Beneath the Dragoneye Moons

Chapter 437: Discussion Time

Chapter 437: Discussion Time

“Hey, instead of the inn, why don’t we do this in a bath?” I suggested.

“BRRRRRPT!” Auri loudly protested at all this ‘water’ stuff being proposed.

“I’m sure they’ll let you burn things as much as you’d like.” I reassured her. “Why don’t you try to see how much water you can turn into steam?”

“Brrrpt…” Auri knew exactly what I was doing, and was less than amused… but she also kinda wanted to see if she could drain the baths.

The entire Eventide Eclipse made their way over to one of the bathhouses, stripped, and settled in.

Bathhouses had several different segments, and I was never terribly interested in the cold water portions, even though using them was part of the ‘correct’ way of doing things. On the other hand, Fenrir, in his shrunken form, found the coldest one they had, and contentedly sank to the bottom.

“Doesn’t he need to, I dunno, breathe?” I asked Iona.

She looked down at her companion.

“Yes… but not that often, I guess. I’m resistant to the cold, but I’m not that insane. A warm tub?” She proposed, and we quickly found ourselves in the hot baths, great gouts of steam giving us something vaguely resembling privacy.

I mostly turned off [The World Around Me], because yikes, there was a need for the steam and some knowledge was utterly cursed. Baths were, fundamentally, where people went to get clean.

I cuddled up on Iona’s lap as Auri tried to figure out the best way to boil water off. As powerful as she was, flames inside the water didn’t work well, flames above it, in the steam, didn’t radiate well, she couldn’t conjure flames in the walls… it was actually an interesting puzzle that Auri was getting more and more into as we chatted.

“Thoughts?” I asked Iona, leaning into her. She was just the right mix of soft and hard, making me all tingly.

She slowly massaged my thigh as she answered.

“I’m… not thrilled.” She answered. I tilted my head back to get a better look.

Goddesses, her eyes were like emeralds. Dazzling emeralds, sprinkled with stars.

“Tell me more.” I said.

“The Shadows.” Iona was being careful not to mention Shadow Sentinels out loud. Arachne had mentioned at one point that they weren’t publicly acknowledged, might as well not be openly talking about a job offer from them, no matter how quiet we thought we were.

These were public baths.

“I don’t like the idea of working with assassins. It’s dishonorable in a way I’m struggling to come to terms with.” Iona said.

“Right. Just so we’re clear and communicating well, before we dive into that aspect, is there any other portion of the offer that you’re struggling with?”

Iona didn’t say anything for a while, simply continuing to think.

“This is stupid, but it bothers me that it’s you, and not me.” She finally said. “I know you want me to be part of your team, but it’s bothering me that you’re the one getting the offer, not me. I know, I know, it’s dumb, but we can’t always control how we feel.”

I patted her leg.

“Well! There’s nothing stopping you from applying the normal way to become a Sentinel, although I doubt you want to swear to anyone else, or be ordered what to do by relative strangers?”

Iona shook her head.

“Oh no, I told you, it’s dumb. I don’t want to be a Sentinel, it’s all wrong for me. I’m a Valkyrie. It’s just… frustrating that you got the offer on some level.”

I gave her a quick kiss.

“I get that. I really do. I’m sure I can find a way to… work out that frustration?” I wiggled in her lap, letting her know exactly how I planned to do that.

She gave me a deep, throaty growl, and I waggled my eyebrows at her.

“Onto the serious part.” I enjoyed her face falling maybe a little too much.

[*ding!* [The Very Hungry Bookwyrm] leveled up! 117 -> 118. +80 Dexterity, +80 Vitality, +80 Speed, +240 Magic Power, +240 Magic Control, +240 Mana, +240 Mana Regeneration per level from your Class! +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality, +1 Magic Power, +1 Magic Control, +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration per level for being Chimera (Elvenoid)! +1 Mana, +1 Magic Power per level from your Element!]

I split my mind in half to think about the level up notification while continuing to talk with Iona.

I’d just leveled up [The Very Hungry Bookwyrm]? What? I was talking with Iona in a bath, not reading. I shouldn’t be getting any experience - ah.

