Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 121: Their Mistress

Chapter 121: Their Mistress

"Unbelievable!" he blurted out, disbelief could clearly be heard from his voice. It's red large gates that were high and heavy, were blown away with a punch. This manor was already able to survive the game of fire from the other expert that is still unknown, now, it was damaged again.

"See. That's what you call 'no accident'." Gao Shen told them knowingly. Fa Li gave him a thumbs up, he beamed at. 

"Hahaha!" Lou Ren and others laughed, "You made your point brat, now be good," he said playfully, coming closer to Gao Shen, to grab him by the shoulder to place him at the back of the group. It was easily done despite him being shorter. "Fa Li! Don't encourage your junior!", he then told Fa Li who only laughed. 

"You're just like Wang Li, so uptight!" Fa Li said casually after laughing, earning a glare from Lou Ren, so he also moved to the back where Gao Shen was shoved to be with the others. 

Gao Shen could only comply grumpily from the back. In truth, he was imagining the second prince's face when he punched the gates. Sadly, he also could not make too much trouble for his brother who was enduring the incident pretty well. 

It did not mean that he would not make this prince's life miserable with 'accidents'. For all that this prince had caused to his niece, this was just a beginning.

Regardless of how petty and childish his antics were, he would not allow anyone to leave comfortably after hurting his family. They were the main reason why he strived to be stronger.

Yes, the weak follow the strong, but the strong is also responsible to protect the weak.

"Your Highness, I can just pay for the damage. Our Junior Gao sometimes has issues." Lou Ren said. like it was normal for Gao Shen to do this, but he was their responsibility now.

Chen Yun Ming could not accept Lou Ren's offer. As much as he wanted the experts to beat up Gao Shen, that might not happen the way the other experts surrounded him like they were close. 

Declining politely, "Do not worry Expert Lou, it's just a gate. It can always be fixed anytime." Chen Yun Ming was somehow able to disguise his annoyance, but in truth, if he could make Gao Shen suffer, he would do so, immediately. 

For Lou Ren, he was not sure why a playful kid like Gao Shen would treat the prince with hostility, though he was trying to hide it well. Fa Li's, not intervening also made him concerned. The restriction was there for a reason. On top of that rules were set, of which the very first one is 'Do not initiate an attack to mortals.' 

Given that Gao Shen did not hurt anyone personally, but destroying property was considered initiating an attack. Probably because of their mistress who was his niece? 

The information that they had about Gao Lan Mei was limited. While his subordinates were gathering news, they had some time to play. Surely their master would not mind, right? They would make sure to find her after this.

All of them who were summoned to the Wei Palace also wanted to understand first, why their master had chosen her to be his wife. 

After all these years and all the women who had chased their master, why did he choose Gao Lan Mei? So far what they learned was that she was a waste and had an eccentric personality for insisting to be a concubine, to the second prince.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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