Becoming the Luna

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Leon and Darian had led the Warriors to the edge where the interstate divided the forest, they were all primed and ready to fight, although they had easily run a lot of miles.

The person he still had an eye on was Darian, the Werewolf was always the cool level headed one but Virgil had linked with him and Leon had never seen him this much on the brink of losing control.

It was interesting and a little bit worrying, the Warrior could get himself badly hurt.

'stop burning holes through my fur.' Darian complained in a gruff voice, sharp silver eyes fixed on the road.

'I see them' Tim, the Werewolf on the lookout linked to the others and they all fell into position.

Powerful muscles moving under heavy and fluffy coats of fur.

Leon was in the lead but as soon as the first car came into sight, Darian rushed at it, uncaring of its speed as he planted himself paw first in front, his front paws going through the windscreen.

The yell of the driver and the other Werewolves inside was what spurred the others into action, using the size and power of their wolves to crash the cars.

Darian bent his head to peek in and when he saw that neither of his younger brothers were in there, he dragged out the driver in a rage.

Using his sharp fangs to clamp around the man's shoulders, not even giving him a chance to shift as he slammed him against the asphalt.

He easily dragged the rest out as well, going after one that tried to escape, ripping his head clean off.

Leon as well was on a roll, Dale's car in the distance, good thing the interstate was usually deserted, it was about to get really bloody.

The enemy Werewolves were getting the hang of the fight, shifting as well.

Although the difference was clear that while the Warriors had months of training under their belt, the bad guys usually went with guns and weapons, effects of living in a human dominated world.

So although their numbers were impressive, they easily fell to the onslaught of both Packs might.

Dale barely stops the car before Virgil is leaping out, fully shifting before his legs even hit the ground, racing directly into the battlefield.

Dale was more bothered about other things, most of the cars had been broken or dented by the Warriors but there was a car in particular that was still intact and the enemy Werewolves were doing a lot to protect.

"Jackpot." He mutters to himself, getting his ass out, shifting as well.

Apparently, Virgil had a similar idea and while the Warriors concentrated their efforts on letting no one escape.

In their haze of rage, it wasn't very difficult to tear apart the Werewolves in the way, some trying to run away from the rage of both Alphas only to end up in the claws of the Warriors, literally.

Leon had just ripped out a front paws of one of the enemy Werewolves, his pained howl adding to the cacophony of fight noises, warm blood drenching his fur.

He just spat out the heavy appendage when something caught his eye, a human who looked like he had fallen into hell while he was still alive was fumbling with a gun, his hands shaking so badly he could barely hold the metal weapon.

Leon was still a far distance from him so he starts for the guy that obviously got hired to be a hitman by the wrong people when the human's hand steadies and he aims.

Leon wastes precious seconds looking at who the gun was aimed for, his heart stopping when he sees it's Darian.

The bullet wouldn't hurt badly if the second in command was hit but there was the very huge risk that he could get hit in the head or the throat, that could be ghastly.

He starts for the human again with a roar, if anyone was going to kill the pain in the ass, it would be Leon, not some lowlife dirtbag.

He doesn't make it in time though, the gunshot sounding far too loud, it made time slow and his ears ring.

Luke was beside Darian when the shot went off, the other Warrior was incurrently grappling with another Werewolf on the ground.

And from the trajectory of the bullet, it was aimed at his throat, without thinking Luke threw himself in front of the bullet, the hot metal embedding itself in his shoulder.

He dropped to the ground, feeling the pain radiate through his entire body.

This puts movement back in Leon's limbs tearing the gun out of the human's hands before he could fire another shot.

He might have ripped the gun away with more than a couple fingers but no one was looking, he takes his time dismembering the human, engrossed in his task until a familiar voice filters in his head.

'Leo, he's dead.' Darian says dryly, hovering over Like who was still in wolf form to minimize the damage on his body.

Leon goes over to Darian at this, most of the enemy Werewolves were dead or unconscious.

'You good, Luke.'

'Yeah.' Luke winces. 'Hurts like a bitch though.'

'I'll get a wagon out, you're good.'

Virgil and Dale shift back in sync when the last intact car is finally cleared of all the enemy Werewolves protecting them, most likely Hayden and Dream had been knocked unconscious.

They carefully open both doors at the same time, the rest of the Warriors turning in their direction expectant.

Virgil is the first to notice that something is wrong, ripping out the car-door in a rage, he yanks out the mannequin seated on his side, Dale doing the same with him.

"It was a fucking decoy!" He growled, driving a fist into the side of the car.

"Fuck!" Dale raged, ripping the mannequin in his hand apart.

It meant that both Omegas were long gone, fuck knew where they were even taken to.

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