My eyes drifted over to Auri, who was looking very pleased with herself. I didn’t see any obvious flames, but I bet she’d figured out a good way to ‘burn’ the water.

And we were now equal levels. I was getting half of her experience, and what a level 514 phoenix could do worked on a scale to easily help pull up my weakest class.

All those years of stunted experience was now starting to pay off! Not that it was about that - I’d take stunted experience for the rest of my life if it meant Auri was in it.

While one mental thread was working that out, the other had been continuing the conversation with Iona.

“Let’s talk about the assassin thing.” I felt like an idiot, and switched my language to English. We could have a private conversation if nobody spoke the same tongue! “We’re not going to be directly working with them, nor are we going to be the ones murdering people in their sleep or slipping poison into cups, yeah?”

Iona nodded. “Agreed. Even in my less than generous interpretations, we wouldn’t be assassins. We might end up helping them out though, be fair.”

I rolled that idea over in my mind.

“Yeah, you’re right. I was on a mission with Night once, the big Formorian war. At the same time, Shadows want to be quiet and sneaky.” I said.

I wanted to stare at Fenrir to make a point, but he was likely terrorizing people in another bath. Instead I lifted a single eyebrow at Iona, staring at her eyes to make my point.

The Eventide Eclipse was not quiet or sneaky at all.

“Alright. But we’re still actively working in the same group as assassins.” Iona pointed out.

“Sure, but they’re still there if we’re there or not, right? Our existence isn’t changing how many Shadows the Sentinels have, or their decision to be deployed.”

“Riiiiiiight.” Iona slowly said, drawing out the word.

“But if we’re in the Sentinels, we give them more options. They might find the option to deploy us instead of a Shadow, and we fight and act honorably.”

Iona frowned, her fingers starting to tap impatiently against my side. It was almost ticklish. I decided to go for the obvious, logical argument. Clearly that would work in this tricky emotional situation!

“It’s not like living in proximity or indirect support is an issue. The Valkyries paid taxes and supported the nobility of Rolland, and there’s no way they’re not assassinating people. Heck, if I remember correctly, they don’t even need to be particularly subtle about it if they’re not other nobles!”

“Brrrrpt.” I heard Auri’s dismayed trill, followed by the sound of her wing slapping over her eyes. Iona flicked my nose.

“Just no.” She said. “Looping back to you for a minute, wouldn’t you becoming a War Sentinel violate your [Oath]? If they’re sending you with a Legion to fight other people, aren’t you sworn to heal everyone?”

I nodded.

“Yes, but it’s complicated to say the least. First, I have very few illusions that they’ll be sending people around just because I exist. A single healer at my level, at my power, is rare. Combine a few healers that have seen battle, and I don’t doubt they could replicate me well enough. In that respect, I don’t think I’m going to trigger anything. As ugly as it is, battles are one of the more predictable places where I can do good, where I can save hundreds, if not thousands of lives. I’m alright working in the slums, but I see maybe a dozen patients on a good day. If they all came in at once I’d be done before I entered the door! I’ve seen the casualty tents, I’ve been on the frontlines. I know what good I can do, the lives I can save.”

I stared at Iona, having enough social graces not to bring up the Valkyrie’s Doom. She’d mentioned one time too many what a difference a healer would’ve made.

“As for healing both sides, yes. On one level I do. On the other, I know they’re trying to kill me, and if I’m working at full power trying to save my side, I don’t need to help the people actively battling. When the fight is over and the aftermath comes around? That’s when I can step in. That’s where I can insist we drag everyone off the field, no matter the affiliation. That’s where I can lay hands on every man, woman, and child who’s still alive, and bring them back from the brink. Frankly, from what I’ve seen, when push comes to shove there’s more time spent cleaning up the aftermath than there is actually fighting! As a War Sentinel, I imagine I have some say in how the Legion operates, and I can insist on mercy. I can insist we try to save people. I’m not strong enough to force changes or policy as I am. I’m offered a position where I can help people. We were talking about visiting the Han Empire after graduation. Frankly, what’s the difference between me working with a Legion, and us being in the Han together, trying to shield the innocent and the meek from the ravages of their civil war? I struggle to see the difference.”

I had an Idea.

