Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 138: Barrier

Chapter 138: Barrier

All the experts moved to guard all entrances of the second prince manor, forgetting the proper courtesy to ask the owner's permission. They did not even question Wei Jiayi's command.

The experts in position, were probably all feeling guilty for slacking off, they formed an arrangement to properly set a large barrier for the whole place, of which Wei Jiayi approved. The blue glass-like barrier was set to block all possible entrances and exits to the manor. 

This type of barrier reached further underground so there was really no chance of escape except flying over it. Adding that up to the original protection barrier in the Second Prince manor, Wei Jiayi smirked. Gao Lan Mei from her previous life had never needed to worry about barriers.

He knew that she had been trapped for so long and that she was only used for other beings or creatures to do her bidding since she could not get out of her confinement. Like collecting treasures, herbs as well as images of the things that she couldn't see personally through the eyes of her pawns.

Which also meant, she will have a hard time incorporating all she learned through books or just by watching. one example was breaking barriers.

She may know what to do, but had never tried it or may apply it incorrectly. There was still a high chance for her to learn to do so if given time, that he was not willing to give. All of the things she wanted to know moving forward, he was very much willing to teach her, she just needed to stop running first.

This running may be fun due to his nature of enjoying to chase prey but also held a great disadvantage at his part, especially since he was chasing his wife. He knew somehow, deep down that it was a good way to woo a normal woman. Good thing his wife couldn't be considered normal.

Releasing a deep breath, 'We badly need to talk. Very soon.' he thought.

The second prince watched while everything was being set up in a place by Wei Jiayi. What could Chen Yun Ming do to experts that were under the Wei Prince command? He could just let Prince Wei do what he wanted while gritting his teeth, ignoring the commotion it was creating inside and outside his manor.

'Must Wei Jiayi act this way just because of a merchant?' Chen Yun Ming suspicion raised regarding Prince Wei current actions. He silently instructed the guards to follow all visitors and report for important findings.

While this was all happening, Gao Shen had better things to do like, attacking Yin Bai and Yin Fu. He did not care about anything else. The short time he had spent after arriving in the Mortal domain he had learned a lot of things concerning his family.

He was initially happy that Gao Lan Mei, though not yet able to cultivate, she was so good with hand to hand combat when he saw her again after years of him staying in the Immortal Domain.

His brother may have found a good teacher for her. When he asked, Gao Qi was not sure how to answer that.

He had learned that, from the time Gao Lan Mei woke up from her accident, she had changed a lot. Possibly her hidden talent or she found a martial inheritance. Whatever reason as long as she was alive and the changes were for the better that their family will not complain

She also kept a special beast with her, that even Wang Li was interested to have, but to learn that it was not always the case made him so upset, wanting to take revenge from everyone involved in her accident.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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