Becoming The Real Rich Daughter After Divorce

Chapter 119 - Subordinates’ Wives Tried to Persuade Her

Chapter 119: Subordinates’ Wives Tried to Persuade Her

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

“Cousin, what are you looking at?” Zhou Sisi asked while sitting down beside Tong Xuan.

Tong Xuan pointed to the racecourse in the distance and asked, “Do you think the woman over there looks like Qiao Jinniang?”

Zhou Sisi looked over and shouted excitedly, “Brother! Brother Royal Highness!”

Tong Xuan certainly knew that her retarded sister was calling the Crown Prince, but now she knew why the official of the stable was so respectful to Qiao Jinniang just now.

She didn’t know if Qiao Jinniang knew her. She probably didn’t know her.

“Cousin, let’s go find Brother Royal Highness!” Zhou Sisi tugged at Tong Xuan’s arm excitedly.

How dare Tong Xuan do that? She even wished that she would never appear in front of Qiao Jinniang again.

Although Qiao Jinniang felt that Lu Chen’s horse was not as handsome as the white horse, it was not ugly compared to other horses, so she got on the horse with Lu Chen’s help.

Lu Chen said to Qiao Jinniang, “Look straight ahead. Don’t look at the horse. I’ll lead you to run a lap slowly first.”

The official on the side came up and said, “Your Royal Highness, allow me to lead the horse for County Mistress.”

“How can His Royal Highness lead a horse for a woman?

Lu Chen glanced at the official sullenly. No wonder he was only a horse official at such an old age. He really had no sense. “No need, you can all leave.”

Seeing that the horse began to trot, Qiao Jinniang clenched the reins in fright. “Lu Chen, don’t be so fast. Slow down.”

Lu Chen was walking as slowly as possible while holding the reins, Hearing this, he raised his head and said to Qiao Jinniang, “Don’t panic. Xiaohong is very gentle. Although you said it’s ugly, it will never throw you off its back.”

“Your horse’s name is Xiaohong?” Qiao Jinniang smiled and said, “Why is such a tall and mighty horse called Xiaohong?”

Lu Chen said, “Xier gave it this name. Don’t laugh. Sit tight.”

Qiao Jinniang nodded and rode slowly for two laps.

Lu Chen let go of the pulling rope and let Qiao Jinniang slowly control the horse by herself.

Qiao Jinniang was a quick learner, and when she felt she could control the horse, she sped up.

The pasture was big enough, and she was the only one riding here, so she became more courageous and rode faster and faster.

It wasn’t until she stopped that she felt a burning pain in her thigh.

There was also a touch of blood on the light-colored round-neck robe.

“Lu Chen, I seem to be injured.”

Lu Chen helped Qiao Jinniang to get off the horse, lifted her robe and saw the blood on her trousers, and said, “Perhaps the skin of your thigh was rubbed off. It’s inevitable for beginners. I brought some medicine. Let me apply the medicine for you in that room.”

Qiao Jinniang felt pain when she moved, “Ouch.”

Lu Chen picked up Qiao Jinniang and strode to the small yard on the side.

The courtyard here was used by nobles to change clothes.

‘When Qiao Jinniang saw Lu Chen lift up her robe to untie her belt, she hurriedly held Lu Chen’s hand and said, “Go out. I’ll apply the medicine myself.”

Lu Chen said, “What kind of person do you think I am? You are injured. I’m not such a beast.”

Qiao Jinniang snorted but obediently let Lu Chen apply medicine to her thigh. Her thigh skin was already frayed. No wonder it hurt so much.

After taking the medicine, Qiao Jinniang no longer rode.

Instead, she sat on the racecourse and watched the polo game. There was no such polo event in Lin’an, but there was Cuju.

Polo was similar to Cuju.

The red and blue teams were fighting, She couldn’t see clearly at this distance, but she saw that the ball was hit to the air, and soon after, a person in red armor was “hit” by the ball and fell off the horse.

Then Qiao Jinniang saw that everyone on the polo field ran over.

Qiao Jinniang said to Lu Chen, “Did you see that? The ball didn’t hit that person. She fell off the horse purposely.”

Lu Chen’s eyesight was better than Qiao Jinniang’s and he said, “Intrigue is common among the nobles in Chang’an.”

Qiao Jinniang looked down from a distance, and the person who just hit the ball seemed to be blamed by everyone. “Alas, I don’t know which unlucky person was wronged.”

Lu Chen said, “Don’t get involved in their affairs.”

Qiao Jinniang said crossly, “I can’t stand seeing others being bullied. It’s fine if I don’t see it. But I saw it clearly just now. How can I ignore i

If she was tricked by others and had no way of proving her innocence, she would definitely feel extremely upset.

But because her legs hurt, she couldn’t even walk, let alone ride a horse. Helpless, she could only turn her eyes to Lu Chen. “Can you take me there?”

Lu Chen said, “The one who fell off the horse should be my sister, Jinghua, and the one who was wronged is Qin Miaomiao. Are you sure you want to uphold the injustice?”

“Well, forget it.”

Qiao Jinniang flinched. Chivalry was not as important as her life.

That was a princess. Even if she was not quite favored by the Rmperor, she was still one of the few daughters of the Emperor. Why should she seek trouble?

Zheng Xiao was not in a good mood today. Early in the morning, the wives of Duke Anyuan’s subordinates all came to persuade her.

“Madam, why are you surrendering the Duke to those little sluts? The daughter of the Yu family has been so pompous these days and claims to be the future mistress of the Duke Mansion.”

“Madam, you should think about your sons and Jinniang. Did you know that Jinniang was not invited to the polo game held by the princesses today? She wasn’t even allowed to enter the racecourse and was ridiculed by many people!”

Zheng Xiao listened to their words and said, “Why should I care about the ridicule of those snobs?”

“Madam, please don’t think that way. If you were still Duchess Anyuan, you would have still been one of the most distinguished noble ladies in Chang’an, but if you let the daughter of the Yu family become the duchess, you’ll be nothing.”

Zheng Xiaodao: “You don’t have to try to persuade me. I have already considered the worst consequences before I divorced. It has nothing to do with me if the Duke wants to marry someone else!”

“Madam, look at Duke Qin, Duke Wu and the others, every noble man has at least four or five concubines, and Duke Anyuan has been the best in this aspect.

“You are no longer young. People will laugh at you for divorcing for the matter of concubine.”

Zheng Xiao said, “Don’t waste your time.”

These ladies sighed and left in disappointment. Alas, they failed to complete the task given to them by the Duke.1

‘When Duke Anyuan saw them coming out sighing, he simply climbed over the wall and entered Zheng Xiao’s room.

Zheng Xiao snorted coldly. “It has been twenty years but you have never changed. Anyone here?!”

Duke Anyuan walked forward and covered her mouth. “Don’t call others over! I know I was wrong about Qian Shi’s matter, but I’ve punished her, and you shouldn’t blame me anymore.

“Back then, my mother had found a husband for her, but your family forced her to drink sterilization medicine soup for no reason

“Qian Shi is my cousin who grew up with me, but she was forcibly sterilized! What could I do? Sit by and do nothing? No, I could only take her as my concubine!”

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