“We could even ask Arachne for support going to the Han Empire once we’re settled in. Get some practice with the full resources of the Sentinels behind us. Don’t think you’d even need to swear or anything. Everything I hear though sounds like they’re going to enable us to do exactly what we want to do in the first place!”

More inspiration struck. I was on a roll.

“Well-” Iona started to say before I cut her off in my excitement. Really, we both tried to speak at the same time.

“Actually, better idea. I love you, you know that. Why don’t you and Arachne get a cozy corner somewhere, and negotiate like you’re channeling your inner devils. You can make all the demands and concessions you’d like, I’ll sign off on them, then we’re both happy? It sounds like they want me quite badly. Sorry, I cut you off, what were you going to say?”

Iona laughed and squeezed me lovingly.

“I was about to suggest the same thing! Alright, look. I can tell you’re passionate about this. It’s the closest thing to your old home that you can see, and believe me, I get it. I get the desire to be welcomed and accepted back in. Goddesses, what I wouldn’t give for the Valkyries…” Iona trailed off and shook her head.

“Never mind that, this is about you. What I’m trying to say is, I understand. Right now, I don’t like it, but I promise, I’ll think about it. Mull it over. Pray for guidance. Then I promise, we’ll tackle this problem together.”

I gave Iona a big squeeze.

“That’s all I’m asking! I’d be lying if I said no pressure, because, yeah, there is some pressure, but if you asked me to walk away from it all, as long as it’s with you, I’d be happy to.”

I -

[*ding!* [The Very Hungry Bookwyrm] leveled up! 118 -> 119. +80 Dexterity, +80 Vitality, +80 Speed, +240 Magic Power, +240 Magic Control, +240 Mana, +240 Mana Regeneration per level from your Class! +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Speed, +1 Vitality, +1 Magic Power, +1 Magic Control, +1 Mana, +1 Mana Regeneration per level for being Chimera (Elvenoid)! +1 Mana, +1 Magic Power per level from your Element!]

Wow. At this rate I could just sit on a beach and sip on fruity drinks, and Auri would cap me out in no time!

Dammit that managed to completely distract me. What was I thinking about??

“Hang on, just lost my thread of thought.”

Iona laughed and picked me up, standing up out of the baths.

“I think we’re good, don’t you?” She asked, princess carrying me as she waded through the water.

My train of thought was utterly obliterated.

“Buh. Yes? I guess. Auri, we’re heading out, want to come?”


We got dressed and headed back to the inn, where a riled-up Iona had some taming to do.

Three hours later, I went back to working on enchanting Iona’s arrows. Regardless of the Sentinel job or not, we still wanted to evict the wyrm, and get a patch of land for ourselves. The Sentinel thing would be nice, but it didn’t do anything about us getting land like this.

Well, it might. But there was something about earning it ourselves that was clearly appealing to Iona, that resonated as being right with me.

That, and the size of the potential real estate. A little house in the city would be expensive and cramped, with no room and not enough sunlight to grow the most blessed and holy mangos. Priorities!

Every arrow I enchanted but wasn’t used would still be good for the future, for whatever other conflicts we found ourselves in. We didn't chat a ton. I enchanted, while Iona moved through her forms, probably doing some thinking of her own.

This was also a good time to chat with Auri about her third class options.

“Hey Auri?”


“What are you thinking for your third class?”


I blinked in surprise, touched.

“Are you sure? You could be waiting a long time.”

Auri furiously nodded, her beak going up and down so fast her eyes started to roll in her head.

“Brrrpt, brrrpt!” She explained.

Well, I had waited a long time to start my third class selection, I couldn’t blame Auri for pausing for a bit to wait and see. To try and gain some cool accomplishment or feat that would grant a turbo-charged third class.

I extra couldn’t blame her when she was looking up to my example and how I’d done it.

End of the evening, we were getting ready for bed.

“Iona?” I asked.

“Enchantosaurus?” She echoed back.

“Can you wrap me up like a burrito?”

Iona laughed, picked me up, and wrapped me up in the blanket, twisting it so I was nice and cozy.

“Mmmmm. Love you.” I said as I wriggled myself over to her, putting my head on her very soft chest. She wrapped an arm around me.

“Love you too.”

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