Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 112: Patriarch

Chapter 112: Patriarch

It would not take long before most of her spiritual channels were open, but she needed external factors to do that, just like in her previous life.

Cultivation treasures could help or assistance from someone who could forcefully open her spiritual channels. Preferably someone with high cultivation level. Double repair would also work.

'Nah.Nah.' Gao Lan Mei shook her head, refusing to remember her future husband. He was strong enough but asking for his help with his dangerous face was not good for her heart.

If not for the subordinates of her past life's father, she would continue to be a waste, wouldn't be able to spiritually leave that place and would not have a chance to experience mortal life.

Granted, the life that she had so far was not that smooth or fruitful but she would make sure to change that eventually.

Paying attention to the old man in front of her that was sitting across the table, she considered her next step to be stronger. This old man had access to somewhere she could greatly improve.

He was wearing an all-black robe, enjoying wine. The old man's face looked kind of like he was a good Samaritan who would kindly help anyone.

Who would have thought that the same old man was the patriarch of an assassin clan? With his face that looked as old as her mortal father, but in reality, he was hundreds of years old, just like the devil she knew.

Feeling Gao Lan Mei's stare despite her still, continuing to eat, he remembered, 'The plum leaves are dyed with blood' Yin Fu could only wonder how this fellow who ate like there was no tomorrow, learned that phrase. That was included on the message that he got from his grandchild.

He did not remember anyone who would be stupid enough to blurt that out in his face since most are already dead. It was the exact reason why the Liqi clan that he had established lived to kill.

If he were given a chance to change that, he would definitely do so. However, since it's already been years like this for their clan, it's already too late to change now.

As the Liqi clan patriarch, Yin Fu was very much aware of where everything started. From the time, seven clan men were commissioned to assassinate a mortal father and daughter to the part wherein they lost. Three of the clan's men were imprisoned, one lost a hand and was still poisoned just like the rest.

He looked at his grand-child, Yin Bai, who was sitting next to him. The handsome face did not show any indication of there being something wrong but he was more than aware that Yin Bai was now poisoned by fast-acting Slow Lily.

What a contradictory name, fast-acting for a Slow Lily! A vicious and torturous poison that was supposed to be slow but now it did not deserve the name anymore.

There was also a snake pawn inside Yin Bai that could kill his grandson anytime this woman wished. A woman who was now disguised as a young man. Even the voice and presence screamed a handsome young man.

Earlier when she arrived at the Li Smith Shop and asked for food to eat, the clans-man who stood as a shopkeeper was dumbfounded and wanted to throw her out until the black small snake introduced her.

Then Yin Bai respectfully talked to her, without any surprise that she was acting like a man.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from . If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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