Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 155: Leeway

Chapter 155: Leeway

Gao Lan Mei was supposed to protest or simply jump off Kai Kai due to her annoyance. Before she had enough time to decide, Wei Jiayi was already following and riding the hound as well behind her.

She was now seated between his legs, her back against his chest, being caged by both of his arms that were holding Kai Kai's rein. So close that she could feel every movement that he made. 

"Wei Jiayi, what are you doing?" She hissed under her breath, discreetly scornful, glaring at the man despite their closeness. 

She was having such a hard time being threatening enough as her heart was beating so fast like it would jump out of her chest, add that to the fact, they were so close that if she faced him fully, it would be  very easy for him to lean down and give her a kiss in public.

'How do you calm down again? Right, imagine him with the head of a fish,' the idea made her laugh softly.  

"What's funny?" He asked, his face moved closer, her head turned enough so he was facing the back of her head. Being in a male disguise her hair was pulled up in a bun, and her neck was exposed to him. 

She shivered when she felt his breath whispering on her neck, goosebumps appearing on her whole body. Using her free hand, she pushed back his face, "Wei Jiayi are you not ashamed? Two males were so close! What will the others --you are not even listening are you?" She asked accusingly, trying to ignore their closeness.

Having enough, she poked him in the stomach intending to really hurt. Since unprepared the hit made him groan a little from the slight pain. "I am listening!" he exclaimed, finding her seriously pissed off. 

Her elbow tried to hit again, but the impact was not strong enough as he moved a little backward to lessen the blow, "Tsk. Let me hit you one more time!" she said indignantly holding a part of the rein to steady herself. 

Kai Kai had already started moving to the exit, so she did not want to move suddenly, that might cause her to fall. Who knew if he decided to suddenly push her off the hound just for the fun of it. 

She could see the guards watching them with caution.  Then wondered how these still sane servants would react if they learned what had happened to those in Li Huan's courtyard. 

Grumbling under his breath, "No more hitting... It's easier to go riding than walking, right? No need to hurt your husband..." Wei Jiayi said sulking, then he whispered, "I only have until tomorrow sunset, can you allow me some leeway?" He asked sounding pitiful. 

Gao Lan Mei did not feel bad for hurting Wei Jaiyi but she would not apologize for it either. His temper tantrums were really getting on her nerves. She also knew that he was just pretending, with his high cultivation degree, a hit or two would not damage much. 

Wei Jiayi asked again, "I will take you somewhere good if you allow me the leeway." he offered, hoping that she would agree.  

Continuing with assurance, "Do not worry I will not pass the boundary to the marriage bed." He said cheekily on a singsong way like it was the best idea ever. 

"Sure. Since I will make sure you won't be able to use 'it' ever again, in case you pass that limit." Gao Lan Mei responded in the same way too just to mock him. 

Laughing nervously, Wei Jiayi could only agree. 'Wife, be careful of what you hit, you might jeopardize our future happiness and children.' His thoughts, smiling bitterly but did not say anything that may change her mind.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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