Becoming the Luna

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

By some stroke of luck, Apple is excited to see her owner, chirping happily and bounding around his legs, her babies are squirming around, searching blindly for their lost mother.

Julia helps him bundle up his cat and her babies into a comfortable basket with lots of soft blankets and he and Dream make the trip to the fourth floor.

"They have gotten so big." Hayden gushes to Apple who looks extremely proud and smug, nudging her babies to show them off to her owner.

When they get back, Hayden is quick to return Apple to the makeshift house that had been made for her, she quickly gets to work scenting the place, arranging her sleepy babies precisely as she wanted.

The Omegas leave the cat to her business, retiring to the living room.

"Want something to drink?" Hayden asks his friend, who is quick to refuse.

"I doubt I would even have the time to drink it, there is so much to say." Dream sighs, his crappy mood definitely lifted at the presence of his friend.

"I think yours is more important." Hayden says curiously. "I mean, you already know I'm now a Werewolf, there's not much to it, you however, have an office and are apparently moving in"

"To Dale's Pack House." Dream corrects with a wince.

"What?" Hayden mumbles confused. "I-I thought why? I-I mean it's fine, I'm j-just confused." He waves his hands quickly to dispel misunderstanding.

Dream finger combs his hair that he had left down, furrows between his brows. "I know right, it's a little too sudden for everyone involved." He sighs. "Erin had to pay a visit to her parents in a different state and Dale didn't want any of his Pack members to take over for her till she came back so he asked me."

Hayden blinks in surprise. "Dale? Asked you?" He repeats for clarification.

Dream shrugs. "More or less."

"Oh wow." He murmurs, eyes wide. "But this is good news, it means you just literally live next door to me."

"Yep." Dream grins, falling quiet, although he was exhausted, his heart was full to bursting, he wanted to share everything with Hayden.

Hayden too also hadn't experienced a heat so they were similar that way, and also, Shana had said something about their similar birthmarks.

"Hay? Do you also have a crescent shaped birthmark?" He asks with barely restrained excitement, lights in his eyes.

"Oh" Hayden nods seriously. "Yeah I do, it's on the inside of my thigh though"

"Mine is more accessible, it just high up my hip." Dream jumps up to his feet, eager to show Hayden.

"Whoa!" Hayden says with wide eyes when he takes in the birthmark. "It's different but also similar."

"Shana was saying something like it could be peculiar to all male Omegas, she even came up with a theory of why you found yours late."

Hayden chuckles at this. "I don't know, maybe I just hadn't noticed it before, it's in a real hidden place and unless I was looking for it, I wouldn't think to go there."

"That also makes sense but we can't dispute her claims because we just have the two of us for research and we both have it."

"Yeah you're right." Hayden admits, getting up quickly to delve into his room, he comes back out in no time with a beautiful comb.

"You didn't need to bother." Dream sighs when Hayden gets started on his hair.

"No, I want to, you look tired."

"I am." Dream sighs again, the gentle slide of the cool comb against his hair almost therapeutic.

Hayden just hums, a thought dancing on the tip of the tongue, he doesn't know why but ever since Virgil's rut, the thought of children have never been far from his mind.

"So, I was thinking" he trails off, catching Dream's attention.

"Hmm?" Dream prompts with his eyes closed.

"I was thinking about adopting a baby, you know, not a toddler or a child but a little baby and I don't know how Virgil will take this." Hayden blurts out in a lump, getting all his worries out in one fell swoop before he lost his confidence.

Dream nearly pulls out his hair from the root with how fast his spins around. "What are you talking about? Don't you want your own baby?" He asks with a frown, he had thought that would be the one thing that his friend would be excited about, seeing as he really adored children.

Hayden flinches back like he was hit, a frown on his pretty face. "Huh? My own baby?"

"Did you forget in the middle of everything?" Dream questions in disbelief, realization seeping in, why wouldn't his Alpha tell him something as important as that, especially when he was turned during Virgil's rut.

Hayden just stares wide-eyed at his friend, his brain working double time.

"Male Omegas can birth pups! I can't believe Virgil didn't tell you this even when he saw you obviously forgot." Dream rages, unhappy that Hayden was left in the dark this way.

The comb in Hayden's hand slips out of his now lax fingers, dropping to the ground. "W-what?" He whispers in a small voice, horror etched on his face.

It made sense now why he felt suspicious as Virgil not making love to him, why his mate was constantly watching him, nervous worry on his face.

"Oh my God." He places both hands on his face. "Are you telling me that I could be pregnant right now?" He asks in horror, hands dropping to his flat stomach.

Dream is quick to get up to comfort his friend, wisely shifting away from the apparent fact that Virgil had purposefully kept something this important from his mate.

He pulls Hayden into a gentle hug, rubbing the other's back comfortingly.

"I doubt that Hay." He says I'm a soothing voice. "If conception had taken place then your scent would have altered slightly to show it but you smell just fine to me." He cups the others face, like he could force his words of reassurance directly to Hayden's brain.

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