking the worst, "I am back now. See, normal." Pointing at his black eyes. "Don't be afraid..." He said sounding desperate.

Shaking her head, she said, "It's enticing-" then halted, eyes going wide looking at him with regret. She bit her lower lip as she was not supposed to say that 'Oh crap'.

He smiled mischievously, then allowed his dragon's side to show up again through his eyes,  groaning because of the smell of her arousal was getting heavier through the air. It was almost driving him crazy.

Give it to his beast side, allowing him to have a strong sense of smell.

Breathing heavily, reigning himself to not act rashly. He knew that she liked little soft beasts like Kai Kai in its pup hound form. That was also the reason why Feng Ji kept her sparrow form.

It made him envy the hound for the attention he always got from her. He could never think that a scaled beast like him, will also get her attention.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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